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University of California, Berkeley
Department of Chemistry
420 Latimer Hall
Berkeley CA 94720-1460
Berkeley CA 94720-1460
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Acid-responsive polysaccharide derivatives: Smart particles for therapeutic applications
Schubert, Stephanie
Analysis of ultrafast energy transfer processes in cryptochromes using transient two-dimensional spectroscopy techniques
Oldemeyer, Sabine
A Sequenced [4+3] Cycloaddition Synthesis of the Endoperoxide (+)-Jungermatrobrunin A
Pfaffenbach, Magnus
Base-selective heavy atom labels for electron microscopy-based DNA sequencing
Reißner, Thomas
Catalytic carboamination of alkynes - a new archetype for NLO Chromophores
Obenhuber, Andreas H.
C-H bond activated arylation of carbon-heteroatom multiple-bonds
Tauchert, Michael
Chirale Lanthanoid-Komplexe in wäßriger Lösung - Hocheffiziente Sonden für Zirkular-polarisierte Lumineszenz
Seitz, Michael
Combinatorial search for novel transformations catalyzed by transition metal complexes carrying fluoroalkylphosphines as ligands
Troshin, Konstantin
Cooperative Chiral Anion Phase-Transfer and Palladium-Catalysis to the Oxyarylation of Homoallylic Alcohols and to the Synthesis of Indolines
Ellwart, Mario
Design and Synthesis of New Multi-Functional MOFs Based on Molybdenum and Tungsten SBUs as Optical Functional Materials
Kalmutzki, Markus
Design, characterization and application on non-spherical nanocystals in nanocrystal/polymer composites for improved device performance of poymer-based solar cells and light-emitting diodes
Meisel, Andreas
Design of Nanostructured Materials for Water Splitting
Tüysüz, Harun
Determination of the real structure of multivariate-MOFs
Urban, Philipp
Development and Application of Wave Function Based Methods for the Calculation of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Scalar Couplings and Chemical Shifts
Neudecker, Tim
Die Heck-Kupplung von Chloraromaten: Katalysatoraktivität und -stabilität als Erfolgskriterien
Rampf, Florian
Die Synthese von chiralen Dialkylphosphinoferrocenen und ihr Verhalten in der enantioselektiven palladiumkatalysierten alpha-Arylierung von C-H-aciden Verbindungen
Kiener, Christoph Alexander
Diffusion und Elektronentransfer in zweidimensionalen Systemen
Möller, Gunter Eric
Enantiopure Assembly of M4L6 Supramolecular Clusters with Different Sizes and their Application to Asymmetric Organic Reactions
Alzakhem, Nicola
Enantioselective gold(III) catalysis using the example of the cycloisomerization of 7-alkynyl cyclohepta-1,3,5-trienes
Häring, Andreas
Entwicklung hochselektiver Katalysatoren für die Hydrierung von Alkenderivaten in supramolekularen Gefäßen im Nanomaßstab
Carl, Barbara
Hexametallische Cluster als synthetische Vorläufer endohedraler Metallofullerene
Oertling, Heiko
Hybrid static/fluidic synthetic substrates as a platform for quantitative studies of the immunological synapse (IS)
Lohmüller, Theobald
Immobilized Mercury Ions as Catalytically Active Sites in Metal-Organic Frameworks
Thiele, Günther
Intelligent Molecular Tips for Chemically Sensitive Atomic Force Microscopy under High Resolution
Bender, Markus
Iridium-katalysierte enantioselektive allylische Substitution mit nicht-aktivierten Carbonyl-Nucleophilen
Graening, Timm
Katalytisch vermittelte C-H-Silylierung von aromatischen Verbindungen mit neuartigen (PSiP)-Pincer-Komplexen
Brück, Andreas
Lanthanoid complexes as enzyme-activated responsive MRI contrast agents
Köster, Stephan David
Main-Group meets Early Transition-Metal and f-Block Chemistry
Lichtenthaler, Martin
Mechanistische Untersuchungen zur Hydrosilylierungsreaktion mit Übergangsmetall-Silylenkomplexen
Fischbach, Andreas
Nanoengineering of up- and down converting materials to enhance the quantum yield and investigating the effect of the density of photon states on the probability for Förster energy transfer
Fischer, Stefan
New strategies for the design and synthesis of novel covalent organic frameworks (COFs) and related materials
Schoedel, Alexander
Reaction intermediates in the heterogeneous catalysis of metal clusters studied by using a novel method of coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS)
Tschurl, Ph.D., Martin
Selective Catalytic C–H Oxygenation Reactions in Metal Organic Frameworks (MOFs)
Boergel, Jonas
Solvated Electrons in Liquid Jets of Water
Bünermann, Oliver
Supramolekulare Gadoliniumkomplexe zur Verwendung als Kontrastmittel in der Magnetresonanztomographie
Jocher, Christoph
Surface-enhanced femtosecond stimulated Raman spectroscopy for detection of trace chemicals in mixtures
Dietze, Daniel
Synthesis and investigation of novel two-coordinate 1st row transition metal complexes
Ye, Qing
Synthesis of Complex Antibiotics Inspired by Natural Products
Sheremet, Michael
The development of fluorescent oxygen and nitric oxide probes based on natural sensor proteins (H-NOX) for in vivo imaging
Nierth, Alexander
Theoretische Untersuchung der Protonentransferreaktion im Photoactive Yellow Protein
Antes, Iris
The physical basis for actin-driven cell membrane protrusions
Weichsel, Julian
Total Synthesis of Calophyline A
Kaschel, Johannes
Transient absorption spectroscopy with attosecond EUV pulses on binary and ternary solar cell semiconductor systems for the investigations of their charge carrier dynamics
Guggenmos, Alexander
Übergangsmetallkomplex-katalysierte Stickstofffixierungen und C-C-Kupplungsreaktionen
Däschlein, Christian
Untersuchungen zur Funktionalisierung nichtaktivierter C-H-Bindungen von Kohlenwasserstoffen mit Übergangsmetallkomplexen
Hapke, Marko
Untersuchung von Struktur-Reaktivitätsbeziehungen bei Goldkatalysator-Modellsystemen
Mohr, Christian
Emmy Noether International Fellowships
Completed projects
Theory of the conformation dynamics of peptides and of their nonlinear spectroscopy with modern methods of statistical mechanics
Hahn, Susanne
WBP Fellowship
Current projects
Development of a Thermochemically Optimized Local-Hybrid Density Functional
Laqua, Henryk
X-ray probing of diradicals
Schröder, Christian
Completed projects
Bottom-up Synthesis of Novel 3D Carbon-Allotropes, Derived from 6.8² P and 6.8² D Polybenzene
Dusold, Carolin
Photoinduced Dynamics of Carbonyl Compounds: Direct Visualization of Diradical Intermediates by Ultrafast X-ray Transient Absorption Spectroscopy
Chatterjee, Kuntal
Synthesis of the Core Structure of Sungeidine Natural Products
Petzold, Martin
Total synthesis of guanacastepene K
Lücke, Daniel
Total synthesis of haplomintrins A and B and studies on enantioselective quinone Diels-Alder reactions
Wiesler, Stefan
Research Grants
Current projects
NSF-DFG Confine: Diffusion of Water Confined in Patterned Hydrophilic-Hydrophobic Nanopores
Sauer, Joachim
NSF-DFG MISSION: Heterogeneous Nanoparticle Dynamics at Chromatographic Interfaces
Cichos, Frank
Reactivity of polypnictogen complexes towards nucleophiles and their subsequent chemistry
Scheer, Manfred
Completed projects
Long wavelength GaInNAs Quantum Wells and Quantum Dots for GaAs based lasers up to 1.6 µm
Forchel, Alfred
Rationaler Entwurf supramolekularer Cluster
Saalfrank, Rolf W.
Transport and magnetism in GaMnN nanowires
Molenkamp, Laurens W.
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