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Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie (MPI-M)
Bundesstraße 53
20146 Hamburg
This institution in GERiT
20146 Hamburg
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
von Storch, Jin-Song
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Analysis and numerical simulation of stratocumulus clouds
Mellado, Juan Pedro
Schmidt, Heiko
Stevens, Bjorn B.
Causes of Decadal to Centennial Regional Sea Level Variations (DECVAR-2)
Jungclaus, Johann
Stammer, Detlef
Climate Engineering Liability and Reliability: An Integrated Treatment (CELARIT)
Carrier, Martin
Goeschl, Ph.D., Timo
Proelß, Alexander
Schmidt, Hauke
Comparative assessment of potential impacts, side-effects and uncertainties of CE measures and emission-reduction efforts (ComparCE-2)
Ilyina, Tatiana
Oschlies, Andreas
Pongratz, Julia
Comparison of climate and carbon cycle dynamics during late Quaternary interglacials using a spectrum of climate system models, ice-core and terrestrial archives (COIN)
Brovkin, Victor
Prange, Matthias
Tarasov, Pavel
Ein hybrides Frontverfolgungs-Verfahren für Stratocumulus-Wolken unter Berücksichtigung instationärer "Entrainment"-Prozesse
Schmidt, Heiko
Evaluation of Eemian and Holocene Climate Variability: Synthesis of marine archives with climate modelling (HolEem)
Jungclaus, Johann
Lohmann, Gerrit
Schneider, Ralph
Generation and validation of probabilistic quantitative precipitation forecasts using breeding and Ensemble Kalman methods with the global model GME
Marotzke, Jochem
Generation, validation and calibration of probabilistic quantitative precipitation forecasts using breeding and Ensemble Kalman methods with the global model GME
Hense, Andreas N.
Marotzke, Jochem
Rhodin, Andreas
Globale ozeanische Simulation von Strömungsfeld und Kohlenstoffkreislauf im jüngeren Paläozoikum (Devon, Karbon, Perm)
Maier-Reimer, Ernst
Global synthesis of surface conditions and climate trends during the MIS11 interglacial (GLOSINT11)
Kucera, Ph.D., Michal
Holocene climate dynamics and biogeochemical cycles in the Mediterranean Sea (HOBIMED)
Schmiedl, Gerhard
MIneral dust variability in the Southern Ocean (MISO)
Mikolajewicz, Uwe
Wegner, Anna
N2O im Nordatlantik
Bange, Hermann W.
Space-Time Adjustable Regularizations for the Atmospheric Circulation model ICON, Code name: STAR (Space-Time Adjustible Regularizations)
Giorgetta, Marco A.
Reich, Sebastian
SPP 1689: Climate Engineering: Risks, Challenges, Opportunities?
Oschlies, Andreas
The Atmospheric Response to Solar Variability: Simulations with a General Circulation and Chemistry Model for the Entire Atmosphere
Schmidt, Hauke
The role of MLT dynamics at mid and high latitudes on the Ionosphere/Thermosphere weather II (DYNAMITE2)
Chau, Ph.D., Jorge
Unraveling the signals of sea level and storminess of the past millennium (southern North Sea; SEASTORM)
Betzler, Christian
Lindhorst, Sebastian
Mikolajewicz, Uwe
Milker, Yvonne
Schmiedl, Gerhard
Vegetation, Climate, Man - Holocene Variability in monsoonal Central Asia (HOLOCENE CV)
Claußen, Martin
Herzschuh, Ulrike
Research Grants
Current projects
Air pollution in China and the undesired effects of mitigation strategies: Understanding why ozone is increasing in response to air pollution mitigation strategies
Brasseur, Guy
Kanakidou, Ph.D., Maria
Vrekoussis, Ph.D., Mihalis
Completed projects
Artificial tree rings from climate simulations - Assessment of uncertainties of temperature reconstructions of the last millennium
Crüger, Traute
Attribution of Forced and internal Chinese climate variability in the Common era (Afiche)
Jungclaus, Johann
Luterbacher, Jürg
Zorita, Eduardo
Benthic foraminiferal stable carbon isotopes as a proxy for organic matter fluxes to the sea floor
Mackensen, Andreas
Schmiedl, Gerhard
Die Atmosphäre und ihr Drehimpuls
von Storch, Jin-Song
Fernerkundung mikrophysikalischer Eigenschaften von Eiswolken für den allgemeinen Fall von Mehrschicht-Wolkensystemen
Graßl, Hartmut
Icosahedral-grid Models for Exascale Earth System Simulations - ICOMEX
Linardakis, Leonidas
Ludwig, Thomas
Zängl, Günther
Interstadiale und interglaziale Perioden der spätquartären Umweltgeschichte der Arktis rekonstruiert aus Bioindikatoren in Permafrostsequenzen NE-Sibiriens
Frechen, Manfred Anton
Riedel, Frank
Schirrmeister, Lutz
Kohlenstoffhaltige Aerosole aus Verbrennungsprozessen: Untersuchung des Klimaeinflusses und des Umweltverhaltens von polyzyklischen aromatischen Kohlenwasserstoffen mit Hilfe eines globalen Aerosol-Chemie-Transport-Modells
Graßl, Hartmut
Modellierung des Klimas für ausgewählte Zeitscheiben des Neogens
Mosbrugger, Volker
Modellrechnungen zu den Gezeiten früherer Ozeane und zur Geschichte des Erde-Mond-Systems
Ludwig, Thomas
Paläoklima und Vegetation im Eozän
Mosbrugger, Volker
Short-term climate dynamics and biogeochemical processes in the Gulf of Taranto: From regional proxy variations to climate records
Emeis, Kay-Christian
Mikolajewicz, Uwe
Schmiedl, Gerhard
Six, Katharina Dorothea
Simulation der Termination II - Modelltheoretische Untersuchungen des vorletzten Übergangs vom Glazial ins Interglazial
Rahmstorf, Stefan
Theoretical investigation on the role of mineral dust in the climate system of the late quaternary
Rahmstorf, Stefan
Varve chronology and high-resolution vegetation and climate dynamics in central Japan during the last glacial (ca. 15-50 kyr BP) derived from the Lake Suigetsu sediment record
Brauer, Achim
Tarasov, Pavel
Volcanos and their impact on climate and atmospheric chemistry
Timmreck, Claudia
Vom Eem ins Holozän:Modellierung des letzen Warm-Kaltzeitzyklus mit Hilfe eines Klimasystemmodells mittlerer Komplexität
Claußen, Martin
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Bedeutung atlantischer Tiefdruckgebiete für Komponenten des Wasserkreislaufs über dem europäischen Festland
(Project Head
Jacob, Daniela
Einfluss von Aerosolen auf das Klima des Nordatlantiks
(Project Head
Feichter, Johann
Entwicklung eines empirischen atmosphärischen Modells zur Untersuchung der niederfrequenten ozeanischen Variabilität
(Project Heads
Blender, Richard
von Storch, Jin-Song
Historische Rekonstruktion des nordatlantischen Sturmklimas
(Project Heads
Cubasch, Ulrich
von Storch, Hans
Komponenten des atmosphärischen Wasserkreislaufs über dem Nordatlantik aus Satellitendaten
(Project Head
Bakan, Stephan
Mehrjährige Klimazyklen im Bereich des Europäischen Nordmeers und des Arktischen Ozeans
(Project Heads
Gerdes, Rüdiger
Mikolajewicz, Uwe
SFB 512: Cyclones and the North Atlantic Climate System
Brümmer, Burghard
Vorhersagbarkeit in Ozean und Meereis
(Project Heads
Mikolajewicz, Uwe
von Storch, Jin-Song
Wechselwirkung zwischen mesoskaligen Zyklonen und Meereis in der Framstraße
(Project Heads
Claußen, Martin
Schlünzen, Katharina Heinke
Zentrale Verwaltung
(Project Head
Jacob, Daniela
Research Units
Current projects
A Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean-Sea-Ice Model: Mathematical Analysis, Numerics and Computations
Klein, Rupert
Korn, Peter
Analysis, Thermodynamics and Numerics of Hibler’s Sea-Ice Model
Disser, Karoline
Hieber, Matthias
Korn, Peter
Computational Convex Integration
Korn, Peter
Székelyhidi, László
Constraining the effects of volcanic eruptions on stratospheric aerosols and radiative forcing
Rozanov, Alexei
von Savigny, Ph.D., Christian
Schmidt, Hauke
FOR 2820: Revisiting The Volcanic Impact on Atmosphere and Climate – Preparations for the Next Big Volcanic Eruption
von Savigny, Ph.D., Christian
FOR 5528: Mathematical Study of Geophysical Flow Models: Analysis and Computation
Hieber, Matthias
Volcanic Impact on surface climate (VolClim)
Kadow, Christopher
Timmreck, Claudia
Volcanic impacts on atmospheric dynamics (VolDyn)
Schmidt, Hauke
Wallis, Sandra
Completed projects
Cenozoic climate: Earth system modeling and analysis
Jungclaus, Johann
Lohmann, Gerrit
FOR 1898: Multiscale Dynamics of Gravity Waves (MS-GWaves)
Achatz, Ulrich
Gravity Wave Interactions in the Global Atmosphere (GWING)
Schmidt, Hauke
Zängl, Günther
How is the Brewer-Dobson circulation affected by climate change, and which processes are relevant? (SHARP-BDC)
Dameris, Martin
Engel, Andreas
Langematz, Ulrike
How is the stratosphere-troposphere coupling affected by climate change, and how strong is the climate feedback? (SHARP-STC)
Dameris, Martin
Langematz, Ulrike
Schmidt, Hauke
How is the stratospheric water vapour affected by climate change, and which processes are responsible? (SHARPI-WV)
Jöckel, Patrick
Stiller, Gabriele P.
Weber, Mark
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Current projects
EC-TOOC umbrella proposal - EarthCARE, Tropical Oceans & Organized Convection
Ament, Felix
Completed projects
EUREC4A mission proposal - Elucidating the Role of Cloud-Circulation Coupling in Climate
Ament, Felix
eVolv2k: Ice core-based volcanic forcing of climate variability for the past 2000 years
Toohey, Matthew
NARVAL-II umbrella proposal
Ament, Felix
Current projects
Diagnosis and Metrics in Climate Models
(Project Heads
Burchard, Hans
Eyring, Veronika
Jung, Thomas
Losch, Ph.D., Martin
Rademacher, Jens
Stevens, Bjorn B.
Zagar, Ph.D., Nedjeljka
Improved Parameterisations and Numerics in Climate Models
(Project Heads
Achatz, Ulrich
Brüggemann, Nils
Czeschel, Lars
Danilov, Sergey
Dobrynin, Mikhail
Eden, Carsten
Jungclaus, Johann
Korn, Peter
Schaefer-Rolffs, Urs
Multiscale Ocean-Atmosphere Coupling
(Project Heads
Brüggemann, Nils
Hohenegger, Cathy
Juricke, Stephan
Umlauf, Lars
Observed and simulated internal tides: generation, modification by eddies, and contribution to energy budget
(Project Heads
Griesel, Alexa
Köhler, Janna
Mertens, Christian
Olbers, Dirk Jürgen
Rhein, Monika
von Storch, Jin-Song
Quantifying dynamical regimes in the ocean and the atmosphere
(Project Heads
Chouksey, Manita
Oliver, Marcel
von Storch, Jin-Song
Vasylkevych, Ph.D., Sergiy
Zagar, Ph.D., Nedjeljka
Systematic multi-scale modelling and analysis for geophysical flow
(Project Heads
Behrens, Jörn
Korn, Peter
Rademacher, Jens
Towards Consistent Subgrid Momentum Closures
(Project Heads
Danilov, Sergey
Gaßmann, Almut
Juricke, Stephan
Jäger, Janin
Korn, Peter
Oliver, Marcel
TRR 181: Energy transfers in Atmosphere and Ocean
Eden, Carsten
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 3068: Climate-informed Engineering
Shokri, Nima
Completed projects
GRK 2583: Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Fluid Dynamic Applications
Iske, Armin
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 177: Integrated Climate System Analysis and Prediction (CliSAP)
Claußen, Martin
Engels, Anita
Stammer, Detlef
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2037: Climate, Climatic Change, and Society (CLICCS)
Baehr, Johanna
Engels, Anita
Marotzke, Jochem
Oberg, Achim
Stammer, Detlef
Abteilung Atmosphäre im Erdsystem
Abteilung Ozean im Erdsystem
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