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Max-Planck-Institut für Pflanzenzüchtungsforschung
Carl-von-Linné-Weg 10
50829 Köln
This institution in GERiT
50829 Köln
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Evolution of salicylic acid pathway
Feußner, Ivo
Melkonian, Michael
Nakagami, Ph.D., Hirofumi
Completed projects
Intracellular targeting and in vivo function of plant myosins
Schmelzer, Elmon
Isolierung und molekulare Analyse von Aluminium Toleranz entschlüsselnden Pflanzengenen
Walden, Richard
Kommunikation zwischen der Kohlenstoff-Katabolit-Repression und dem Auxinsignalweg: Interaktion eines SNF1-Kinase-Inhibitors mit einem neuen Amidase-Komplex
Koncz, Csaba
The genetic basis for leaf shape diversity: exploiting the Arabidopsis relative Cardamine hirsuta
Hay, Angela
Tsiantis, Miltos
Research Grants
Completed projects
Analysis of the desiccation phosphoproteome in the resurrection plant Craterostigma plantagineum.
Röhrig, Horst
Schmidt, Jürgen
Aufklärung der Struktur-Funktionsbeziehung und biologischen Bedeutung von Adenylat bildenden Enzymen aus Arabidopsis thaliana
Kombrink, Erich
Characterization of roles of PRL-CDC5 complex in regulation of pre-mRNA splicing and flowering time
Koncz, Csaba
Co-ordinate regulation of sugar, ethylene and hypoxia responses at the levels of transcription and metabolism by the SnRK1 kinase in Arabidopsis
Geigenberger, Peter
Koncz, Csaba
Development of novel tools for modulation of multifactorial plant stress tolerance using key regulators of biotic and abiotic signalling
Koncz, Csaba
Nürnberger, Thorsten
Die Rolle des internen Ribosomeneintritts für die Translationsinitiation bei Pflanzenvirus-RNAs: Molekulare und funktionelle Analyse von pflanzlichen "internal ribosome entry sites" (IRES) am Beispiel des Kartoffel-Blattrollvirus (PLRV)
Rohde, Wolfgang
Etablierung verschiedener DNA-Markiertypen zur Biodiversitätsanalyse und Erstellung einer Kopplungskarte in GUAVA (Psidium guajava L.)
Rohde, Wolfgang
Functional analysis of plant Snf1-related protein kinase signaling complexes using proteomics and reverse genetics in Arabidopsis
Koncz, Csaba
Functional analysis of the SBP-domain protein family in Arabidopsis thaliana
Huijser, Peter
Genome-wide activity-based profiling of Arabidopsis proteomes
van der Hoorn, Renier A.L.
Kaiser, Markus
Schmidt, Jürgen
Genom- und Organellevolution in Höheren Pflanzen
Richly, Erik
Insertionsmutagenese mit den Mais Transposon Activator und Dissociator in Gerste (Hordeum vulgare L.)
Koprek, Thomas
Intracellular targeting and in vivo function of plant myosins
Schmelzer, Elmon
Mapping the molecular basis of growth form divergence in tropical alpine Arabidopsis thaliana
Hancock, Ph.D., Angela
Phosphoproteins in the primed defense response of plants
Conrath, Uwe
Schmidt, Jürgen
Scanning the Arabidopsis proteome for targets of small signaling molecules. Yeast threehybrid approach towards the identification of jasmonate receptors
Kombrink, Erich
The network of regulatory interactions of MADS-box proteins during floral organ development in Arabidopsis thaliana
Sommer, Hans
Untersuchungen zur Ca2+-bzw. Calmodulin-abhängigen Signaltransduktion in der mlo-vermittelten Mehltauresistenz von Gerste
Panstruga, Ralph
Research Units
Completed projects
Creating an explosion: how growth and tension interact in explosive fruit
Hay, Angela
FOR 2581: Quantitative Morphodynamics of Plants
Maizel, Alexis
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
SFB 1403: Cell Death in Immunity, Inflammation and Disease
Pasparakis, Manolis
SFB 1535: Microbial networking – from organelles to cross-kingdom communities
Feldbrügge, Michael
Completed projects
Analysis of a new type of MADS-box gene that is involved in the evolution of land plant gametophytes
(Project Head
Münster, Thomas
Analysis of posttranslational modifications by a plant specific glutaredoxin
(Project Head
Zachgo, Sabine
Analysis of regulatory functions of proteasome-associated PRL1 WD-protein and SnRK1 kinases
(Project Head
Koncz, Csaba
An interdisciplinary approach for understanding diversification of leaf form
(Project Head
Tsiantis, Miltos
Bioinformatic Support
(Project Head
Schulze-Lefert, Paul
Characterization of the role of FT-signaling in initiating flower development at the shoot apical meristem
(Project Head
Coupland, Ph.D., George
Dissection of pattern recognition receptor-mediated signaling in plants
(Project Head
Saijo, Yusuke
Evolution of transcriptional regulation during the divergence of annual and perennial plant life histories
(Project Head
Coupland, Ph.D., George
Identification of nuclear components and in vivo target genes of the Arabidopsis transcription factors AtWRKY18 and AtWRKY40 during early MAMP-triggered plant immunity
(Project Head
Somssich, Imre
Induced Receptor Endocytosis in the Cell-Autonomous Plant Basal Immune Response
(Project Head
Robatzek, Silke
Initiation and function of laterial meristems
(Project Head
Theres, Klaus
Intracellular perception of fungal effectors and initiation of immune signaling by allelic NLR receptors
(Project Head
Schulze-Lefert, Paul
Kontrolle der räumlichen Expressionsmuster homeotischer Gene während der Organogense der Antirrhinum majus blüte
(Project Head
Schwarz-Sommer, Zsuzsanna
Modes of action of the assembly factors RAR1 and SGT1 in plant disease resistance
(Project Head
Parker, Jane E.
Molecular basis of network robustness during effector-triggered immunity
(Project Head
Tsuda, Ph.D., Kenichi
Phosphorylation and lipid modicication in the regulation of plant calcium-dependent protein kinases (CDPK) after biotic and abiotic stress stimuli
(Project Head
Romeis, Tina
Post-translational regulation of the activity of transcription factors that control flowering time of Arabidopsis
(Project Head
Coupland, Ph.D., George
Raum-zeitliche Ausprägung von ROSINA während der Blütenentwicklung und seine mögliche Rolle bei der Steuerung der B-Funktionsgene von Antirrhinum majus
(Project Head
Saedler, Heinz
Rolle des Zellzyklus für die Zelltypspezifizierung in der Wurzelepidermis von Arabidopsis
(Project Head
Schnittger, Arp
SFB 572: Commitment of Cell Arrays and Cell Types
Werr, Wolfgang
SFB 670: Cell-Autonomous Immunity
Krönke, Martin
SFB 680: Molecular Basis of Evolutionary Innovations
Lässig, Michael
Tautz, Diethard
Specification of sporogenous archesporial cells and differential commitment of their derivatives in anthers of Arabidopsis (Male Germ Line Development in Arabidopsis)
(Project Head
Huijser, Peter
Temperature modulation of plant immune responsiveness and fitness
(Project Heads
Parker, Jane E.
Reymond, Matthieu
The adaptive value of pleiotropic variation: miR824 and the MADS-Box Gene Network
(Project Heads
Koornneef, Maarten
de Meaux, Juliette
The developmental phase change from vegetative to reproductive growth in higher plants: a molecular genetic analysis
(Project Head
Huijser, Peter
The molecular basis and functional contribution of Ca2+ signatures in plant cellautonomous immunity and during pathogen entry
(Project Head
Panstruga, Ralph
Toll-related intracellular receptors in plant innate immunity
(Project Head
Parker, Jane E.
Unravelling the regulation and function of DOG1; a key gene, essential for the induction of seed dormancy in Arabidopsis
(Project Head
Koornneef, Maarten
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Charakterisierung der frühblühenden Mutante ef82 ("early flowering" 82) und Einordnung der Bedeutung des EF82-Proteins in die bereits bekannten Signalwege zur Blüteninduktion
Sauerbrunn, Nicolas
How do plant pathogens adapt to novel host groups? Divergent genome evolution after a host jump in the plant parasitic oomycete Hyaloperonospora crispula and its sister species Hyaloperonospora arabidopsidis.
Kellner, Ronny
Current projects
Adaptation to the afroalpine environment in Brassicaceae species with contrasting ecological strategies
(Project Head
Hancock, Ph.D., Angela
TRR 341: Plant Ecological Genetics
de Meaux, Juliette
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 306: Molecular Analysis of Developmental Processes
Flügge, Ulf-Ingo
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 1028: Cluster of Excellence on Plant Sciences (CEPLAS) - From Complex Traits towards Synthetic Modules
Weber, Andreas P.M.
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2048: CEPLAS - Cluster of Excellence on Plant Sciences
Kopriva, Stanislav
von Korff Schmising, Maria
Thomma, Bart
Weber, Andreas P.M.
NFDI technical and methodological consortia
Current projects
NFDI4Microbiota - National Research Data Infrastructure for Microbiota Research
Förstner, Konrad
Abteilung Chromosomenbiologie
Abteilung Entwicklungsbiologie der Pflanzen
Abteilung Pflanze-Mikroben Interaktionen
Abteilung Pflanzenzüchtung und Genetik (aufgelöst)
Abteilung Vergleichende Entwicklungsgenetik
Forschungsgruppe Root Communication with the Environment
Max-Planck-Genome Center in Köln
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