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Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
Institut für Bio- und Geowissenschaften (IBG)
Biotechnologie (IBG-1)
52428 Jülich
This institution in GERiT
52428 Jülich
Research Grants
Current projects
Provably bounds-preserving high-order numerical methods in liquid column chromatography
Gassner, Gregor
von Lieres und Wilkau, Eric
Completed projects
Auswertung von metabolischen 13C-Isotopomeren-Markierungsexperimenten
Wiechert, Wolfgang
Dynamische 13C-Stoffflussanalyse unter metabolisch und prozesstechnisch instationären Bedingungen
Wiechert, Wolfgang
Dynamische 13C-Stoffflussanalyse unter metabolisch und prozesstechnisch instationären Bedingungen
Wandrey, Christian
Experimental characterization and modeling of the interactions between mechanical loading and internal oxidation/nitridation of Nickel-base-superalloys
Wiechert, Wolfgang
Hochleistungsalgorithmen für die metabolische 13C Stofffluss-Analyse
Wiechert, Wolfgang
Modulare Simulation komplexer SAR-Szenarien für Missionsplanung, Positionsschätzung und Signalgenerierung
Loffeld, Otmar
Neue katalytische asymmetrische Reaktionen durch Thiamindiphosphat-abhängige Enzyme
Müller, Michael
Pleiss, Jürgen
Pohl, Martina
Untersuchung von partikelseitigen Stofftransportphänomenen bei der Proteinadsorption mittels konfokaler Laser-Raster-Mikroskopie (CLSM)
Kula, Maria-Regina
Research Units
Completed projects
Adsorptionsprozesse in Mikrokanälen: Mechanismen, Modelle, Parameter
Wiechert, Wolfgang
Catalytic promiscuity of thiamine enzymes
Pohl, Martina
Rother, Dörte
Modelling and simulation of physico-chemical processes in microwells
Wiechert, Wolfgang
Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
STARTUP - Sustainable Aromatics Using Pseudomonas
Wierckx, Nick
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Communities of niche-optimized strains (CoNoS) – a novel concept for improving biotechnological production of small molecules
Baumgart, Meike
Noack, Stephan
Global characterization of the substrate spectrum of the Corynebacterium glutamicum Clp protease
Schaffer, Steffen
Modeling metabolic networks based on in-vivo-, in-vitro and in-silico-data
Wiechert, Wolfgang
SiMBal 2.0: Quantifying co-culture performance as a function of condition-dependent inter-cell mass exchange
Grünberger, Alexander
Kohlheyer, Dietrich
Schmid, Andreas
Spontaneous induction of cryptic prophages in populations of the model species Corynebacterium glutamicum and Escherichia coli
Frunzke, Julia
Kohlheyer, Dietrich
Wiechert, Wolfgang
WBP Fellowship
Current projects
Illuminating the dark matter of bacteriophages that kill antibiotic-tolerant bacteria
Luthe, Tom
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
In vitro evolution of a synthetic organelle inside a picolitre habitat
(Project Heads
Eisenhut, Marion
Kohlheyer, Dietrich
Weber, Andreas P.M.
Itaconic acid and its derivatives: from mitochondrial functions to intercellular communication
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Blank, Ph.D., Lars
Wierckx, Nick
Race for iron: impact of siderophore- and heme-mediated networking on spatial interactions in defined microbial communities
(Project Heads
Drepper, Thomas
Frunzke, Julia
Kohlheyer, Dietrich
Completed projects
C-C-Verknüpfung mit Alpha-Ketosäuredecarboxylasen
(Project Heads
Kula, Maria-Regina
Pohl, Martina
Reaktionstechnik der asymmetrischen Synthese
(Project Heads
Liese, Andreas
Wandrey, Christian
Reaktionstechnik der Asymmetrischen Synthese
(Project Head
Wandrey, Christian
Transformations with oxygen spin centeres in aqueous media using BDD electrodes
(Project Heads
Baltruschat, Helmut
Lütz, Stephan
Waldvogel, Siegfried R.
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1166: Ionic Liquids, Organic Solvents, Supercritical Fluids and Gases as Reaction Media for Bio-catalysed Syntheses
Büchs, Jochen
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2186: The Fuel Science Center – Adaptive Conversion Systems for Renewable Energy and Carbon Sources
Leitner, Walter
Pischinger, Stefan
Additional Information
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