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Universität Siegen
Fakultät IV
Department Physik
Walter-Flex-Straße 3
57072 Siegen
This institution in GERiT
57072 Siegen
Research Grants
Current projects
Characterizing high-dimensional entanglement and coherence
Gühne, Otfried
Multimessenger connections of ultra-high energy photons
Risse, Markus
Skin-depth resolved surface plasma dynamics of laser-excited solids by grazing incidence X-ray surface scattering using X-ray free-electron laser
Gutt, Christian
Nakatsutsumi, Motoaki
Test of Lorentz invariance: exploiting the potential of air showers at ultra-high energy
Risse, Markus
Two-dimensionale ferroelectrics
Busse, Carsten
Ultrafast Dynamics of choral spin structures in magnetic multilayer systems
Gutt, Christian
Ksenzov, Dmitriy
Completed projects
Aspects of Quantum Steering
Gühne, Otfried
Astroparticle-physics search for Lorentz violation in the photon sector
Klinkhamer, Frans R.
Risse, Markus
Bestimmung der Häufigkeit des radioaktiven Isotops Be-10 und anderer leichter Isotope in der galaktischen kosmischen Teilchenstrahlung
Simon, Manfred
Characterizing multiparticle correlations with exponential families
Gühne, Otfried
Datenauswertung eines Ballonflugexperimentes zur Messung von leichten Isotopen und von Energiespektren in der galaktischen kosmischen Teilchenstrahlung
Simon, Manfred
Depth-resolved distribution of ultrafast spin currents and fluctuation in magnetic structures
Gutt, Christian
Ksenzov, Dmitriy
Die Entstehung von topologischen Defekten und disorientierten Bereichen beim chiralen Phasenübergang
Holzwarth, Gottfried
Electronic structure of graphene nanoflakes
Busse, Carsten
Messung der Myonenspektren in verschiedenen atmosphärischen Tiefen mit Hilfe des Ballonexperiments CAPRICE
Simon, Manfred
Monte Carlo Simulation Kritischer Dynamischer Systeme bei kurzen Zeiten
Schülke, Lothar
Precise and efficient characterization of entangled multi-qubit quantum states and quantum gates with trapped ions
Gühne, Otfried
Wunderlich, Christof
QCD Summenregeln und exklusive Zerfälle von B-Mesonen
Khodjamirian, Alexander
Strukturfunktionen in chiralen Quarkmodellen
Weigel, Herbert
Two dimensional cluster lattices on graphene moires on dense packed metal surfaces
Michely, Thomas Werner
X-ray specular and off-specular diffuse scattering of magnetic interface structures at XFEL sources - investigating ultrafast spin transport processes
Gutt, Christian
Pietsch, Ullrich
Zweiphoton Beiträge zur Elektron-Nukleon Streuung im Skyrme Modell
Weigel, Herbert
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Theoretische Physik
Weigel, Herbert
Research Units
Completed projects
FOR 1873: Quark Flavour Physics and Effective Field Theories
Mannel, Thomas
Precision Heavy Quark Expansion
Mannel, Thomas
QCD Sum Rules and Hadronic Matrix Elements
Khodjamirian, Alexander
The structure of water at surfaces and interfaces
Tolan, Metin
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Quasi-free-standing graphene
Busse, Carsten
The backside of graphene: functionalization by intercalation
Michely, Thomas Werner
WBP Position
Current projects
Aspects of Quantum Random Number Generation
Schwonnek, Rene
Shedding light into the nature of the B anomalies
Piscopo, Maria Laura
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Advanced statistical methods for quantum experiments
Kleinmann, Matthias
Oberflächendynamik auf der Nanometerskala: Experimente mit Röntgen-Photonen-Korrelationsspektroskopie
Gutt, Christian
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Ultra-high vacuum low temperature scanning probe microscope (UHV-LTSPM)
Ultrahochvakuum-Rastertunnelmikroskop bei variabler Temperatur
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Correlations and symmetries in spin systems
(Project Heads
Grübel, Gerhard
Gutt, Christian
Electron spectroscopy on strongly correlated solid state systems, thin films and surfaces
(Project Heads
Busse, Carsten
Hu, Zhiwei
Michely, Thomas Werner
Tjeng, Liu Hao
Current projects
Multi-boson physics at the LHC
(Project Heads
Butter, Anja
Heinrich, Gudrun
Kilian, Wolfgang
Zeppenfeld, Dieter
The effective electroweak Lagrangian in the light of the LHC
(Project Heads
Kilian, Wolfgang
Krämer, Michael
Plehn, Tilman
NFDI technical and methodological consortia
Current projects
DAPHNE4NFDI - DAta from PHoton and Neutron Experiments for NFDI
Barty, Anton
Murphy, Bridget
Additional Information
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