GRK 1247:
Intersensorische Interaktion in natürlichen und künstlichen kognitiven Systemen
Fachliche Zuordnung
Förderung von 2006 bis 2015
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 968025
Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse
The International Graduate College CINACS (Cross-modal Interaction in Natural and Artificial Cognitive Systems) has been carried out jointly by the Departments of Informatics, the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf and the department of Psychology of the Universität Hamburg, as well as by the Tsinghua University in Beijing, China since 2006. Within CINACS, we have investigated and taught the principles of cross-modal processes in natural cognitive systems as well as in artificial systems, in particular focusing on phenomena of dynamics, learning, memory and communication. These principles of cross-modal processing are central to making further progress on understanding and building new cross-modal intelligent systems. Furthermore, we have investigated and taught principles for designing and realizing multi-modal environments for human-computer and human-robot interaction.
The research programme aims at understanding the biological mechanisms of cross-modal processing, its role in perception and behavioural control and the use of multi-modal representations in communication and problem solving. Additionally, our goal is to design models, implement algorithms and investigate architectures for robust artificial multi-modal systems which facilitate a smooth and efficient cooperation and communication between humans and artificial systems. CINACS combines the relevant methods, in particular behavioural techniques, cognitive and computational simulation, artefact construction, computer and robot experiments. This combination of approaches is possible because CINACS comprises the disciplines of neuroscience, bio-engineering, psychology, linguistics, computer science and robotics. For both the PhD students and the supervisors, the cultural exchange has constituted a valuable addition to the strategic importance of collaborating in extensive, international projects.
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
(2006). Multimodal people tracking and trajectory prediction based on learned generalized motion patterns. In 2006 IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems, (pp. 541-546). IEEE
Weser, M., Westhoff, D., Huser, M., & Zhang, J.
(2006). Real-time fusion of multimodal tracking data and generalization of motion patterns for trajectory prediction. In 2006 IEEE International Conference on Information Acquisition, (pp. 786-791). IEEE
Weser, M., Westhoff, D., Huser, M., & Zhang, J.
(2007), Searching and Fitting Strategies in Active Shape Models, In The 4th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO), Angers, France
Zhang, J.H., Chen S.Y., Liu S., Guan Q., & Wu H.H.
(2007), The moment invariant for fitting of active shape models, In The 4th IET Visual Information Engineering, London, UK
Zhang, J.H., Chen S.Y., Liu S., & Guan Q.
(2007). An Audio-Visual Speech Recognition System based on Articulatory Features. In proceedings of AVSP 2007 - 6th Int. Conf. on Audio Visual Speech, Kasteel Groenendael, Hilvarenbeek, Netherlands, Aug 28-Sep 03, 2007
Gan, T., Menzel, W. & Yang, S.
(2007). Audiovisuelle Interaktionen bei der Wahrnehmung visueller Scheinbewegungen. In Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (TSAP), Trier, German
Bruns,P. & Getzmann, S.
(2007). Effects of the cannabinoid CB1 receptor antagonist rimonabant on distinct measures of impulsive behavior in rats. Psychopharmacology (Berl), 193(1), 85-96
Pattij, T., Janssen, M. C., Schepers, I. M., González-Cuevas, G., De Vries, T. J., & Schoffelmeer, A. N.
(2007). Epirome-a novel framework to investigate high-level episodic robot memory. In proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO). (pp. 1075-1080). IEEE
Jockel, S., Westhoff, D., & Zhang, J.
(2007). Eye-tracking and testing learning materials. Tobii User Meeting, Frankfurt, Germany
Acarturk, C.
(2007). Integrating cross-modal context for PP attachment disambiguation. In Third International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC); (Vol. 3, pp. 292-296). IEEE
McCrae, P.
(2007). Multimodal comprehension of language and graphics. In proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Eye Movements (ECEM), Potsdam, Germany
Acarturk, C., Habel, C., Cagiltay, K., & Alacam, O.
(2007). On reciprocal improvement in multimodal generation: Co-reference by text and information graphics. In Proceedings of MOG 2007: The workshop on multimodal output generation (pp. 69-80)
Habel, C., & Acartürk, C.
(2007). Proactive multimodal perception for feature based anchoring of complex objects. In proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO). (pp. 1069-1074). IEEE
Weser, M., & Zhang, J.
(2007). Three-dimenisonal monocular scene reconstruction for service-robots-an application. In VISAPP (Special Sessions) (pp. 41-46)
Jockel, S., Baier-Löwenstein, T., & Zhang, J.
(2007). Towards a system architecture for integrating crossmodal context in syntactic disambiguation. In proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science, Madeira (NLPCS 2007) (pp. 228-237)
McCrae, P., & Menzel, W.
(2008). A Normalized weighted shape context and its application in feature-based matching. Optical Engineering, 47(9), 097201
Zhang, J.H., Chen, S., Liu, S., & Guan, Q.
(2008). Audiovisual influences on the perception of visual apparent motion: Exploring the effect of a single sound. Acta Psychologica, 129(2), 273-283
Bruns, P. & Getzmann, S.
(2008). Automatic segmentation of micro-calcification based on sift in mammograms. In proceedings of International Conference onBioMedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI),. (Vol. 2, pp. 13-17). IEEE
Guan, Q., Zhang, J.H., Chen, S., & Todd-Pokropek, A.
(2008). Design Concepts for Tactile Maps to Support Visually Impaired Persons. In Spatial Cognition, Doctoral Colloquium, Freiburg / Breisgau, Germany
Graf, C.
(2008). From Interaction between Language and Visual Representations to the Interaction between Language and Haptic Representations. In The Workshop on the Interaction of Vision and Language in Cross-Modal Comprehension (IVLCMC), Hamburg, Germany
Graf, C.
(2008). Fuzzy multisensor fusion for autonomous proactive robot perception. In proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ). IEEE
Weser, M., Jockel, S., & Zhang, J.
(2008). Learning from text and graphs: The role of annotations and sensory modality. In Proceedings of EARLI Special Interest Group Text and Graphics. Exploiting the Opportunities Learning with Textual, Graphical and Multimodal Representations, (pp.13-16)
Acartürk, C., Habel, C., Cagiltay, K., & Alacam, O.
(2008). Levels of error processing in Huntington's disease: a combined study using event-related potentials and voxel-based morphometry. Hum Brain Mapp, 29(2), 121-130
Beste, C., Saft, C., Konrad, C., Andrich, J., Habbel, A., Schepers, I., Jansen, A., Pfleiderer, B., & Falkenstein, M.
(2008). Modelling global phenomena with extended local constraints. In proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Constraints and Language Processing (CSLP), (pp. 48-60), Hamburg, Germany)
McCrae, P., Foth, K. A., & Menzel, W.
(2008). Multimodal comprehension of graphics with textual annotations: The role of graphical means relating annotations and graph lines. In International Conference on Theory and Application of Diagrams (pp. 335-343). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
Acarturk, C., Habel, C., & Cagiltay, K.
(2008). Multimodal comprehension of language and graphics: Graphs with and without annotations. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 1(3), 1-15
Acartürk, C., Habel, C., Cagiltay, K., & Alacam, O.
(2008). Tactile capture of auditory localization is modulated by hand posture. In The 9th International Multisensory Research Forum (MRRF), Hamburg, Germany
Bruns,P. & Röder, B.
(2008). Towards an episodic memory for cognitive robots. In proceedings of 6th Cognitive Robotics workshop at 18th European Conf. on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI) (pp. 68-74)
Jockel, S., Weser, M., Westhoff, D., & Zhang, J.
(2008). Using the Tandem Approach for AF Classification in an AVSR System. In proceedings of ISNN 2008 - 5th Int. Symp. on Neural Networks, Beijing, China, Sep 24-28, 2008
Gan, T., Menzel, W. & Zhang, J.
(2008). You-are-here Maps as Navigation Aids for Visually Impaired People. In proceedings of workshop "You-Are-Here-Maps", (pp. 01-10), Freiburg / Breisgau, Germany
Habel, C. & GrafC.
Dissociable roles for the hippocampus and the amygdala in human cued versus context fear conditioning. Journal of Neuroscience, 28(36), 9030-9036
Marschner, A, Kalisch, R, Vervliet, B, Vansteenwegen D & Büchel, C
You-are-here maps for the blind: First experiments in cognitive design of non-visual spatial representations. Fachtagung der Gesellschaft für Kognitionswissenschaft KogWis, (pp. 73), Dresden, Germany
Graf, C.
(2009) Using Articulatory Feature-based ANN/HMM Approach in AVSR. In The 13th International Conference on Speech and Computer, St. Petersburg, Russia, Jun 21-25, 2009
Gan, T. & Menzel, W.
(2009). A model for the cross-modal influence of visual context upon language procesing. In Proceedings of the International Conference RANLP-2009 (pp. 230-235)
McCrae, P.
(2009). Active Detection and Correction of Shape Distortions Based on Moment Invariants for Active Shape Models. Journal of Image and Graphics, 9, 031
Zhang, J. H., Chen, S. Y., Liu, S., & Guan, Q.
(2009). Autonomous planning for mobile manipulation services based on multi-level robot skills. In proceedings of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). (pp. 1999-2004). IEEE
Weser, M. & Zhang, J.
(2009). Detection and Localization of Partial Occlusion of Object Boundaries. In 2009 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Singapore
Zhang, J.H., Li, Y.F., & Chen, S.Y.
(2009). Distraction of task-relevant information processing by irrelevant changes in auditory, visual, and bimodal stimulus features: A behavioural and eventrelated potential study. Psychophysiology, 46(3), 645-654
Boll, S. & Berti, S.
(2009). Do humans optimally integrate perceptual uncertainty and reward expectation? In Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (TEAP), Jena, Germany
Maiworm, M., & Röder, B.
(2009). Eye-tracking evidence for multimodal language-graphics comprehension: The role of integrated conceptual representations
Habel, C., & Acartürk, C.
(2009). HTN Robot Planning in partially observable dynamic environments, In 2010 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), (pp. 1505-1510). IEEE
Weser, M., Off, D., & Zhang, J.
(2009). Real-time 3D environment perception: An application for small humanoid robots. In proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO). (pp. 354-359). IEEE
Klimentjew, D., Stroh, A., Jockel, S., & Zhang, J.
(2009). Reasoning for context integration into syntactic parsing. In proceedings of Intelligent Linguistic Technologies Conference (ILINTEC), Las Vegas, USA
McCrae, P.
(2009). Robot navigation and manipulation based on a predictive associative memory. In proceedings of IEEE 8th International Conference on Development and Learning (ICDL) (pp. 1-7). IEEE
Jockel, S., Mendes, M., Zhang, J., Coimbra, A. P., & Crisóstomo, M.
(2009). Sparse distributed memory for experience-based robot manipulation. In proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO). (pp. 1298-1303). IEEE
Jockel, S., Lindner, F., & Zhang, J.
(2010). A Computational Model of Vision-Language Interaction Based on Conceptual Structure. In proceedings of the 2010 Conference on Conceptual Structure, Discourse and Language, San Diego, USA
McCrae P.
(2010). An independent brain–computer interface using covert non-spatial visual selective attention. Journal of neural engineering, 7(1), 016010
Zhang, D., Maye, A., Gao, X., Hong, B., Engel, A. K., & Gao, S.
(2010). Attitudes toward younger and older adults: The German aging semantic differential. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 34(2), 147-158
Gluth, S., Ebner, N. C., & Schmiedek, F.
(2010). Audiotactile spatial ventriloquism in congenitally blind, late blind and sighted individuals. In proceedings of IMRF 2010 - the 11th International Multisensory Research Forum, Liverpool, UK, June
Occelli V., Bruns P., Zampini M. & Röder B.
(2010). Conceptual Structure as Mediator in a Computational Model for Vision-Language Interaction. In proceedings of the Biannual Conference of the German Society for Cognitive Science, Potsdam (Germany)
McCrae P.
(2010). Dissociating face processing from contextual effects in the amygdala using high resolution fMRI. In the 16th annual meeting of the organization for human brain mapping 2010, Barcelona, Spain
Boll, S., Gamer, M. & Büchel, C.
(2010). Evidence accumulation in economic decision making. In The Computations, Decisions, and Movement Workshop 2010, Castle of Rauischholzhausen, Germany
Gluth, S. & Büchel, C.
(2010). Generating Verbal Assistance for Tactile-Map Explorations1. In MOG 2010 3rd Workshop on Multimodal Output Generation (pp. 27-35)
Lohmann, K., Kerzel, M., & Habel, C.
(2010). Neural representations of expected value and reward prediction error for strategy selection learning. In The 16th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping 2010, Barcelona, Spain
Gluth, S., Rieskamp, J. & Büchel, C.
(2010). Object Affordances in the Context of Sensory Motor Contingencies. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 71
Kleesiek, J., Engel, A. K., Wermter, S., & Weber, C.
(2010). RNA secondary structure prediction using a self-consistent mean field approach. Journal of computational chemistry, 31(6), 1135-1142
Kleesiek, J., & Torda, A. E.
(2010). Tactile capture of auditory localization is modulated by hand posture. Experimental psychology, 57(4), 267
Bruns, P., & Röder, B.
(2010). Tactile capture of auditory localization: an event-related potential study. European Journal of Neuroscience, 31(10), 1844-1857
Bruns, P., & Röder, B.
(2010). Tactile capture of auditory localization: An event-related potential study. In Tagung Experimentell Arbeitender Psychologinnen (TEAP), Jena, German
Bruns,P. & Röder, B.
(2010). Tactile Map Exploration Procedures: A Taxonomy. In proceedings of EuroHaptics 2010
Habel, C. & Lohmann, K.
(2010). Taktile Rekalibrierung auditiver Raumrepräsentationen. In proceedings of TeaP 2010 - Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, Saarbrücken, Germany, March
Bruns P., Spence C. & Röder B.
(2010). Verbal Assistance in Tactile-Map Explorations: A Case for Visual Representations and Reasoning. In Visual Representations and Reasoning (pp. 34-41)
Habel, C., Kerzel, M., & Lohmann, K.
(2010, August 1-6). Neural Correlates of Non-Visual Processing in Visual Cortex of the Blind. In proceedings of Gordon Research Conference on Neurobiology of Cognition, Waterville Valley, NH, USA
Schepers, I. M. Hipp, J. F. Schneider,T. R. Röder, B. & Engel, A.K.
(2011). A computational model of concept generalization in cross-modal reference. Tsinghua Science & Technology, 16(2), 113-120
McCrae, P., Menzel, W., & Sun, M.
(2011). A discrete computational model of sensorimotor contingencies for object perception and control of behavior. In 2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), (pp. 3810-3815). IEEE
Maye, A., & Engel, A. K.
(2011). A Transgenic Approach to Identify Thyroxine Transporter-Expressing Structures in Brain Development. Journal of neuroendocrinology, 23(12), 1194-1203
Lang, M. F., Salinin, S., Ridder, D. A., Kleesiek, J., Hroudova, J., Berger, S., ... & Schwaninger, M.
(2011). Causal inference in graph-text constellations: Designing verbally annotated graphs. Tsinghua Science & Technology, 16(1), 7-12
Habel, C. & Acartürk, C.
(2011). Continual HTN Robot Task Planning in Open-Ended Domains: A Case Study. In Automated Action Planning for Autonomous Mobile Robots (pp. 1505-1510). San Francisco, USA
Off, D., & Zhang, J.
(2011). Cross-modal training induces changes in spatial representations early in the auditory processing pathway. Psychological science, 22(9), 1120-1126
Bruns, P., Liebnau, R., & Röder, B.
(2011). Decision Strategies in Incremental PoS Tagging. In The 18th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics
Beuck, N., Köhn, A., & Menzel, W.
(2011). Detection and amendment of shape distortions based on moment invariants for active shape models. IET Image Processing, 5(3), 273-285
Chen, S. Y., Zhang, J.H., Guan, Q., & Liu, S.
(2011). Fast plane detection for SLAM from noisy range images in both structured and unstructured environments. In 2011 International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (ICMA), (pp. 1768-1773). IEEE
Xiao, J., Zhang, J.H., Zhang, J., Zhang, H., & Hildre, H. P.
(2011). Incremental parsing and the evaluation of partial dependency analyses. In Proc. DepLing 2011 - The 1st International Conference on Dependency Linguistics
Beuck, N., Köhn, A., & Menzel, W.
(2011). Integrate multi-modal cues for category-independent object detection and localization. In proceedings of 2011 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), (pp. 801-806). IEEE
Zhang, J.H., Xiao, J., Zhang, J., Zhang, H., & Chen, S.
(2011). Integrative processing of perception and reward in an auditory localization paradigm. Experimental psychology, 58(3), 217
Maiworm, M., König, P., & Röder, B.
(2011). Intuitive Interaction: Tapping into body skills to find rich and intuitive interaction methods for Virtual Reality. In CHI 2011 Workshop on ”Embodied Interaction”, (pp. 128-131)
Beckhaus, S., & Kleesiek, J.
(2011). Linking spatial haptic perception to linguistic representations: assisting utterances for tactile-map explorations. In International Conference on Spatial Information Theory (pp. 328-349). Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Lohmann, K., Eschenbach, C., & Habel, C.
(2011). Medial prefrontal cortex activity when thinking about others depends on their age. Neurocase, 17(3), 260-269
Ebner, N. C., Gluth, S., Johnson, M. R., Raye, C. L., Mitchell, K. J., & Johnson, M. K.
(2011). Multimodal brain-computer interfaces. Tsinghua Science & Technology, 16(2), 133-139
Maye, A., Zhang, D., Wang, Y., Gao, S., & Engel, A. K.
(2011). Multimodal integration processes in plan-based service robot control. Tsinghua Science & Technology, 16(1), 1-6
Off, D., & Jianwei, Z.
(2011). Open-ended domain model for continual forward search HTN planning. In KEPS, 85
Off, D., & Zhang, J.
(2011). Processing of facial expressions and their significance for the observer in subregions of the human amygdala. Neuroimage, 56(1), 299-306
Boll, S., Gamer, M., Kalisch, R., & Büchel, C.
(2011). Reducing the spatial distance between printed and online information sources by means of mobile technology enhances learning: Using 2D barcodes. Computers & Education, 57(3), 2077-2085
Ozcelik, E., & Acartürk, C.
(2011). Reward-driven learning of sensorimotor laws and visual features. In proceedings of 2011 IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning (ICDL), 2 (pp. 1-6). IEEE
Kleesiek, J., Engel, A. K., Weber, C., & Wermter, S.
(2011). Suboptimal Auditory Dominance in Audiovisual Integration of Temporal Cues. Tsinghua Science & Technology, 16(2): 121-132
Maiworm, M., & Röder, B.
(2011). Tactile recalibration of auditory spatial representations. Experimental brain research, 209(3), 333-344
Bruns, P., Spence, C., & Röder, B.
(2011). The Use of Sketch Maps as Measures for Spatial Knowledge. In Understanding and Processing Sketch Maps–Proceedings of the COSIT 2011 Workshop (pp. 45-54)
Lohmann, K.
(2012). A haptic-audio interface for acquiring spatial knowledge about apartments. In International Conference on Haptic and Audio Interaction Design (pp. 21-30). Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Yu, J., & Habel, C.
(2012). A hierarchical model incorporating segmented regions and pixel descriptors for video background subtraction. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 8(1), 118-127
Chen, S., Zhang, J.H., Li, Y., & Zhang, J.
(2012). A SOM-based model for multi-sensory integration in the superior colliculus. In 2012 international joint conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), (pp. 1-8). IEEE
Bauer, J., Weber, C., & Wermter, S.
(2012). Action-driven perception for a humanoid. In International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (pp. 83-99). Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Kleesiek, J., Badde, S., Wermter, S., & Engel, A. K.
(2012). An architecture for incremental information fusion of cross-modal representations. In 2012 IEEE Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems (MFI), (pp. 498-503). IEEE
Baumgärtner, C., Beuck, N., & Menzel, W.
(2012). Audiotactile integration is reduced in congenital blindness in a spatial ventriloquism task.Neuropsychologia, 50(1), 36-43
Occelli, V., Bruns, P., Zampini, M., & Röder, B.
(2012). Biomimetic binaural sound source localisation with ego-noise cancellation. In International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (pp. 239-246). Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Dávila-Chacón, J., Heinrich, S., Liu, J., & Wermter, S.
(2012). Constructing dynamic category hierarchies for novel visual category discovery. In proceedings of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2 (pp. 2122-2127). IEEE
Zhang, J.H., Zhang, J., Chen, S., Hu, Y., & Guan, H.
(2012). Cortical thickness is linked to executive functioning in adulthood and aging. Human brain mapping, 33(7), 1607-1620
Burzynska, A. Z., Nagel, I. E., Preuschhof, C., Gluth, S., Bäckman, L., Li, S. C., ...& Heekeren, H. R.
(2012). Deciding when to decide: time-variant sequential sampling models explain the emergence of value-based decisions in the human brain. Journal of Neuroscience, 32(31), 10686-10698
Gluth, S., Rieskamp, J., & Büchel, C.
(2012). Don’t look back in anger! Responsiveness to missed chances in successful and nonsuccessful aging. Science, 336(6081), 612-614
Brassen, S., Gamer, M., Peters, J., Gluth, S., & Büchel, C.
(2012). Extended verbal assistance facilitates knowledge acquisition of virtual tactile maps. In International Conference on Spatial Cognition (pp. 299-318). Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Lohmann, K., & Habel, C.
(2012). Eye tracking in multimodal comprehension of graphs. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Technology-Enhanced Diagrams Research (Vol. 887, pp. 11-25)
Acartürk, C., & Habel, C.
(2012). Functionally specific oscillatory activity correlates between visual and auditory cortex in the blind. Brain, 135(3), 922-934
Schepers, I. M., Hipp, J. F., Schneider, T. R., Röder, B., & Engel, A. K.
(2012). Generating situated assisting utterances to facilitate tactile-map understanding: A prototype system. In Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies (pp. 56-65). Association for Computational Linguistics
Lohmann, K., Eichhorn, O., & Baumann, T.
(2012). Gestures in Communication through Line Graphs. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 34
Acartürk, C., & Alaçam, Ö.
(2012). Gonadotrope plasticity at cellular and population levels. Endocrinology, 153(10), 4729-4739
Alim, Z., Hartshorn, C., Mai, O., Stitt, I., Clay, C., Tobet, S., & Boehm, U.
(2012). Grasping semantic information with and without vision. Journal of Vision, 12(9), (pp. 1036-1036)
Floß, C., & Franz, V. H.
(2012). Hierarchical Plan-Based Control in Open-Ended Environments: Considering Knowledge Acquisition Opportunities. In International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (pp. 25-38). Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Off, D., & Zhang, J.
(2012). Integrating a Model for Visual Attention into a System for Natural Language Parsing. In Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science-NLPCS, (pp. 24–33)
Baumgärtner, C., & Menzel, W.
(2012). Neuronal assembly models of compositionality. M. Werning, W. Hinzen, and E. Machery (eds.): The Oxford Handbook of Compositionality, 30, 616–632, Oxford University Press: Oxford
Maye, A., & Engel, A. K.
(2012). Points, lines and arrows in statistical graphs. In proceedings of International Conference on Theory and Application of Diagrams (pp. 95-101). Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Acartürk, C.
(2012). Preparatory motor signals can be used to track the emergence of value-based decisions in the human brain. In proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, USA
Gluth, S.
(2012). Referring expressions in communication through line graphs: A comparative analysis of verbal descriptions. In Workshop on Discourse Structure in Turkic Languages, ICTL
Acartürk, C.
(2012). Single-drop optimization of protein crystallization. Acta Crystallographica Section F: Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications, 68(8), 994-998
Meyer, A., Dierks, K., Hilterhaus, D., Klupsch, T., Mühlig, P., Kleesiek, J., ... & Betzel, C.
(2012). Smoke and mirrors—virtual realities for sensor fusion experiments in biomimetic robotics. In IEEE Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems (MFI), (pp. 114-119). IEEE
Bauer, J., Dávila-Chacón, J., Strahl, E., & Wermter, S.
(2012). Time scales of sensorimotor contingencies. In International Conference on Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems, 7366, 240-249. Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Maye, A., & Engel, A. K.
(2012). Touch Remapping is Automatic But Top-Down Modulated. Program No. 260.10. Neuroscience
Badde, S., Heed, T., & Röder, B.
(2012). Towards building a corpus of Turkish referring expressions. In Proc. 1st Workshop on Language Resources and Technologies for Turkic Languages (pp. 1-5)
Acartürk, C., & Çakır, M. P.
(2012). Using sensorimotor contingencies for prediction and action planning. In International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior, 7426, 106-116. Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Maye, A., & Engel, A. K.
(2012). Using sensorimotor contingencies for terrain discrimination and adaptive walking behavior in the quadruped robot puppy. In International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior, 7426, 54-64. Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Hoffmann, M., Schmidt, N. M., Pfeifer, R., Engel, A. K., & Maye, A.
(2012). Verbally assisted virtual-environment tactile maps: a prototype system. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Spatial Knowledge Acquisition with Limited Information Displays (pp. 25-30)
Lohmann, K., Kerzel, M., & Habel, C.
(2012). When emotional valence modulates audiovisual integration. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 74(6): 1302-1311
Maiworm, M., Bellantoni, M., Spence, C., & Röder, B.
(2012, Jun 18-22). Integration of Semantic and Visual Information in Grasping. In proceedings of the Joint Workshop of the German Research Training Groups in Computer Science, Dagstuhl, Germany
Floß, C. & Franz, V.
Work in Progress: Annotating Gestures in Communication through Graphs. Organising Committee, (pp. 5-7)
Alaçam, Ö., & Acartürk, C.
(2013 May 27-29). Grasping based on semantic information does not obey Weber's law. In proceedings of the Joint Workshop of the German Research Training Groups in Computer Science, Dagstuhl, Germany
Floß, C. & Franz, V.
(2013) Eye voice span in agglutinative languages: A case study in Turkish. Abstracts of the 17th European Conference on Eye Movements, (pp. 340), Lund, Sweden
Acartürk C. & Turan, S.
(2013), Using Sonification and Haptics to Represent Overlapping Spatial Objects: Effects on Accuracy. In 7th International Conference on Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 602-611). Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Yu, J., Lohmann, K. & Habel, C.
(2013). Altered intrinsic neuronal interactions in the visual cortex of the blind. Journal of Neuroscience, 33(43), 17072-17080
Hawellek, D. J., Schepers, I. M., Roeder, B., Engel, A. K., Siegel, M., & Hipp, J. F.
(2013). Classic EEG motor potentials track the emergence of value-based decisions. Neuroimage, 79, 394-403
Gluth, S., Rieskamp, J., & Büchel, C.
(2013). Cohesion in multimodal documents: Effects of cross-referencing. Information Design Journal, 20(2), 98-110
Acartürk, C., Taboada, M. & Habel, C.
(2013). Context-dependent dynamic weighting of information from multiple sensory modalities. In 2013 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), (pp. 2812-2818). IEEE
Maye, A., & Engel, A. K.
(2013). Deciding not to decide: computational and neural evidence for hidden behavior in sequential choice.PLoS Comput Biol, 9(10), e1003309
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