Molecular pathways controlling cell type specification in the cerebral cortex
Fachliche Zuordnung
Förderung von 2008 bis 2014
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 93329385
Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse
Our main discoveries from 2008: 1. We discovered a mechanism that controls cell fate switch of neocortical progenitors based on “feedback” (more details below). 2. We discovered the mechanism that controls axonal guidance of neocortical axons downstream of Satb2 transcription factor. 3. We discovered the role of NeuroD transcription factors in the necortical cell fate and connectivity. 4. We discovered the role of NOMA-GAP in the neocortical dentritogenesis. 5. We discovered the role of neurotrophin-TrkC signaling in the cell fate specification in the developing neocortex.
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
AP2γ regulates basal progenitor fate in a region- and layer-specific manner in the developing cortex. (2009) Nature Neuroscience 12(10):1229-37
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Rho GTPases control postnatal apoptosis in mouse cortex (2010) J. of Neurosci. 2010 30(12):4221-4231
Sanno H., Shen X., Bobsin K., Komljenovic D., Erzurumlu R., Bormuth I., Tarabykin, V. and Tucker K
A Mammalian Conserved Element Derived from SINE Displays Enhancer Properties Recapitulating Satb2 Expression in Early-Born Callosal Projection Neurons. PLoS One. (2011) 6(12):e28497
Tashiro K, Teissier A, Kobayashi N, Nakanishi A, Sasaki T, Yan K, Tarabykin V, Vigier L, Sumiyama K, Hirakawa M, Nishihara H, Pierani A, Okada N
FLRT2 and FLRT3 act as repulsive guidance cues for Unc5-positive neurons EMBO J. (2011) Jun 14;30(14):2920-33
Yamagishi S., Hampel F., Hata K., Del Toro D., Schwark M. , Kvachnina E., Bastmeyer M., Yamashita T., Tarabykin V., Klein R., and Egea J
Pax6 regulates craniofacial form through its control of an essential cephalic ectodermal patterning center. Genesis (2011) 49(4):397-25
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Satb2, modularity, and the evolvability of the vertebrate jaw Evol Dev (2011) 13 (6) 549-564
Fish, JL, Villmoare, B, Koebernick, K., Compagnucci, C., Britanova, O ., Tarabykin, V . and Depew, MJ
Wnt-mediated regulation of Prox1 is critical for adult hippocampal neurogenesis. PNAS, (2011) Apr 5;108(14):5807-12
Karalay Ö., Doberauer K., Knobloch M., Vadodaria K.C., Berti L., Jagasia R., Miquelajauregui A., Taketo M.M., Tarabykin V., Lie C.D. & Jessberger S
(2012) Neocortical dendritic complexity is controlled during development by NOMA-GAP- dependent inhibition of Cdc42 and activation of cofilin. Genes Dev 26:1743-175
Rosario M, Schuster S, Juttner R, Parthasarathy S, Tarabykin V, Birchmeier W
Cellular retinaldehydebinding protein (CRALBP) is a direct downstream target of transcription factor Pax6 Biochim Biophys Acta (2012) 1820(2) 151-156
Boppana, S., Scheglov, A., Geffers, R. and Tarabykin, V
Postnatal subventricular zone of the neocortex contributes GFAP+ cells to the rostral migratory stream under the control of Sip1. Dev Biol (2012) 366:341-356
Nityanandam A, Parthasarathy S, Tarabykin V
The protooncogene Ski cooperates with the chromatin-remodeling factor Satb2 in specifying callosal neurons PNAS (2012) 109(9) 3546-3551
Baranek, C., Dittrich, M., Parthasarathy, S., Bonnon, C.G., Britanova, O., Lanshakov, D., Boukhtouche, F., Sommer, J. E., Colmenares, C., Tarabykin, V. and Atanasoski S
Activation of EphA receptors recruit the adaptor protein Slap contributing to the downregulation of NMDA receptors MCB (2013) 33(7): 1442-1445
Semerdjieva S., Abdul-Razak H, Salim S, Yáñez-Muñoz R, Chen P, Tarabykin V. and Alifragis P
Behavioural and functional characterization of Kv10.1 (Eag1) knockout mice. Hum Mol Genet. (2013) 1;22(11):2247-62
Ufartes R, Schneider T, Mortensen LS, de Juan Romero C, Hentrich K, Knoetgen H, Beilinson V, Moebius W, Tarabykin V, Alves F, Pardo LA, Rawlins JN, Stuehmer W
Neuronal bHLH proteins NEX (NeuroD6) and NDRF (NeuroD2) are essential regulators of directed projection neuron axogenesis and cortical commissure formation. J Neuroscience (2013) Jan 9;33(2):641-51
Bormuth I., Yan K., Yonemasu T, Zhang M, Gummert M, Wichert S, Grishina O., Goebbels S, Zhang W, Tarabykin V, Nave KA, Schwab MH
Unc5C and DCC act downstream of Ctip2 and Satb2 and contribute to corpus callosum formation. Nature Commun. 2014 Apr 17;5:3708
Srivatsa S, Parthasarathy S, Britanova O, Bormuth I, Donahoo AL, Ackerman SL, Richards LJ, Tarabykin V
Bcl11a (Ctip1) Controls Migration of Cortical Projection Neurons through Regulation of Sema3c. Neuron. 2015 Jul 15;87(2):311-25
Wiegreffe C, Simon R, Peschkes K, Kling C, Strehle M, Cheng J, Srivatsa S, Liu P, Jenkins NA, Copeland NG, Tarabykin V, Britsch S
NOMA-GAP/ARHGAP33 regulates synapse development and autistic-like behavior in the mouse. Mol Psychiatry. 2015 Apr 14
Schuster S, Rivalan M, Strauss U, Stoenica L, Trimbuch T, Rademacher N, Parthasarathy S, Lajkó D, Rosenmund C, Shoichet SA, Winter Y, Tarabykin V, Rosário M
Sip1 downstream effector ninein controls neocortical axonal growth, ipsilateral branching and microtubule stability. Neuron, (2015), 2015 Mar 4;85(5):998-1012
Srivatsa S., Parthasarathy S, Molnar Z., Tarabykin V