National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)
1100 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington DC 20506
Washington DC 20506
Cataloguing and Digitisation
Completed projects
AEGARON - Ancient Egyptian Architecture Online A repository for standardized architectural information and drawings
Bilinguals in Late Mesopotamian Scholarship (BLMS)
Geller, Markham
Digital Music Notation Data Model and Prototype Delivery System
Veit, Joachim
Emblematica Online
German Sales 1930 - 1945: Art Works, Art Markets, and Cultural Policy
LinkedHumanities - Linking and Populating the Digital Humanities
Niepert, Ph.D., Mathias
Relish: Rendering Endangered Languages Lexicons Interoperable through Standards Harmonization
Sanskrit Lexical Sources, Digital Synthesis and Revision
Malten, Thomas
The digitization and cataloguing of Medieval and Early Modern manuscripts in German at the Beinecke Library
The Hellespont Project: Integrating Arachne and Perseus
The Yemen Manuscript Digitization Initiative (YMDI)
Schmidtke, Sabine
Wissenschaft des Judentums: An International Digital Collection
Schnelling, Heiner
Research data and software
Completed projects
A Digital Synopsis of Mishnah and Tosefta
Ilan, Ph.D., Tal
KELLIA: Koptische/Coptic Electronic Language and Literature International Alliance
Behlmer, Heike
LangBank: Digital Infrastructure to Support the Study of Latin and Historical German
Lüdeling, Anke
Meurers, Detmar
Modeling semantically Enriched Digital Edition of Accounts (MEDEA)
Spoerer, Mark
Tools and Concepts for Safeguarding and Researching Born-Digital Culture - (Re-)Defining Object Boundaries and Citation of Complex Digital Objects
Rechert, Klaus
Tracking the Russian Flu in U.S. and German Medical and Popular Reports, 1889-1893
Nejdl, Wolfgang