Max-Planck-Institut für Evolutionsbiologie
August-Thienemann-Straße 2
24306 Plön
This institution in GERiT
24306 Plön
Research Grants
Current projects
Clinician Scientist Program in Evolutionary Medicine
Baines, John F.
The evolutionary dynamics and fate of spontaneously duplicated tRNA genes in bacteria
Gallie, Ph.D., Jenna
Completed projects
Analyse der Nanofauna von Grundwässern auf der Basis von ribosomalen Signatursequenzen
Arndt, Hartmut
Tautz, Diethard
Analyse der Nanofauna von Grundwässern auf der Basis von ribosomalen Signatursequenzen
Tautz, Diethard
Analysis of fast evolving genes in the Drosophila genome
Tautz, Diethard
Auswirkungen der Unterschiede zwischen Copepoden und Cladoceren auf das Phytoplankton.
Santer, Barbara
BAC-Enden-Sequenzierung im Rahmen des Tribolium-Genomprojekts
Tautz, Diethard
Comparative analysis of the molecular basis of appendage formation in Arthropods
Tautz, Diethard
Genetische Analyse von Populationsdifferenzierungs- und Artbildungsprozessen bei europäischen Landsalamandern (Salamandra salamandra)
Tautz, Diethard
Molecular analysis of the hybrid genome of an invasive lineage of Cottus (pisces)
Tautz, Diethard
Statische und dynamische Netzwerkanalysen für die Modellierung von Kontaktstrukturen bei der Ausbreitung von Infektionskrankheiten
Traulsen, Imke
The evolution of resistence to genetically induced sterility in insects.
Tautz, Diethard
The role of plasmids in bacterial adaptation
Uecker, Hildegard
Vibrational Communication Signals in Mantophasmatodea: Species Recognition, Sexual Selection, and Population Differentiation
Eberhard, Monika J.B.
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Evolutionary game theoretic models with underlying genetic architecture
Traulsen, Arne
Evolution of regulatory elements of the development control genes between Tribolium and Drosophila
Tautz, Diethard
Experimental Coevolution between C. Elegans and B. Thuringiensis CLUSTER: "Experimental Evolution and Natural Variation of Bacillus-Invertebrate Interactions"
Schulenburg, Hinrich
Host virus coevolution – demography versus selection in the face of multiple stressors
Becks, Lutz
Molekularer Vergleich von Somitenbildung beim Zebrafisch und der Segmentierung bei Insekten
Tautz, Diethard
Segmentierungsgen-Expression während der Neurogenese bei der Spinne Cupiennius
Tautz, Diethard
SPP 1027: Evolution entwicklungsbiologischer Prozesse
Tautz, Diethard
Towards semantically steered navigation in shape spaces exemplified by rodent skull morphology in correlation to external attributes
Klein, Reinhard
Schunke, Anja
Trait heterogeneity effects on trophic interactions: the role of essential nutrients
Martin-Creuzburg, Dominik
Wacker, Alexander
Vergleichende Analyse der molekularen Grundlage der Gliedmaßenentwicklung innerhalb der Articulata
Tautz, Diethard
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Evolutionary dynamics: Time scales for evolution of finite populations on hypercubes and games of reputation on dynamical networks
Traulsen, Arne
Heisenberg Grants
Current projects
Dynamic Cancer Ecology and Evolution
Altrock, Philipp
Research Units
Current projects
Density dependence of symbiont-mediated immunity and parasite epidemics in symbiont-protected host populations
Uecker, Hildegard
FOR 5726: Density dependent symbiosis in planktonic systems – DynaSym
Becks, Lutz
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Mathematical models and experiments on the levels of selection in evolving metaorganisms
(Project Heads
Bosch, Thomas C. G.
Fraune, Sebastian
Schulenburg, Hinrich
Traulsen, Arne
New approaches to understanding eco-evolutionary dynamics in metaorganisms
(Project Heads
Hentschel-Humeida, Ute
Lachnit, Tim
Rainey, Ph.D., Paul
SFB 1182: Origin and Function of Metaorganisms
Bosch, Thomas C. G.
Schulenburg, Hinrich
Completed projects
Administration tasks of the SFB
(Project Heads
Lässig, Michael
Tautz, Diethard
Characterization of potential adaptive trait loci in house mouse populations
(Project Head
Tautz, Diethard
Evolution of the regulatory interactions of the segmentation gene network in insects
(Project Head
Tautz, Diethard
SFB 680: Molecular Basis of Evolutionary Innovations
Lässig, Michael
Tautz, Diethard
Somitogenese beim Zebrafisch
(Project Head
Tautz, Diethard
System für die Herstellung von Microarrays mit hoher Dichte
(Project Head
Tautz, Diethard
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Characterization of candidate genes for positive selection identified in natural populations of the house mouse
Baines, John F.
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 306: Inflammation at Interfaces
Schreiber, Stefan
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2501: Translational Evolutionary Research
Schulenburg, Hinrich
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2150: ROOTS – Social, Environmental, and Cultural Connectivity in Past Societies
Käppel, Lutz
Müller, Johannes
Parchmann, Ilka
Rabbel, Wolfgang
EXC 2167: Precision Medicine in Chronic Inflammation (PMI)
Niemann, Stefan
Riemekasten, Gabriela
Schreiber, Stefan
NFDI technical and methodological consortia
Current projects
NFDI4BIOIMAGE - National research data infrastructure for microscopy and bioimage analysis
Weidtkamp-Peters, Stefanie
Abteilung Evolutionsökologie (aufgelöst)
Forschungsgruppe Biologische Uhren
Forschungsgruppe Meiotische Rekombination und Genominstabilität
Forschungsgruppe Verhaltensökologie individueller Variation
Max-Planck-Forschungsgruppe Kraniofaziale Biologie