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GRK 1567:  Lorentz Force Velocimetry and Lorentz Force Eddy Current Testing

Subject Area Fluid Mechanics, Technical Thermodynamics and Thermal Energy Engineering
Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Term from 2010 to 2018
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 89085041
Final Report Year 2019

Final Report Abstract

Funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG; German Research Foundation), the Re- search Training Group (RTG) 1567 on “Lorentz force velocimetry and Lorentz Force Eddy Current Testing” focused mainl on two different contactless processes by which electrically conducting substances can be analyzed. The first such contactless analysis method is called Lorentz Force Anemometry for fluid flow measurement in electrically conducting fluids. The second analysis method is called Lorentz Force Eddy Current Testing to detect defects in electrically conducting solid bodies. Thus, two seemingly remote areas of scientific research, velocimetry and eddy current testing, were linked by applying the same physical principle for analysis. The experimental, theoret ical, and numerical investigations were subdivided into three project areas: liquid metals, electro lytes, and solid bodies. In all three project areas it was proven that Lorentz Force analysis is an effective and viable research method with multiple application possibilities. Furthermore, the con- straints of this analytical method were identified and widened. Liquid metals are opaque and usually very hot and chemically aggressive fluids. The RTG measured local flow profiles in turbulent shear flows and then expanded the measurements to include multi-phase flows and thermal convection. The limits of the Lorentz Force Velocimetry method were tested in fluid flows under the influence of magnetic fields that varied strongly with respect to time. Also, the limits of this method were tested for very weakly conducting fluids such as electrolytes. After increasing the force measurement ac- curacy and optimizing the magnet configuration and materials, it was possible to lower the electrical conductivity of the analyzed electrolytes nearly to the levels of regular tap water. Both stationary and mobile apparatus were able to precisely detect and locate deep-lying, simple defects in electri- cally conducting solid bodies. The inverse numerical methods necessary to achieve this result were steadily refined during the course of the RTG. The RTG “Lorentz force” brought together scientists from various research areas: fluid mechanics, material science, precision measurement technology, technical mechanics, electrical engineering, biomedical engineering, and mathematics. The scien- tific success of this RTG was only possible because the DFG-funded doctoral students, the associ- ated doctoral students, and the post-doctoral researchers all cooperated very closely with other groups outside of their original research expertise. Furthermore, the compact training agenda and highly encouraged scientific exchange with national and international experts and partners over the nine years RTG program duration were key in achieving the desired results. The funding scheme of the DFG Research Training Group made it possible to explore the research topic in all of its depth, from basic scientific queries to technical applications.



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