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Leibniz-Institut für Pflanzenbiochemie (IPB)
Weinberg 3
06120 Halle
This institution in GERiT
06120 Halle
Research Grants
Current projects
Cell specific piperine biosynthesis in black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) fruits and roots
Vogt, Thomas
Completed projects
Biochemie und Molekularbiologie von Betanidin-Glucosyltransferasen
Vogt, Thomas
Biosynthesis and biological role of polyamine conjugates in flowers of Arabidopsis thaliana
Vogt, Thomas
Determination of gene function in plant cell cultures through use of viral vectors
Herrmann, Gabriele
Die Funktion von 12-Hydroxyjasmonsäure in der Samenentwicklung und Blütenentwicklung der Tomate
Wasternack, Claus
Dynamics of auxin sensing by an SCF-E3 type ubiquitin ligase and its degradation targets
Calderón Villalobos, Luz Irina
Herstellung enantiomerenreiner Siloxycyclopropylderivate und Verwendung als Homo-Enolatanionen in "Homo-Mannich-Reaktionen"
Westermann, Bernhard
Homeostasis of Isoprenoids in Plants: understanding compartmentalization, flux and transport of isoprenoids in glandular trichomes for non-crop and crop species
Boutry, Marc
Eyal, Yoram
Schuurink, Robert C.
Tissier, Alain
Identification of in vivo Substrates of MEK-MPK Modules in Arabidopsis
Beckers, Gerold
In vitro and in vivo characterization of plant-specific glycation products in terms of their structure, origin and effects on mammalian cells
Frolov, Andrej
Piperamide biosynthesis in black pepper (Piper nigrum)
Vogt, Thomas
Post-transcriptional regulation of phytohormone signal transduction in Arabidopsis immunity
Hoehenwarter, Wolfgang
Struktur und Funktion Kation-abhängiger O-Methyltransferasen
Vogt, Thomas
Studying the biochemical basis for the action of ABERRANT LATERAL ROOT FORMATION4, a putative ubiquitylation tuner
Abel, Steffen
Synthesis of conformational restricted C-glycopeptides
Westermann, Bernhard
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Bildung hochmolekularer silikatischer Verbindungen in Pflanzen
Neumann, Dieter
Diversity approach towards organocatalytic, asymmetric Mannich reactions
Westermann, Bernhard
Mutants of regulation of biosynthesis of jasmonates
Wasternack, Claus
Science Communication, Research Data, eResearch
Current projects
Open-Access-Publication-Funding / 2024-2026 / Leibniz Institute of Plant Biochemistry
Gierlich, Ph.D., Angela
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
SFB 1664: Plant Proteoform Diversity - SNP2Prot
Quint, Marcel
Completed projects
Functional analysis of MAP kinase cascades in plant immunity response
(Project Heads
Lee, Justin
Scheel, Dierk
Functional characterization of kelch-repeat F-box protein families in Arabidopsis thaliana
(Project Head
Quint, Marcel
Funktionelle Charakterisierung der Arabidopsis IQD Protein Familie
(Project Heads
Abel, Steffen
Bürstenbinder, Katharina
Molekulare Kommunikation von Rhynchosporium secalis mit Wirts- und Nichtwirtspflanzen
(Project Head
Knogge, Wolfgang
PAMP-mediated pathogen defense in Solanum tuberosum
(Project Head
Rosahl, Sabine
Regulation der Jasmonatbiosynthese durch Licht und die Kontrolle der Blühinduktion durch 12- Hydroxyjasmonat in Arabidopsis
(Project Head
Wasternack, Claus
Regulation der spezifisch durch Jasmonate oder osmotischen Stress induzierten Expression von Gerstengenen
(Project Head
Wasternack, Claus
Rolle endogener Jasmonate in der Stress-Signaltransduktion
(Project Head
Miersch, Otto
Schwermetalle als chemische Stressoren
(Project Head
Neumann, Dieter
Schwermetalle als chemische Stressoren: Signalerkennung, Signaltransfer und Wirkung auf die Expression von HSP
(Project Head
Neumann, Dieter
SFB 363: Molecular cell biology of plant systems
Bonas, Ulla
SFB 648: Molecular Mechanisms of Information Processing in Plants
Bonas, Ulla
SFB 973: Priming and Memory of Organismic Responses to Stress
Hilker, Monika
Signalerkennung und Signaltansduktion von Jasmonat in Gerste
(Project Head
Löbler, Marian
Signaltransduktion bei der Aktivierung pflanzlicher Pathogenabwehrgene
(Project Heads
Naß, Norbert
Scheel, Dierk
Transgene Jasmonatmodulation - die Funktion der Jasmonate in Stressabwehr und Sink/Source-Beziehungen der Pflanze
(Project Heads
Miersch, Otto
Wasternack, Claus
Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur Funktion von Lipoxygenasen bei Keimung und Blattseneszenz
(Project Head
Parthier, Benno
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2467: Intrinsically Disordered Proteins – Molecular Principles, Cellular Functions, and Diseases
Sinz, Andrea
GRK 2498: Communication and Dynamics of Plant Cell Compartments
Heilmann, Ingo
GRK 2670: Beyond Amphiphilicity: Self-Organization of Soft Matter Via Multiple Noncovalent Interactions
Hinderberger, Dariush
Completed projects
GRK 416: Adaptive Physiological and Biochemical Reactions Caused by Ecological Relevant Substances
Krauß, Gerd-Joachim
GRK 894: Self-organization by Coordinative and Non-covalent Interactions
Tschierske, Carsten
Current projects
TRR 356: Genetic diversity shaping biotic interactions of plants (PlantMicrobe)
Parniske, Martin
DFG Research Centres
Current projects
FZT 118: German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research - iDiv
Quaas, Martin F.
Wirth, Christian
NFDI technical and methodological consortia
Current projects
NFDI4Chem – Chemistry Consortium in the NFDI
Steinbeck, Christoph
Abteilung Biochemie pflanzlicher Interaktionen
Abteilung Molekulare Signalverarbeitung
Abteilung Natur- und Wirkstoffchemie
Abteilung Stoffwechsel- und Zellbiologie
Abteilung Stress- und Entwicklungsbiologie (aufgelöst)
Program Center MetaCom
Arbeitsgruppe Computational Plant Biochemistry
Additional Information
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