Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse
Infections by pathogenic bacteria and viruses remain among the most important causes of human mortality and death worldwide. The International Research Training Group IRTG 1273 was jointly established in 2006 by Hannover Medical School (MHH), the Helmholtz Institute for Infection Biology (HZI) and their Swedish partner institution, the Karolinska Institutet, a medical university with world-wide recognition in the field of infection research. The mission of IRTG 1273 was to provide young researchers with the opportunity to perform their Ph.D. thesis in the rapidly moving field of the infection biology of human microbial pathogens in a highly stimulating, competitive, international environment. The core element of the programme was a joint research programme centering on the question how human microbial pathogens achieve acute or persistent infection and how the host organism reacts to persistent infection. Rather than focussing on one selected aspect of infection biology, multiple thematic foci have been selected with the goal of exposing the graduate students to the wide spectrum of modern infectious disease research, and taking advantage of the full breadth of faculty competence available at the three institutions involved in this IRTG.
A key element of the IRTG 1273 training strategy was a mobility phase where graduate students spent time in laboratories at the partner institutions. A total of 41 exchange visits took place during the reporting period, amounting to a combined length of 99 months. Since September 1, 2006, when the first seven graduate students started their projects, a total of 44 DFG-funded graduate students plus 18 non-funded graduate students were trained in IRTG 1273. At the time of this report, 30 of the DFG-funded graduate students have obtained a PhD or Dr. rer. nat. degree, the remaining graduate students are expected to complete their doctoral training until the end of 2017. From the start until the completion of this report (end of July 2016), the DFG-funded graduate students of the IRTG have published 150 scientific papers, of which 29 are jointly authored by German and Swedish scientists. These include publications in Blood, Cell Host Microbe, EMBO Mol. Med., Gastroenterology, Gut, J. BacterioL, J. Exp. Med., J. Immunol., J. Infect. Dis., J. Virol., MBio, Nat. Commun., Nat. Immunol., PLoS Pathogens, PNAS, Cell. Microbiol., and many other leading microbiology and immunology journals.
The IRTG 1273 graduate students have made important progress in answering questions regarding the strategies that human pathogens use to establish and maintain infections in humans. Due to the breadth of the programme, only few examples can be highlighted in this Summary. Important discoveries included i) the demonstration of the impact of the gastrointestinal microbiota on the diversification of the IgA antibody repertoire in the gut, ii) elucidation of the mechanisms generating genetic diversity during chronic infection with the carcinogenic stomach pathogen, Helicobacter pylori, iii) identification of several novel important mechanisms used by humans to control infection with Hepatitis C virus, iv) role of natural killer cells in different bacterial and viral infections, such as hepatitis C, Streptococcus pneumoniae. Yersinia spp., Listeria monocytogenes, and others.
The graduate students benefitted greatly from the complementary skills available in the German and Swedish groups. One particularly successful example were multiple collaborations between groups at the Karolinska Institutet with a focus on human and mouse natural killer cells and groups in Germany with expertise in specific infection systems. The collaboration of these groups and the exchange of graduate students helped to develop a research cluster studying the role of NK cells in diverse human infectious diseases that has been exceptionally productive, resulting in many high-impact publications. Overall, IRTG 1273 has been a major success that achieved all goals that the partner institutions had set forth at the beginning of the project. Many of the collaborations initiated as part of IRTG 1273 will continue past the end of the IRTG 1273 funding period, and many long-lasting scientific friendships have developed, both between graduate students of the three different generations and between faculty members.
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
2006. Signatures of human regulatory T cells: an encounter with old friends and new players. Genome Biol. 7:R54
Pfoertner, S., A. Jeron, M. Probst-Kepper, C. A. Guzman, W. Hansen, A. M. Westendorf, T. Toepfer, A. J. Schrader, A. Franzke, J. Buer, R. Geffers
2007. [Application monitoring of the use of sorafenib in papillary renal cell carcinoma.] Urologe A. 46(9):1291. German
Schrader, A. J. , A. Hegele, P. Olbert, J. Buer, A. Jeron, R. Hofmann
2007. A comprehensive proteome map of the lipid-requiring nosocomial pathogen Corynebacterium jeikeium K411. Proteomics. 7:1076-96
Hansmeier, N., T. C. Chao, S. Daschkey, M. Müsken, J. Kalinowski, A. Pühler, A. Tauch
2007. A pegylated derivative of alpha-galactosytceramide exhibits improved biological properties. J. Immunol. 179:2065-73
Ebensen, T., C. Link, P. Riese, K. Schulze, M. Morr, C. A. Guzmán
2007. Solitary intestinal lymphoid tissue provides a productive port of entry for Salmonella entetica serovar Typhimurium. Infect. Immun. 75:1577-85
Halle. S., D. Bumann, H. Herbrand, Y. Willer, S. Dähne, R. Förster, O. Pabst
2007. The bacterial second messenger cdiGMP exhibits promising activity as a mucosal adjuvant. Clin. Vaccine Immunol. 14:952-8
Ebensen, T., K. Schulze, P. Riese, M. Morr, C. A. Guzmán
2007. The bacterial second messenger cyclic diGMP exhibits potent adjuvant properties. Vaccine. 25:1464-1469
Ebensen, T., K. Schulze, P. Riese, C. Link, M. Morr, C. A. Guzmán
2008. Developmental switch of intestinal antimicrobial peptide expression. J. Exp. Med. 205:183-93
Ménard, S., V. Förster, M. Lotz, D. Gütle, C. U. Duerr, R. L. Gallo, B. Henriques-Normark, K. Pütsep, M. Andersson, E. O. Glocker, M. W. Hornef
2008. Differential molecular and anatomical basis for B cell migration into the peritoneal cavity and omental milky spots. J. Immunol. 180:2196-2203
Berberich, S., S. Dähne, A. Schippers. T. Peters, W. Müller, E. Kremmer, R. Förster, O. Pabst
2008. SOCS-1 protects against Chlamydia pneumoniae-induced lethal inflammation but hampers effective bacterial clearance. J. Immunol. 180:4040-9
Yang, T., P. Stark, K. Janik, H. Wigzell, M. E. Rottenberg
2009. Adenosine and IFN-alpha synergistically increase IFN-(gamma) production of human NK cells. J. Leukoc. Biol. 85:452-61
Jeffe, F., K. A. Stegmann, F. Broelsch, M. P. Manns, M. Cornberg, H. Wedemeyer
2009. Effect of peptide pools on effector functions of antigen-specific CD8+ T cells. J. Immunol. Methods. 342:33-48
Suneetha, P. V., V. Schlaphoff, C. Wang, K. A. Stegmann, P. Fytili, S. K. Sarin, M. P. Manns, M. Cornberg, H. Wedemeyer
2009. Frequency and gene expression profile of regulatory T cells in renal cell carcinoma. Tumour Biol. 30:160-70
Jeron, A., S. Pfoertner, D. Bruder, R. Geffers, P. Hammerer, R. Hofmann, J. Buer, A. J. Schrader
2009. GARP: a key receptor controlling FOXP3 in human regulatory T cells. J. Cell. Mol. Med. 13(9B):3343-57
Probst-Kepper, M., R. Geffers, A. Kröger, N. Viegas, C. Erck, H. J. Hecht, H. Lünsdorf, R. Roubin, D. Moharregh-Khiabani, K. Wagner, F. Ocklenburg, A. Jeron, H. Garritsen, T. P. Arstila, E. Kekäläinen, R. Balling, H. Hauser, J. Buer, S. Weiss
2009. Gene expression signatures of peripheral CD4+ T cells clearly discriminate between patients with acute and chronic hepatitis B infection. Hepatology. 49:781-90
Trehanpati, N., R. Geffers, Sukriti, S. Hissar, P. Riese, T. Toepfer, J. Buer, M. Kumar, C. A. Guzman, S. K. Sarin
2009. Genetic determinants of Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm establishment. Microbiology. 156(Pt 2):431-41
Müsken, M., S. Di Fiore, A. Dötsch. R. Fischer, S. Haussler
2009. Increased susceptibility for superinfection with Streptococcus pneumoniae during influenza virus infection is not caused by TLR7-mediated lymphopenia. PLoS ONE. 4:e4840
Stegemann, S., S. Dahlberg, A. Kröger, M. Gereke, D. Bruder, B. Henriques-Normark, M. Gunzer
2009. Internalization-dependent recognition of Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis by intestinal epithelial cells. Cell. Microbiol. 11:1802-15
Pott, J., T. Basler, C. U. Duerr, M. Rohde, R. Goethe, M. W. Hornef
2009. Intrahepatic long term persistence of parvovirus B19 and its role in chronic viral hepatitis. J. Med. Virol. 81:2079-88
Wang, C., A. Heim, V. Schlaphoff, P. V. Suneetha, K. A. Stegmann, H. Jiang, M. Krueger, P. Fytili, T. Schulz, M. Cornberg, R. Kandolf, M. P. Manns, C. T. Bock, H. Wedemeyer
2009. Is the Epstein-Barr virus EBNA-1 protein an oncogen? Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 106:2091-2
Schulz, T. F., S. Cordes
2009. Mesenteric lymph nodes confine dendritic cell-mediated dissemination of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium and limit systemic disease in mice. Infect. Immun. 77:3170-80
Voedisch, S. C. Koenecke, S. David, H. Herbrand, R. Förster, M. Rhen, O. Pabst
2009. Nonhematopoietic cells control the outcome of infection with Listeria monocytogenes in a nucleotide oligomerization domain 1-dependent manner. Infect. Immun. 77:2908-18
Mosa, A., C. Trumstedt, E. Eriksson, O. Soehnlein, F. Heuts, K. Janik, A. Klos, O. Dittrich-Breiholz, M. Kracht, A. Hidmark, H. Wigzell, M. E. Rottenberg
2009. O-antigen delays lipopolysaccharide recognition and impairs antibacterial host defense in murine intestinal epithelial cells. PLoS Pathog. 5:e1000567
Duerr, C. U., S. F. Zenk, C. Chassin, J. Pott, D. Gütle, M. Hensel, M. W. Hornef
2009. Streptococcus pneumoniae evades human dendritic cell surveillance by pneumolysin expression. EMBO Mol. Med. 1:211-22
Littmann, M., B. Albiger, A. Frentzen, S. Normark, B. Henriques-Normark, L. Plant
2009. The roles of the nitrate reductase NarGHJI, the nitrite reductase NirBD and the response regulator GInR in nitrate assimilation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Microbiology. 155:1332-9
Malm. S., Y. Tiffert, J. Micklinghoff, S. Schultze, I. Joost, I. Weber, S. Horst, B. Ackermann, M. Schmidt, W. Wohlleben, S. Ehlers, R. Geffers, J. Reuther, F. C. Bange
2010. A 96-well plate based optical method for the quantitative and qualitative evaluation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm formation and its application for susceptibility testing. Nat. Protoc. 5:1460-1469
Müsken, M., S. Di Fiore, U. Römling, S. Häussler
2010. Actin reorganization induced by Chlamydia trachomatis Serovar D - Evidence for a critical role of the effector protein CT166 targeting Rac. PLoS ONE. 5:e9887
Thalmann, J., K. Janik, M. May, K. Sommer, J. Ebeling, F. Hofmann, H. Genth, A. Klos
2010. Adaptation of hepatitis C virus to mouse CD81 permits infection of mouse cells in the absence of human entry factors. PLoS Pathog. 6(7):e1000978
Bitzegeio, J., D. Bankwitz, K. Hueging, S. Haid, C. Brohm, M.B. Zeisel, E. Hermann, M. Iken, M. Ott, T.F. Baumert, T. Pietschmann
2010. Control of intestinal Nod2-mediated peptidoglycan recognition by epithelium-associated lymphocytes. Mucosal Immunol. 4(3):325:34
Duerr, C. U., N. H. Saizman, A. Dupont, A. Szabo, B. H. Normark, S. Normark, R. M. Locksley, P. Mellroth, M. W. Hornef
2010. Expression patterns of NKG2A, KIR and CD57 define a process of CD56dim NK cell differentiation uncoupled from NK cell education. Blood 116(19):3853-64
Björkström, N.K., P. Riese, F. Heuts, S. Andersson, C. Fauriat, M. A. Ivarsson, A. T. Björklund, M. Flodström-Tullberg, J. Michaëlsson, M. E. Rottenberg, C. A. Guzmán, H.-G. Ljunggren, K.-J. Malmberg
2010. Global genotypephenotype correlations in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. PLoS Pathog. 6(8):e1001074
Pommerenke, C., M. Müsken, T. Becker, A. Dötsch, F. Klawonn, S. Häussler
2010. Helicobacter pylori affects the cellular deubiquitinase USP7 and ubiquitin-regulated components TRAF6 and the tumour suppressor p53. Int. J. Med. Microbiol. 301 (3):213-24
Coombs N., R. Sompallae, P. Olbermann, S. Gastaldello, D. Göppel, M.G. Masucci, C. Josenhans
2010. Hepatitis C virus hypervariable region 1 modulates receptor interactions, conceals the CD81 binding site and protects conserved neutralizing epitopes. J. Virol. 84(11):5751-63
Bankwitz, D., E. Steinmann, J. Bitzegeio, S. Ciesek, M. Friesland, E. Hermann, M. B. Zeisel, T. F. Baumert, Z. Keck, S. K. H. Foung, E. I. Pécheur, T. Pietschmann
2010. Interferon-α-induced TRAIL on natural killer cells is associated with control of hepatitis C virus infection. Gastroenterology. 138:1885-1897
Stegmann, K. A., N. K. Björkström. H. Veber, S. Ciesek, P. Riese, J. Wiegand, J. Hadem, P. V. Suneetha, J. Jaroszewicz, C. Wang, V. Schlaphoff, P. Fytili, M. Cronberg, M. P. Manns, R. Geffers, T. Pietschmann, C. A. Guzmán, H. G. Ljunggren, H. Wedemeyer
2010. miR-146a mediates protective innate immune tolerance in the neonate intestine. Cell Host Microbe. 8(4):358-88
Chassin, C., M. Kocur, J. Pott, C. U. Duerr, D. Gütle, M. Lotz, M. W. Hornef
2010. Production of extracellular traps against Aspergillus fumigatus in vitro and in infected lung tissue is dependent on invading neutrophils and influenced by hydrophobin RodA. PLoS Pathog. 6(4):e100087
Bruns, S., O. Kniemeyer, M. Hasenberg, V. Aimanianda, S. Nietzsche, A. Thywissen, A. Jeron, J. P. Latgé, A. A. Brakhage, M. Gunzer
2010. Thiol peroxidase (Tpx) protects Salmonella enterica from hydrogen peroxide stress in vitro and facilitates intracellular growth. J. Bacteriol. 192(11):2929-32
Horst, S. A., T. Jaeger, L. Denkel, S. F. Rouf, M. Rhen, F. C. Bange
2011. Comparative analysis of Ebola virus glycoprotein interactions with human and bat cells. J. Infect. Dis. 204 SuppI 3:S840-9
Kühl, A., M. Hoffmann, M. A. Müller, V. J. Munster, K. Gnirss, M. Kiene, T.S. Tsegaye, G. Behrens, G. Herder, H. Feldmann, C. Drosten, S. Pöhlmann
2011. Completion of Hepatitis C virus replication cycle in heterokaryons excludes dominant restrictions in human non-liver and mouse liver cell lines. PLoS Pathog. 7(4):e1002029
Frentzen, A., K. Hüging, J. Bitzegeio, M. Friesland, S. Haid, J. Gentzsch, M. Hoffmann, D. Lindemann, G. Zimmer, F. Zielecki, F. Weber, E. Steinmann, T. Pietschmann
2011. Deletion of Kaposi's sarcoma herpesvirus FLICE inhibitory protein (vFLIP) from the viral genome compromises the activation of STAT-1 responsive cellular genes and spindle cell formation in endothelial cells. J. Virol. 85(19):10375-88
Alkharsah, K. R., W. Singh, R. Bosco, S. Santag, A. Grundhoff, A. Konrad, M. StürzI, D. Wirth, O. Dittrich-Breiholz, M. Kracht, TF. Schulz
2011. Dissemination of persistent intestinal bacteria via the mesenteric lymph nodes causes typhoid relapse. Infect. Immun. 79(4):1479-88
Griffin, A. J., L. X. Li, S. Voedisch, O. Pabst, S. J. McSorley
2011. Dual function of the NK cell receptor 2B4 (CD244) in the regulation of HCV-specific CD8+ T cells. PLoS Pathog. 7(5):e1002045
Schlaphoff, V., S. Lunemann, P.V. Suneetha, J. Jaroszewicz, J. Grabowski, J. Dietz. F. Helfritz, H. Bektas, C. Sarrazin, M.P. Manns, M. Cornberg, H. Wedemeyer
2011. Gene expression profiles of T cells from hepatitis E virus infected patients in acute and resolving phase. J. Clin. Immunol. 31(3):498-508
TrehanPati, N., S. Sukriti, R. Geffers, S. Hissar, P. Riese, T. Toepfer, C.A. Guzman, S.K. Sarin
2011. Helicobacter pylori genome evolution during human infection. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 108(12):5033-8
Kennemann, L., X. Didelot, T. Aebischer, S. Kuhn, B. Drescher, M. Droege, R. Reinhardt, P. Correa, T. F. Meyer, C. Josenhans, D. Falush, S. Suerbaum
2011. IFN-λ determines the intestinal epithelial antiviral host defense. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 108(19):7944-9
Pott, J., T. Mahlaköiv, M. Mordstein, C.U. Duerr, T. Michiels, S. Stockinger, P. Staeheli, MW Hornef
2011. Methionine sulfoxide reductases are essential for virulence of Salmonella Typhimurium. PLoS 6(11):e26974
Denkel, L. A., S. A. Horst, S. F. Rouf, V. Kitowski, O. M. Böhm, M. Rhen, T. Jäger, F.-C. Bange
2012. A new role of the complement system, C3 provides protection in a mouse model of lung infection with intracellular Chlamydia psittaci. PLoS One. 7(11):e50327
Bode, J., P. Dutow, K. Sommer, K. Janik, S. Glage, B. Tümmler, A. Munder, R. Laudeley, K. Sachse, A. Klos
2012. A plant-derived flavonoid inhibits entry of all HCV genotypes into human hepatocytes. Gastroenterology. 143:213-222 e215
Haid, S., A. Novodomska, J. Gentzsch, C. Grethe, S. Geuenich, D. Bankwitz, P. Chhatwal, B. Jannack. T. Hennebelle. F. BailleuI, O. T. Keppler, M. Poenisch, R. Bartenschlager, C. Hernandez, M. Lemasson, A. R. Rosenberg, F. Wong-Staal, E. Davioud-Charvet, T. Pietschmann
2012. Age-dependent TLR3 expression of the intestinal epithelium contributes to rotavirus susceptibility. PLoS Pathog. 8(5):e1002670
Pott, J., S. Stockinger, N. Torow, A. Smoczek, C. Lindner, G. Mclnemey, F. Bäckhed, U. Baumann, O. Pabst, A. Bleich, M. W. Hornef
2012. An orphan sensor kinase controls quinolone signal production via MexT in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Mol. Microbiol. 83(3):536-47
Zaoui, C., J. Overhage, D. Löns, A. Zimmermann, M. Müsken, P. Bielecki, C. Pustelny, T. Becker, M. Nimtz, S. Häussler
2012. Bile acids specifically increase hepatitis C virus RNA-replication. PLoS One. 7(4):e36029
Chhatwal, P., D. Bankwitz, J. Gentzsch, A. Frentzen, P. Schult, V. Lohmann, T. Pietschmann
2012. ChIP-on-chip analysis identifies IL-22 as direct target gene of ectopically expressed FOXP3 transcription factor in human T cells. BMC Genomics. 13:705
Jeron, A., W. Hansen, F. Ewert, J. Buer, R. Geffers, D. Bruder
2012. Combined muta- and semisynthesis: a powerful synthetic hybrid approach to access target specific antitumor agents based on ansamitocin P3. Chemistry. 18(3):880-6
Taft, F., K. Harmrolfs, I. Nickeleit, A. Heutling, M. Kiene, N. Malek, F. Sasse, A. Kirschning
2012. Escape from a dominant HLA-B*15-restricted CD8+ T cell response against hepatitis C virus requires compensatory mutations outside the epitope. J. Virol. 86:991-1000
Ruhl, M., P. Chhatwal, H. Strathmann, T. Kuntzen, D. Bankwitz, K. Skibbe, A. Walker, F. M. Heinemann, P. A. Horn, T. M. Allen, D. Hoffmann, T. Pietschmann, J. Timm
2012. First insight into the kinome of human regulatory T cells. PLoS One. 7(7):e40896
König, S., M. Probst-Kepper, T. Reinl, A. Jeron, J. Huehn, B. Schraven, L. Jänsch
2012. Genome sequence of Helicobacter pylori hpEurope Strain N6. J. Bacteriol. 194(14):3725-6
Behrens, W., T. Bönig, S. Suerbaum, C. Josenhans
2012. Hepatocytes that express variants of cyclophilin A are resistant to HCV infection and replication. Gastroenterology. 143(2):439-47
von Hahn. T., C. Schiene-Fischer, N.D. Van, S. Pfaender, B. Karavul, E. Steinmann, A. Potthoff, C. Strassburg, N. Hamdi, A. I. Abdelaziz, C. Sarrazin, T. Müller, T. Berg, E. Trépo, H. Wedemeyer, M.P. Manns, T. Pietschmann, S. Ciesek
2012. In vivo sequence variation in HopZ, a phase variable outer membrane protein of Helicobacter pylori. Infect. Immun. 80(12):4364-73
Kennemann, L., B. Brenneke, S. Andres, L. Engstrand, T. F. Meyer, T. Aebischer, C. Josenhans, S. Suerbaum
2012. Influenza A virus does not encode a tetherin antagonist with Vpu-like activity and induces IFN-dependent expression in infected cells. PLoS One. 7(8):e43337
Winkler, M., S. Bertram, K. Gnirß, I. Nehlmeier, A. Gawanbacht, F. Kirchhoff, C. Ehrhardt, S. Ludwig, M. Kiene, A S. Moldenhauer, U. Goedecke, C.B. Karsten, A. Kühl, S. Pöhlmann
2012. Interferon α-stimulated natural killer cells from patients with acute Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) infection recognize HCV-infected and uninfected hepatoma cells via DNAX accessory molecule-1. J. Infect. Dis. 205(9): 1351-62
Stegmann, K. A., N. K. Björkström, S. Ciesek, S. Lunemann, J. Jaroszewicz, J. Wiegand, P. Malinski, L. B. Dustin, C. M. Rice, M. P. Manns, T. Pietschmann, M. Cornberg, H.G. Ljunggren, H. Wedemeyer
2012. Kinome analysis of receptor-induced phosphorylation in human natural killer cells. PLoS One. 7(1):e29672
König, S., M. Nimtz, M. Scheiter, H.G. Ljunggren, Y.T. Bryceson, L. Jänsch
2012. MAP-kinase regulated cytosolic phospholipase A2 activity is essential for production of infectious Hepatitis C virus particles. PLoS Pathog. 8(7):e1002829
Menzel, N., W. Fischl, K. Hueging, D. Bankwitz, A. Frentzen, S. Raid, J. Gentzsch, L. Kaderali, R. Bartenschlager, T. Pietschmann
2012. NK cells in hepatitis C: role in disease susceptibility and therapy. Dig. Dis. 30 Suppl 1:48-54
Lunemann, S., V. Schlaphoff, M. Cornberg, H. Wedemeyer
2012. Recruitment of the tumour suppressor protein p73 by Kaposi's Sarkoma Herpesvirus latent nuclear antigen contributes to the survival of primary effusion lymphoma cells. Oncogene. 32(32):3676-85
Santag, S., W. Jäger, C.B. Karsten, S. Kati, M. Pietrek, D. Steinemann, G. Sarek, P.M. Ojala, T.F. Schulz
2012. Rhadinoviruses: KSHV and associated malignancies. In: Cancer associated viruses. Robertson E.S. (Ed.). Springer Science + Business Media. New York, pp. 215-249
Santag, S., T.F. Schulz
2012. Structural basis for intrinsic thermosensing by the master virulence regulator RovA of Yersinia. J. Biol. Chem. 287(43):35796-803
Quade, N., C. Mendonca, K. Herbst, A. K. Heroven, C. Ritter, D. W. Heinz, P. Dersch
2012. The mammalian intestinal epithelium as integral player in the establishment and maintenance of host-microbial homeostasis. Semin. Immunol. 24(1):25-35
Duerr, C. U., M. W. Hornef
2012. The nucleotide excision repair (NER) system of Helicobacter pylori: Role in mutation prevention and chromosomal import patterns after natural transformation. BMC Microbiol. 12(1):67
Moccia, C., J. Krebes, S. Kulick, X. Didelot, C. Kraft, C. Bahlawane, S. Suerbaum
2012. The role of the alternative coreceptor GPR15 in SIV tropism for human cells. Virology. 433(1 ):73-84
Kiene, M., A. Marzi, A. Urbanczyk, S. Bertram, T. Fisch, I. Nehlmeier, K. Gnirß, C.B. Karsten. D. Palesch, J. Münch, F. Chiodi, S. Pöhlmann, I. Steffen
2012. The ubiquitin-specific protease USP7 modulates the replication of Kaposi's Sarcoma Herpesvirus latent episomal DNA. J. Virol. 86(12):6745-57
Jäger, W., S. Santag, M. Weidner-Glunde, E. Gellermann, S. Kati, M. Pietrek, A. Viejo-Borbolla, T. F. Schulz
2012. The YfiBNR signal transduction mechanism reveals novel targets for the evolution of persistent Pseudomonas aeruginosa in cystic fibrosis airways. PLoS Pathog. 8(6): e1002760
Malone, J.G., T. Jaeger, P. Manfredi, A. Dötsch, A. Blanka, R. Bos, G. R. Cornelis, S. Häussler, U. Jenal
2012. Two methods of heterokaryon formation to discover HCV restriction factors. J. Vis. Exp. (65):e4029
Frentzen, A., K. Hueging, J. Bitzegeio, T. Pietschmann, E. Steinmann
2013. Biotin sulfoxide reductase contributes to oxidative stress tolerance and virulence in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium. Microbiology. 159(Pt 7):1447-58
Denkel, L.A., M. Rhen, F. C. Bange
2013. Bromo- and extraterminal domain chromatin regulators serve as cofactors for murine leukemia virus integration. J. Virol. 87(23): 12721-36
Gupta, S.S., T. Maetzig, G. N. Maertens, A. Sharif, M. Rothe, M. Weidner-Glunde, M. Galla, A. Schambach, P. Cherepanov, T. F. Schulz
2013. Cell entry, efficient RNA replication, and production of infectious hepatitis C virus progeny in mouse liver-derived cells. Hepatology. 59(1):78-88
Frentzen, A., Angakusuma, E. Guerlevik, K. Hueging, S. Knocke, C. Ginkel, R. J. Brown, M. Heim, M. T. Dill, A. Kröger, U. Kalinke, L. Kaderali, F. Kuehnel, T. Pietschmann
2013. Characterization of hepatitis C virus intra- and inter-genotypic chimeras reveals a role of the glycoproteins in virus envelopment. J. Virol. 87:13297-13306
Steinmann, E., J. Doerrbecker, M. Friesland, N. Riebesehl, C. Ginkel, J. Hillung, J. Gentzsch, C. Lauber, R. Brown, A. Frentzen, T. Pietschmann
2013. Characterization of rough and smooth morphotypes of Mycobacterium abscessus isolated from clinical specimens. J. Clin. Microbiol. 52(1):244-50
Rüger, K., A. Hampel, S. Billig, N. Rücker, S. Suerbaum, F. C. Bange
2013. Characterization of the inhibition of hepatitis C virus entry by in vitro-generated and patient-derived oxidized low-density lipoprotein. Hepatology. 57:1716-1724
Westhaus, S., D. Bankwitz, S. Ernst, K. Rohrmann, I. Wappler, C. Agne, M. Luchtefeld, B. Schieffer, C. Sarrazin, M. P. Manns, T. Pietschmann, S. Ciesek, T. von Hahn
2013. Compromised function of natural killer cells in acute and chronic viral hepatitis. J. Infect. Dis. 209(9):1362-73
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