Freie Universität Berlin
Fachbereich Philosophie und Geisteswissenschaften
Institut für Romanische Philologie
Habelschwerdter Allee 45
14195 Berlin
This institution in GERiT
14195 Berlin
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Female Petrarchism in the Cinquecento
Schneider, Ulrike
Publication Grants
Completed projects
Intermediales Erzählen in der italienischen Literatur der Postmoderne
Rajewsky, Irina
Research Grants
Current projects
Production and perception of geminate consonants in Italian as a foreign language: Czech, Finnish, German and Spanish learners in contrast
Peskova, Andrea
Completed projects
Between historical distance and a performance of presence: entanglements of 'history' and contemporary reality in epic texts of the Italian Renaissance.
Hempfer, Klaus W.
Bilingual Prosody: Metrics, Rhytm and Intonation between Spanish and Quechua
Reich, Uli
Im Windschatten Petrarcas. Fixierung und Sprengung von Autorität in der italienischen Lyrik der Frühen Neuzeit
Huss, Bernhard
Lucian of Samosata in Early Modern Italian Literature - An Anti-paradigmatic Paradigma.
Fantappiè, Irene
Medialität - Transmedialität - Narration: Perspektiven einer transgenerischen und transmedialen Narratologie (Literatur, Theater, Film)
Rajewsky, Irina
Prosodische Formen und Funktionen im Französischen Dakars zwischen universalen Trends und Kontaktprozessen
Reich, Uli
Temporal analysis and modelling of the paradimgatic extension of French and Italian verbal roots
Gaglia, Sascha
The epic modelling of ideological conflicts in the early modern era
Huss, Bernhard
Transposition d`art und die Problematisierung der Mimesis in der französischen Lyrik des 19. Jhs.: Untersuchungen zur Ausdifferenzierbarkeit eines Paradigmas parnassischer Lyrik
Hempfer, Klaus W.
Research Units
Completed projects
Coordination Funds
Huss, Bernhard
El peregrino en su patria. Recoding ‚old‘ and ‚new‘ in the ,novela de peregrinación‘ of the Spanish Golden Age
Traninger, Anita
FOR 2305: Discursivizations of the New. Tradition and Innovation in Medieval and Early Modern Texts and Pictures
Huss, Bernhard
Mars and his Pistol. Contemporary Novelty and Epic Tradition in Early Modern France
Huss, Bernhard
Sur des pensers nouveaux faisons des vers antiques. On the Relationship of Enlightenment and Classicism in 18th-century French and Italian Literature
Hempfer, Klaus W.
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Conceptualizing Poetry in Early Modern Italy: Pluralization and Hierarchicalization
(Project Head
Huss, Bernhard
Differences and Interferences: Dialogue in Relation to Other Genres of Theoretical Discourse in the Renaissance
(Project Head
Hempfer, Klaus W.
Erotema. The Question as an Epistemic Genre in the Learned Societies and the Periodical Press of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries
(Project Head
Traninger, Anita
Erotema. The Question as an Epistemic Genre in the Learned Societies and the Periodical Press of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries
(Project Head
Traninger, Anita
Morphophonological variation at word edges: Evidence from Romance
(Project Head
Meinschaefer, Judith
Sibyls & Prophets. Constellations of Figural Knowledge in Premodernity
(Project Heads
Eusterschulte, Anne
Schneider, Ulrike
Sibyls & Prophets. Constellations of Figural Knowledge in Premodernity
(Project Heads
Eusterschulte, Anne
Schneider, Ulrike
Theory and Aesthetics of Elusive Knowledge in the Early Modern Period: Transfer and Institutionalisation
(Project Head
Schneider, Ulrike
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 256: Friedrich Schlegel Graduate School of Literary Studies
Müller-Tamm, Jutta
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2020: Temporal Communities: Doing Literature in a Global Perspective
Eusterschulte, Anne
Johnston, Andrew James
Traninger, Anita