Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart
Am Weißenhof 1
70191 Stuttgart
This institution in GERiT
70191 Stuttgart
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Scanning Electron Microscope
Research Grants
Current projects
Physical change of paintings on a textile base caused by mechanical loads: Investigations on origin and development of damage
Krekel, Christoph
Ziegler, Pascal
The graves of the Fallward cemetry in the mirror of their organic objects - research on the funerary customs of the late Roman and Migration Period in northwestern Germany
Jöns, Hauke
Krekel, Christoph
Completed projects
The change of the materiality of art through transports: studies on detection and discrimination of transport- and age-related damages on art works
Krekel, Christoph
Osten, Wolfgang
Scientific Networks
Current projects
Consortium for the Research of Artists‘ Materials Archives (CAMA). The scientific knowledge potential of archives of European artists' paint manufacturers
Neugebauer, Wibke
Fachgruppe Kunstwissenschaften - Restaurierung
Professor für Mittlere und Neuere Kunstgeschichte
Professur für Konservierung und Restaurierung von archäologischen ethnologischen und kunsthandwerklichen Objekten