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Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
Institut für Bio- und Geowissenschaften (IBG)
52428 Jülich
This institution in GERiT
52428 Jülich
Research Grants
Current projects
Flow in porous media in the weak inertia regime visualized by µ-PIV and MRI velocimetry
Haber-Pohlmeier, Sabina
Steeb, Holger
modellinG-sateLlite-Aircraft approaCh for cIrrus Advanced characTErization
Miltenberger, Annette
Rolf, Christian
Understanding tropical cirrus by combining laboratory cloud simulation and field experiments with process and circulation modelling
Krämer, Martina
Möhler, Ottmar
Voigt, Aiko
Completed projects
Complexation of Ca2plus -ions by poly glutamic acid as a model for glutamic acid rich subunits of membrane proteins (GARP): association constants, poly-electrolyte properties and structure of the chemical bond
Pohlmeier, Andreas
Integrierte Bilanzierung der thermischen Geschichte eines paläozoischen Sedimentbeckens am Beispiel des Barrandischen Beckens unter spezieller Berücksichtigung der Fluidmigration
Mann, Ulrich
Interplay of dirgent and jacalin-proteins in broad-spectrum disease resistance of plants against fungal pathogens
Classen, Thomas
Schaffrath, Ulrich
Quantifizierende Bildgebung von Wasserverteilung und -fluss in Böden mit mobilen NMR-Sonden
Pohlmeier, Andreas
Stapf, Siegfried
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Current projects
Air mass export from the Asian monsoon into the extratropical stratosphere: impact on chemistry and radiation (AirExam)
Vogel, Bärbel
Completed projects
Advanced Water and Ice investigations in Subtropical, Mid-Latitude and Arctic Cirrus (ACIS)
Krämer, Martina
Air Mass Origin in the Lower Stratosphere using HALO Measurements and CLaMS Simulations (AMOS)
Vogel, Bärbel
Cirrus clouds in the extratropical tropopause and lowermost stratosphere region
Spang, Ph.D., Reinhold
Element cycles in forests and grasslands of the Biodiversity Exploratories: Response to management intensity and associated biodiversity
Kaupenjohann, Martin
Michalzik, Beate
Siemens, Jan
FAVOR-HALO: Fast Analysis of Volatile ORganics with gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) on HALO
Wegener, Robert
Lagrangian Support of Stratospheric Operations of HALO (LASSO)
Grooß, Jens-Uwe
Quality assessment of an open-path tuneable diode laser spectrometer for water vapour measurement and scientific studies during first HALO demo missions
Ebert, Volker
Krämer, Martina
Retrieval of Atmospheric State variables from GLORIA limb emission spectral images (RASGLO)
Höpfner, Michael
Kaufmann, Martin
WISE: Wave driven isentropic exchange
Hoor, Peter
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Charakterisierung ausgewählter Palynomorphen der frühen Landpflanzenevolution (Pridoli, Lochkovium, Emsium) mittels gekoppelter PY-GC-MS und vergleichender Untersuchungen
Mann, Ulrich
Communities of niche-optimized strains (CoNoS) – a novel concept for improving biotechnological production of small molecules
Baumgart, Meike
Noack, Stephan
Factors controlling phosphorous availability and their relevance for phosphorous nutrition of forest stands
Bauhus, Jürgen
von Wilpert, Klaus
Geochemische Charakterisierung der Silur/Devon-Grenze: Vergleich Stratotyp (Klonk-Profil, Suchomasty, CZ), benachbarte Kernbohrung Tobolka-1 und weitere zeitgleiche Profile
Mann, Ulrich
Organisch-geochemische und palynofazielle Charakterisierung des oberdevonischen Phytoplankton-Blackouts und der Frasnium/Famennium-Event
Mann, Ulrich
PhosForDiv - Phosphate availability as driver of plant biodiversity in forest ecosystems
Kowarik, Ingo
Response of Atomic Hydrogen and Oxygen to Solar Radiation Changes: Measurements and Simulations
Riese, Martin
Satellite and model studies of galactic cosmic rays and clouds, modulated by solar activity
Schiller, Cornelius
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Land surface and sub-surface data assimilation
(Project Heads
Montzka, Carsten
Springer, Anne
Non-invasive imaging of REV-scale experiments to understand how fluid-solid reactions affect flow and transport in porous media
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Huisman, Johan
Pohlmeier, Andreas
Steeb, Holger
Current projects
Large scale variations of water vapour and ice supersaturated regions
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Krämer, Martina
Reutter, Philipp
Rolf, Christian
Completed projects
MRI pulse sequences with ultra-short detection for imaging of transport in soils
(Project Heads
Gross, Dieter
Haber-Pohlmeier, Sabina
Pohlmeier, Andreas
Soil structure and mass transfer with NMR: From pore-scale patterns to meter-scale hydraulics
(Project Heads
Blümich, Bernhard
Paciok, Eva
Pohlmeier, Andreas
Additional Information
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