GRK 1257:  Alteration and Element Mobility at the Microbe-mineral Interface

Subject Area Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry
Water Research
Term from 2006 to 2015
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 968509

Project Description

Recent findings in deep surface microbiology, biocorrosion, acid mine drainage, and microbially induced mineral transformations have challenged the conventional concept of the exclusiveness or predominance of abiotic reactions in earth sciences. The potential of microorganisms for altering pH, Eh and chemical properties so as to allow transformation of metal-containing minerals led to new interest in the importance of microbes in geological processes. Metals cannot be degraded, but transformations through sorption or complexation with mineral surfaces, and/or changes in the valence state affect not only the mobility but also the bioavailability of these compounds.
Microorganisms can alter the reactivity and mobility of metal-containing minerals both directly and indirectly. However, we have only a marginal understanding of these microbially mediated transfer reactions at the hydro-litho interface in porous media like soils or sediments.
The Research Training Group aims to achieve a fundamental, mechanistic understanding of the coupling between microbial metabolism, chemical and physical reactions at mineral surfaces, and metal transport. It is centered in an excellent environment in the earth sciences and closely related to microbial ecology. Due to this improved, multidisciplinary understanding of the biogeochemical functioning of the subsurface environment, both bioremediation strategies and accurate modelling approaches can be developed that will allow prediction of metal mobility in the future.
The study programme with a 3 months mandatory stay at an international laboratory aims at producing excellent PhDs in the interdisciplinary fields. Compatibility of the programme with child care is facilitated by the good local facilities for child care.
Integration of excellent students with a bachelor degree during a one year qualification programme is another strongly enforced career development plan, aiming at minimising study times and at the same time ensuring top level graduates. Three years for a PhD are strictly enforced, with interdisciplinary education including early presentation and discussion of data at international conferences. The PhD thesis will be cumulative aiding the early responsibility for publication of data.
DFG Programme Research Training Groups
Applicant Institution Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Spokesperson Professorin Dr. Erika Kothe
Participating Researchers Professor Dr. Georg Büchel; Professor Dr. Reinhard Gaupp; Professor Dr. Gerd Gleixner; Professorin Dr. Kirsten Küsel; Professor Juraj Majzlan, Ph.D.; Professor Dr. Jürgen Popp; Professor Dr. Kai Uwe Totsche; Professorin Dr. Susan Trumbore