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GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH
Planckstraße 1
64291 Darmstadt
64291 Darmstadt
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Quint, Wolfgang
Research Grants
Completed projects
An experimental effort towards the precise determinations of electronic g-factors as measured in medium-Z, highly charged ions
Vogel, Manuel
Development of Time-Of-Flight detectors for the hypernuclear spectroscopy with heavy ion beams at GSI, HypHI
Saito, Takehiko
Eine neue Bildgebungstechnik für die Strahlentherapie mit Ionenstrahlen: Die Ionenstrahlbasierte Computertomographie
Jäkel, Oliver
Parodi, Katia
Voss, Bernd
Investigation of relativistic plasmas produced by irradiating micrometer-sized solid-density hydrogen and argon droplets with ultraintense laser pulses
Grisenti, Robert Evaristo
Kaluza, Malte C.
Messung des magnetischen Moments des Protons zur Bestimmung fundamentaler Konstanten der Physik
Quint, Wolfgang
Ortsaufgelöste NMR-Studien an schwerioneninduzierten Strahlenschäden in Fluoridkristallen
Fujara, Franz
Single-shot X-ray phase-contrast imaging of dense plasmas
Funk, Stefan
Neumayer, Paul
Spektroskopische Präzisionsmessung magnetischer Momente in hoch geladenen Ionen
Birkl, Gerhard
Wirkung von Schwerionen-Strahlung auf Migration und Invasivität von Tumorzellen
Cordes, Nils
Müller-Klieser, Wolfgang
Taucher-Scholz, Gisela
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Electrical and thermoelectric properties of Bi and Bi2Te3 nanowires: novel and high-efficiency thermoelectric devices
Neumann, Reinhard
Single crystalline Bi2Te3 und Bi2Se3 Nanowires as topological insulator materials: synthesis and properties
Toimil-Molares, Maria Eugenia
Thermoelectric properties of individual bismuth compound nanowires and arrays, and their reliability: towards nanowire-based microstructured thermoelectric devices
Toimil-Molares, Maria Eugenia
Völklein, Friedemann
Three-dimensional semiconductor nanowire networks as model systems to study physical processes in nanostructured electrodes for light-driven water splitting
Toimil-Molares, Maria Eugenia
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 5584: Transient Sieves
Hardt, Steffen
Investigation of transient transport processes using single gold nanopores as model systems
Toimil-Molares, Maria Eugenia
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Höherdimensionale Klassenkörpertheorie von Varietäten über höherdimensionalen lokalen Körpern
Forré, Patrick
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Equation of state and nucleosynthesis in neutron star mergers
(Project Heads
Arcones, Almudena
Bauswein, Andreas
Hansen, Ph.D., Camilla Juul
Flow, extreme magnetic fields, and data-driven analysis of hadronic collisions
(Project Heads
Dubla, Andrea
Flörchinger, Stefan
Masciocchi, Silvia
Selyuzhenkov, Ilya
From QCD transport to particle yields
(Project Heads
Capellino, Federica
Masciocchi, Silvia
Pawlowski, Jan Martin
Stachel, Johanna
Origins of collectivity in few-body systems
(Project Heads
Enss, Tilman
Jochim, Selim
Masciocchi, Silvia
Mazeliauskas, Aleksas
SFB 1225: Isolated quantum systems and universality in extreme conditions (ISOQUANT)
Berges, Jürgen
SFB 1245: Nuclei: From Fundamental Interactions to Structure and Stars
Schwenk, Achim
Completed projects
Nuclear Astrophysics with Real Photons
(Project Heads
Aumann, Thomas
Scheit, Ph.D., Heiko
Simon, Haik
Zilges, Andreas
Probing the QCD phase structure with heavy quarks
(Project Heads
Braun-Munzinger, Peter
Klasen, Michael
Rothkopf, Alexander Karl
Stachel, Johanna
SFB 634: Nuclear Structure, Nuclear Astrophysics and Fundamental Experiments at Low Momentum Transfer at the Superconducting Darmstadt Electron Accelerator S-DALINAC
Pietralla, Norbert Andreas
Stellar production sites of heavy elements and their observable imprints on the Milky Way
(Project Heads
Bauswein, Andreas
Bergemann, Maria
Röpke, Friedrich
Theoretical Nuclear Astrophysics
(Project Heads
Martinez-Pinedo, Gabriel
Schwenk, Achim
Clinical Research Units
Completed projects
KFO 214: Heavy Ion Therapy in Radiation Oncology
Debus, Jürgen
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 410: Physik and Technology of Accelerators
Richter, Achim
GRK 1657: Molecular and Cellular Responses to Ionising Radiation
Löbrich, Markus
GRK 2058: High Resolution and High Rate Detectors in Nuclear and Particle Physics (HighRR)
Schultz-Coulon, Hans-Christian
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 1070: Darmstadt Graduate School of Energy Science and Engineering
Hasse, Christian
Janicka, Johannes
NFDI technical and methodological consortia
Current projects
PUNCH4NFDI - Particles, Universe, NuClei and Hadrons for the NFDI
Schörner, Thomas
Abteilung Atomphysik
Abteilung Biophysik
Abteilung Hadronenphysik/PANDA
Abteilung Informationstechnologie
Abteilung Kernphysik NUSTAR/ENNA
Abteilung Plasmaphysik
Abteilung Theorie
Fachbereich FAIR Forschung NRW
Helmholtz-Institut Jena
Helmholtz-Institut Mainz
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