Project Details
The theater of Apollonia (Albania) - its urban context and cultural-historic relevance
Professor Dr. Henner von Hesberg
Subject Area
Classical, Roman, Christian and Islamic Archaeology
from 2008 to 2019
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 97195361
The investigations in the theater of Apollonia over the past 6 years have cleared up crucial points on its form and its various phases. This includes both the documentation of over a thousand architectural pieces found in the earlier Albanian excavations and in the later ones of the Albanian-German team. In this way the overall structure of the system and its integration into the urban context have been clarified.Three phases can be distinguished. The building was established in the middle third of the third Century. B.C. In imperial times the orchestra was converted into an arena and therefore the bottom steps of the auditorium were taken up. In another phase the Hellenistic Proskenion was laid down and thus the playing ground was further expanded. This was connected with far-reaching changes in the stage-building and in additions to the playing surface. Because the orchestra has been completely uncovered, these processes can be dated more accurately than ever before at other theaters.The whole orchestra has now been excavated with indications for a lot of the temporary constructions such as basements, tunnels, fences etc. This gives a better insight into the nature of the games. Considering the details of the many architectural pieces, and their positions on the slope, the Hellenistic construction of the whole theater can clearly be seen. With its Doric portico and the unusually rich figural decoration of the metopes, the stage clearly differs from the disposition of other theaters of the same time. It was also possible to reconstruct the koilon clearly with Prohedrie, rows of seats and distribution by series of steps separated into 12 kerkides. The upper end of the koilon shows that the extension is far greater than previously thought and is similar to that of the theatres in Epidauros or Dodona. At the upper end it is clear that for the construction of the theater, earlier residential structures were destroyed. The date of this still has to be determined.The fieldwork is for the most part finished, but a precise stratigraphy is necessary to determine the different phases and sequences in the internals. In addition, the large amounts of ceramics unearthed during the excavation of the Orchestra have yet to be analysed. Work on these two points will provide vital insights for the dating of the various phases.Finally, smaller individual excavations should clarify the following issues: the chronological sequences in the orchestra and the stage house area by evaluating the ancient complexes in the Orchestra, the length of the wall behind the stage house Hall, the location of a Diazoma in the koilon, the upper end of the auditorium and the dating of the rear space after demolition of houses. In that way, the two planned volumes - Excavation and Architecture -, will be completed for publication.
DFG Programme
Research Grants