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Max-Planck-Institut für Gravitationsphysik
Am Mühlenberg 1
14476 Potsdam
This institution in GERiT
14476 Potsdam
Research Grants
Completed projects
DFG-NSF: Demonstration of position and speed measurements in the quantum non-demolition regime towards a new gravitational-wave detector topology
Schnabel, Roman
Quantenfeldtheorie in gekrümmten Raumzeiten und mikrolokale Analysis
Schrohe, Elmar
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Nichtperturbative Stringdualität und D-branes in Calabi-Yau-Kompaktifizierungen
Schomerus, Volker
Untersuchungen zur AdS/CFT-Korrespondenz
Theisen, Stefan
Completed projects
Analysis asymptotisch flacher Raumzeiten
(Project Head
Friedrich, Helmut
Collision and Merger of Black Holes and Neutron Stars
(Project Heads
Brügmann, Bernd
Rezzolla, Luciano
Thornburg, Jonathan
Electromagnetic Counterparts to Supermassive Binary Black Hole Mergers
(Project Heads
Amaro-Seoane, Ph.D., Pau
Rezzolla, Luciano
Interpretation of Gravitational Wave Signals
(Project Heads
Allen, Bruce
Neuhäuser, Ralph
Papa, Maria Alessandra
Iterative Design of the Sensitivity Curve of Gravitational Wave Detectors
(Project Heads
Danzmann, Karsten
Lück, Harald
Schutz, Bernard
LISA Data Analysis Methods
(Project Heads
Danzmann, Karsten
Heinzel, Gerhard
Schutz, Bernard
Merging of Neutron Stars
(Project Heads
Janka, Hans-Thomas
Rezzolla, Luciano
TRR 7: Gravitational Wave Astronomy
Brügmann, Bernd
DIP Programme
Completed projects
Applications of string theory to particle physics and to gravity and cosmology
Sonnenschein, Jacob
Theisen, Stefan
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Differential Operators of Mathematical Physics: Spectral Theory and Dynamics
(Project Heads
Brüning, Jochen
Bär, Christian
Rendall, Alan
Dynamics of Cosmological Models: The Tumbling Universe
(Project Heads
Fiedler, Bernold
Liebscher, Stefan
Rendall, Alan
Evolution of Geometrical Structures in Classical and Quantum Cosmology
(Project Heads
Plefka, Jan
Rendall, Alan
Teschner, Jörg
Geometric Variational Problems: Direct Methods, Associated Flows and the Influence of Ambient Geometry and Physics
(Project Heads
Bär, Christian
Ecker, Klaus
Huisken, Gerhard
Metzger, Jan
Schulze, Felix
Geometry and Physics of Spacelike Hypersurfaces in Lorentzian Manifolds
(Project Heads
Bär, Christian
Ecker, Klaus
Huisken, Gerhard
Integrable Structures in the Gauge/String Theory Correspondence
(Project Heads
Beisert, Niklas
Plefka, Jan
Staudacher, Matthias
Mathematical Physics: Dynamics and Nonlinear Evolution Equations in General Relativity
(Project Heads
Ecker, Klaus
Fiedler, Bernold
Huisken, Gerhard
Rendall, Alan
(Project Heads
Chen, Yanbei
Danzmann, Karsten
Schnabel, Roman
Quasilinear Wave Equations, Membranes and Supermembranes
(Project Heads
Ecker, Klaus
Huisken, Gerhard
Nicolai, Hermann
Scattering Amplitudes: Symmetries and Interrelations in Maximal Supergravity and Yang-Mills Theory
(Project Heads
Nicolai, Hermann
Plefka, Jan
SFB 407: Quantum limited measuring processes with atoms, Molecules and photons
Ertmer, Wolfgang
SFB 647: Space - Time - Matter: Analytic and Geometric Structures
Brüning, Jochen
Staudacher, Matthias
(Project Head
Theisen, Stefan
Tests and Applications of the AdS/CFT Correspondence
(Project Heads
Dorn, Harald
Plefka, Jan
Theisen, Stefan
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2575: Rethinking Quantum Field Theory
Plefka, Jan
Completed projects
GRK 271: The Standard Model of Elementary Particle Physics - Its Structure, Precision Tests and Extensions
Pavel, Nikolai
Schubert, Klaus R.
GRK 1463: Analysis, Geometry and String Theory
Schrohe, Elmar
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 201: QUEST - Centre for Quantum Engineering and Space-Time Research
Ertmer, Wolfgang
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2122: PhoenixD: Photonics, Optics, and Engineering – Innovation Across Disciplines
Kowalsky, Wolfgang
Morgner, Uwe
Overmeyer, Ludger
Abteilung Astrophysikalische und kosmologische Relativitätstheorie
Abteilung Quantengravitation und vereinheitlichte Theorien
Standort Hannover
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