GRK 1257:
Alteration and Element Mobility at the Microbe-mineral Interface
Subject Area
Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry
Water Research
from 2006 to 2015
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 968509
Final Report Year
Final Report Abstract
The Research Training Group aimed to achieve a fundamental, mechanistic understanding of the coupling between microbial metabolism, chemical and physical reactions at mineral surfaces, and metal transport. It combined interfacultative research on the interactions of microorganisms with mineral surfaces and subsequent processes evolving from specific environmental conditions. In collaborative projects between the Earth sciences and microbial ecology, alteration and element mobility have been investigated to define microbially mediated processes relevant for sites influenced by acid mine drainage. Mobilization and immobilization have been initially characterized. From the results of the first funding period it became apparent that three different fields of microbe-mineral interactions have to be investigated in more detail. Thus, in the second funding period, microbially mediated conversion (bioconversion) focusing on microbial impact on iron and manganese (oxi)hydroxide transformations was studied. These, in turn, control heavy metal mobility and thus are involved in (bio)geochemical barrier formation relevant for formation of supergenic ore deposits. In the second field, mineral formation induced and controlled by microbial activity (biomineralization) was studied, including active and passive microbial contributions. Within the third field, abiotic versus biotic dissolution (biodissolution) processes were investigated. The detailed understanding of the underlying processes allowed the group to develop strategies that were applied at a test field site for microbially aided bioremediation of metal contaminated areas resulting from mining activities.
The Research Training Group has had a strong impact on development of biogeosciences as a scientific focus in Jena. It has been, together with two International Research Schools, founding member of the “Jena School for Microbial Communication” which became an Excellence Graduate School in 2007. This school is the pilot school for the natural sciences within the Jena Graduate Academy, which is unifying doctoral training at the university level and providing support of coordinated doctoral training programmes for all faculties. Equal opportunities could be fostered by installing bodies from a vice-rectorate to a Faculty forum within the university. With 40 young researchers qualitifed in biogeosciences, the Research Training Group has contributed significantly to provide excellently trained scientists for a growing market in both industry and academia. The Research Training Group was central to the development of a curriculum in Biogeosciences in Jena reaching from the bachelor level through postdoctoral young scientists’ research. In order to aid the research focus, the study programmes Biogeosciences (BSc and MSc) and Microbiology (MSc, based on BSc Biology or BSc Biochemistry/Molecular Biology) have been installed. The national and international visibility of biogeosciences in Jena profited from the networking activities of doctoral researchers, which are performing a 3 months internship in international laboratories. The invitation of guest scientists provided a tool to strengthen international collaborations.
(2006) Investigation of eucalyptus essential oil by using vibrational spectroscopy methods. Vibr. Spectrosc. 42, 341-345
Baranska M, Schulz H, Walter A, Rösch P, Quilitzsch R, Lösing G, Popp J
(2006) Microbes adapted to acid mine drainage as source for strains active in retention of aluminum or uranium. J. Geochem. Explor. 92, 196-204
Haferburg G, Reinicke M, Merten D, Büchel G, Kothe E
(2007) Superoxide dismutases of heavy metal resistant streptomycetes. J. Basic Microbiol. 47, 56-62
Schmidt A, Schmidt A, Haferburg G, Kothe E
(2007) The identification of single living bacteria by a combination of fluorescence staining techniques and Raman spectroscopy. J. Raman Spectrosc. 38, 369-372
Krause M, Radt B, Rösch P, Popp J
(2008) Effect of metal-reducing microorganisms on element fluxes in a former uranium-mining district. In: Liu S-J, Drake HL (Eds), Microbes in the environment: Perspectives and challendes. Science Press, Beijing, pp. 128-137
Küsel K, Burkhardt E-M, Sitte J
(2008) Identification of active fluorescence stained bacteria by Raman spectroscopy: Proc. SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. 6991E/69911-69918
Krause M, Beyer B, Pietsch C, Radt B, Harz M, Rösch P, Popp J
(2008) Localizing and identifying living bacteria in an abiotic environment by a combination of Raman and fluorescence microscopy. Anal. Chem. 80, 8568–8575
Krause M, Rösch P, Radt P, Popp J
(2008) Microstructural Controls on Monosulfide Weathering and Heavy Metal Release (MIMOS). Geotech. Sci. Report 12, 79-88
Pollok K, Langenhorst F, Hopf J, Kothe E, Geisler T, Putnis CV, Putnis A
(2008). Involvement of siderophores in the reduction of metal-induced inhibition of auxin synthesis in Streptomyces spp, Chemosphere 74, 19-25
Dimkpa CO, Svatoš A, Dabrowska P, Schmidt A, Boland W, Kothe E
(2009) A comprehensive study of classification methods for medical diagnosis, J. Raman Spectrosc. 40, 1759-1765
Bocklitz T, Putsche M, Stüber C, Käs J, Niendorf A, Rösch P, Popp J
(2009) An approach to evolution and regulation of nickel containing superoxide dismutases. J. Basic Microbiol. 49, 109-118
Schmidt A, Gube M, Schmidt A, Kothe E
(2009) Assessing the Effect of Disturbances on Diversity of Ectomycorrhiza. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 6, 414-432
Iordache V, Gherghel F, Kothe E
(2009) Characterization of inducible cold-active beta-glucosidases from the psychrotolerant bacterium Shewanella sp G5 isolated from a sub-Antarctic ecosystem. Enzyme Microb. Tech. 45 (6-7), 498-506
Cristobal H, Schmidt A, Kothe E, Brecciac J, Abate CM
(2009) Distribution and bonding of the residual contamination in the glacial sediments at the former uranium mining leaching heap of Gessen/Thuringia. Chem. Erde-Geochem. 69 S2, 5-19
Grawunder A, Lonschinski M, Merten D, Büchel G
(2009) Fungal weathering of black shale and graphite surfaces. Geochim. Cosmochim. Ac. 73 (13), A1220-A1220
Siegel D, Fischer C, Kothe E, Gaupp R
(2009) Gaussian mixture discriminant analysis for the single-cell differentiation of bacteria using micro-Raman spectroscopy. Chemometr. Intell. Lab. 96 (2)SI, 159-171
Schmid U, Rösch P, Krause M, Harz M, Popp J, Baumann K
(2009) Heavy metal resistance to the extreme: Streptomyces strains from a former uranium mining area. Chem. Erde-Geochem. 69, 35-44
Schmidt A, Haferburg G, Schmidt A, Lischke U, Merten D, Gherghel F, Büchel G, Kothe E
(2009) Heavy metal retention and microbial activities in geochemical barriers formed in glacial sediments subjacent to a former uranium mining leaching heap. Chem. Erde-Geochem. 69 S2, 21-34
Burkhardt EM, Meißner S, Merten D, Büchel G, Küsel K
(2009) Identification and characterization of Quercus robur ectomycorrhiza in relation to heavy metal contamination
Gherghel F
(2009) Raman spectroscopic investigation of biological samples for identification of sample specific parameters by means of chemometrical methods
Krause M
(2009) Status and mobilization of trace elements in two ocherous soils of the Ruhr valley, Germany. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 172, 464–466
Rennert T, Meißner S, Totsche KU
(2009) The effect of acid mine drainage on soil microbiology. In: Behl, R.K., Singh, D.P., Tomar, V.S., Bhale, M.S., Khare, D., Upadhyaya, S.D. (eds) Sustainable agriculture for food, bioenergy and livelihood security. Agrobios (Internat.), Jodhpur, India, pp 269-282
Dimkpa C, Gherghel F, Haferburg G, Reinicke M, Schindler F, Schlunk I, Schmidt A, Schütze E, Zeggel L, Merten D, Buchel G, Kothe E
(2009) The effect of acid mine drainage on soil microbiology. Plant 117, 476-491
Dimkpa C, Gherghel F, Haferburg G, Reinicke M, Schindler F, Schlunk I, Schmidt A, Schütze E, Zeggel L, Merten D, Büchel G, Kothe E
2009. Influence of microorganisms on biotite dissolution: an experimental approach. Chem. Erde-Geochem. 69 S2, 45-56
Hopf J, Langenhorst F, Pollok K, Merten D, Kothe E
(2010) Analysis of the cytochrome distribution via linear and nonlinear Raman spectroscopy. Analyst 135, 908-917
Walter A, Erdmann S, Bocklitz T, Jung E-M, Vogler N, Akimov D, Dietzek B, Rösch P, Kothe E, Popp J
(2010) Black slate: surface alteration due to fungal activity
Siegel D
(2010) Dissolved Inorganic Contaminants in a Floodplain Soil: Comparison of In Situ Soil Solutions and Laboratory Methods. Water Air Soil Poll. 209 (1-4), 489-500
Rennert T, Meissner S, Rinklebe J, Totsche KU
(2010) Function of microorganisms in black slate degradation
Seifert A-G
(2010) Hydrogeochemistry of rare earth elements in an acid mine drainage influenced area
Grawunder A
(2010) Impact of biostimulated redox processes on metal dynamics in an iron-rich creek soil of a former uranium mining area. Env. Sci. Technol. 44 (1), 177–183
Burkhardt E-M, Akob DM, Bischoff S, Sitte J, Kostka JE, Banerjee D, Scheinost AC, Küsel K
(2010) In silico prediction of potential metallothioneins and metallohistins in actinobacteria. J Basic Microbiol. 50 (6), 562-569
Schmidt A, Hagen M, Schuetze E, Schmidt A, Kothe E
(2010) Interaction of Fe(III)-reducing bacteria with heavy metals in contaminated soils
Burkhardt E-M
(2010) Microbial links between sulfate reduction and metal retention in uranium- and heavy metal-contaminated soil. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 76 (10), 3143-3152
Sitte J, Akob DM, Kaufmann C, Finster K, Banerjee D, Burkhardt E-M, Kostka JE, Scheinost AC, Büchel G, Küsel K
(2010) Natural attenuation of heavy metals in groundwater by iron-cycling bacteria at a mining-impacted site Geochim. Cosmochim. Ac. 74 (12) Suppl. 1. A8-A8
Akob DM, Fabisch M, Burkhardt E-M, Sitte J, Küsel K
(2010) Nickel sulfide formation by a sulfate-reducing consortium originating from heavy metal polluted creek soil. Geochim. Cosmochim. Ac. 74 (12)S1, A968-A968
Sitte J, Pollok K, Finster K, Küsel K
(2010) The influence of intracellular storage material on bacterial identification by means of Raman spectroscopy, Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 397, 2929-2937
Ciobotă V, Burkhardt E-M, Schumacher W, Rösch P, Küsel K, Popp J
(2011) Characterization of a Technosol developed from deposited flue dust slurry and release of inorganic contaminants. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sc. 174, 721-731
Rennert T, Kaufhold S, Händel M, Schuth S, Meißner S, Totsche KU
(2011) Characterization of a Technosol developed from deposited flue-dust slurry and release of inorganic contaminants. J. Plant. Nutr. Soil. Sc. 174 (5), 721-731
Rennert T, Kaufhold S, Haendel M, Schuth S, Meißner S, Totsche KU
(2011) Characterization of pedogenic Mn concretions and coatings in redoximorphic soils. Mineral. Mag. 75, 973
Händel M, Rennert T, Totsche KU
(2011) From bulk to single cell classification of the filamentous growing Streptomyces bacteria by means of Raman Spectroscopy. Appl. Spectrosc. 65, 1116-1125
Walter A, Schumacher W, Bocklitz T, Reinicke M, Rösch P, Kothe E Popp J
(2011) Heavy Metal Tolerance of Fe(III)-Reducing Microbial Communities in Contaminated Creek Bank Soils. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 77 (9). 3132-3136
Burkhardt E-M, Bischoff S, Akob DM, Büchel G, Küsel K
(2011) How to Pre-process Raman Spectra for reliable and stable models?, Anal. Chim. Acta 704, 47-56
Bocklitz T, Walter A, Hartmann K, Rösch P, Popp J
(2011) Identification and characterization of Microorganisms by Vibrational Spectroscopy, in Handbook of Biophotonics 2: Photonics for Health Care, J. Popp, V. V. Tuchin, A. ChiouandS. Heinemann (eds), Wiley, Berlin, Germany
Stöckel S, Walter A, Boßecker A, Meisel S, Ciobotă V, Schumacher W, Rösch P, Popp J
(2011) Impact of sulfate-reducing bacteria on metal attenuation
Sitte J
(2011) Microbial weathering of minerals: case studies on biotite and pyrrhotite
Hopf J
(2011) Pelagic boundary conditions affect the biological formation of iron-rich particles (Iron Snow) and their microbial communities Limnol. Oceanogr. 56, 1386–1398
Reiche M, Lu S, Ciobotă V, Neu TR, Nietzsche S, Rösch P, Popp J, Küsel K
(2011) Raman Spectroscopic Detection of Changes in Physiology in Plasmid-bearing Escherichia coli with and without Antibiotic Treatment. Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 400, 2763-2773
Walter A, Reinicke M, Bocklitz T, Schumacher W, Rösch P, Kothe E, Popp J
(2011) Towards a fast, high specific and reliable discrimination of bacteria on strain level by means of SERS in a microfluidic device. Lab Chip 11, 1013-1021
Walter A, März A, Schumacher W, Rösch P, Popp J
(2011) Use of immunomagnetic separation for the detection of Desulfovibrio vulgaris from environmental samples. J. Microbial. Meth. 86 (2), 204-209
Chakraborty R, Hazen TC, Joyner DC, Küsel K, Singera ME, Sitte J, Toroka T
(2011) Variable effects of labile carbon on the carbon use of different microbial groups in black slate degradation. Geochim. Cosmochim. Ac. 75 (10), 2557-2570
Seifert, A-G, Trumbore S, Xu X, Zhang D, Kothe E, Gleixner G
(2011) . A consistent phylogenetic backbone for the fungi. Mol Biol Evol (2012) 29 (5): 1319-1334
Ebersberger I, de Matos Simoes R, Kupczok A, Gube M, Voigt K, Kothe E, Von Haeseler A
(2012) A Study of Docetaxel-induced Effects in MCF-7 Cells by means of Raman Microspectroscopy, Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 403, 745-753
Hartmann K, Becker-Putsche M, Bocklitz T, Pachmann K, Niendorf A, Rösch P, Popp J
(2012) Bioremediation and Heavy Metal Uptake: Microbial Approaches at Field Scale. In: Kothe, E., Varma, A. (eds) Bio-Geo Interactions in Metal- Contaminated Soils, Vol 31. Soil Biology. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp 365-383
Schindler F, Gube M, Kothe E
(2012) Charakterisierung und Bedeutung der von Pantoea agglomerans 48b/90 gebildeten Sekundärmetabolite in der biologischen Bekämpfung bakterieller Pflanzenkrankheiten
Sammer U
(2012) Gasteromycetation in Agaricaceae s. l. (Basidiomycota): Morphological and ecological implementations. Feddes Repert. 122, 367-390
Gube M, Dörfelt H
(2012) GC contentindependent amino acid patterns in Bacteria and Archaea. J. Basic Microbiol. 52 (2), 195- 205
Schmidt A, Rzanny M, Schmidt A, Hagen M, Schütze E, Kothe E
(2012) Identification of minerals and organic materials in Middle Eocene ironstones from the Bahariya Depression in the Western Desert of Egypt by means of micro-Raman spectroscopy, J. Raman Spectrosc. 43, 405-410
Ciobotă V, Salama W, Tarcea N, Rösch P, El Aref M, Gaupp R, Popp J
(2012) Influence of the white-rot fungus Schizophyllum commune on organically coated sand grains and their heavy metal retention
Rothhardt S
(2012) Mineralogy, geochemistry, and arsenic spe-ciation in coal combustion waste from Novaky, Slovakia. Fuel. 94 (1), 125-136
Bolanz RM, Majzlan J, Jurkovic L, Göttlicher J
(2012) Online stable isotope analysis of dissolved organic carbon size classes using size exclusion chromatography coupled to an isotope ratio mass spectrometer. Environ. Sci. Technol. 46 (18), 10123–10129
Malik A, Scheibe A, Loka Bharathi PA, Gleixner G
(2012) Origin of salt mixtures and mixed salts in atmospheric particulate matter. J. Raman Spectrosc. 43, 514-519
Vargas Jentzsch P, Ciobotă V, Kampe B, Rösch P, Popp J
(2012) Raman spectroscopic detection of Nickel impact on single Streptomyces cells – possible bioindicators for heavy metal contamination. J. Raman Spectrosc. 43, 1058-1064
Walter A, Kuhri S, Reinicke M, Bocklitz T, Schumacher W, Rösch P, Merten D, Büchel G, Kothe E, Popp J
(2012) Raman spectroscopic investigation of soil microbes
Walter A
(2012) Raman spectroscopic study of calcium mixed salts of atmospheric importance. Vib. Spectrosc. 61, 206-213
Vargas Jentzsch P, Bolanz RM, Ciobotă V, Kampe B, Rösch P, Majzlan J, Popp J
(2012) Ras and Rho small G proteins: in-sights from the Schizophyllum commune genome sequence and comparisons to other fungi. Biotechnol. Genet. Eng. Rev. 28, 61-100
Raudaskoski M, Kothe E, Fowler TJ, Jung E-M, Horton JS
(2012) Role of Mycorrhiza in Re-forestation at Heavy Metal- Contaminated Sites. In E. Kothe and A. Varma (eds.), Bio-Geo Interactions in Metal- Contaminated Soils, Soil Biology 31, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. pp 183-199
Gherghel F, Krause K
(2012) Statistical analysis of groundwater and slate samples with special influences on rare earth elements
Pourjabbar A
(2012) The anamorphic genus Monotosporella (Ascomycota) from Eocene amber and from modern Agathis resin. Fungal Biol. 116: 1099-1110
Sadowski E-M, Beimforde C, Gube M, Rikkinen J, Singh H, Seyfullah LJ, Heinrichs J, Nascimbene PC, Reitner J, Schmidt AR
(2012) Tracking the autochthonous carbon transfer in stream biofilm food webs. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 79 (1), 118-131
Risse-Buhl U, Trefzger N, Seifert A-G, Schönborn W, Gleixner G, Küsel K
(2012) Transcriptome and functional analysis of mating in the basidiomycete Schizophyllum commune. Eukaryot Cell 11 (5):571-589
Erdmann S, Freihorst D, Raudaskoski M, Schmidt-Heck W, Jung E-M, Senftleben D, Kothe E
(2012), Raman and infrared spectroscopic study of synthetic ungemachite, K3Na8Fe(SO4)6(NO3)2•6H2O. J. Mol. Struct. 1022, 147-152
Vargas Jentzsch P, Ciobotă V, Bolanz R, Kampe B, Rösch P, Majzlan J, Popp J
Verfahren zur einfachen Synthese von Birnessit. DE 10 2012 005 015 A1 2013.09.12
Händel M, Rennert T, Totsche KU
(2013) A Central Role for Ras1 in Morphogenesis of the Basidiomycete Schizophyllum commune. Eukaryot Cell 12 (6):941-952
Knabe N, Jung E-M, Freihorst D, Hennicke F, Horton JS, Kothe E
(2013) A simple method to synthesize birnessite at ambient pressure and temperature. Geoderma. 193, 117-121
Haendel M, Rennert T, Totsche KU
(2013) Arsenic and antimony in the environment: release and possible immobilization mechanisms
Bolanz R
(2013) Chars produced by slow pyrolysis and hydrothermal carbonization vary in carbon sequestration potential and greenhouse gases emissions. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 62, 137-146
Malghani S, Gleixner G, Trumbore SE
(2013) Importance of microbial soil organic matter processing in dissolved organic carbon production. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 86, 139–148
Malik A, Gleixner G
(2013) Inorganic salts in atmospheric particulate matter: Raman spectroscopy as an analytical tool, Spectrochim. Acta A 115, 697-708
Vargas Jentzsch P, Kampe B, Ciobotă V, Rösch P, Popp J
(2013) Interaction of microorganisms with sheet silicates
Zidan W
(2013) Latitude and pH driven trends in the molecular composition of DOM across a north south transect along the Yenisei River. Geochim. Cosmochim. Ac. 123, 93-105
Roth V-N, Dittmar T, Gaupp R, Gleixner G
(2013) Levoglucosan concentrations in ice-core samples from the Tibetan Plateau determined by reverse-phase highperformance liquid chromatography mass spectrometry. J. Glaciol. 59 (216), 599-612
Yao P, Schwab VF, Roth V-N, Xu B, Yao T, Gleixner G
(2013) Multi-metal Bioremediation by Microbial Assisted Phytoremediation. In: Amoroso, M.J., Benimeli, S.B., Cuozzo, S.A. (eds) Actinobacteria Application in Bioremediation and Production of Industrial Enzymes. CRC Press, Boca Raton, pp 87-105
Reinicke M, Schindler F, Roth M, Kothe E
(2013) Nanocrystalline Nickel and Cobalt Sulfides Formed by a Heavy Metal-Tolerant, Sulfate-Reducing Enrichment Culture. Geomicrobiol. J. 30 (1), 36-47
Sitte J, Pollok K, Langenhorst F, Küsel K
(2013) Natural attenuation of heavy metals in near-surface supergene Mn deposits occurring heap, Ronneburg, Germany
Schäffner F
(2013) Quantification of the inorganic phase of the pelagic aggregates from an iron contaminated lake by means of Raman spectroscopy Vibrational Spectroscopy. Vib. Spectrosc. 68, 212-219
Ciobotă V, Lu S, Tarcea N, Rösch P, Küsel K, Popp J
(2013) Reactions of Alkaline Minerals in the Atmosphere. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 52, 1410-1413
Vargas Jentzsch P, Ciobotă V, Rösch P, Popp J
(2013) Soil microbial carbon turnover decreases with increasing molecular size. Soil Biol. Biochem. 62, 115-118
Malik A, Blagodatskaya E, Gleixner G
(2013) Structural incorporation of As5+ into hematite. Environ. Sci. & Technol. 47, 9140-9147
Bolanz RM, Wierzbicka-Wieczorek M, Čaplovičová M, Uhlík P, Göttlicher J, Steininger R, Majzlan J
(2013) STXM and NanoSIMS investigations on EPS fractions before and after adsorption to goethite. Environ. Sci. Technol. 47, 3158-66
Liu X, Eusterhues K, Thieme J, Ciobotă V, Höschen C, Mueller C, Küsel K, Kögel-Knabner I, Rösch P, Popp J, Totsche KU
(2013) Surprising abundance of Gallionella-related iron oxidizers in creek sedimentsat pH 4.4 or at high heavy metal concentrations. Front. Microbiol. 4, 390
Fabisch M, Beulig F, Akob DM, Küsel K
(2013) Synthesis of cryptomelane- and birnessite-type manganese oxides at ambient pressure and temperature. J Colloid Interf. Sci. 405, 44-50
Haendel M, Rennert T, Totsche KU
(2013) Synthesis of Mn minerals at ambient temperature and pressure. Mineral. Mag. 76, 1804
Händel M, Rennert T, Totsche KU
(2013) The effect of antimonate, arsenate and phosphate on the transformation of ferrihydrite to goethite, hematite, feroxyhyte, and tripuhyite, Clay Clay Miner. 61, 11-25
Bolanz RM, Bläss U, Ackermann S, Ciobotă V, Rösch P, Tarcea N, Popp J, Majzlan J
(2013) Thermodynamics of the basic copper sulfates antlerite, posnjakite, and brochantite. Chem. Erde-Geochem. 73 (1), 39-50
Zittlau AH, Shi Q, Boerio-Goates J, Woodfield BF, Majzlan J
(2013) Towards improving fine needle aspiration cytology by applying Raman microspectroscopy, J. Biomed. Opt. 18, 047001
Becker-Putsche M, Bocklitz T, Clement J, Rösch P, Popp J
(2013) Towards the investigation of microbe-mineral interaction by means of Raman spectroscopy
Ciobotǎ V
(2013) Untersuchungen an ausgewählten Brustkrebszelllinien mittels Raman- Mikrospektroskopie und chemometrischen Methoden
Putsche M
(2013) Variable effects of plant colonization on black slate uptake into microbial PLFAs. Geochim. Cosmochim. Ac. 106, 391-403
Seifert, A-G, Trumbore S, Xu X, Zhang D, Gleixner G
2013. Taking nature in to lab: Biomineralization by heavy metal resistant streptomycetes in soil. Biogeosciences 10, e3605-3614
Schütze E, Weist A, Klose M, Wach T, Schumann M, Nietzsche S, Merten D, Baumert J, Majzlan J, Kothe E
(2014) A NanoSIMS study on the distribution of soil organic matter, iron and manganese in a nodule from a Stagnosol. Eur. J. Soil Sci. 65 (5), 684-692
Rennert T, Haendel M, Hoeschen C, Lugmeier J, Steffens M, Totsche KU
(2014) Bio-prospecting at former mining sites across Europe: microbial and functional diversity in soils. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. Int. 21(11), 6824-35
Sprocati AR, Alisi C, Tasso F, Fiore A, Marconi P, Langella F, Haferburg G, Nicoara A, Neagoe A, Kothe E
(2014) Citrate influences microbial Fe hydroxide reduction via a dissolution disaggregation mechanism. Geochim. Cosmochim. Ac. 139, 434-446
Braunschweig J, Klier C, Schroeder C, Händel M, Bosch J, Totsche KU, Meckenstock RU
(2014) Coupled pot and lysimeter experiments assessing plant performance in microbially assisted phytoremediation. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 01/2014
Nicoară A Neagoe A, Stancu P, de Giudici G, Langella F, Sprocati AR, Iordache V, Kothe E
(2014) Differential regulation of multi-copper oxidases in Schizophyllum commune during sexual development. Mycol. Progr. 13(4),1199- 1206
Madhavan S, Krause K, Jung E-M, Kothe E
(2014) Ecosystem-Specific Composition of Dissolved Organic Matter. Vadose Zone J. 13 (7)
Roth V-N, Dittmar T, Gaupp R, Gleixner G
(2014) Establishing best practice for microbially aided phytoremediation. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 21(11)
Haslmayr H-P, Meißner S, Langella F, Baumgarten A, Geletneky J
(2014) Estimating the phanerozoic history of the ascomycota lineages: combining fossil and molecular data. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 78, 386-398
Beimforde C, Feldberg K, Nylinder S, Rikkinen J, Tuovila H, Dörfelt H, Gube M, Jackson D, Reitner J, Seyfullah LJ, Schmidt AR
(2014) Formation und transformation of manganese oxides at ambient pressure and temperature
Händel M
(2014) Fuzzy hierarchical crossclustering of data from abandoned mine site contaminated with heavy metals. Comput. Geosci. 72, 122-133
Pourjabbar A, Sarbu C, Kostarelos K, Einax JW, Büchel G
(2014) Heavy metal resistance of streptomycetes from a former uranium mining area
Schmidt A
(2014) Identification of Mn(II)-Oxidizing Bacteria from a Low-pH Contaminated Former Uranium Mine. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 80 (16), 5086-5097
Akob D, Bohu T, Beyer A, Schäffner F, Händel M, Johnson CA, Merten D, Büchel G, Totsche KU, Küsel K
(2014) Microbial role in Mn oxide precipitation: implications of subsequent Ni(II) sorption at acidic soil pH
Mayanna S
(2014) Microbially assisted phytoremediation approaches for two multi-element contaminated sites. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. 21 (11), 6845-6858
Langella F, Grawunder A, Stark R, Weist A, Merten D, Haferburg G, Büchel G, Kothe E
(2014) Microbially supported phytoremediation of heavy metal contaminated soils: Strategies and applications. In: Schippers A, Glombitza F , Sand W (Editors), Geobiotechnology I. Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp 211-235
Phieler R, Voit A, Kothe E
(2014) Molecular characterization of dissolved organic matter by ultrahighresolution mass spectrometry
Roth V-N
(2014) Neutralisation of an acidic pit lake by alkaline waste products. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 21(11), 6930-6938
Allard B, Bäckström M, Karlsson S, Grawunder A
(2014) Observations and assessment of iron oxide and green rust nanoparticles in metal-polluted mine drainage within a steep redox gradient. Environ. Chem. 11 (4), 377-391
Johnson CA, Freyer G, Fabisch M, Caraballo MA, Küsel K, Hochella Jr MF
(2014) Origin of middle rare earth element enrichment in acid mine drainage-impacted areas. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. Int. 21 (11), 6812-6823
Grawunder A, Merten D, Büchel G
(2014) Plant health and growth promoting microorganisms and their effects on metal mobility
Langella F
(2014) Raman investigation of Upper Creataceous phosphorite and black shale from Safaga District, Read Sea, Egypt. Spectrochim. Acta A 118, 42-47
Ciobotă V, Salama W, Vargas Jentzsch P, Tarcea N, Rösch P, El Kammar A, Morsy RS, Popp J
(2014) Revealing the microbial community structure of clogging materials in dewatering wells differing in physico-chemical parameters in an open-cast mining area. Water Res. 63, 222-233
Wang J, Sickinger M, Ciobotă V, Herrmann M, Rasch H, Rösch P, Popp J, Küsel K
(2014) Synthesen und kalorimetrische Studien ausgewählter Kupfer-Sulfat-, Phosphat- und Arsenatminerale
Zittlau A
(2014) Targeted gene disruption and expression studies for functional analysis of genes in Schizophyllum commune
Madhavan S
(2014) The role of bacterial consortium and organic amendment in Cu and Fe isotope fractionation in plants on a polluted mine site. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. Int. 21(11), 6836- 44
Pérez Rodríguez N, Langella F, Rodushkin I, Engström E, Kothe E, Alakangas L, Öhlander B
(2014) Understanding the mechanism of microbial control on carbon cycling in soil
Malik A
(2014) Vertical relocation processes within the test field "Gessenwiese" in the former uranium mining area Ronneburg/Thuringia
Schindler F
(2015) Aldehyde dehydrogenase genes in the ectomycorrhizal fungus Tricholoma vaccinum: A role for Ald1 in mycorrhizal symbiosis. J Basic Microbiol.
Henke C, Jung E-M, Voit A, Kothe E, Krause K
(2015) Applying a new method to estimate the internal dose of soil-derived uranium in humans after ingestion. Radiat. Environ. Biophys. 54 (3), 265-72
Träber SC, Li WB, Höllriegl V, Nebelung K, Michalke B, Rühm W, Oeh W
(2015) Autotrophic fixation of geogenic CO2 by microorganisms contributes to soil organic matter formation and alters isotope signatures in a wetland mofette, Biogeosciences, 12, 7169-7183, 2015
Nowak ME, Beulig F, von Fischer J, Muhr J, Küsel K, Trumbore SE
(2015) Biogenic precipitation of manganese oxides and enrichment of heavy metals at acidic soil pH. Chem. Geol. 402, 6-17
Mayanna S, Peacock CL, Schaeffner F, Grawunder A, Merten D, Kothe E, Büchel G
(2015) Carbon sequestration potential of hydrothermal carbonization char (hydrochar) in two contrasting soils; results of a 1-year field study. Biol. Fert. Soils. 51 (1), 123-134
Malghani S, Jueschke E, Baumert J, Thuille A, Antonietti M, Trumbore S, Gleixner G
(2015) Cell signaling in pheromone response and fungal development in Schizophyllum commune
Jung E-M
(2015) Characterization of carotenoids in soil bacteria and investigation of their photodegradation by UVA radiation via resonance Raman spectroscopy. Analyst 140, 4584-93
Kumar BN V, Kampe B, Rösch P, Popp J
(2015) Characterization of pH dependent Mn(II) oxidation strategies and formation of a bixbyite-like phase by Mesorhizobium australicum T-G1. Front. Microbiol. 6, 734
Bohu T, Santelli CM, Akob DM, Neu TR, Ciobotă V, Rösch P, Popp J, Nietzsche S, Küsel K
(2015) Classification and identification of pigmented cocci bacteria relevant to the soil environment via Raman spectroscopy. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res.
Kumar BN V, Kampe B, Rösch P, Popp J
(2015) Hartig’ net formation of Tricholoma vaccinum spruce ectomycorrhiza in hydroponic cultures. Envir. Sci. Pollut. R.
Henke C, Jung E-M, Kothe E
(2015) Identification of microbial consortia in heavy metal polluted soils
Reinicke M
(2015) Impact of heavy metals on the microbial cycling of iron
Fabisch M
(2015) Iron encrustation on filamentous algae colonized by Gallionella-related bacteria in a metal-polluted freshwater stream. Biogeoscience Discuss. 12, 7705-7737
Mori JF, Neu TR, Lu S, Händel M, Totsche KU, Küsel K
(2015) Metals other than uranium affected microbial community composition in a historical uraniummining site. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. Int.
Sitte J, Löffler S, Burkhardt EM, Goldfarb KC, Büchel G, Hazen TC, Küsel K
(2015) Microbial control of greenhouse gas flux and thermally carbonized biomass decomposition in upland temperate soils
Malghani S
(2015) Phytoremediation using microbially mediated metal accumulation in Sorghum bicolor. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res., 1-9
Phieler R, Merten D, Roth M, Büchel G, Kothe E
(2015) Plant diversity increases soil mi-crobial activity and soil carbon storage. Nat. Commun. 6, 6707
Lange M, Eisenhauer N, Sierra C, Bessler H, Engels C, Griffiths RI, Mellado-Vázquez PG, Malik A, Roy J, Scheu S, Steinbeiss S, Thomson BC, Trumbore SE, Gleixner G
(2015) Rare earth elements as a tool for studying the formation of cemented layers in an area affected by acid mine drainage. Appl. Geochem. 54, 100-110
Grawunder A, Lonschinski M, Merten D, Büchel G
(2015) Rhizosphere bacterial carbon turnover is higher in nucleic acids than membrane lipids: implications for understanding soil carbon cycling. Front. Microbiol. 6, 268
Malik A, Dannert H, Griffiths RI, Thomson BC, Gleixner G
(2015) The Molecular Composition of Dissolved Organic Matter in Forest Soils as a Function of pH and Temperature. PLoS ONE. 10 (3), e0119188
Roth V-N, Dittmar T, Gaupp R, Gleixner G
(2015) Thermodynamic properties of zýkaite, a ferric sulfoarsenate. Appl. Geochem. 61, 294-301
Majzlan J, Amoako FY, Kindlová H, Drahota P
(2015) Tip-enhanced Raman scatter-ing-Targeting structure-specific surface characterization for biomedical sam-ples. Adv. Drug Deliver. Rev. 89, 42–56
Sharma G, Deckert-Gaudig T, Deckert V
(2015) Tricholoma vaccinum host communication during ectomycorrhiza formation. FEMS Microbiol Ecol. 2015 Nov;91(11)
Wagner K, Linde J, Krause K, Gube M, Köstler T, Sammer D, Kniemeyer O, Kothe E
(2015): Fast formation of supergene Mn oxides/ hydroxides under acidic conditions in the oxic/ anoxic transition zone of a shallow aquifer. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res.
Schäffner F, Merten D, Pollok K, Wagner S, Knoblauch S, Langenhorst F, Büchel G
Dynein heavy chain, encoded by two genes in Agaricomycetes, is required for nuclear migration in Schizophyllum commune. PLoS ONE 10(8): e0135616
Brunsch M, Schubert D, Gube M, Ring C, Hanisch L, Linde J, Krause K, Kothe E
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