Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)
Standort Oberpfaffenhofen
Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre
Münchner Straße 20
82234 Weßling
This institution in GERiT
82234 Weßling
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Investigation of Convective Evolution towards stratiform Precipitation using simulatiOns and poLarimetric radar observations at C- and Ka-band (IcePolCKa - Phase 2)
Ewald, Florian
Zinner, Tobias
Completed projects
Entwicklung eines Lagrangeschen Kerns für Klimamodelle
Grewe, Volker
Reich, Sebastian
Yserentant, Harry
Evaluation of the life cycle of deep convection over mountainous terrain using radar, lidar and lightning observations
Hagen, Martin
Investigation of the influence of charged aerosol particles on the scattering of radar waves using EISCAT
Rapp, Markus
Polarimetric signatures of ice microphysical processes and their interpretation using in-situ observations and cloud modeling (POLICE)
Simmer, Clemens
Trömel, Ph.D., Silke
Voigt, Christiane
Research Grants
Current projects
A multiscale perspective on the role of sudden stratospheric warmings in North-Atlantic flow transitions
Birner, Thomas
Wirth, Volkmar
Highly resolved large-eddy simulations of stably-stratified flow and its interaction with clockwise and counterclockwise rotating wind-turbine blades in terrain of different complexity
Englberger, Antonia
In-flight measurements of contrail ice nucleation on low particle emissions from modern engines and sustainable aviation fuels – the ECOCON experiment
Voigt, Christiane
Modelling of contrail ice crystal formation with an improved representation of aerosol and ice microphysics
Bier, Andreas
Completed projects
Change of snow cover and its implications on arctic permafrost by using gravimtetric satellite data
Baumann, Sabine
Lagrangesche Simulation des globalen atmosphärischen Wasserkreislaufs (LaWa)
Egger, Joseph
Sausen, Robert
Microphysics of ice particles at the polar summer mesopause (Microlce)
Leisner, Thomas
Rapp, Markus
Numerical modeling of the contrail-to-cirrus transition considering the synoptic evolution and the formation of contrail clusters in areas of high air traffic
Unterstraßer, Simon
Remote sensing of trace gases, aerosols, and clouds from measurements of up-welling radiation by GOME (Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment) aboard ERS-2 and SCIAMACHY (Scanning Imaging Absorption spectroMeter for Atmospheric CHartograhY) aboard ENVISAT under inhomogeneous cloud conditions
Mayer, Bernhard
Remote sensing of trace gases, aerosols, and clouds from measurements of up-welling radiation by GOME (Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment) aboard ERS-2 and SCIAMACHY (Scanning Imaging Absorption spectroMeter for Atmospheric CHartograhY) aboard ENVISAT under inhomogeneous cloud conditions
Burrows, John Philip
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Current projects
EC-TOOC umbrella proposal - EarthCARE, Tropical Oceans & Organized Convection
Ament, Felix
Lidar observations of latent heat flux profiles in cold sectors of extratropical cyclones
Schäfler, Andreas
Measurement of Aerosol and Clouds and their Interactions over the pristine Southern Ocean – ACI-SO
Sauer, Daniel
Voigt, Christiane
North Atlantic Waveguide, Dry Intrusion, and Downstream Impact Campaign
Quinting, Julian
Completed projects
ANTHALO Blue Ice: Feasibility Study for Geoscientific and Atmospheric Investigation of Antarctica using HALO (ANTHALO-BI)
Förste, Christoph
Rapp, Markus
Scheinert, Mirko
Chemical and microphysical properties of natural cirrus and contrail cirrus
Borrmann, Stephan
Voigt, Christiane
CIRRUS-HL - The HALO mission on cirrus in high latitudes Umbrella Proposal HALO2020 - CIRRUS-HL
Voigt, Christiane
Combined airborne lidar measurments of moisture transport and cirrus properties: HALO-LIDAR
Craig, George
Kiemle, Christoph
Contribution of clouds to radiative diabatic heating and cooling, from synergy of airborne lidar, radar, and imager observations
Mayer, Bernhard
Rapp, Markus
Zinner, Tobias
DECOR: Dynamical Effects on Composition and transport Of climate Relevant species, in the extratropical upper troposphere lower and stratosphere region
Jurkat-Witschas, Tina
Voigt, Christiane
EUREC4A mission proposal - Elucidating the Role of Cloud-Circulation Coupling in Climate
Ament, Felix
Microphysics and climate impact of ice clouds in high latitudes – MICRO-ICE
Voigt, Christiane
Craig, George
Vertical distribution and spatial variability of physical properties of tropospheric aerosol in the Arctic and Antarctic from in situ measurements by aircraft
Minikin, Andreas
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Narrowband diamond Raman lasers for remote sensing of trace gases
Lux, Oliver
Updating the New Zealand Glacier Inventory
Baumann, Sabine
Current projects
Aerosol-Cloud inTeractIon and water Vapour transport in high UPdraft regimes (ACTIV-UP)
(Project Heads
Jurkat-Witschas, Tina
Voigt, Christiane
Diagnosis and Metrics in Climate Models
(Project Heads
Burchard, Hans
Eyring, Veronika
Jung, Thomas
Losch, Ph.D., Martin
Rademacher, Jens
Stevens, Bjorn B.
Zagar, Ph.D., Nedjeljka
Radiative effects of convective ice clouds in the UTLS from satellite observations (SAT-ICE)
(Project Heads
Bugliaro, Luca
Voigt, Christiane
Completed projects
Forecast uncertainty near the limit of predictability
(Project Heads
Craig, George
Keil, Christian
Kober, Kirstin
Pongratz, Julia
Statistical postprocessing and stochastic physics for ensemble predictions
(Project Heads
Gneiting, Tilmann
Kober, Kirstin
Subseasonal predictability facilitated through the stratosphere
(Project Heads
Birner, Thomas
Garny, Hella
Pinto, Joaquim G.
The role of soil moisture and surface- and subsurface water flows on predictability of convection
(Project Heads
Kober, Kirstin
Kunstmann, Harald
Understanding the dynamical impact of Aeolus observations
(Project Heads
Craig, George
Schäfler, Andreas
Weissmann, Martin
Research Units
Completed projects
Processes And Climatology Of Gravity Waves (PACOG)
Dörnbrack, Andreas
Lübken, Franz-Josef
Rapp, Markus