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Leibniz-Institut für Festkörper- und Werkstoffforschung Dresden (IFW) e.V.
Institut für Materialchemie
Helmholtzstraße 20
01069 Dresden
01069 Dresden
Research Grants
Current projects
Additive manufacturing of dense and open-porous specimen made of beta-Titan-Niob and material-specific tailoring of their mechanical properties for individualised implant applications
Gebert, Annett
Zimmermann, Martina
Atomic layer deposition of barium titanate coatings for the controlled tuning of piezoelectric surface activity on titanium-based implant materials
Goldberg, Phil
Electrochemical dealloying of metallic glasses for the design of new nanostructured electrodes for green hydrogen evolution
Shtefan, Ph.D., Viktoria
Electrochemical nanostructuring of surfaces of bulk metallic glasses on Ti-Cu basis for improvement of their biocompatibility
Gebert, Annett
In-situ TEM analysis of the degradation processes in Ru-Al electrodes for high-temperature SAW devices on CTGS substrates under impact of temperature and varying mechanical stress using passivated TEM lamellas
Seifert, Marietta
Integrated development and qualification of high-strength aluminum alloys using laser powder bed fusion
Kühn, Uta
New spatial atomic layer deposition precursors and plasma processes towards functional materials for advanced applications
Devi, Anjana
On-demand manipulation of nanoparticles in acousto-microfluidics: Investigating surface acoustic wave driven whole system resonances (ResoSAW)
Fakhfouri, Ph.D., Armaghan
Permeation of Hydrogen, Atmospheric and Noble gases in Two-dimensional Oxide Membranes (PHANTOM)
Dement, Peter
Devi, Anjana
Real time characterization of INfiltration processes: chemical interaction and TRAnsport in POLymers (INTRAPOL)
de los Arcos, Teresa
Devi, Anjana
Kühne, Thomas D.
Resistive switching devices based on electrocemically produced layers of prussian blue and prussian blue analog compounds
Müller, Christian
Wolf, Daniel
Tailoring and Exploring Rare-Earth-Sulfides thin films with enhanced Magneto-Optical properties (TERESMO)
Debus, Jörg
Devi, Anjana
Completed projects
Advanced Shape-memory Bulk Metallic Glass Composites
Pauly, Simon
Atomic layer deposition (ALD) of complex oxide thin films for integration into semiconductor devices: Precursor engineering and process optimization
Devi, Anjana
Hoffmann-Eifert, Susanne
Bildung, Stabilität und Struktur nanoskaliger Phasen in funktionellen Oxidkristallen und ihre Auswirkung auf die Materialwissenschaft
Gemming, Thomas
Gemming, Sibylle
Bulk amorphous Al-alloys by ball milling and spark-plasma-sintering
Eckert, Jürgen
Charakterisierung des Oxidationsverhaltens von elektronischen Eigenschaften und der Mikrostruktur von magnetischen Tunnelkontakten mit oxidischen Barriereschichten
Wetzig, Klaus
Einfluss homogener und inhomogener Magnetfelder auf das Korrosionsverhalten von ferro- und paramagnetischen Metallen und deren Verbindungen
Gebert, Annett
Electrochemical micromachining of high-strength metallic glasses
Gebert, Annett
Elektrochemische Eigenschaften massivglasbildender mehrkomponentiger Zr-Basislegierungen
Gebert, Annett
Entwicklung eines Simulationsmodells für neuartige Plasma-Anregungsquellen zur analytischen Nutzung in der Atomspektrometrie - SIMONA
Buscher, Wolfgang
Hoffmann, Volker
Experimental and theoretical studies of phase-change Ge-Sb-Te alloys in the liquid state
Kaban, Ivan
Mazzarello, Riccardo
Flash-annealed metastable alloys with novel microstructures and surface topographies
Kosiba, Konrad
Functional Biopolymer Binders for High-Energy-Density and Ultrafast Cycling Lithium-Ion Batteries Operating at Extreme Temperatures (BLISET)
Mikhailova, Daria
Gestaltung von fortgeschrittenen Ti-Basis Dendriten - nanoskaligen/ultrafeinen eutektischen Matrix Kompositen durch die kontrollierte Erstarrung
Shuleshova, Olga
Herstellung und Eigenschaften von elektrochemisch abgeschiedenen Kupferkompositschichten mit eingelagerten Kohlenstoffnanoröhren
Gemming, Thomas
Hochfestigkeit und Duktilität von teilamorphen und nanostrukturierten vielkomponentigen Eisen-Basislegierungen
Kühn, Uta
International Collaboration in Chemistry: Novel Instrumentation for Modern Elemental Speciation Analysis
Buscher, Wolfgang
Hoffmann, Volker
Leistungsoptimierte Kathodenmaterialien LiMxMn2-xO4 (M = Cr, Fe, Co, Ni) für Lithium-Ionenbatterien mit sehr hoher Spannung
Ehrenberg, Helmut
Liquefaction At Nanostructured Graphitic Membranes – Unraveling Instantaneous Relocation (LANGMUIR)
Dement, Peter
Lokale Messung innerer Dehnungen mit konvergenter Elektronenbeugung in Al- und Cu-Leiterbahnen von Oberflächenwellenfiltern
Gemming, Thomas
Manufacturing of wear-resistent hard material multi layers and optimization of their mechanical properties by investigation of nanostructure
Bauer, Hans-Dietrich
Metallic glasses made by selective laser melting (SLM): structuring, surface treatment and mechanical properties
Kerscher, Eberhard
Kühn, Uta
Schulze, Volker
Metalorganic copper precursors for Cu-ALD (Atomic Layer Deposition)
Fischer, Roland A.
Microstructure formation in selective laser melting of titanium alloys and influence on the machinability
Denkena, Berend
Hufenbach, Julia Kristin
NanoCones - Magnetic-field assisted single-step electrodeposition of Co-Fe-Ni nano-structures
Eckert, Kerstin
Gebert, Annett
Mutschke, Gerd
Negative Elektroden auf Basis neuartiger Magnesiumlegierungen mit hoher Glasbildungsfähigkeit
Gebert, Annett
Phasenseparierte metallische Gläser
Mattern, Norbert
Phase relation and crystal structure in the quaternary system Fe-Mo-Gd-Zr
Mattern, Norbert
Stress relaxation and creep analysis of high temperature thin film materials on CTGS substrates
Rane, Ph.D., Gayatri
Structure, phase formation and properties of metallic glasses manipulated by electric current
Herbig, Michael
Kaban, Ivan
Synthese nanokristalliner Permanentmagnete und deren Korrosionseigenschaften
Gebert, Annett
Thermomechanisches Verhalten von PACVD-Schutzschichten bei lokaler Temperaturwechselbelastung
Wetzig, Klaus
Ultra-thin metal layers by plasma-assisted spatial atomic layer deposition at atmospheric pressure
Devi, Anjana
Riedl, Thomas
Untersuchungen zur heterogenen Keimbildung bei der flüssig-flüssig Entmischung in nichtmischbaren Legierungsschmelzen
Kaban, Ivan
Ratke, Lorenz
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Hybrid Memristive Device with Multilevel-Modulated Electrical Conductance of Interfaced Atomically Thin 2D Materials and Molecular Oxides (2DPOMristor)
Devi, Anjana
Heine, Thomas
Monakhov, Kirill
Surface engineered metal nitrides for genuine nitrogen Reduction – SUNRed
Devi, Anjana
Harms, Corinna
Wark, Michael
Completed projects
Aufeinander abgestimmte intramolekular adduktstabilisierte Alkoxid- und Amid-Prekursoren für MOCVD von oxidischen ferroelektrischen Schichtstrukturen
Devi, Anjana
Development of optimum bandgap photoanodes for tandem water-splitting cells based on doped complex metal oxides and III-V semiconductors coupled to water oxidation electrocatalysts
Beránek, Radim
Devi, Anjana
Eichberger, Rainer
Flexible high-speed thin-film transistors and circuits based on large-area grown two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides
Bock, Claudia
Devi, Anjana
Reaktivität, Phasenbildung und Reaktionsabläufe zwischen Nichtmetallen und Eisen-Seltenerd-Verbindungen
Mattern, Norbert
Stress corrosion and corrosion fatigue of Zr-based bulk metallic glasses
Gebert, Annett
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Einfluß der chemischen Nahordnung in metastabilen Grenzschichtgefügen auf die Mikrostrukturentwicklung
(Project Heads
Pompe, Wolfgang
Wetzig, Klaus
Elektrochemische Abscheidung von magnetischen Schichten im Magnetfeld
(Project Heads
Gebert, Annett
Uhlemann, Margitta
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Completed projects
Development of new Ti-based alloys for improvement of the anchoring and fracture healing of diseased bones
(Project Heads
Eckert, Jürgen
Gebert, Annett
Zimmermann, Martina
Local structure analysis by high resolution transmission electron microscopy
(Project Heads
Eckert, Jürgen
Gemming, Thomas
Kniep, Rüdiger
Simon, Paul
Plasma diagnostics of pulsed microwave plasmas with HF-bias combined with plasma-enhanced atomic layer deposition for the deposition of multilayer SiOx gradient coatings as barrier coating of flexible polymers
(Project Heads
Awakowicz, Peter
Devi, Anjana
New Instrumentation for Research
Current projects
Development of a high-energy-, high-spatial-, and high-momentum-resolution electron energy loss spectrometer with liquid-Helium cooling stage (HR3-EEL spectrometer)
Gemming, Thomas
Knupfer, Martin
Lubk, Axel
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