GRK 1221: Control of the Electronic Properties of Aggregated Pi-conjugated Molecules
Molecular Chemistry
Final Report Abstract
Zum Aufbau opto-elektronischer Bauteile wie Transistoren, Solarzellen oder Leuchtdioden werden zunehmend konjugierte Polymere und Moleküle verwandt, da sie halbleitende Eigenschaften mit einfacher Verarbeitung und kostengünstiger Herstellung verbinden. Die Eigenschaften dieser funktionellen organischen Materialien werden weitgehend durch die intermolekularen Wechselwirkungen zwischen den Monomereinheiten bestimmt. Es war daher das vorrangige wissenschaftliche Ziel unseres Graduiertenkollegs, durch experimentelle und theoretische Untersuchung ausgewählter Modellsysteme den Einfluss der intermolekularen Wechselwirkungen auf die elektronischen Eigenschaften aggregierter π-Systeme besser zu verstehen sowie neue Methoden zur Charakterisierung und Vorhersage zu entwickeln. Diese Zusammenhänge wurden exemplarisch – aber möglichst genau – anhand von Modellsystemen eruiert. Bei jedem der im Folgenden aufgelisteten Themenbereiche wurden die Systeme zunächst synthetisch hergestellt, anschließend spektroskopisch charakterisiert und theoretisch modelliert: Modellsysteme mit kovalent verknüpften Chromophoren; Borol-basierte Verbindungen mit ungewöhnlichen elektronischen Eigenschaften; Gemischtvalente Verbindungen; an Metalloberflächen vororientierte Chromophore mit ausgedehnten π-Systemen; Kohlenstoffnanoröhren unterschiedlicher Größe und elektronischer Struktur; Entwicklung theoretischer Ansätze zur verlässlichen Vorhersage photophysikalischer Eigenschaften. Das Ausbildungsziel des Graduiertenkollegs bestand darin, den Kollegiaten die physiko-chemischen Grundlagen der oben genannten Effekte und ihre theoretische Behandlung im Kontext mit der Bedeutung für die Optimierung funktioneller organischer Materialien näherzubringen. Das Ausbildungsprogramm umfasste die zentralen sich aus der Chemie und Physik der Systeme ergebenden Fragestellungen. Dadurch ermöglichte das Graduiertenkolleg die Ausbildung von Wissenschaftlern, die auf dem immer wichtiger werdenden Gebiet molekularer Materialien und neuer Werkstoffe (z.B. in Photovoltaik, Optoelektronik, Displaytechnologie) hervorragend einsetzbar sind. Die Erfolge des GRK 1221 lassen sich an Hand der publizierten Arbeiten und ihrer Zitationen oder der Anzahl an erfolgreich abgeschlossener Dissertationen ablesen. So erarbeitete das GRK 1221 z.B. neue Erkenntnisse über das Verhalten von Exzitonen in Aggregaten, überraschende Einblicke in die elektronische Struktur auf Metalloberflächen vororientierter Systeme, die Entwicklung und Charakterisierung bis dato noch nicht realisierter Borol- und Paracylcophanverbindungen mit verblüffenden elektronischen Eigenschaften, sowie ein besseres Verständnis der bei Kohlenstoffnanoröhren auftretenden Effekte. Ein für die wissenschaftliche Landschaft der Julius-Maximilian-Universität Würzburg bedeutender Erfolg des GRK 1221 bestand darin, dass die im Laufe seines neunjährigen Bestehens durchgeführten Arbeiten zu einem starken Netzwerk aus Mitgliedern der Fakultät für Chemie und Pharmazie sowie der Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie führte. Von diesem Netzwerk profierten gleich zwei weitere Verbundprojekte, die Forschergruppe 1809 sowie das GRK 2112. Sie verfolgen zwar andere Schwerpunkte, ihr Erfolg basiert jedoch auch auf dem bestehenden Netzwerk.
Characterization of ultrathin organic hereointerfaces – SnPc/PTCDA/Ag(111). Surface Science 604, 1619-1622 (2010)
M. Haeming, M. Wiessner, M. Greif, A. Schöll, F. Reinert
Coherent two-dimensional ultraviolet spectroscopy in fully noncollinear geometry. Optics Letters 35 (24), 4178-4180 (2010)
U. Selig, C.-F. Schleussner, M. Foerster, F. Langhojer, P. Nuernberger, T. Brixner
Dissipative wave-packet dynamics of hydrophobic – hydrophilic site switching in phenol-Ar clusters. J. Phys. Chem. A 114, 9743 (2010)
C. Walther, R. Kritzer, A. Schubert, C. Meier, O. Dopfer, V. Engel
Electronic structure of ultrathin heteromolecular organic-metal interfaces: SnPc/PTCDA/Ag(111) and SnPc/Ag(111). Physical Review B 82 (23), 235432 (2010)
M. Haeming, M. Greif, C. Sauer, A. Schöll, F. Reinert
Energetics of excited states in the conjugated poymer poly (3-hexylthiophene). Physical Review B 81 (8), 085202 (2010)
C. Deibel, D. Mack, J. Gorenflot, A. Schöll, S. Krause, F. Reinert, D. Rauh, V. Dyakonov
Mapping of quantum phases by two-dimensional vibronic spectroscopy of wave-packet revivals. Phys. Rev. A 82, 013419 (2010)
A. Schubert, K. Renziehausen, V. Engel
Molecular quantum control landscapes in von Neumann time-frequency phase space. Journal of Chemical Physics 133 (16) (2010)
S. Ruetzel, C. Stolzenberger, S. Fechner, F. Dimler, T. Brixner, D. J. Tannor
Paracyclophanes as model compounds for strongly interacting π-systems. Part1. Pseudo-orthodihydroxy[2.2]paracyclophane. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 12, 9339-9346 (2010)
C. Schon, W. Roth, I. Fischer, J. Pfister, C. Kaiser, R. F. Fink, B. Engels
Polymeric Squaraine Dyes as Electron Donors in Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells. Macromol Chem. Phys 211, 1098-1108 (2010)
S. F. Völker, S. Uemura, M. Limpinsel, M. Mingebach, C. Deibel, V. Dyakonov, C. Lambert
Probing antiaromaticity: resonance Raman investigation of a series of differently substituted boroles. Journal of Raman spectroscopy 41 (6), 636-641 (2010)
J. Köhler, S. Lindenmeier, I. Fischer, H. Braunschweig, T. Kupfer, D. Gamon, C. Chiu
Spatiotemporal control of nanooptical excitations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 107 (12), 5329-5333 (2010)
M. Aeschlimann, M. Bauer, D. Bayer, T. Brixner, S. Cunovic, F. Dimler, A. Fischer, W. Pfeiffer, M. Rohmer, C. Schneider, F. Steeb, C. Strüber, C. V. Voronine
Synthesis and Electron Transfer Characteristics of a Neutral, Low-Band-Gap, Mixed-Valence Polyradical. Chemistry of Materials 22 (24), 6641-6655 (2010)
D. Reitzenstein, T. Quast, F. Kanal, M. Kullmann, S. Ruetzel, M. S. Hammer, C. Deibel, V. Dyakonov, T. Brixner, C. Lambert
Time-resolved measurements of electron transfer processes at the PTCDA/Ag (111) interface European Physics Journal B 75, 23-30 (2010)
C. H. Schwalb, M. Marks, S. Sachs, A. Schöll, F. Reinert, E. Umbach, U. Höfer
About the correlation between the electronic structure and transport properties of (2.2)paracyxlophanes and merocyanines
Pfister Johannes
Accurate Intermolecular Potentials with Physically Grounded Electrostatics. J. Chem. Theo. Comp. 7, 1791-1803 (2011)
M. Tafipolsky, B. Engels
Assessment of TD-DFT- and TD-HF-Based Approaches for the Prediction of Exciton Coupling Parameters, Potential Energy Curves, and Electronic Characters of Electronically Excited Aggregates. J. Comp. Chem. 32, 1971-1981 (2011)
W. Liu, V. Settels, P. H. P. Harbach, A. Dreuw, A, R. F. Fink, B. Engels
Computational and spectroscopic studies of organic mixed-valence compounds: where is the charge? Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys 13 (38), 16973-16986 (2011)
M. Kaupp, M. Renz, M. Parthey, M. Stolte, F. Würthner, C. Lambert
Design and synthesis of Raman reporter molecules for tissue imaging by immuno-SERS microscopy. J. Biophotonics 4, 453-463 (2011)
M. Schütz, C. I. Müller, M. Salehi, C. Lambert, S. Schlücker
Electrochemical and optical characterization of triarylamine functionalized gold nanoparticles. SLangmuir 27, 5029-5039 (2011)
C. I. Müller, C. Lambert
Electronic Structure of Organic Materials Investigated by Quantum Chemical Calculations. Eds.: D.L. Andrews, G. D. Scholes, G. P. Wiederrecht, in Comprehensive Nanoscience and Technology (NNTC), Elsevier, Vol. 1, 1-22 (2011)
B. Engels, W. Liu, J. Pfister, V. Settels, H. Zhao, R. F. Fink
Energy shift and wave function overlap of metal-organic interface states. Physical Review B 84 (8), 081301 (2011)
M. Marks, N. L. Zaitsev, B. Schmidt, C. H. Schwalb, A. Schöll, I. A. Nechaev, P. M. Echenique, E. V. Chulkov, U. Höfer
ExcitonCoupling in Valence and Core Excited Aggregates of pi-Conjugated Molecules
Liu, Wenlan
Experimental determination of the attenuation length of electrons in organic molecular solids: The example of PTCDA. Surface Science 605 (9-10), 878-882 (2011)
T. Graber, F. Forster, A. Schöll, F. Reinert
Femtochemistry of Pericyxlix Reactions & Advances towards Chiral Control
Buback, Felix Johannes
First-principles calculations of anisotropic charge-carrier mobilities in organic semiconductor crystals. Phys. Rev. B 83, 155208 (2011)
Stehr, J. Pfister, R.F. Fink, B. Engels, C. Deibel
Foldamer with spiral perylene bisimide staircase aggregate structure. Chem. Sci. 2, 2049-2100 (2011)
V. Dehm, M. Büchner, J. Seibt, V. Engel, F. Würthner
Interference effects in vibronic 2D-spectra of diatomic molecules. Z. Phys. Chem. 225, 703 (2011)
A. Schubert, V. Engel
New Set-Up for High-Quality Soft-X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy of large Organic Molecules in the Gas Phase. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 184 (8-10), 452-456 (2011)
F. Holch, D. Hübner, R. Fink, A. Schöll, E. Umbach
Orbital density reconstruction for molecules. Physical Review Letters 107 (19) (2011)
M. Dauth, T. Körzdörfer, S. Kümmel, J. Ziroff, M. Wiessner, A. Schöll, F. Reinert, M. Arita, K. Shimada
Paracyclophanes as model compounds for strongly interacting pi-systems. Part 2: Monohydroxy[2.2]paracyclophane. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 13, 11076-11082 (2011)
C. Schon, W. Roth, I. Fischer, C. Kaiser, J. Pfister, R. Fink, B. Engels
Paracyclophanes as model compounds for strongly interacting π-systems, Part 3: Influence of the substitution pattern on photoabsorption properties. J. Phys. Chem. A 115, 3583-3591 (2011)
J. Pfister, C. Schon. W. Roth, C. Kaiser, C. Lambert, K. Gruß, H. Braunschweig, I. Fischer, R. Fink, B. Engels
Reaction Dynamics of a Molecular Switch Unveiled by Coherent Two-Dimensional Electronic Spectroscopy. Journal of the American Chemical Society 133 (33), 13074-13080 (2011)
M. Kullmann, S. Ruetzel, J. Buback, P. Nuernberger, T. Brixner
Squaraine Dyes as Efficient Coupling Bridges between Triarylamine Redox Centres. Chem. Eur. J. 17, 14147-14163 (2011)
S. F. Völker, M. Renz, M. Kaupp, C. Lambert
The Pentaphenylborole-2,6-Lutidine Adduct: A System with Unusual Thermochromic and Photochromic Properties. Angewandte Chemie- International Edition 50 (12), 2833-2836 (2011)
K. Ansorg, H. Braunschweig, C. Chiu, B. Engels, D. Gamon, M. Hügel, T. Kupfer, K. Radacki
Threshold photoelectron spectrum of isolated NTCDA. Z. Phys. Chem. 225, 715 (2011)
K. H. Fischer, I. Fischer, A. Bodi
Two-dimensional vibronic spectroscopy of coherent wave-packet motion. J. Chem. Phys 134, 104304 (2011)
A. Schubert, V. Engel
Ultrafast dynamics of isolated fluorenone. J. Phys. Chem. A 115, 14249 (2011)
J. Köhler, P. Hemberger, I. Fischer, G. Piani, L. Poisson
Vibronic structure in resonant Auger Raman spectroscopy of large pi-conjugated molecules. Chemical Physics Letters 510, 82-86 (2011)
M. Haeming, L. Weinhardt, A. Schöll, F. Reinert
A Pass Too Far: Dissociation of Internal Energy Selected Paracyclophane Cations, Theory vs. Experiment. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 14, 11920 (2012)
P. Hemberger, C. Schon, A. Bodi, M. Steinbauer, K.H. Fischer, C. Kaiser, I. Fischer
Adsorbate-substrate charge transfer and electron-hole correlation at adsorbate/metal interfaces. Physical Review B 85 (23) 235132 (2012)
M. Häming, A. Schöll, E. Umbach, F. Reinert
Bonding in a borylene complex investigated by photoionization and dissociative photoionization. Chem. Eur. J. 18, 4533 (2012)
K. H. Fischer, M. Schneider, I. Fischer, B. Pfaffinger, H. Braunschweig, B. Sztaray, A. Bodi
Charge-Transfer Interactions in Tris-Donor-Tris-Acceptor Hexaarylbenzene Redox Chromophores. Chem. Eur. J. 18, 11937-11948 (2012)
M. Steeger, C. Lambert
Comparative analysis of the energy levels of planar and core-twisted perylene bisimides in solution and solid state by UV/VIS, CV, and UPS/IPES. Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing 108, 629-637 (2012)
C. Arantes, M. Scholz, R. Schmidt, V. Dehm, M. Rocco, A. Schöll, F. Reinert, F. Würthner
Comparison of the electronic structure of different perylene-based dye-aggregates. J. Comp. Chem. 33, 1544-1553 (2012)
V. Settels, W.-L. Liu, J. Pflaum, R. F. Fink, B. Engels
Different views on the electronic structure of nanoscale graphene – Aromatic molecule versus quantum dot. New Journal of Physics, 14, 113008 (2012)
M. Wiessner, N. S. Rodriguez-Lastra, J. Ziroff, F. Forster, P. Puschnig, L. Dössel, K. Müllen, A. Schöll, F. Reinert
DNA-Kohlenstoffnanorohr-Konjugate: Biokompatibilität, ex vivo-Verhalten, Funktionalisierung
Kröker Kristin
Electronic and geometric structure of the PTCDA: Ag(110) interface probed by angle-resolved photoemission. Physical Review B 86 (4): 045417 (2012)
M. Wiessner, D. Hauschild, V. Feyer, K. Winkler, B. Krömker, A. Schöll, F. Reinert
Ferrocensubstituierte Polyborole
Gamon Daniela
Fragment momentum distributions obtained from coupled electron-nuclear dynamics. J. Chem. Phys 136, 104306 (2012)
K. Hader, V. Engel
Localization/Delocalization of Charges in Bay-Linked Perylene Bisimides. Chem. Eur. J. 18, 6764-6775 (2012)
W. Jiang, C. Xiao, L. Hao, Z. Wang, H. Ceymann
Long-Lived Singlet and Triplet Charge Separated States in Small Cyclophane Bridged Triarylamine- Naphthalene Diimide Dyads. J. Phys. Chem. C 116, 15265-15280 (2012)
C. Kaiser, A. Schmiedel, M. Holzapfel, C. Lambert
Low-energy scale excitations in the spectral function of organic monolayer systems. Physical Review B 85 (16) (2012)
J. Ziroff, S. Hame, M. Kochler, A. Bendounan, A. Schöll, F. Reinert
Methods of Nonlinear Femtosecond Spectroscopy in the Visible and Ultraviolet Regime and their Application to Coupled Multichromophore Systems
Selig Ulrike
Oligo(borolyl)benzenes – Synthesis and Properties. Chemistry A European Journal 18 (45), 14292-14304 (2012)
H. Braunschweig, C. Chiu, A. Damme, B. Engels, D. Gamon, C. Hörl, T. Kupfer, I. Krummenacher, K. Radacki, C. Walter
Ortho-methylated tribenzotriquinacenes – paving the way to curved carbon networks. Chem. Commun. 48, 1502-1504 (2012)
Y. Kirchwehm, A. Damme, T. Kupfer, H. Braunschweig, A. Krueger
Perylene Bisimide Dimer Aggregates: Fundamental Insight into Self- Assembly by NMR and UV/Vis Spectroscopy. Chem. Eur. J. 18, 13665–13677 (2012)
C. Shao, M. Grüne, M. Stolte, F. Würthner
Phenylpropargyl radicals and their dimerization products: An IR/UV double resonance study. J. Phys. Chem. A 116, 8515 (2012)
K. Fischer, J. Herterich, I. Fischer, S. Jaeqx, A. Rijs
Quantum chemical description of ultrafast exciton self-trapping in perylene based materials
Settels Volker
Reorganization of perylene bisimide J-aggregates: from delocalized collective to localized individual excitations. Nanoscale 4, 218–223 (2012)
Y. Tian, V. Stepanenko, T. E. Kaiser, F. Würthner, I. G. Scheblykin
Solvent and substituent effects on aggregation constants of perylene bisimide pi-stacks – a linear free energy relationship analysis. Org. Biomol. Chem. 10, 5845–5855 (2012)
Z. Chen, B. Fimmel, F. Würthner
Theoretische Untersuchungen zur linearen und mehrdimensionalen Spektroskopie von Aggregaten
Schubert Alexander
Ultrafast charge-transfer dynamics of donor-substituted truxenones. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 14 (31), 11081-11089 (2012)
J. Koehler, J. T. Quast, J. Buback, I. Fischer, T. Brixner, P. Nuernberger, B. Geiß, J. Mager, C. Lambert
Vibronic energy localization in weakly coupled small molecular aggregates. Chem. Phys. Lett. 541 (49) (2012)
J. Wehner, A. Schubert, V. Engel
Analyse der chemischen Reaktionen ungesättigter Verbindungen mit FEL-und Synchrotronstrahlung
Fischer Kathrin
Backbone-Directed Perylene Dye Self-Assembly into Oligomer Stacks. Angew. Chem. 125, 10657–10661; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 52, 10463–10467 (2013)
C. Shao, M. Stolte, F. Würthner
Carrier Envelope Phase Effects induced by weak multicycle pulses: localized quantum dynamics in double well potentials. Chem. Phys. Lett. 579, 23 (2013)
K. Hader, K. Renziehausen, V. Engel
Cation-π Interactions: Accurate Intermolecular Potential from Symmetry-Adapted Perturbation Theory. J. Chem. Phys. B 117, 10093-10102 (2013)
K. Ansorg, M. Tafipolsky, B. Engels
Core hole-electron correlation in coherently coupled molecules. Physical Review Letters 111, 048102 (2013)
M. Scholz, F. Holch, C. Sauer, M. Wiessner, A. Schöll, F. Reinert
Electronic structure and excited state dynamics in optically excited PTCDA films investigated with 2- photon photoemission. Journal of Chemical Physics 139, 124701 (2013)
M. Marks, S. Sachs, C. H. Schwalb, A. Schöll, U. Höfer
Gas-phase-IR and solid-state Raman investigation of paracyclophanes. Z. Phys. Chem. 227, 23 (2013)
J. Herterich, S. Zeißner, I. Fischer
Lateral band formation and hybridization in molecular monolayers: NTCDA on Ag(110) and Cu(100). Physical Review B 88, 075437 (2013)
M. Wiessner, J. Kübert, V. Feyer, P. Puschnig, A. Schöll, F. Reinert
Mechanistic Insights into SARS Coronavirus Main Protease by Computational Chemistry Methods
Paasche Alexander
Multiple Reduction of 2,5-Bis(borolyl)thiophene: Isolation of a Negative Bipolaron by Comproportionation. Angewandte Chemie – International Edition 52 (49), 12852-12855 (2013)
H. Braunschweig, V. Dyakonov, B. Engels, Z. Falk, C. Hörl, J. H. Klein, T. Kramer, H. Kraus, I. Krummenacher, C. Lambert, C. Walter
On the parameterization of vibronic Hamiltonians for molecular aggregates using absorption line-shapes as an input. J. Chem. Phys. 139, 054303 (2013)
C. Brüning, K. Renziehausen, V. Engel
Photoionisation of the tropyl radical. Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 9, 681 (2013)
K.H. Fischer, P. Hemberger, A. Bodi, I. Fischer
Photophysics of Delocalized Excitons in Carbazole Dendrimers. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 117 (29), 6270-6278 (2013)
I. Hwang, U. Selig, S. S. Y. Chen, P. E. Shaw, T. Brixner, P. L. Burn, G. D. Scholes
Quadruple π Stacks of Two Perylene Bisimide Tweezers: A Bimolecular Complex with Kinetic Stability. Angew.Chem. 2013, 125, 7630–7634; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 7482–7486 (2013)
C. Shao, M. Stolte, F. Würthner
Similarities and Differences in the Optical Response of Perylene-Based Hetero-Bichromophores and Their Monomeric Units. ChemPhysChem 14, 1413-1422 (2013)
U. Selig, P. Nuernberger, V. Dehm, V. Settels, M. Gsaenger, B. Engels, F. Wuerthner, T. Brixner
Structure Formation in Organic Thin Films Observed in Real Time by Energy Dispersive NEXAFS. New Journal of Physics 15, 083052 (2013)
M. Scholz, C. Sauer, M. Wiessner, N. Nguyen, A. Schöll, and F. Reinert
Substrate-mediated band-dispersion of adsorbate molecular states. Nature Communications 4, 1514 (2013)
M. Wiessner, J. Ziroff, F. Forster, M. Arita, K. Shimada, P. Puschnig, A. Schöll, F. Reinert
The electronic structure of pyracene: A spectroscopic and computational study. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 15, 8151-8161 (2013)
J. Auerswald, B. Engels, I. Fischer, T. Gerbich, J. Herterich, A. Krueger, M. Lang, H.-C. Schmitt, C. Schon, C. Walter
Thin Films of Organic Molecules: Interfaces and Epitaxial Growth in “Molecular Beam Epitaxy: From Research to Mass Production" p. 591-609, Elsevier, Amsterdam 2013
A. Schöll, F. Schreiber
Threshold photoionization of fluorenyl, benzhydryl, diphenylmethylene and their dimers. J. Phys. Chem. A, 117, 5260 (2013)
M. Lang, F. Holzmeier, I. Fischer, P. Hemberger
Two-dimensional vibronic spectroscopy of molecular predissociation. N. J. Phys. 15, 025008 (2013)
J. Albert, A. Schubert, V. Engel
Ultrafast Exciton Self-Trapping upon Geometry Deformation in Perylene-Based Molecular Aggregates. J. Phys. Chem. Lett 4, 792-769 (2013)
A. Schubert, V. Settels, W. Liu, F. Würthner, C. Meier, R. Fink, S. Schindlbeck, S. Lochbrunner, B. Engels, V. Engel
Untersuchungen zur Synthese aromatisch anellierter Pyracene und Pyracylene
Auerswald Johannes
Weak field, multiple cycle carrier-envelope phase-effects in laser excitation. Chem. Phys. Chem. 14, 1464 (2013)
K. Renziehausen, K. Hader, W. Jakubetz, V. Engel
A time-domain study of the S3 state of fluorenone. J. Phys. Chem. A 118, 1397 (2014)
T. Gerbich, J. Herterich, J. Köhler, I. Fischer
Accessing molecule-metal and hetero-molecular interfaces with direct and resonant photoelectron spectroscopy
Sauer Christoph
Adsorption geometry and electronic structure of iron phthalocyanine on Ag surfaces: A LEED and photoelectron momentum mapping study. Surface Science 621, 64-68 (2014)
V. Feyer, M. Graus, P. Nigge, M. Wiessner, R. G. Acres, C. Wiemann, C. M. Schneider, A. Schöll, F. Reinert
Angle resolved photoemission from organic semiconductors: orbital imaging beyond the molecular orbital interpretation. New Journal of Physics 16, 10300 (2014)
M. Dauth, M. Wiessner, V. Feyer, A. Schöll, P. Puschnig, F. Reinert, and S. Kümmel
Anisotropy of singlet exciton diffusion in organic semiconductor crystals from ab initio approaches. J. Chem. Phys. 140, 024503 (2014)
V. Stehr, B. Engels, J. Pflaum, C. Deibel, R. F. Fink
Borole als Synthesebausteine für neue Organoborverbindungen
Wahler Johannes
CAST: A New Program Package for the Accurate Characterization of Large and Flexible Molecular Systems. J. Comp. Chem 35, 1801-1807 (2014)
C. Grebner, J. Becker, D. Weber, D. Bellinger, M. Tafipolski, C. Brückner, B. Engels
Coherent and incoherent contributions to the carrier-envelope phase control of wave packet localization in quantum double wells. J. Chem. Phys. 140, 184316 (2014)
K. Hader, V. Engel
Complete determination of molecular orbitals by measurement of phase symmetry and electron density. Nature Communications 5, 4156 (2014)
M. Wießner, D. Hauschild, C. Sauer, V. Feyer, A. Schöll, F. Reinert
CuPc/Au(110): Determination of the azimuthal alignment by combination of a angle-resolved photoemission and density functional theory. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 195, 293–300 (2014)
D. Lüftner, M. Milko, S. Huppman, M. Scholz, N. Ngyuen, M. Wießner, A. Schöll, F. Reinert, P. Puschnig
Der Einfluss von Relaxationsprozessen auf die Exzitonendiffusion für auf Perylenverbindungen basierende organische Halbleiter
Renziehausen Klaus
Electronic Spectroscopy of 1-Phenylethynyl-Naphthalene. J. Phys. Chem. A 118, 2915-2921 (2014)
P. Constantinidis, M. Lang, J. Herterich, I. Fischer, J. Auerswald, A. Krueger
Formation of Metal-Organic Interface States studied with 2PPE. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 195 263-271 (2014)
M. Marks, A. Schöll, and U. Höfer
Identification of ultrafast relaxation processes as a major reason for inefficient exciton diffusion in perylene-based organic semiconductors. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 136, 9327-9337 (2014)
V. Settels, A. Schubert, M. Tafipolsky, W. Liu, V. Stehr, A. Topczak, J. Pflaum, C. Deibel, R. F. Fink, V. Engel, B. Engels
Interface originated modification of electron-vibration coupling in resonant photoelectron spectroscopy. Physical Review B 89, 075413 (2014)
C. Sauer, M. Wiessner, A. Schöll, F. Reinert
Nonthermally activated exciton transport in crystalline organic semiconductor thin films. Phys.Rev. B, 89, 201203 (2014)
A. K. Topczak, T. Roller, B. Engels, W. Brütting, J. Pflaum
Photoinduced Electron Transfer Dynamics in Triarylamine-Naphthalene Diimide Cascades. J. Phys. Chem. C 118, 27698-27714 (2014)
F. Zieschang, M. H. Schreck, A. Schmiedel, M. Holzapfel, J. H. Klein, C. Walter, B. Engels, C. Lambert
Photoionization and Pyrolysis of a 1,4-Azaborinine: Retro-Hydroboration in the Cation and Identification of Novel Organoboron Ring Systems. Chem. Eur. J. 20, 9683 (2014)
F. Holzmeier, M. Lang, P. Hemberger, A. Bodi, M. Schäfer, R. Dewhurst, H. Braunschweig, I. Fischer
QM/MM Investigations of Organic Chemistry oriented Questions. Top Curr Chem, 351, 25-101 (2014)
T. C. Schmidt, A. Paasche, C. Grebner, K. Ansorg, J. Becker, W. Lee, B. Engels
Singlett Exciton Diffusion in Organic Crystals Based on Marcus Transfer Rates. J. Chem. Theo. And Comp. 10, 1242-1255 (2014)
V. Stehr, R. F. Fink, B. Engels, J. Pflaum, C. Deibel
Spectroscopic Demonstration of Excinton Dynamics and Excimer Formation in a Sterically Controlled Perylene Bisimide Dimer Aggregate. J. Phys. Chem. Lett 5, 3601-3607 (2014)
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