Technische Universität Berlin
Institut für Sprache und Kommunikation
Fachgebiet Audiokommunikation
Einsteinufer 17c
10587 Berlin
This institution in GERiT
10587 Berlin
Research Units
Completed projects
Evaluation of virtual acoustic environments
Weinzierl, Stefan
FOR 1557: Simulation and Evaluation of Acoustical Environments (SEACEN)
Weinzierl, Stefan
Weinzierl, Stefan
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Mechanisms of spatial attention and integration along the three dimensions of auditory space
Schönwiesner, Marc
Weinzierl, Stefan
Completed projects
Survey Musik und Medien. Empirische Basisdaten und theoretische Modellierung der Mediatisierung alltäglicher Musikrezeption in Deutschland
Lepa, Steffen
Research Grants
Current projects
Concert Life in Vienna 1780–1830. Performances, Venues, and Repertoires
Weinzierl, Stefan
Cultural data analysis of production cultures in classical music
Martensen, Karin
Weinzierl, Stefan
Modeling and optimization of sound reinforcement scenarios with impedance affected boundaries in the time domain
Lemke, Mathias
Weinzierl, Stefan
Room Acoustics and Musical Performance: New Predictors for Acoustical Conditions on Stage
Weinzierl, Stefan
Spatial characteristics of the human voice: Directivity measurements, simulations, and perception.
Luizard, Paul
Completed projects
Concert Life and Concert Venues in Japan, 1868-1945
Weinzierl, Stefan
Optimal Soundfield Generation for Sound Reinforcement in Time and Frequency Domain
Lemke, Mathias
Weinzierl, Stefan
Sounds for the Theatre Stage
Schröder, Julia H.
"Teatro" Architectural, Performative and Acoustic Qualities of Renaissance Theatres. A Joint Research Project of Architectural History and Acoustic Sciences.
Raabe, Christian
Weinzierl, Stefan
Technologies of Singing: Research into the Dispositif Singing - Body - Media in the Early Years of Recording
Grotjahn, Rebecca
Kob, Malte
Martensen, Karin
Vergleichende empirische Untersuchung von binaural synthetisierten, natürlichen und elektroakustisch übertragenen musikalischen Aufführungen
Weinzierl, Stefan
Research data and software
Completed projects
Open Repository for Research Data in Acoustics (OPERA)
Christof, Jürgen