Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
Lehrstuhl für Photonik und Terahertztechnologie
Universitätsstraße 150
44801 Bochum
This institution in GERiT
44801 Bochum
Research Grants
Current projects
Chirality-induced spin-selectivity based spin lasers
Gerhardt, Nils Christopher
Femtosecond diode lasers for advanced nonlinear microscopy systems
Hofmann, Martin
Holographic concepts for analysing gain and refractive index dynamics in semiconductor lasers
Hofmann, Martin
Ultra-fast and non-Hermitian dynamics in spin-controlled anisotropic quantum dot micropillar lasers
Gerhardt, Nils Christopher
Reitzenstein, Stephan
Ultrasound waveguiding of light deep into scattering media
Hofmann, Martin
Schmitz, Georg
Completed projects
Asynchronous optical sampling THz spectroscopy system based on monolithically modelocked laser diodes
Hofmann, Martin
Knigge, Andrea
Musch, Thomas
Edge-emitting electrically pumped room-temperature spin laser
Hofmann, Martin
Wende, Heiko
Wieck, Andreas Dirk
Flexible spectrally tunable radiation sources for multi modal spectroscopic analysis
Hofmann, Martin
Sumpf, Bernd
Investigation of the mechano-sensitivity of osteoblasts by combined atomic-force fluorescence microscopy and optical flow stress analysis
Hofmann, Martin
Optoelectronic Frequency Synthesizer with Femtosecond Diode Laser (oFFeDi)
Hofmann, Martin
Scheytt, Christoph
Schnelle Steuerung von Laserlichtquellen durch resonatorinterne elekrooptische Modulator-Arrays (EMAs) - EMA-kontrollierte Halbleiterlaser-
Hofmann, Martin
Self-optimising modelocked diode laser
Hofmann, Martin
THz-Differenzfrequenzerzeugung in Zweifarben-Halbleiterlasern
Hofmann, Martin
Klehr, Andreas
Ultrafast Spin Lasers for Modulation Frequencies in the 100 GHz Range
Gerhardt, Nils Christopher
Michalzik, Rainer
Reinhart Koselleck Projects
Current projects
Electrically injected spin-vertical cavity surface emitting lasers for ultrafast data communication
Hofmann, Martin
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
WBP Fellowship
Current projects
Towards Group-IV Spin-Optoelectronics
Lindemann, Markus
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Optischer Nachweis der Spininjektion aus ferromagnetischen Kontakten in Halbleiter
(Project Heads
Hofmann, Martin
Wieck, Andreas Dirk
Current projects
Compact Optoelectronic THz Spectroscopy System
(Project Heads
Brenner, Carsten
Kolpatzeck, Kevin
Stöhr, Andreas
Photonic integrated THz image sensor
(Project Heads
Hofmann, Martin
Preu, Sascha
Stöhr, Andreas
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 384: Nanoelectronics, Micromechanics and Microoptics: Analysis and Synthesis by Ions, Electrons and Photons
Wieck, Andreas Dirk