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Universitätsklinikum Knappschaftskrankenhaus Bochum GmbH
In der Schornau 23-25
44892 Bochum
This institution in GERiT
44892 Bochum
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Impact of the tumor suppressor gene DPC4/SMAD4 on regulators of angiogenesis
Schwarte-Waldhoff, Irmgard
Robot-assisted craniotomy with and without individually prepared primary reconstruction
Eufinger, Harald
Radermacher, Klaus
Robotergestützte Kraniotomie mit und ohne individuell vorbereiteter Sofortrekonstruktion
Radermacher, Klaus
Research Grants
Current projects
Mitochondrial protein import in sepsis: Pathomechanistic and therapeutic implications
Rahmel, Tim
Rolle des Fettgewebes und der Ceramids in der Progression der nicht-alkoholischen Fettlebererkrankung (NAFLE)
Canbay, Ali
Completed projects
Die Bedeutung von Adipozytokinen, Death-Rezeptoren und Fibrosegenen bei nicht-alkoholischer Fettlebererkrankung (NAFLE)
Canbay, Ali
Die Rolle von Adiponektin in der Entstehung partikelinduzierter Osteolysen bei Endoprothesen - Untersuchungen im partikelassoziierten murinen Osteolyse- und Zellkulturmodell
Landgraeber, Stefan
Differential secretomics to detect Smad4 regulated secreted biomarkers in colon and pancreas cancer
Schwarte-Waldhoff, Irmgard
Entkopplung der Expressionsregulation der Basalmembran-Komponente Laminin-5: Funktionelle Konsequenzen eines Smad4 Verlustes
Schwarte-Waldhoff, Irmgard
Ex-vivo perfusion of human liver tissue as model for pharmacological liver inury and hepatic steatosis
Canbay, Ali
InflammatorySystemsMicrobiome: Systems diagnostic of the human gut microbiome on inflammatory diseases using metaproteome analysis
Heyer, Robert
Role of NLRP3-inflammasome and ER-stress in NAFLD-Progression.
Canbay, Ali
The role of polo-like kinases1/2 as mediators of hedgehog survival signaling in cholangiocarcinoma cells
Fingas, Christian Dominik
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Motor-parietal cortical neuroprosthesis with somatosensory feedback for restoring hand and arm functions in tetraplegic patients.
Klaes, Christian
Clinical Research Units
Completed projects
Steatosis and Living Donor Liver Transplantation: Which Role for Cellular FLICE-inhibitory Protein, Death Ligands, and Fatty Acid Transporters
Canbay, Ali
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
The relationship between implicit and explicit visuomotor task learning in hippocampus and parietal cortex
(Project Heads
Axmacher, Nikolai
Klaes, Christian
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