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Universität Mannheim
Abteilung Volkswirtschaftslehre
L 7 3-5
68161 Mannheim
This institution in GERiT
68161 Mannheim
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Die Entwicklung junger Unternehmen
Stahl, Konrad Otto
Expectation and Experience. A History of Economic Future (Synthesis Project)
Nützenadel, Alexander
Streb, Jochen
Financial Market Imperfections and the pricing decision of firms: Evidence, Theory, and Macroeconomic Implications
Balleer, Almut
Wollmershäuser, Timo
Industriestruktur und lokale Arbeitsmärkte
Stahl, Konrad Otto
Marktaustritte, Wachstum und schnelles Wachstum von Unternehmensgründungen in Ost- und Westdeutschland
Lessat, Vera
Personal Experience and Savings Behaviour
Lehmann-Hasemeyer, Ph.D., Sibylle
Streb, Jochen
The effects of macroeconomic changes on labor market mobility, job stability, and returns to tenure in Germany
Jung, Philip
Kuhn, Moritz
The Implications of Experience and Expectations for Demographic Decisions: Germany, 1871-2000
Streb, Jochen
Research Grants
Current projects
Causes of Portfolio Heterogeneity
Kuhn, Moritz
Lack of economic freedom and innovation: Patent activities in the “Third Reich” and in the GDR
Donges, Alexander
Streb, Jochen
Macroeconomic Fluctuations and Stabilization Policies
Meier, Matthias
The Macroeconomic Effects of Changes in the Organization of Production
Bayer, Christian
Kuhn, Moritz
Completed projects
Changing labor markets in unequal societies: Challenges from heterogeneity in labor market risk
Kuhn, Moritz
Der Transfer von Erfindungen und Patenten im Deutschen Reich zwischen 1877 und 1913
Burhop, Carsten
Die ökonomischen Folgen unterschiedlicher Marktkonzentration und vertikaler Integration in der Elektrizitätswirtschaft in Baden und Württemberg in der Zwischenkriegszeit (1918-1939)
Streb, Jochen
Firm-level models of trade
Fadinger, Ph.D., Harald
Industriepolitik im Dritten Reich: Das extensive und intensive Wachstum der Rüstungsproduktion während des Zweiten Weltkriegs
Scherner, Jonas
Streb, Jochen
Non- and Semiparametric Techniques for Euler Equations
Schienle, Melanie
Patents and Innovation in the German States, 1843-1877
Donges, Alexander
Selgert, Felix
Technologietransfer während des deutschen Wachstumserfolges, 1880-1913: Übertragungskanäle und Spill-over-Effekte zwischen Unternehmen, Branchen und Regionen
Streb, Jochen
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Income Dynamics, Income Risk, and Inequality
Kuhn, Moritz
Current projects
Decentralized markets
(Project Heads
Lauermann, Stephan
Perrone, Helena
Rady, Sven
Stahl, Konrad Otto
Heterogeneity, financial frictions, and macroeconomic stabilization
(Project Heads
Bayer, Christian
Kuester, Keith
Meier, Matthias
Information aggregation and the role of transfers in mechanism design
(Project Heads
Moldovanu, Benny
Tröger, Thomas
Market failures and family policies
(Project Heads
Kuhn, Moritz
Tertilt, Michèle
Strategic information disclosure
(Project Heads
Auster, Ph.D., Sarah
Dilme, Francesc
Ganglmair, Bernhard
Hoffmann, Florian
Tarantino, Emanuele
Completed projects
Allocation Mechanisms in Organisations and Markets
(Project Heads
Bester, Helmut
Tröger, Thomas
Communication and Transportation Technologies, Industrial and Regional Structure
(Project Heads
Peitz, Martin
Stahl, Konrad Otto
Trade policy and market structure
(Project Head
Fadinger, Ph.D., Harald
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Robust methods for the evaluation of policy reforms
(Project Heads
van den Berg, Gerard J.
Frölich, Markus
Gutknecht, Ph.D., Daniel
Mammen, Enno
Rothe, Christoph
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 748: Incentives, Information, Decision and Allocation
von Thadden, Ernst-Ludwig
GRK 2281: The Macroeconomics of Inequallity
Bayer, Christian
NFDI technical and methodological consortia
Current projects
BERD@NFDI - NFDI for Business, Economic and Related Data
Stahl, Florian
Additional Information
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