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GRK 1567:  Lorentz Force Velocimetry and Lorentz Force Eddy Current Testing

Subject Area Fluid Mechanics, Technical Thermodynamics and Thermal Energy Engineering
Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Term from 2010 to 2018
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 89085041
Final Report Year 2019

Final Report Abstract

Funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG; German Research Foundation), the Re- search Training Group (RTG) 1567 on “Lorentz force velocimetry and Lorentz Force Eddy Current Testing” focused mainl on two different contactless processes by which electrically conducting substances can be analyzed. The first such contactless analysis method is called Lorentz Force Anemometry for fluid flow measurement in electrically conducting fluids. The second analysis method is called Lorentz Force Eddy Current Testing to detect defects in electrically conducting solid bodies. Thus, two seemingly remote areas of scientific research, velocimetry and eddy current testing, were linked by applying the same physical principle for analysis. The experimental, theoret ical, and numerical investigations were subdivided into three project areas: liquid metals, electro lytes, and solid bodies. In all three project areas it was proven that Lorentz Force analysis is an effective and viable research method with multiple application possibilities. Furthermore, the con- straints of this analytical method were identified and widened. Liquid metals are opaque and usually very hot and chemically aggressive fluids. The RTG measured local flow profiles in turbulent shear flows and then expanded the measurements to include multi-phase flows and thermal convection. The limits of the Lorentz Force Velocimetry method were tested in fluid flows under the influence of magnetic fields that varied strongly with respect to time. Also, the limits of this method were tested for very weakly conducting fluids such as electrolytes. After increasing the force measurement ac- curacy and optimizing the magnet configuration and materials, it was possible to lower the electrical conductivity of the analyzed electrolytes nearly to the levels of regular tap water. Both stationary and mobile apparatus were able to precisely detect and locate deep-lying, simple defects in electri- cally conducting solid bodies. The inverse numerical methods necessary to achieve this result were steadily refined during the course of the RTG. The RTG “Lorentz force” brought together scientists from various research areas: fluid mechanics, material science, precision measurement technology, technical mechanics, electrical engineering, biomedical engineering, and mathematics. The scien- tific success of this RTG was only possible because the DFG-funded doctoral students, the associ- ated doctoral students, and the post-doctoral researchers all cooperated very closely with other groups outside of their original research expertise. Furthermore, the compact training agenda and highly encouraged scientific exchange with national and international experts and partners over the nine years RTG program duration were key in achieving the desired results. The funding scheme of the DFG Research Training Group made it possible to explore the research topic in all of its depth, from basic scientific queries to technical applications.


  • Thermomessfühler. DE 10 2011 008 179.8
    Irrgang, K., Michalowsky, L., Michel, M., Nowak, G., Karcher, C. & Minchenya, V.
  • Verfahren zur berührungslosen Messung der spezifischen elektrischen Leitfähigkeit von Werkstoffen. DE 10 2011 056 650 A1 2013.06.20
    Zec, M., Uhlig, R. P., Ziolkowski, M., Brauer, H. & Thess, A.
  • 2010 A novel marker design for magnetic marker monitoring in the human intestine. Front Range Neuroscience Conference Abstract: Biomag 2010 – 17th International Conference on Biomagnetism
    Biller, S., Baumgarten, D. & Haueisen, J.
    (See online at
  • 2010 A spatio-temporal approach for the solution of the inverse problem in the reconstruction of magnetic nanoparticle distributions. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Transactions on Magnetics 46 (8), 3496–3499
    Baumgarten, D. & Haueisen, J.
    (See online at
  • 2010 Adapting source grid parameters to improve the condition of the magnetostatic linear inverse problem of estimating nanoparticle distributions. Proceedings OIPE-2010, 11th Workshop on Optimization and Inverse Problems in Electromagnetism, Sofia, Bulgarien, 108–109
    Eichardt, R., Baumgarten, D., Petković, B., Wiekhorst, F., Trahms, L. & Haueisen, J.
  • 2010 Analysis of exponential transmission line as band pass impedance transformer. Electrotechnica & Electronica, Union of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications (CEEC) 45 (1–2), 30–33
    Cvetković, Z. & Petković, B.
    (See online at
  • 2010 Analysis of exponential transmission line as band pass impedance transformer. Elektrotechnika & Elektronica 45, 30–33
    Cvetković, Z. & Petković, B.
  • 2010 Application of 3D particle tracking velocimetry in convection. Proceedings Interdisciplinary Turbulence Initiative (ITI) Conference on Turbulence IV, Bertinoro, Italien
    Wegfrass, A., Lobutova, E. & Resagk, C.
  • 2010 Bildgebung magnetischer Nanopartikel basierend auf Magnetrelaxometrie mit sequentieller Aktivierung inhomogener Anregungsfelder. Biomedical Technology 55, 22–25
    Steinhoff, U., Wiekhorst, F., Baumgarten, D., Haueisen, J. & Trahms, L.
    (See online at
  • 2010 Characterization and optimization of the cylindric 18 channel SQUID scanner in terms of source reconstruction performance. Proceedings 17th BIOMAG Conference, Dubrovnik, Kroatien
    Baumgarten, D., Wiekhorst, F., Steinhoff, U., Trahms, L. & Haueisen, J.
  • 2010 Comparison of different load changers for EMFC-balances. Proceedings International Measurement Confederation (IMEKO) TC3, TC5 and TC22
    Hilbrunner, F., Weis, H., Fröhlich, T. & Jäger, G.
  • 2010 Conditions of EM Forced Laminar Mixing in a Special Glass Melter. Magnetohydrodynamics 46 (4), 449–460
    Geža, V., Jakovič, A., Krieger, U. & Halbedel, B.
    (See online at
  • 2010 Durchflussmessung in Flüssigmetallströmungen mittels Lorentzkraft-Anemometrie: Modellexperimente. Proceedings Workshop Elektroprozesstechnik (EPT), Technische Universität Ilmenau
    Jian, D. & Karcher, C.
  • 2010 Eddy Current Interaction of a Magnetic Dipole With a Translating Solid Bar. International Scientific Colloquium Modelling for Material Processing, Riga, Lettland
    Kirpo, M., Boeck, T. & Thess, A.
  • 2010 Eddy-current braking of a translating solid bar by a magnetic dipole. PAMM Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 10 (1), 513–514
    Kirpo, M., Boeck, T. & Thess, A.
    (See online at
  • 2010 Electromagnetically enhanced flow in a special melter – physical modeling, numerical simulation and hands-on Experience. Proceedings XXII International Congress on Glass (ICG), Bahia, Brazilien
    Krieger, U., Halbedel, B., Geža, V., Jakovič, A. & Iser, R.
  • 2010 Elektromagnetische Beeinflussung laminarer Strömungen. Werkstofftechnik Aktuell 2, Thüringer Werkstofftag 2010, Technische Universität Ilmenau, 155–160
    Krieger, U. & Halbedel, B.
  • 2010 Entwicklung eines Lorentzkraft-Anemometers zur berührungslosen Durchflussmessung in Aluminiumschmelzen. Proceedings Symposium Stranggießen von NE-Metallen, Neu-Ulm
    Klein, R., Wang, X., Gramss, M., Karcher, C. & Thess, A.
  • 2010 Estimation of fixed-point temperatures – A practical approach. Measurement
    Krapf, G., Schalles, M. & Fröhlich, T.
    (See online at
  • 2010 Glass Melt Homogenization in a Special Melter Using Lorentz Force. Proceedings 10th European Society of Glass Science and Technology (ESG), Magdeburg
    Krieger, U., Halbedel, B., Geza, V., Jakovič, A. & Iser, R.
  • 2010 High precision optical position sensor for electromagnetic force compensated balances. International Measurement Confederation (IMEKO) 2010 TC3, TC5 and TC22 Conferences, Pattaya, Thailand
    Diethold, C. et. al.
  • 2010 Imaging of Magnetic Nanoparticles based on Magnetorelaxation and Minimum Norm Estimations. Magnetic Nanoparticles, 191 – 197
    Baumgarten, D. & Haueisen, J.
    (See online at
  • 2010 Imaging of magnetic nanoparticles based on Magnetorelaxation and minimum norm estimations. Magnetic Nanoparticles: Particle Science, Imaging Technology, and Clinical Applications, 191–197
    Baumgarten, D. & Haueisen, J.
    (See online at
  • 2010 Lengths, girths, and diameters of children’s fingers from 3 to 10 years of age. Annals of Anatomy 192 (3), 156–161
    Hohendorff, B., Weidermann, C., Burkhart, K. J., Rommens, P.M., Prommersberger, K. J. & Konerding, M. A.
    (See online at
  • 2010 Long-term computations of turbulent flow and temperature field in the induction channel furnace with various channel design. Magnetohydrodynamics, 46 (4), 461–474
    Baake, E., Jakovič, A., Pavlovs, S. & Kirpo, M.
    (See online at
  • 2010 Lorentzkraft-Anemometrie: Ein Verfahren zur berührungslosen Durchflussmessung in Hochtemperaturschmelzen. Proceedings Symposium Stranggießen von NE-Metallen, Neu-Ulm
    Klein, R., Karcher, C., Kolesnikov, Y. & Thess, A.
  • 2010 Magnetic marker monitoring: a novel approach for magnetic marker design. International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering (IFMBE) Proceedings of the XII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing (MEDICON 2010)
    Biller, S., Baumgarten, D. & Haueisen, J.
    (See online at
  • 2010 Neuartiger nachgiebiger Mechanismus zur Platzierung trockener EEG-Elektroden über eine Schraubenbewegung. Novel compliant mechanism with a screw motion for adduction of dry EEG electrodes. DGBMT
    Griebel, S., Fiedler, P., Streng, A., Haueisen, J. & Zentner
    (See online at
  • 2010 Novel biosignal electrodes based on TiNx: First application in EEG measurements. ICST 2010
    Cunha, L. T., Fiedler, P., Pedrosa, P., Brodkorb, S., Fonseca, C., Vaz, F. & Haueisen, J.
  • 2010 Novel dry biosignal electrodes based on TiN: Influence of electrode number and arrangement on contact impedance and signal quality in EEG measurements. IWK, TU Ilmenau 2010
    Fiedler, P., Brodkorb, S., Fonseca, C., Vaz, F., Zanow, F. & Haueisen, J.
  • 2010 Novel TiN-based dry EEG electrodes: Influence of electrode shape and number on contact impedance and signal quality. XII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 418–421, Chalkidiki, Griechenland
    Fiedler, P., Brodkorb, S., Fonseca, C., Vaz, F., Zanow, F. & Haueisen, J.
    (See online at
  • 2010 Numerical simulation and magnet system optimization for the Lorentz Force Velocimetry (LFV) of low-conducting fluids. Proceedings 6th International Scientific Colloquium Modelling for Material Processing, Riga, 215–220
    Alferenok, A. & Luedtke, U.
  • 2010 Numerical Study of Magnet Systems for Lorentz Force Velocimetry in Electrically Low Conducting Fluids. Proceedings 6th International Scientific Colloquium Modelling for Material Processing, Riga, Lettland, 233–238
    Werner, M., Halbedel, B. & Rädlein, E.
  • 2010 Numerische Simulation und Optimierung von Magnetsystemen für die Lorentzkraft-Strömungsmessung mit elektrisch schwach leitfähigen Flüssigkeiten. Proceedings Workshop Elektroprozesstechnik, Technische Universität Ilmenau
    Alferenok, A. & Lüdtke, U.
  • 2010 One approach for characteristics improvement of shallow buried grounding electrodes. Electrotechnica & Electronica, Union of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications (CEEC) 45 (1–2), 38–41
    Petković, B., Ilić, S. & Aleksić, S.
  • 2010 One approach for characteristics improvement of shallow buried grounding electrodes. Elektrotechnika & Elektronica 45, 38–41
    Petković, B., Ilić, S. & Aleksić, S.
  • 2010 Parametric mechatronic model of a load cell with electromagnetic force compensation. Proceedings International Measurement Confederation (IMEKO) TC3, TC5 and TC22
    Weis, H., Hilbrunner, F., Fröhlich, T. & Jäger, G.
  • 2010 The Epsilon-Skew-Normal dictionary for the decomposition of single- and multichannel biomedical recordings using Matching Pursuit algorithms. MEDICON 2010, IFMBE Proceedings 29, 97–100
    Strohmeier, D., Halbleib, A., Gratkowski, M. & Haueisen, J.
    (See online at
  • 2010 The manipulation of paramagnetic ions by magnetic field gradient forces. Proceedings 6th International Scientific Colloquium “Modelling for Material Processing”, 127–132, Riga, Lettland
    Schadewald, U., Halbedel, B., Ziolkowski, M. & Brauer, H.
  • 2010 Ultrasound Doppler Velocimetry Measurements in Turbulent Liquid Metal Channel Flow. Proceedings 63rd Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS) Division of Fluid Dynamics, Long Beach, CA, USA
    Rivero, M., Jian, D., Karcher, C. & Cuevas, S.
  • 2010 Vectorial magnetoencephalographic measurements for the estimation of radial dipolar activity in the human somatosensory system. MEDICON 2010, IFMBE Proceedings 29, 399–401
    Haueisen, J., Fleissig, K., Strohmeier, D., Huonker, R., Liehr, M. & Witte, O. W.
    (See online at
  • 2011 A novel approach to the positive DC nonlinear corona design. Electromagnetics 31, 505–524
    Petković, B., Ilić, S., Aleksić, S., Raičević, N. & Antić, D.
    (See online at
  • 2011 A novel marker design for magnetic marker monitoring in the human gastrointestinal tract. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 58 (12), 3368–3375
    Biller, S., Baumgarten, D. & Haueisen, J.
    (See online at
  • 2011 A Novel, Inexpensive Electrode and Cap System for Dry Multichannel EEG. Biomed Tech 2011
    Fiedler, P., Strohmeier, D., Griebel, S., Zanow, F. & Haueisen, J.
    (See online at
  • 2011 A Novel, Inexpensive Electrode and Cap System for Dry Multichannel EEG. Biomedizinische Technik 56 (1)
    Fiedler, P., Strohmeier, D., Griebel, S., Zanow, F. & Haueisen, J.
    (See online at
  • 2011 A numerical model of an omega-shaped electromagnetic pump with rotating permanent magnets. Proceedings 8th PAMIR International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), Korsika, Frankreich
    Wang, X., Kolesnikov, Y. & Thess, A.
  • 2011 Adaptive Spatial Harmonic Analysis of EEG Data using Laplacian Eigenspace. NFSI & ICBEM, Banff, Canada
    Graichen, U., Eichardt, R., Fiedler, P., Strohmeier, D. & Haueisen, J.
    (See online at
  • 2011 Advancements in the imaging of magnetic nanoparticles using magnetorelaxometry with sequential activation of inhomogeneous excitation fields. Proceedings 45th Annual Conference of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Biomedizinische Technik (DGBMT), Freiburg
    Baumgarten, D., Crevecoeur, G., Dupré, L. & Haueisen, J.
    (See online at
  • 2011 Anwendung von Halbacharrays in der Lorentzkraftanemometrie. Proceedings Workshop Elektroprozesstechnik, Technische Universität Ilmenau
    Werner, M. & Halbedel, B.
  • 2011 Application of Lorentz force velocimetry to open channel flow. Materials Science Forum 690, 99–102
    Wang, X., Klein, R., Kolesnikov, Y. & Thess, A.
    (See online at
  • 2011 Automated Setup for Non-Tactile High-Precision Measurements of Roundness and Cylindricity Using Two Laser Interferometers. Proceedings 56th International Scientific Colloquium, Technische Universität Ilmenau
    Kühnel, M., Ullmann, V., Gerhardt, U. & Manske, E.
  • 2011 Calculation of the effective emissivity of blackbodies made of alumina. International Scientific Colloquium, Technische Universität Ilmenau
    Schalles, M. & Blumröder, G.
  • 2011 Calibration of a Lorentz force Flowmeter. Proceedings 56th International Scientific Colloquium (IWK), Technische Universität Ilmenau
    Gramss, M. & Karcher, C.
  • 2011 Calibration of the Lorentz force flowmeter. Flow measurement and instrumentation 22 (3), 242–247
    Minchenya, V., Karcher, C., Kolesnikov, Y. & Thess, A.
    (See online at
  • 2011 Classification, design and application of fluid-driven compliant structures for rotary, translatory and screw motion. Second International Symposium on Compliant Mechanisms CoMe2011, Delft, The Netherlands
    Griebel, S., Linß, S., Fiedler, P., Haueisen, J. & Zentner, L.
  • 2011 Climate chamber for a high temperature stability. Proceedings 15th International Conference on Sensors and Measurement Technology (SENSOR), Nürnberg
    Kühnel, M., Hilbrunner, F. & Fröhlich, T.
    (See online at
  • 2011 Comparison of figures of merit in linear inverse problems. CD-Proceedings NFSI and ICBEM 2011, 8th International Symposium on Noninvasive Functional Source Imaging of the Brain and Heart and the 8th International Conference on Bioelectromagnetism, Banff, Kanada
    Petković, B., Eichardt, R., Baumgarten, D., Graichen, U., Haueisen, J. & Di Rienzo, L.
  • 2011 Computational and experimental investigations on the imaging of magnetic nanoparticles based on magnetorelaxometry and minimum norm estimations for biomedical applications
    Baumgarten, Daniel
  • 2011 Design of a Magnetic System for the Manipulation of Paramagnetic Ions in Glass Melts. Proceedings 4th International Conference on Magneto-Science, Shanghai & Xi’an, China
    Ziolkowski, M., Brauer, H., Schadewald, U. & Halbedel, B.
  • 2011 Design Optimization of the Magnet System for the Lorentz Force Velocimetry of Electrolytes. Proceedings 15th International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Neapel, Italien
    Alferenok, A. & Luedtke, U.
  • 2011 Design, Test and Optimization of Lightweight passive Magnet Systems for Lorentz Force Velocimetry Purpose. Proceedings 4th International Conference on Magneto-Science, Shanghai & Xi"an, China
    Werner, M. & Halbedel, B.
  • 2011 Development of a Novel Flow Rate Measurement Device for Poorly Conducting Fluids Using Lorentz Force Velocimetry. Fachtagung “Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik”, Ilmenau
    Wegfrass, A., Diethold, C., Werner, M., Resagk, C., Hilbrunner, F., Halbedel, B. & Thess, A.
  • 2011 Development of a novel flow rate measurement device for poorly conducting fluids using Lorentz force velocimetry. Proceedings Fundamental and Applied Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) PAMIR 8, Korsika, Frankreich
    Wegfrass, A., Werner, M., Diethold, C., Resagk, C., Hilbrunner, F., Halbedel, M. & Thess, A.
  • 2011 Effectiveness of different approaches for EM force driven glass melt mixing in annular tube. Proceedings 8th PAMIR Inter-national Conference on Fundamental and Applied Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), Korsika, Frankreich
    Geža, V., Jakovič, A., Krieger, U. & Halbedel, B.
  • 2011 Ein integrierter Ansatz neuartiger, trockener Titan-Nitrid-Elektroden für Multikanal-EEG-Anwendungen. 7. Deutsches BioSensor Symposium, 60–61, Heilbad Heiligenstadt
    Fiedler, P., Griebel, S., Fonseca, C., Vaz, F., Zanow, F. & Haueisen, J.
  • 2011 Electromagnetic drag on a magnetic dipole near a translating conducting bar. Journal of Applied Physics 109, 113921
    Kirpo, M., Tympel, S., Boeck, T., Krasnov, D. & Thess, A.
    (See online at
  • 2011 Electromagnetic flow control using Lorentz force velocimetry: experimental investigations and numerical modeling. Proceedings 8th PAMIR Conference, Korsika, Frankreich
    Jian, D. & Karcher, C.
  • 2011 Electromagnetic flow rate measurement in turbulent liquid metal channel flow. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 11 (1)
    Jian, D. & Karcher, C.
    (See online at
  • 2011 Electromagnetic flow rate measurements using Time-of-Flight Lorentz force velocimetry as a cross-correlation flow meter. Proceedings 56th International Scientific Colloquium (IWK), Technische Universität Ilmenau
    Jian, D. & Karcher, C.
  • 2011 Electromagnetic global and local melt flow measurements using Lorentz force velocimetry. Proceedings Workshop Elektroprozesstechnik (EPT), Technische Universität Ilmenau
    Jian, D. & Karcher, C.
  • 2011 Electromagnetic interaction of moving conductors with magnets: kinematic solutions for infinitely long square and cylindrical geometries. PAMM Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 11, 657–658
    Kirpo, M., Boeck, T. & Thess, A.
    (See online at
  • 2011 Entrapment of adult fingers between window glass and seal entry of a motor vehicle side door: An experimental study for investigation of the force at the subjective pain threshold. Journal of Biomechanics 44 (11), 2158–2161
    Hohendorff, B., Weidermann, C., Pollinger, P., Burkhart, K. J., Konerding, M.A., Prommersberger, K. J. & Rommens, P.M.
    (See online at
  • 2011 Entwicklung einer neuen Durchflussmesstechnik zur Vermessung elektrisch schwach leitfähiger Fluide mittels Lorentzkraft Anemometrie. Proceedings 19. Fachtagung Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik, Technische Universität Ilmenau
    Wegfraß, A., Diethold, C., Werner, M., Resagk, C.,Hilbrunner, F., Halbedel, B. & Thess, A.
  • 2011 Experimental investigation of transition to turbulence in a magnetic obstacle. EUROMECH Colloquium 525 – Instabilities and transition in three dimensional flows with rotation, Écully, France
    Samsami, F., Thess, A. & Kolesnikov, Y.
  • 2011 Functional Brain Imaging with M/EEG Using Structured Sparsity in Time-Frequency Dictionaries. IPMI 2011, LNCS 6801, 600–611
    Gramfort, A., Strohmeier, D., Haueisen, J., Hamalainen, M. & Kowalski, M.
    (See online at
  • 2011 High frequency oscillations evoked by peripheral magnetic stimulation. 33rd Annual International Conference of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC "11), Boston, USA
    Biller, S., Simon, L., Fiedler, P., Strohmeier, D. & Haueisen, J.
    (See online at
  • 2011 Improvement of the magnet system sensitivity for the flow rate measurement based on Lorentz force velocimetry considering low conducting fluids by means of numerical modeling. Proceedings Workshop Elektroprozesstechnik, Technische Universität Ilmenau
    Alferenok, A. & Luedtke, U.
  • 2011 Influence of Magnetic Kelvin Forces on Aqueous Solutions Containing Paramagnetic FeII Ions. Proceedings 4th International Conference on Magneto-Science, Shanghai & Xi’an, China
    Schadewald, U., Halbedel, B., Ziolkowski, M. & Brauer, H.
  • 2011 Influence of Material Properties on the Electromagnetic Homogenization of Glass Melt in the Special Melter. Proceedings 6th International Scientific Colloquium Modelling for Material Processing, Riga, Lettland, 115-120
    Geža, V., Krieger, U., Jakovics, A. & Halbedel, B.
  • 2011 Innovative, adaptive Multipin-Trockenelektroden zur Biosignalerfassung. Medica Media Forum, Düsseldorf, Germany
    Fiedler, P., Griebel, S., Fonseca, C., Vaz, F., Zanow, F. & Haueisen, J.
  • 2011 Instability of streaks in channel flow with streamwise magnetic field. 8th International PAMIR Conference on Fundamental and Applied Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), 199–203
    Dong, S., Krasnov, D., Li, B.-W. & Boeck, T.
  • 2011 Investigations and experiments of sophisticated magnet systems for a first Lorentz force velocimeter for electrolytes. Proceedings 8th International PAMIR Conference on Fundamental and Applied Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), Korsika, Frankreich, 435–439
    Werner, M. & Halbedel, B.
  • 2011 Laminar magnetohydrodynamic duct flow in the presence of a magnetic dipole. Proceedings Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 11, 671–672
    Tympel, S., Krasnov, D., Boeck, T. & Schumacher, J.
    (See online at
  • 2011 LES modelling of turbulent flow, heat exchange and particle transport in industrial induction channel furnaces. Magnetohydrodynamics 47 (4), 399–412
    Pavlovs, S., Jakovič, A., Baake, E., Nacke, B. & Kirpo, M.
    (See online at
  • 2011 Long term stability of miniature fixed-point cells used in self-calibrating thermometers. SENSOR+TEST Conferences
    Krapf, G., Fröhlich, T., Augustin, S., Mammen, H., Schalles, M. & Hilbrunner, F.
    (See online at
  • 2011 Lorentz force eddy current testing: two-dimensional numerical study. Proceedings Electrotechnical Institute, 252
    Zec, M., Uhlig, R. P., Ziolkowski, M. & Brauer, H.
  • 2011 Lorentz force eddy current testing: validation of numerical results. Proceedings Electrotechnical Institute, 251
    Uhlig, R. P., Zec, M., Ziolkowski, M. & Brauer, H.
  • 2011 Lorentz force velocimetry for a conducting medium in a straight duct: results for a point dipole. 8th PAMIR International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), Borgo, Korsika, Frankreich
    Boeck, T., Krasnov, D., Tympel, S. & Zikanov, O.
  • 2011 Lorentz force velocimetry of turbulent MHD duct flow: numerical study. Proceedings 8th PAMIR International Conference, Korsika, Frankreich
    Pulugundla, G. & Karcher, C.
  • 2011 Mechatronic FEM-model of an electromagnetic force compensated load cell. Proceedings 56th International Scientific Colloquium, Technische Universität Ilmenau
    Weis, H., Hilbrunner, F., Fröhlich, T. & Jäger, G.
  • 2011 MEG/EEG source localization based on structured sparsity in the time-frequency domain. Biomed Tech
    Strohmeier, D., Gramfort, A., Haueisen, J., Hämäläinen, M. & Kowalski, M.
    (See online at
  • 2011 MEG/EEG source reconstruction based on Gabor thresholding in the source space. 8th International Symposium on Noninvasive Functional Source Imaging of the Brain & Heart and 8th International Conference on Bioelectromagnetism, 103–108, Banff, Canada
    Strohmeier, D., Gramfort, A., Haueisen, J., Hämäläinen, M., & Kowalski, M.
    (See online at
  • 2011 Modelling of electromagnetic heating and mixing conditions in glass melt output equipment. International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (COMPEL) 30 (5), 1467–1478
    Geža, V., Jakovič, A., Krieger, U. & Halbedel, B.
    (See online at
  • 2011 Neuartiges Kalibrierstrahlersystem zur Präzisionskalibrierung von Strahlungsthermometern. Messtechnisches Symposium Arbeitskreis der Hochschullehrer für Messtechnik e.V. (AHMT), Karlsruhe
    Schalles, M. & Fröhlich, T.
  • 2011 Non-contact local flow measurement using Lorentz force velocimetry in Time-of-Flight arrangement. Proceedings International symposium on liquid metal processing and casting (LMPC), Nancy, France
    Jian, D. & Karcher, C.
  • 2011 Novel concept of a dynamically adaptive EEG cap for dry electrodes. DGBMT
    Griebel, S., Fiedler, P., Klee, S., Bessler, P., Zentner, L. & Haueisen, J.
    (See online at
  • 2011 Novel Flexible Dry PU/TiN-Multipin Electrodes: First Application in EEG Measurements. Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Annual International Conference of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 55–58, Boston, USA
    Fiedler, P., Pedrosa, P., Griebel, S., Fonseca, C., Vaz, F., Zanow, F. & Haueisen, J.
    (See online at
  • 2011 Novel Ti/TiN dry electrodes and Ag/AgCl: A direct comparison in multichannel EEG. 5th European Conference of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering, 1011–1014. Budapest, Hungary
    Fiedler, P., Griebel, S., Fonseca, C., Vaz, F., Zentner, L. & Haueisen, J.
    (See online at
  • 2011 Novel Ti/TiN dry electrodes and Ag/AgCl: A direct comparison in multichannel EEG. EMBEC 2011
    Fiedler, P., Griebel, S., Fonseca, C., Vaz, F., Zentner, L., Zanow, F. & Haueisen, J.
    (See online at
  • 2011 Novel TiNx-based biosignal electrodes for electroencephalography. Measurement Science and Technology 22 (12), 124007
    Fiedler, P., Cunha, L. T., Pedrosa, P., Brodkorb, S., Fonseca, C., Vaz, F. & Haueisen, J.
    (See online at
  • 2011 Numerical Optimization of the Magnet System for the Lorentz Force Velocimetry of Electrolytes. Proceedings IEEE Transaction on Magnetics
    Alferenok, A., Werner, M., Gramss, M., Lüdtke, U. & Halbedel, B.
  • 2011 Numerical study of liquid metal creeping flow in the presence of a permanent magnet. Proceedings Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (GAMM) 82nd Annual Meeting, Graz, Österreich
    Pulugundla, G. & Karcher, C.
  • 2011 Nutzung von Lorentzkräften zur kontaktlosen Messung der Fließgeschwindigkeiten von elektrisch schwach leitfähigen Fluiden. Proceedings 85. Glastechnische Tagung, Saarbrücken
    Diethold, C., Wegfraß, A., Diethold, C., Halbedel, B., Resagk, C. & Hilbrunner, F.
  • 2011 Nutzung von Lorentzkräften zur kontaktlosen Messung der Fließgeschwindigkeiten von elektrisch schwach leitfähigen Fluiden. Proceedings 85. Glastechnische Tagung, Saarbrücken
    Werner, M., Wegfraß, A., Diethold, C., Halbedel, B., Resagk, C. & Hilbrunner, F.
  • 2011 Optimization of a Lorentz force flowmeter by using numerical modeling. Magnetohydrodynamics 47 (3), 273–282
    Stelian, C., Alferenok, A., Luedtke, U., Kolesnikov, Y. & Thess, A.
    (See online at
  • 2011 Precision and low cost position detection using capacitive sensor technology. 56th IWK, Ilmenau Scientific Colloquium
    Pufke, M., Hilbrunner F. & Diethold, C.
  • 2011 Systems for homogeneous electrical fields generation and effects of external bodies on field homogeneity. Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal 26, 56–63
    Cvetković, Z., Petković, B. & Perić, M.
  • 2011 Three-dimensional numerical study of the interaction of turbulent liquid metal flow with an external magnetic field. Proceedings COMSOL Conference, Stuttgart
    Pulugundla, G., Zec, M., & Alferenok, A.
  • 2011 Traceable determination of relevant material parameters for the mass and force metrology. Proceedings National Conference of Standards Laboratories (NCSL) International Workshop and Symposium
    Kühnel, M., Hilbrunner, F., Büchner, H., Jäger, G. & Fröhlich, T.
  • 2011 Verfahren und Anordnung zur Kalibrierung von Thermometern. DE102011016612A1
    Schalles, M., Mammen, H. & Krapf, G.
  • 2011 Vorrichtung und Verfahren zum Manipulieren einer levitierten elektrisch leitfähigen Substanz. DE 10 2011 018 675.1
    Minchenya, V. & Karcher, C.
  • 2011 Vorrichtung zur simultanen Erfassung von Kraft- und Momentenkomponenten. DE 10 2011 106 894.9
    Rahneberg, I., Hilbrunner, F. & Fröhlich, T.
  • 2011 Werkstoffforschung in und mit Magnetfeldern. Proceedings Symposium Hochleistungskeramik, Karlsruhe, 25.–26. Oktober
    Halbedel, B., Krieger, U. Schadewald, U., Steinacker, M., Torres, J. O., Werner, M. & Quiroz, P.
  • Device and method for measuring the motion speed of moved electrically conductive substances. WO/2011/015469
    Thess, A., Minchenya, V., Karcher, C., Kolesnikov, Y., Knaepen, B. & Viré, A.
  • 2012 A novel contactless flow rate measurement device for poorly conducting fluids using Lorentz force velocimetry. Proceedings Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer 7, Palermo, Italien
    Resagk,C., Wegfrass, A., Diethold, C., Werner, M., Hilbrunner, F., Halbedel, B. & Thess, A.
    (See online at
  • 2012 A novel electromagnetic mixer for the glass melt homog-enization – evaluation with a numerical and physical model. Proceedings Workshop Elektroprozesstechnik, Technische Universität Ilmenau
    Torres, J. O. & Halbedel, B.
  • 2012 A RANS numerical model for calibration of Lorentz force flowmeter applying to metallurgy industry. Proceedings 23rd International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM), 274, Beijing, China
    Wang, X., Kolesnikov, Y. & Thess, A.
  • 2012 A universal noncontact flowmeter for liquids. Applied Physics Letters 100 (19), 194103
    Wegfrass, A., Diethold, C., Werner, M., Fröhlich, T., Halbedel, B., Hilbrunner, F., Resagk, C. & Thess, A.
    (See online at
  • 2012 Adapting source grid parameters to improve the condition of the magnetostatic linear inverse problem of estimating nanoparticle distributions. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 50 (10), 1081–1089
    Eichardt, R., Baumgarten, D., Petković, B., Wiekhorst, F., Trahms, L. & Haueisen, J.
    (See online at
  • 2012 Advancements in magnetic nanoparticle reconstruction using sequential activation of excitation coil arrays using magnetorelaxometry. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Transactions on Magnetics 48 (4), 1313–1316
    Crevecoeur, G., Baumgarten, D., Steinhoff, U., Haueisen, J., Trahms, L. & Dupré, L.
    (See online at
  • 2012 An approximation method for crack reconstruction in Lorentz force eddy current testing. Proceedings 12th International Workshop on optimization and inverse problems in Electromagnetism (OIPE), Ghent, Belgien, 84–85
    Petković, B., Haueisen, J., Zec, M., Uhlig, R., Brauer, H. & Ziolkowski, M.
  • 2012 An Approximation Method for Crack Reconstruction in Lorentz Force Eddy Current Testing. Proceedings 12th International Workshop on Optimization and Inverse Problems in Electromagnetism (OIPE), Ghent, Belgium
    Petkovic, B., Haueisen, J., Zec, M., Uhlig, R. P., Brauer, H. & Ziolkowski, M.
  • 2012 Analyzing trial-to-trial variability of neuronal activity using MEG/EEG source reconstruction with mixed norm priors in the time-frequency domain. 18th International Conference on Biomagnetism, 241, Paris, Frankreich
    Strohmeier, D., Kowalski, M., Haueisen, J., Hämäläinen, M. & Gramfort, A.
  • 2012 Application of Lorentz Force Velocimetry in Continuous Casting of Steel. Proceedings 5th International Congress on the Science and Technology of Steelmaking, Dresden
    Weidermann, C., Thess, A., Lieftucht, D. & Reifferscheid, M.
  • 2012 Assembling and Test of a Halbach Array Magnet System for Lorentz Force Velocimetry in Electrolytes. International Journal of Iron and Steel Research 19 (1–1), 145–148
    Werner, M. & Halbedel, B.
  • 2012 Automated setup for non-tactile high-precision measurements of roundness and cylindricity using two laser interferometers. Measurement Science and Technology 23, 074016
    Kühnel, M., Ullmann, V., Gerhardt, U. & Manske, E.
    (See online at
  • 2012 Boundary layer structure in turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 706, 5–33
    Shi, N., Emran, M. S. & Schumacher, J.
    (See online at
  • 2012 Brain Atlas based Region of Interest Selection for Real-Time Source Localization using K-Means Lead Field Clustering and RAP-MUSIC. 18th International Conference on Biomagnetism, 305, Paris, Frankreich
    Dinh, C., Strohmeier, D., Haueisen, J, & Güllmar, D.
    (See online at
  • 2012 Comparison of Dry and Conventional Electrode Concepts for Electroencephalography. World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Beijing, China
    Fiedler, P., Griebel, S., Fonseca, C., Vaz, F., Zentner, L., Zanow, F. & Haueisen, J.
  • 2012 Comparison of Dry and Conventional Electrode Concepts for Electronencephalography. World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering 2012, Beijing, China
    Fiedler, P., Griebel, S., Fonseca, C., Vaz, F., Zentner, L., Zanow, F. & Haueisen, J.
  • 2012 Comparison of figures of merit for the optimization of sensor setups in magnetocardiography. Proceedings 12th International Workshop on optimization and inverse problems in Electromagnetism (OIPE), Ghent, Belgien, 120–121
    Petković, B., Lau, S., Haueisen, J. & Di Rienzo, L.
  • 2012 Comparison of figures of merit in linear inverse problems. International Journal of Bioelectromagnetism 14, 46–50
    Petković, B., Eichardt, R., Baumgarten, D., Graichen, U., Haueisen, J. & Di Rienzo, L.
    (See online at
  • 2012 Comparison of figures of merit in the optimization of vest-like sensor arrangements for magnetocardiography. CD-Proceedings 7th International Workshop on Biosignal Interpretation (BSI), Como, Italien
    Petković, B., Lau, S., Di Rienzo, L. & Haueisen, J.
  • 2012 Conditional statistics of thermal dissipation rate in turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection. European Journal of Physics E 35, 108
    Emran, M. S. & Schumacher, J.
    (See online at
  • 2012 Contact-free Flow Rate Measurement in Weakly Conducting Electrolytes Using Lorentz Force Velocimetry. XX IMEKO World Congress Metrology for Green Growth, Busan, Republic of Korea
    Wegfrass, A., Diethold, C., Werner, M., Resagk, C., Hilbrunner, F., Halbedel, B. & Thess, A.
  • 2012 Deflection of laminar liquid metal flow by a magnetic point dipole. International Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Beijing, China
    Tympel, S., Boeck, T., Krasnov, D. & Schumacher, J.
    (See online at
  • 2012 Development of non-contact electromagnetic surface velocity sensor for molten metal using Time-of-Flight technique. Journal of Iron and Steel Research 19 (1–1)
    Jian, D., Karcher, C., Thess, A., Xu, X., Deng, A. & Wang, E.
  • 2012 Dissolution of magnetically marked tablets: Investigations in a physical phantom. Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2012 Annual International Conference of the IEEE, San Diego, USA
    Biller, S., Domey, J., Fiedler, P., Holzhey, R., Richert, H. & Haueisen, J.
    (See online at
  • 2012 Distortion of liquid metal flow in a square duct due to the influence of a magnetic point dipole. Proceedings Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 12, 567–568
    Tympel, S., Krasnov, D., Boeck, T. & Schumacher, J.
    (See online at
  • 2012 Dry electrodes for electroencephalography: novel titanium based electrodes. Proceedings 20th IMEKO World Congress 2, 1297–1299
    Haueisen, J., Fiedler, P., Griebel, S., Zentner, L., Fonseca, C., Vaz, F. & Zanow, F.
  • 2012 Dry Electrodes for Electroencephalography: Novel Titanium Based Electrodes. XXth IMEKO World Congress 2012, BEXCO, Busan, Republic of Korea
    Haueisen, J., Fiedler, P., Griebel, S. & Zentner, L.
  • 2012 Einfluss magnetischer Gradientenkräfte auf Fluide mit paramagnetischen Ionen. Proceedings Workshop Elektroprozesstechnik
    Schadewald, U. & Halbedel, B.
  • 2012 Electrochemical Analysis of Titanium Thin Films for Bioelectrode Applications. 7th International Conference on Electromagnetic Processing of Materials (EPM 2012), Beijing, China
    Fiedler, P., Griebel, S., Fonseca, C., Vaz, F. & Haueisen, J.
  • 2012 Electromagnetic flow measurements in liquid metals using time-of-flight Lorentz force velocimetry. Measurement Science and Technology 23 (7)
    Jian, D. & Karcher, C.
    (See online at
  • 2012 Electromagnetic interaction of a conducting cylinder with a magnetic dipole caused by steady rotation. PAMM Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 12, 579–580
    Engert, S., Boeck, T. & Thess, A.
    (See online at
  • 2012 Electromagnetic Processing of Materials at the Department of Inorganic-Nonmetallic Materials. Journal of Iron and Steel Research International 19 (1–2), 135–140
    Halbedel, B., Krieger, U., Werner, M., Torres, J.O., Schadewald, U. & Quiroz, P.
  • 2012 Experimental study and numerical visualization of physical fields of electromagnetic pumps constructed on permanent magnets. Proceedings 7th International Conference on Electromagnetic Processing of Materials (EPM), Beijing, China, Iron and Steel Research International, 19, (1–2), 621–624
    Kolesnikov, Y., Wang, X. & Thess, A.
  • 2012 Finger injuries caused by power-operated windows of motor vehicles: An experimental cadaver study. Injury 43 (6), 903–907
    Hohendorff, B., Weidermann, C., Pollinger, P., Burkhart, K. J., Konerding, M. A., Prommersberger, K. J. & Rommens, P. M.
    (See online at
  • 2012 Fixpunktthermometer für kleine Rohrquerschnitte. Fachtagung Sensoren und Messsysteme, Nürnberg
    Augustin, S., Fröhlich, T., Marin, S., Breitkreutz, P & Lehmann, H.
    (See online at
  • 2012 Flow rate measurement in turbulent liquid metal channel flow using Time-of-Flight Lorentz force velocimetry: experimental investigations and numerical modeling. Journal of Iron and Steel Research 19 (1–1)
    Jian, D. & Karcher, C.
    (See online at
  • 2012 Flow rate measurement of weakly conducting fluids using Lorentz force velocimetry. Measurement Science and Technology 23 (10), 105307
    Wegfrass, A., Diethold, C., Werner, M., Resagk, C., Fröhlich, T., Halbedel, B. & Thess, A.
    (See online at
  • 2012 Flow rate measurements in turbulent liquid metal channel flow using Time-of-Flight Lorentz force velocimetry. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 12 (1)
    Jian, D. & Karcher, C.
    (See online at
  • 2012 Force measurement of low forces in combination with high dead loads by the use of electromagnetic force compensation. Measurement Science and Technology 23, 074017
    Diethold, C. & Hilbrunner, F.
    (See online at
  • 2012 Heterodyne interferometer laser source with a pair of two phase locked loop coupled He–Ne lasers by 632.8 nm. Measurement Science and Technology 23, 074006
    Sternkopf, C., Diethold, C., Gerhardt, U., Wurmus, J. & Manske, E.
    (See online at
  • 2012 Impedance pneumography using textile electrodes. Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2012 Annual International Conference of the IEEE, San Diego, USA
    Fiedler, P., Biller, S., Griebel, S. & Haueisen, J.
    (See online at
  • 2012 Instability of streaks in channel flow with streamwise magnetic field. Magnetohydrodynamics 48, 57–68
    Dong, S., Krasnov, D., Li, B.-W. & Boeck, T.
    (See online at
  • 2012 Instability of unsteady streaks with streamwise magnetic field. 23rd International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Beijing, China
    Dong, S., Krasnov, D., Li, B.-W. & Boeck, T.
  • 2012 Interaction of a small permanent magnet with a liquid metal duct flow. Journal of Applied Physics 112, 124914
    Heinicke, C., Tympel, S., Pulugundla, G., Rahneberg, I., Boeck, T. & Thess, A.
    (See online at
  • 2012 Investigation of Lorentz Force Velocimetry Using Electromagnets. Proceedings 7th International Conference on Electromagnetic Processing of Materials (EPM), Beijing, China
    Santara, F., Karcher, C. & Thess, A.
  • 2012 Investigation on the impedance-frequency-response for a dynamic behaviour description of electromagnetic force compensated load cells. Proceedings XX International Measurement Confederation (IMEKO) World Congress
    Hilbrunner, F., Weis, H., Petzold, R., Fröhlich, T. & Jäger, G.
  • 2012 Jamming a Child's Finger: An Experimental Study to Determine Elastic Resistance and the Point of Onset of Bone/Joint Deformation. Handchirurgie, Mikrochirurgie, plastische Chirurgie 44 (01), 1–4
    Hohendorff, B., Weidermann, C., Pollinger, P., Burkhart, K., Prommersberger, K. J. & Müller, L.P.
    (See online at
  • 2012 Lorentz force eddy current testing: a prototype model. Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation 31 (4), 357–372
    Uhlig, R. P., Zec, M., Brauer, H. & Thess, A.
    (See online at
  • 2012 Lorentz force sigmometry. Journal of Iron and Steel Research International 19 (1–1), 123–126
    Zec, M., Uhlig, R. P., Ziolkowski, M., Brauer, H. & Thess, A.
    (See online at
  • 2012 Lorentz force sigmometry: a contactless method for electrical conductivity measurements. Journal of Applied Physics 111 (9), 094914
    Uhlig, R. P., Zec, M., Ziolkowski, M., Brauer, H. & Thess, A.
    (See online at
  • 2012 Lorentz force velocimetry for local velocity measurement. Journal of Iron and Steel Research International 19 (1), 578–581
    Heinicke, C., Pulugundla, G., Tympel, S., Boeck, T., Karcher, C., Schumacher, J., Rahneberg, I., Fröhlich, T., Hilbrunner, F. & Thess, T.
  • 2012 Lorentz force velocimetry for poorly conducting fluids – development and validation of a novel flow rate measurement device. Proceedings 7th International Conference on Electromagnetic Processing of Materials (EPM2012), Beijing, China
    Wegfrass, A., Resagk, C., Diethold, C., Hilbrunner, F., Werner, M., Halbedel, B. & Thess, A.
  • 2012 Lorentzkraft-Anemometrie für die berührungslose Durchflussmessung von Elektrolyten. Technisches Messen 79 (9), 399–402
    Wegfraß, A., Diethold, C., Werner, M., Alferenok, A., Resagk, C., Fröhlich, T., Halbedel, B., Lüdtke, U. & Thess, A.
    (See online at
  • 2012 Lorentzkraft-Anemometrie für die berührungslose Durchflussmessung von Metallschmelzen. Technisches Messen 9, 394–398
    Klein, R., Weidermann, C., Wang, X., Gramss, M., Alferenok, A., Thieme, A., Kolesnikov, Y., Karcher, C. & Thess, A.
    (See online at
  • 2012 Magnetic nanoparticle imaging by magnetorelaxometry. GAST Travelling Conference, Singapur
    Baumgarten, D.
  • 2012 Mechatronic FEM model of an electromagnetic-force-compensated load cell. Measurement Science and Technology 23 (7), 074018
    Weis, H., Hilbrunner, F., Fröhlich, T. & Jäger, G.
    (See online at
  • 2012 MEG/EEG single trial source estimates based on inter-trial priors in the time-frequency domain for source connectivity analysis. Biomedizinische Technik 57 (1), 391
    Strohmeier, D., Kowalski, M., Haueisen, J., Hämäläinen, M. & Gramfort, A.
    (See online at
  • 2012 MEG/EEG single trial source estimation based on inter-trial priors in the time-frequency domain for source connectivity analysis. 46.Jahrestagung der DGBMT, Jena
    Strohmeier, D., Kowalski, M., Haueisen, J. & Hämäläinen, M. S.
    (See online at
  • 2012 Migration of paramagnetic ions in glass melts under influence of a magnetic field. Journal of Iron and Steel Research 19 (1–2), 1068–1071
    Schadewald, U. & Halbedel, B.
  • 2012 Multichannel-EEG measurements with dry electrodes. Burgundy Neuro-Meeting 2012, Beaune, France
    Haueisen, J., Fiedler, P., Griebel, S., Fonseca, C., Vaz, F., Zentner, L. & Zanow, F.
    (See online at
  • 2012 Multichannel-EEG measurements with dry electrodes. Neurophysiologie Clinique / Clinical Neurophysiology 42 (1–2), 63
    Haueisen, J., Fiedler, P., Griebel, S., Fonseca, C., Vaz, F., Zentner, L. & Zanow, F.
    (See online at
  • 2012 Nanopositioning system with combined force measurement based on electromagnetic force compensation. XX International Measurement Confederation (IMEKO) World Congress, Busan, Südkorea
    Diethold, C. et. al.
  • 2012 New Developments in Lorentz Force Velocimetry. 7th International Conference on Electromagnetic Processing of Materials (EPM2012), Beijing, China
    Thess, A., Boeck, T., Engert, S., Gramss, M., Heinicke, C., Jian, D., Karcher, C., Klein, R., Kolesnikov, Y., Minchenya, V., Pulugundla, G., Resagk, C., Santara, F., Schumacher, J., Tympel, S., Weidermann, C. & Wegfrass, A.
  • 2012 New developments in Lorentz force velocimetry. Journal of Iron and Steel Research International, ISSN 1006706X, 475–478
    Thess, A., Boeck, T., Engert, S., Gramss, M., Heinicke, C., Jian, D., Karcher, C., Klein, R., Kolesnikov, Y. & Minchenya, V.
  • 2012 Non-contact measurements in liquid metal free-surface flow using Time-of-Flight Lorentz force velocimetry, Proceedings 141st TMS Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, USA
    Jian, D. & Karcher, C.
    (See online at
  • 2012 Noncontact Electromagnetic Flow Measurement in Electrolytes. XXIII ICTAM, Beijing, China
    Thess, A., Wegfrass, A., Diethold, C., Werner, M., Fröhlich, T., Halbedel, B., Hilbrunner, F. & Resagk, C
  • 2012 Novel Ti/TiN dry electrodes and Ag/AgCl: a direct comparison in multichannel EEG. 5th European Conference of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering 2, Berlin
    Fiedler, P., Griebel, S., Fonseca, C., Vaz, F., Zentner, L., Zanow, F. & Haueisen, J.
    (See online at
  • 2012 Numerical calibration of a Lorentz force flowmeter. Measurement Science and Technology 23, 045005
    Wang, X., Kolesnikov, Y. & Thess, A.
    (See online at
  • 2012 Numerical optimization of the magnet system for the Lorentz Force Velocimetry of electrolytes. International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics 38 (2–3), 79–92
    Alferenok, A., Werner, M., Gramss, M., Luedtke, U. & Halbedel, B.
    (See online at
  • 2012 Numerical Study of the effectiveness of an electromagnetic mixer in the glass melt homogenization process. Proceedings 11th European Society of Glass Science and Technology (ESG) Conference together with 86th Deutsche Glastechnische Gesellschaft (DGG) Annual Meeting International Congress on Glass (ICG), Maastricht, Niederlande
    Torres, J. O. & Halbedel, B.
  • 2012 Optimierung von Halbach-Arrays für die Lorentzkraft-Anemometrie von elektrisch schwach leitfähigen Materialien mittels numerischer Simulation. Proceedings Workshop Elektroprozesstechnik, Technische Universität Ilmenau
    Alferenok, A. & Lüdtke, U.
  • 2012 Optimization of NdFeB Magnet Arrays for Improvement of Lorentz Force Velocimetry. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Transactions on Magnetics 48 (11), 2925–2928
    Werner, M. & Halbedel, B.
    (See online at
  • 2012 Optimization of the magnet system for the Lorentz Force Velocimetry of low conducting materials. Proceedings 3rd International Conference on Engineering Optimization, Rio de Janeiro, Brasilien
    Alferenok, A. & Luedtke, U.
  • 2012 Optimizing a magnetic sensor vest for cardiac source imaging. Biomedizinische Technik (BMT) 2012, 46th Deutsche Gesellschaft für Biomedizinische Technik (DGBMT) Annual Conference, Jena
    Lau, S., Petković, B., Di Rienzo, L. & Haueisen, J.
    (See online at
  • 2012 Optimizing a magnetic sensor vest for cardiac source imaging. Proceedings 18th International Conference on Biomagnetism (BIOMAG), Paris, Frankreich, 115–116
    Lau, S., Petković, B., Di Rienzo, L. & Haueisen, J.
  • 2012 Quantitative imaging of biomagnetic nanoparticle distributions. Proceedings World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Beijing, China
    Haueisen, J., Baumgarten, D., Eichardt, R., Petkovic, B., Wiekhorst, F. & Trahms, L.
  • 2012 Reconstruction of quasi-radial dipolar activity using three-component magnetic field measurements. Clinical Neurophysiology 123 (8), 1581–1585
    Haueisen, J., Fleissig, K., Strohmeier, D., Elsarnagawy, T., Huonker, R., Liehr, M., & Witte, O. W.
    (See online at
  • 2012 Reconstruction of quasi-radial dipolar activity using three-component magnetic field measurements. Clinical Neurophysiology 123, 1581–1585
    Haueisen, J., Fleissig, K., Strohmeier, D., Elsarnagawy, T., Huonker, R., Liehr, M. & Witte, O. W.
    (See online at
  • 2012 Risk of injury to children's fingers in power-operated motor vehicle. Der Unfallchirurg 2, 1–6
    Hohendorff, B., Weidermann, C., Pollinger, P., Burkhart, K. J., Konerding, M.A., Prommersberger, K. J. & Rommens, P.M.
    (See online at
  • 2012 Secondary energy growth and turbulence suppression in conducting channel flow with streamwise magnetic field. Physics of Fluids 24, 074101
    Dong, S., Krasnov, D. & Boeck, T.
    (See online at
  • 2012 Signal Quality of Titanium and Titanium Nitride Coated Dry Polymer Electrodes. 46. DGBMT Jahrestagung (BMT 2012), Jena, Germany
    Fiedler, P., Biller, S., Fonseca, C., Vaz, F., Griebel, S., Zanow, F. & Haueisen, J.
    (See online at
  • 2012 Signal quality of titanium and titanium nitride coated dry polymer electrodes. Biomedical Technology 57 (1), 1083
    Fiedler, P., Biller, S., Fonseca, C., Vaz, F., Griebel, S. Zanow, F. & Haueisen, J.
    (See online at
  • 2012 Spatially Resolved Measurement of Magnetic Nanoparticles Using Inhomogeneous Excitation Fields in the Linear Susceptibility Range. Springer Proceedings in Physics 120, 295–300
    Steinhoff, U., Liebl, M., Bauer, M., Wiekhorst, F., Trahms, L., Baumgarten, D. & Haueisen, J.
    (See online at
  • 2012 TiNx Coated Polycarbonate for Bio-Electrode Applications. Corrosion Science 56, 49–57
    Pedrosa, P., Alves, E., Barradas, F.N.P., Fiedler, P., Haueisen, J., Vaz, F. & Fonseca, C.
    (See online at
  • 2012 Traceable determination of mechanical parameters of binocular shaped force transducers according to EN ISO 376. Proceedings XX International Measurement Confederation (IMEKO) World Congress on Metrology for Green Growth, Busan, Südkorea
    Kühnel, M., Hilbrunner, F., Büchner, H., Jäger, G., Manske, E. & Fröhlich, T.
  • 2012 Tracking of the Pharmaceutical Dissolution Process with Magnetoresistive Sensors. 46. Jahrestagung der DGBMT, Jena
    Biller, S., Domey, J., Fiedler, P., Holzhey, R., Richert, H. & Haueisen, J.
  • 2012 Tracking of the pharmaceutical dissolution process with magnetoresistive sensors. Biomedical technology 57 (1), 86
    Biller, S., Domey, J., Fiedler, P., Holzhey, R., Richert, H. & Haueisen, J.
    (See online at
  • 2012 Velocity measurement in free-surface liquid metal flow using Time-of-Flight Lorentz Force Velocimetry: numerical modeling. Proceedings Workshop Elektroprozesstechnik (EPT), Technische Universität llmenau
    Karcher, C. & Jian, D.
  • Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur in-situ Kalibrierung eines Thermometers. DE102010040039A1
    Schalles, M. & Boguhn, D.
  • 2013 A Novel Contactless Flow Rate Measurement Device for Weakly Conducting Fluids Based on Lorentz Force Velocimetry. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion
    Halbedel, B., Resagk, C., Wegfrass, A., Diethold, C., Werner, M., Hilbruner, F. & Thess, A.
    (See online at
  • 2013 Application of Lorentz Force Eddy Current Testing and Eddy Current Testing on Moving Nonmagnetic Conductors. Proceedings International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics (ISEM), Quebec, Canada, 217–218
    Carlstedt, M., Weise, K., Brauer, H. & Ziolkowski, M.
  • 2013 Assessment of Linear Inverse Problems in Magnetocardiography and Lorentz Force Eddy Current Testing
    Petković, Bojana
  • 2013 Auflösungserhöhung der Lorentzkraft-Anemometrie für schwach leitfähige Fluide durch Einsatz von Halbach-Magnet-Arrays. Fachtagung Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik, München, 21, 26
    Ebert, R., Wiederhold, A. & Resagk, C.
  • 2013 Calibration of a novel six degree-of-freedom force/torque measurement system. International Journal of Modern Physics: Conference Series 24, 1360017
    Schleichert, J., Rahneberg, I. & Fröhlich, T.
    (See online at
  • 2013 Calibration of a novel Six-Degree-of-Freedom Force / Torque measurement system. Asia-Pacific Symposium on measurement of Mass, Force & Torque, Taipei, Taiwan
    Schleichert, J., Rahneberg, I. & Fröhlich, T.
    (See online at
  • 2013 Comparative Investigation on Lorentz Force Eddy Current Testing and Eddy Current Testing. International Interdisciplinary PhD Workshop (IIPhDW), Brno, Czech Republic, 70–74
    Carlstedt, M., Porzig, K., Ziolkowski, M. & Brauer, H.
  • 2013 Comparison of Lorentz Force Eddy Current Testing and Common Eddy Current Testing – Measurements and Simulation. Proceedings 18th International Workshop on Electromagnetic Non-Destructive Evaluation, Bratislava, Slovak Republic
    Carlstedt, M., Porzig, K., Ziolkowski, M. & Brauer, H.
    (See online at
  • 2013 Comparison of Lorentz Force Eddy Current Testing and Common Eddy Current Testing – Measurements and Simulation. Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics 39, 218–225
    Carlstedt, M., Porzig, K., Ziolkowski, M., Uhlig, R. P., Brauer, H. & Toepfer, H.
    (See online at
  • 2013 Contactless flow control and flow measurement in liquid metals using a combination of an electromagnetic pump and a Lorentz force torque sensor. Proceedings Workshop Elektroprozesstechnik, Technische Universität Ilmenau
    Dubovikova, N., Kolesnikov, Y. & Karcher, C.
  • 2013 Contactless flow control and flow measurement in liquid metals using electromagnetic pump. 549. WE-Heraeus-Seminar on „Liquid Metal MHD"
    Dubovikova, N., Kolesnikov, Y. & Karcher, C.
  • 2013 Design and laboratory test of a Lorentz force flowmeter for pipe flows
    Weidermann, Christian
  • 2013 Design, Optimierung, Realisierung und Test von passiven Magnetsystemen für die Lorentzkraftanemometrie an Elektrolyten
    Werner, Michael
  • 2013 Development of a quasi-dry electrode for EEG recording. Sensors and Actuators A 199, 310–317
    Mota, A. R., Duarte, L., Rodrigues, D., Martins, A. C., Machado, A. V., Vaz, F., Fiedler, P., Haueisen, J., Nóbrega, J. M. & Fonseca, C.
    (See online at
  • 2013 Dry electrodes for EEG. Invited talk at the 6th International Summer School in Biomedical Engineering - Multimodal integration of brain measurements in research and clinical practice, Havana, Cuba
    Fiedler, P., Griebel, S., Fonseca, C., Vaz, F., Zentner, L. & Haueisen, J.
  • 2013 Dry electrodes for electroencephalography. Neurophysiologie Clinique / Clinical Neurophysiology 43 (1), 76
    Haueisen, J., Fiedler, P., Griebel, S., Zentner, L., Fonseca, C., Vaz, F. & Zanow, F.
    (See online at
  • 2013 Dry electrodes for electroencephalography. Neurophysiologie Clinique / Clinical Neurophysiology 43 (1), 76
    Haueisen, J., Fiedler, P., Griebel, S., Zentner, L., Fonseca, C., Vaz, F. & Zanow, F.
    (See online at
  • 2013 Dry-contact Multichannel EEG using Novel Multipin Electrodes. Clinical EEG and neuroscience: Official Journal of the EEG and Clinical Neuroscience Society (ECNS) 44 (4), E102
    Fiedler, P., Griebel, S., Biller, S., Fonseca, C., Vaz, F., Zentner, L., Zanow, F. & Haueisen, J.
    (See online at
  • 2013 Dry-contact Multichannel EEG using Novel Multipin Electrodes. International Conference on Basic and Clinical Multimodal Imaging (BaCI), Geneva, Switzerland
    Fiedler, P., Griebel, S., Biller, S., Fonseca, C., Vaz, F., Zentner, L., Zanow, F. & Haueisen, J.
    (See online at
  • 2013 Electromagnetic force on a magnetic dipole inside an annular pipe flow. Physics of Fluids 25 (9), 097102
    Heinicke, C. & Thess, A.
    (See online at
  • 2013 Evaluation of Multi-Dimensional Decomposition Models using Synthetic Moving EEG Potentials. Proceedings 21st European Signal Processing Conference, Marrakesch, Marokko
    Mengelkamp, J., Weis, M. & Husar, P.
  • 2013 Evaluation of the glass melt homogenization in a feeder channel with the novel electromagnetic mixer technique. Proceedings 23rd International Congress on Glass, Prag, Tschechische Republik
    Torres, J. O. & Halbedel, B.
  • 2013 Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Anwendbarkeit der Lorentzkraft-Anemometrie auf schwach leitfähige Fluide
    Wegfraß, André
  • 2013 Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Kalibrierung von Lorentz-kraft- Anemometern für die Durchflussmessung in Flüssigmetall-strömungen bei metallurgischen Hochtemperaturprozessen
    Gramss, Michael
  • 2013 Fast Technique for Lorentz Force Calculations in Nondestructive Testing Applications. Proceedings 19th International Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields (Compumag), Budapest, Ungarn
    Zec, M., Uhlig, R. P., Ziolkowski, M. & Brauer, H.
    (See online at
  • 2013 Finite element analysis of nondestructive eddy current problems with moving parts. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Transactions on Magnetics 49 (8), 4785–4794
    Zec, M., Uhlig, R. P., Ziolkowski, M. & Brauer, H.
    (See online at
  • 2013 Flow measurement in liquid metals using Lorentz force velocimetry: laboratory experiments and numerical simulation
    Jian, Dandan
  • 2013 Flow velocimetry for weakly conducting electrolytes based on high resolution Lorentz force measurement. Proceedings Asia-Pacific Symposium on Measurement of Mass, Force & Torque, Taipei, Taiwan
    Ebert, R., Vasilyan, S. & Wiederhold, A.
    (See online at
  • 2013 High resolution Lorentz force Velocimetry in weakly conducting fluids by use of Halbach-Magnet-Arrays. Proceedings 20. Fachtagung Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik, München
    Ebert, R., Wiederhold, A. & Resagk, C.
  • 2013 High–Tc superconducting Bulks for the application of Lorentz Force Velocimetry. Proceedings 11th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity, Genua, Italien
    Halbedel, B., Klaiber, M., Weidner, M. & Töpfer, H.
  • 2013 Hochtemperatursupraleiter als Magnetfeldquelle für die Lorentzkraft-Anemometrie von schwach leitfähigen Fluiden. Proceedings Workshop Elektroprozesstechnik, Technische Universität Ilmenau
    Halbedel, B., Klaiber, M. & Weidner, M.
  • 2013 Identification of Material Defects in Metallic Materials Using Lorentz Force Eddy Current Testing
    Uhlig, Robert Peter
  • 2013 Jamming of fingers: an experimental study to determine force and deflection in participants and human cadaver specimens for development of a new bionic test device for validation of power-operated motor vehicle side door windows. Biomedizinische Technik - Biomedical Engineering (BMT) 58 (1), 39–49
    Hohendorff, B., Weidermann, C., Pollinger, P., Burkhart, K. J. & Müller, L. P.
    (See online at
  • 2013 Laminar and transient liquid metal duct flow near a magnetic point dipole. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 735, 553–586
    Tympel, S., Boeck, T. & Schumacher, J.
    (See online at
  • 2013 Local Lorentz Force Velocimetry for liquid metal duct flows
    Heinicke, Christiane
  • 2013 Lorentz Force Eddy Current Testing – A Novel Electromagnetic NDE Technique. Proceedings International Symposium on Theoretical Electrical Engineering 'ISTET 2013', Pilsen, Tschechien
    Brauer, H., Uhlig, R. P., Zec, M., Carlstedt, M., Porzig, K., Ziolkowski, M. & Toepfer, H.
  • 2013 Lorentz force eddy current testing – model experiments and numerical calculations on deep lying defects. Proceedings IOS ENDE-2012
    Uhlig, R. P., Zec, M. & Brauer, H.
    (See online at
  • 2013 Lorentz force evaluation: A new approximation method for defect reconstruction. Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation International 59, 57–67
    Petković, B., Haueisen, J., Zec, M., Uhlig, R. P., Brauer, H. & Ziolkowski, M.
    (See online at
  • 2013 Lorentz Force Velocimetry (LFV) Based on an Electromagnet System. 142nd Annual TMS Meeting and Exhibition, San Antonio, Texas, USA
    Santara, F. & Thess, A.
  • 2013 Lorentz force velocimetry with a small permanent magnet. European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids 41, 23–28
    Pulugundla, G., Heinicke, C., Karcher, C. & Thess, A.
    (See online at
  • 2013 Magnetic nanoparticle imaging by random and maximum length sequences of inhomogeneous activation fields. 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2013), Osaka, Japan
    Baumgarten, D., Eichardt, R., Crevecoeur, G., Supriyanto, E. & Haueisen, J.
    (See online at
  • 2013 Magnetohydrodynamic duct flow in the presence of a magnetic dipole
    Tympel, Saskia
  • 2013 Messunsicherheit und Korrektur systematischer Messabweichungen mit interferometrischen Mehrkomponentenmesssystemen. 6. Fachtagung Messunsicherheit praxisgerecht bestimmen, Braunschweig, 121–131
    Rahneberg, I.
  • 2013 Migration paramagnetischer Ionen in Fluiden und Schmelzen unter dem Einfluss magnetischer Gradientenkräfte. Proceedings 87. Glastechnische Tagung, Bremen
    Schadewald, U. & Halbedel, B.
  • 2013 Nondestructive Characterization of Materials Using Lorentz Force Eddy Current Testing. Proceedings 11th International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics 'PES 2013', Nis, Serbien
    Brauer, H., Otterbach, J. M., Ziolkowski, M., Brauer, H., Töpfer, H., Grätzel, M., & Bergmann, J. P.,
  • 2013 Novel cap system with active actuators for rapid dry electroencephalography. Biomedizinische Technik 58 (1), 831–832
    Fiedler, P., Griebel, S., Biller, S., Fonseca, C., Vaz, F., Zentner, L., Zanow, F. & Haueisen, J.
    (See online at
  • 2013 Novel cap system with active actuators for rapid dry electroencephalography. Dreiländertagung der Deutschen, Schweizerischen und Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Biomedizinische Technik (BMT 2013), Graz, Austria
    Fiedler, P., Griebel, S., Biller, S., Fonseca, C., Vaz, F., Zentner, L., Zanow, F. & Haueisen, J.
    (See online at
  • 2013 Novel Flexible Dry Multipin Electrodes for EEG: Signal Quality and Interfacial Impedance of Ti and TiN Coatings. 35th annual international conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2013) 2, 547–550, Piscataway, NJ, USA
    Fiedler, P., Fonseca, C., Pedrosa, P., Martins, A.C., Vaz, F., Griebel, S. & Haueisen, J.
    (See online at
  • 2013 Numerical Modelling of Liquid Metal Flows Interacting with Strongly Inhomogeneous Magnetic Fields
    Prinz, Sebastian
  • 2013 Numerical Modelling of Liquid Metal Flows Interacting with Strongly Inhomogeneous Magnetic Fields
    Pulugundla, Gautam
  • 2013 Numerical simulation and optimization of the magnet system for the Lorentz Force Velocimetry of low-conducting materials
    Alferenok, Artem
  • 2013 Nutzung von Lorentzkräften in der Glasschmelztechnik – Nur eine universitäre Idee? Proceedings 87. Glastechnische Tagung, Bremen
    Halbedel, B., Lüdtke, U., M., Torres, J. O. & Soubeih, S.
  • 2013 Nutzung von Lorentzkräften in der Glasschmelztechnik. Werkstofftechnik Aktuell 2, Thüringer Werkstofftag 2013, Technische Universität Ilmenau, 25–32
    Halbedel, B., Lüdtke, U., Torres, J. O. & Soubeih, S.
  • 2013 Optimal magnet configurations for Lorentz force velocimetry in low conductivity fluids. Measurement Science and Technology 24, 065303
    Alferenok, A., Potherat, A. & Luedtke, U.
    (See online at
  • 2013 Optisches Mehrkomponentenmesssystem. Tagungsband XXVII. Messtechnisches Symposium des Arbeitskreises der Hochschullehrer für Messtechnik e.V., Zürich, 127–138
    Rahneberg, I. & Fröhlich, T.
  • 2013 Realistically Modeled Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Coils for Lorentz Force and Stress Calculations During MRI. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 49 (7), 3426–3429
    Crowther, L. J., Porzig, K., Hadimani, R. L., Brauer, H. & Jiles, D. C.
    (See online at
  • 2013 Reverse Engineering of ECT-probes for non-destructive evaluation of moving conductors. Proceedings 40th Annual Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation 'QNDE2013', Baltimore, USA
    Porzig, K., Carlstedt, M., Ziolkowski, M., Brauer, H. & Toepfer, H.
    (See online at
  • 2013 Rückführbare Messung der mechanischen Eigenschaften von Federkörpern für die Kraftmesstechnik
    Kühnel, Michael
  • 2013 Spatially resolved measurements in a liquid metal flow with Lorentz force velocimetry. Experiments in Fluids 54, 1560
    Heinicke, C.
    (See online at
  • 2013 The device of simultaneous thermal analysis for vaporization heat measurement. Industrial Heat Engineering 35 (2), 87–95
    Dubovikova N., Snezhkin Y., Dekusha L. V. & Vorob’ev L. I.
  • 2013 Theory and Numerical Modelling of Lorentz Force Eddy Current Testing
    Zec, Mladen
  • 2013 Three-dimensional numerical investigations of Lorentz force eddy current testing. Proceedings IOS ENDE-2012
    Zec, M., Uhlig, R. P., Ziolkowski, M. & Brauer, H.
    (See online at
  • 2013 Time-Frequency Mixed-Norm Estimates: Sparse M/EEG imaging with non-stationary source activations. NeuroImage 70, 410–422
    Gramfort, A., Strohmeier, D., Haueisen, J., Hämäläinen, M. & Kowalski, M.
    (See online at
  • 2013 Untersuchungen zu optischen Mehrkomponentenmesssystemen
    Rahneberg, Ilko
  • 2013 Velocimetry for Weakly Conducting Electrolytes Based on High Resolution Lorentz Force Measurement. Measurement of Mass, Force and Torque International Journal of Modern Physics: Conference Series 24, 1360015
    Ebert, R., Vasilyan, S. & Wiederhold, A.
    (See online at
  • 2013 Vortex generation in a liquid metal duct flow near a magnetic point dipole. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 13, 333–334
    Tympel, S., Boeck, T., Krasnov, D. & Schumacher, J.
    (See online at
  • 2013 Werkstoffforschung in Magnetfeldern. Proceedings 87. Glastechnische Tagung, Bremen
    Halbedel, B., Schadewald, U., Werner, M., Torres, J.O. & Quiroz, P.
  • Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Vorgabe von Kraft- Weg-Kennlinien. DE102011111238B4
    Hilbrunner, F., Fröhlich, T. & Diethold, C.
  • 2014 A Lorentz force flow meter for application at blast furnaces. Design and calibration. Workshop Elektroprozesstechnik, Technische Universität Ilmenau
    Hernández, D. & Karcher, C.
    (See online at
  • 2014 A Lorentz force flow meter for application at blast furnaces: Design and calibration. GAMM 85th Annual Scientific Conference, Erlangen, Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 14 (1), 725–726
    Hernández, D., Karcher, C. & Thess, A.
    (See online at
  • 2014 Application of a multi-degree-of-freedom sensor in local Lorentz force velocimetry using a small-size permanent magnet system. 58th IWK Ilmenau Scientific Colloquium, Technische Universität Ilmenau
    Hernández, D., Karcher, C. & Thess, A.
  • 2014 Application of Lorentz Force Eddy Current Testing and Eddy Current Testing on Moving Nonmagnetic Conductors. International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 45 (1), 519–526
    Carlstedt, M., Porzig, K., Uhlig, R. P., Zec, M., Brauer, H. & Ziolkowski, M.
    (See online at
  • 2014 Application of Lorentz force techniques for flow rate control in liquid metals. Proceedings PAMIR 9th International Conference on Fundamental and applied MHD, Thermo acoustic and Space technologies, 2, 118–122
    Dubovikova, N., Karcher, C. & Kolesnikov, Y.
  • 2014 Application of Lorentz force techniques for flow rate measurement. Proceedings 22. Fachtagung Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik, Karlsruhe
    Ebert, R., Dubovikova, N., Karcher, C. & Resagk, C.
  • 2014 Application of Lorentz force techniques for flow rate measurements. Proceedings 67th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Mechanics, San Francisco, USA, D29.7
    Ebert, R. & Resagk, C.
  • 2014 Application of non-contact electromagnetic force and torque measurements for the determination of liquid metal velocity. Proceedings Workshop Elektroprozesstechnik
    Dubovikova, N. & Karcher, C.
  • 2014 Charakterisierung von Linearführungen mit Mehrstrahlinterferometern, 17. ITG/GMA Fachtagung Sensoren und Messsysteme
    Rahneberg, I., Dontsov, D., Pöschel, W., Schott, W. & Manske, E.
  • 2014 Current density reconstruction for inverse calculations of defects in Lorentz force evaluation. Proceedings 9th International Workshop on Optimization & Inverse Problems in Electromagnetism, Delft, Netherlands, 44–45
    Mengelkamp, J., Carlstedt, M., Weise, K., Ziolkowski, M., Brauer, H. & Haueisen, J.
  • 2014 Design des LHe–Kryostaten zur Untersuchung des Potentials von HTS–Bulks als Magnetfeldquelle für die Lorentzkraftanemometrie in Elektrolyten. Proceedings Workshop Elektroprozesstechnik, Technische Universität Ilmenau
    Weidner, M. & Halbedel, B.
  • 2014 Determination of force to displacement curves using a nanopositioning system based on electromagnetic force compensated balances. Measurement 3 (51), 343–348
    Diethold, C., Kühnel, M., Hilbrunner, F., Fröhlich, T. & Manske, E.
    (See online at
  • 2014 Development of a force displacement measurement device for the determination of spring constants. 58th IWK, Ilmenau Scientific Colloquium
    Diethold, C., Kühnel, M. & Fröhlich, T.
  • 2014 Direct Lorentz force compensation flowmeter for electrolytes. Applied Physics Letters 105, 223510
    Vasilyan, S. & Fröhlich, T.
    (See online at
  • 2014 Dual axis tiltmeter with nanorad resolution based on commercial force compensation weigh. 58th Ilmenau Scientific Colloquium, Technische Universität Ilmenau
    Kühnel, M., Rivero, M., Diethold, C., Hilbrunner, F. & Fröhlich, T.
  • 2014 Dual Precise tiltmeter and inclinometer based on commercial force compensation cells. International Measurement Confederation (IMEKO) 2014 TC3, TC5 and TC22 Conferences, Kapstadt, Südafrika
    Kühnel, M., Rivero, M., Diethold, C., Hilbrunner, F. & Fröhlich, T.
  • 2014 Dynamic characterization of a multi-component force transducer using a Lorentz force load changer. 58. Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium, Technische Universität Ilmenau
    Schleichert, J., Carlstedt, M., Marangoni, R. R., Rahneberg, I. & Fröhlich, T.
  • 2014 Electromagnetic control of heat transfer in engine coolers. Proceedings 7. Workshop Elektroprozesstechnik, 14ff, Ilmenau
    Karcher, C., Schmidt, F. & Kühndel, J.
  • 2014 Electromagnetic drag on a magnetic dipole caused by a translating and rotating conducting cylinder. Journal of Engineering Mathematics 88 (1), 177–195
    Boeck, T., Zec, M. & Thess, A.
    (See online at
  • 2014 Electromagnetic flow control in liquid metals using Lorentz force techniques. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 14, 721–722
    Dubovikova, N., Karcher, C. & Kolesnikov, Y.
    (See online at
  • 2014 Electromagnetic interaction of a small magnet and a wall-bounded flow with conducting walls. 9th International PAMIR Conference on fundamental and applied MHD 1, 312–316. Riga, Latvia
    Kazak, O., Heinicke, C., Wondrak, T. & Boeck, T.
  • 2014 Enhanced Retinal Arterial Dilation at Transcranial Anodal Electrical Stimulation of the Eye. 4th Conference Information Technologies in Biomedicine (ITiB), Kamien Slaski, Polen
    Freitag, S., Hunold, A., Dietzel, A., Klemm, M. & Haueisen, J.
  • 2014 Experimental and theoretical study on high-temperature connection techniques of thermoelectric materials. 58th Ilmenau Scientific Colloquium, Ilmenau
    Lämmle, C. & Karcher, C.
  • 2014 Experimental flow rate control in liquid metals by electromagnetic force. Proceedings of the International Scientific Colloquium “Modelling for Electromagnetic Processing”, 217–221
    Dubovikova, N., Karcher, C. & Kolesnikov Y.
  • 2014 Experimental Investigation of the Transient Phase of the Lorentz Force Response to the Time-Dependent Velocity at Finite Magnetic Reynolds Number. Measurement Science and Technology 25 (125304)
    Sokolov, I., Kolesnikov Y. & Thess A.
    (See online at
  • 2014 Extended Version of the Weak Reaction Approach in Lorentz Force Eddy Current Testing. 9th International Workshop on Electromagnetic Compatibility (CEM), Timisoara, Romania, 1–4
    Jankoski, R., Porzig, K. & Brauer, H.
  • 2014 Flow rate measurement in aggressive conductive fluids. European Physical Journal Web of Conferences 67, 02022
    Dubovikova, N., Karcher, C. & Kolesnikov, Y.
    (See online at
  • 2014 Flow velocimetry for weakly conducting electrolytes based on high resolution Lorentz force measurement. Proceedings 17th International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lissabon, Portugal
    Resagk, C., Ebert, R., Vasilyan, S. & Wiederhold, A.
  • 2014 Force measurements by strain gauge sensors as part of time-of-flight flow rate control. 58th Ilmenau Scientific Colloquium, Technische Universität Ilmenau, 1.2.11, 4p
    Dubovikova, N., Karcher, C., & Resagk C.
  • 2014 Forward Solution for Lorentz Force Evaluation with Different Models of the Permanent Magnet. Proceedings 9th International Conference on Computation in Electromagnetics (CEM), London, United Kingdom
    Mengelkamp, J., Porzig, K., Carlstedt, M., Ziolkowski, M., Brauer, H & Haueisen, J.
    (See online at
  • 2014 Hi High–Tc superconducting bulk materials for the Lorentz force velocimetry in low conducting and slow flowing fluids. Proceedings 13th Cryogenics, Prag, Tschechien, 95–98
    Weidner, M. & Halbedel, B.
  • 2014 High precision dual axis tilt stage. 58th Ilmenau Scientific Colloquium. Technische Universität Ilmenau
    Rivero, M., Kühnel, M. & Fröhlich, T.
  • 2014 High-performance Forehearth Coloring using Lorentz Forces. Proceedings 24th International Congress on Glass, Parma, Italy
    Torres, J. O. & Halbedel, B.
  • 2014 Liquid metal stirring by rotating localized magnetic field in a cylindrical. 9th PAMIR International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), Riga, Lettland
    Rivero, M., Cuevas, S. & Ramos, E.
  • 2014 Local lorentz force velocity using small-size permanent magnet systems. 9th PAMIR International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), Riga, 247–250
    Hernández, D., Karcher, C. & Thess, A.
  • 2014 Lorentz Force and Joule Heat Induced in an Electrically Conducting Plate Moving With Time-Dependent Velocity Under the Influence of a Homogeneous Magnetic Field. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 50 (8), 1–9
    Weidermann, C., Sokolov, I. & Thess A.
    (See online at
  • 2014 Lorentz Force Eddy Current Testing – Model Experiments and Numerical Calculations for Deep Lying Defects. Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics 38, 66–73
    Uhlig, R. P., Zec, M. & Brauer, H.
    (See online at
  • 2014 Lorentz Force Eddy Current Testing: A Novel NDE-Technique. International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering 33 (6), 1965–1977
    Brauer, H., Porzig, K., Mengelkamp, J., Carlstedt, M., Ziolkowski, M., & Toepfer, H.
    (See online at
  • 2014 Lorentz force velocimetry using electromagnetic force compensated load cells. IMEKO 22nd TC3, 12th TC5 and 3rd TC22 International Conferences, Cape Town, South Africa
    Diethold C., Vasilyan, S. & Fröhlich, T.
  • 2014 Multi-objective optimization in the Lorentz force velocimetry framework. 13th International Workshop on Optimization and Inverse Problems in Electromagnetism (OIPE), Delft, Netherlands
    Terzijska, D., Porcelli, M. & Eichfelder, G.
  • 2014 Numerische Simulation der Frequenzabhängigkeit des Wirkungsgrades bei Induktionsrinnenöfen im Niederfrequenzbereich. EWI Elektrowärme International
    Lüdtke, U. & Tran, N.
    (See online at
  • 2014 Optimal Probe Design for Lorentz Force Eddy Current Testing. 13th International Workshop on Optimization and Inverse Problems in Electromagnetism (OIPE), Delft, Netherlands, 24–25
    Porzig, K., Schmidt, R., Ziolkowski, M., Carlstedt, M., Brauer, H. & Toepfer, H.
  • 2014 Optimierung von Magnetfeldverteilungen zur Lorentzkraft-Anemometrie von elektrisch schwach leitfähigen Elektrolyten. Workshop Elektroprozesstechnik, Heyda, Germany
    Terzijska, D. & Luedtke, U.
  • 2014 Optimierung von Magnetfeldverteilungen zur Lorentzkraft-Anemometrie von elektrisch schwach leitfähigen Elektrolyten. Workshop Elektroprozesstechnik, Heyda, Germany
    Terzijska, D. & Luedtke, U.
  • 2014 Procedure for Identification of Permanent Magnets by Magnetic Field Measurements. 16th International IGTE Symposium on Numerical Field Calculation in Electrical Engineering, Graz, Austria, p. 31
    Ziolkowski, M., Carlstedt, M., Porzig, K. & Brauer, H.
  • 2014 Reverse Engineering of ECT-probes for non-destructive evaluation of moving conductors. AIP Conference Proceedings 1581 (1), 1519–1525
    Porzig, K., Carlstedt, M., Ziolkowski, M., Brauer, H. & Toepfer, H.
    (See online at
  • 2014 Small-size permanent magnet system for contactless local velocity measurement in liquid metals. International Scientific Colloquium Modelling for Electromagnetic Processing (MEP), Hannover, 325–328
    Hernández, D., Karcher, C. & Thess, A.
  • 2014 The Electric Field Induced by Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: A Comparison between Analytic and FEM Solutions. Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering 11 (3), 403–418
    Porzig, K., Brauer, H. & Toepfer, H.
    (See online at
  • 2014 Three-dimensional Numerical Investigations of Lorentz Force Eddy Current Testing. Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics 38, 83–93
    Zec, M., Uhlig, R. P., Ziolkowski, M. & Brauer, H.
    (See online at
  • 2014 Transitional and Turbulent Magnetohydrodynamic Flows in Uniform and Non-uniform Magnetic Fields. NIC Symposium, Jülich, 375–382 (NIC Series 47, ISBN 978-3-89336-933-1)
    Brauer, H., Uhlig, R. P., Porzig, K., Ziolkowski, M. & Toepfer, H.
  • 2014 Uncertainty Analysis in Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Using Non-intrusive Polynomial Chaos Expansion. 10th International Conference on Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering (SCEE), Wuppertal, Germany, 73–74
    Porzig, K., Di Rienzo, L., Brauer, H. & Haueisen, J.
  • 2014 Untersuchung der Flickerantwort retinaler Gefäße bei transkranialer Stromstimulation am Auge. 23. Treffen des Arbeitskreises Ophthalmische Optik (AOO), Ilmenau
    Freitag, S.
  • 2015 Anordnung mit einer elektrischen Komponente und einem Wärmetauscher. DE102014203846A1
    Himmer, T., Schall, V., Lämmle, C., Hirsch, S. & Heeg, O.
  • 2015 Application of Lorentz force techniques for flow rate measurements. Proceedings 144th TMS Annual Meeting, Orlando (Florida), USA
    Ebert, R., Dubovikova, N., Karcher, C. & Resagk, C.
  • 2015 Comparison of Figures of Merit of Information Content for Sensor Placement Optimization. XVIII International Symposium on Theoretical Electrical Engineering (ISTET15), Kolobrzeg, Poland
    Warda A. & Toepfer, H.
  • 2015 Determination of AFM- cantilever spring constants using the TU Ilmenau Force Displacement Measurement Device. Proceedings XX. IMEKO World Congress 2015, Prague, Czech Republic
    Diethold, C., Kühnel, M., Ivanov, T., Rangelow, I. & Fröhlich, T.
  • 2015 Direct force compensation on Lorentz force flowmeters for electrolyte flow measurements. IEEE/OES Current, Waves and Turbulence Measurement (CWTM)
    Vasilyan, S. & Fröhlich, T.
    (See online at
  • 2015 Direct numerical simulation of swirling flow control in a pipe using static magnetic field. Proceedings 8th International Conference on Electromagnetic Processing of Materials (EPM), Cannes Frankreich, 171–174
    Dong, S., Krasnov, D., Kolesnikov, Y., Karcher, C. & Wang, X.
  • 2015 DNS of natural convection in liquid metal with strong magnetic fields in rectangular geometry. 8th International Conference on Electromagnetic Processing of Materials (EPM), Cannes, Frankreich
    Liu, W., Krasnov, D., Schumacher, J., Karcher, C. & Thess, A.
  • 2015 Dynamic Calibration of a Multi-Component Force-/Torque Transducer. Sensor 2015, Nürnberg
    Schleichert, J. & Fröhlich, T.
    (See online at
  • 2015 Effect of the magnetic field orientation on the damping of liquid metal free surface waves in the processing of materials. Applied Thermal Engineering 75, 1296–1301
    Alcalá, G., Rivero M. & Cuevas, S.
    (See online at
  • 2015 Effects of anodal transcranial direct current stimulation at the eye on the electroretinogram. 2nd International Scientific Symposium "Sense. Enable. SPITSE.", 111–114
    Titova, O., Hunold, A., Freitag, S., Klemm, M. & Haueisen, J.
  • 2015 Effects of pulsed anodal transcranial electrical stimulation at the eye. 49. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Biomedizinische Technik, Biomedizinische Technik 60 (1), 90
    Freitag, S., Hunold, A., Klemm, M., Enders, G., Nagel, E. & Haueisen, J.
  • 2015 Electromagnetic force on a current-carrying coil interacting with a moving electrically conducting cylinder. Journal of Engineering Mathematics 90 (1), 37–49
    Santara F. & Thess, A.
    (See online at
  • 2015 Electromagnetic interaction of a small magnet and liquid metal flow in a pipe with insulating or conducting walls. Magnetohydrodynamics 51 (3), 579–588
    Kazak, O., Heinicke, C., Wondrak, T. & Boeck, T.
    (See online at
  • 2015 Electromagnetic technique for liquid metal flow measurement by force time-of-flight principle. Proceedings 8th Electromagnetic Processing of Materials (EPM) Conference, Cannes, Frankreich, 519–522, 139.53508
    Dubovikova, N., Karcher, C. & Kolesnikov, Y.
  • 2015 Elektrische Stimulation beeinflusst die Gefäßreaktion am Augenhintergrund. Minisymposium NMI Innovationsforum: Bioelektrische Medizin – Elektrische Stimulation des Auges bei degenerativen Erkrankungen der Netzhaut, Reutlingen
    Freitag, S.
  • 2015 Estimation of the Information Content for the Sensor Placement Optimization. 9th International PhD Seminar on Computational Electromagnetics and Bioeffects of Electromagnetic Fields 'CEMBEF 2015', Niš, Serbia
    Warda A. & Toepfer, H.
  • 2015 Expectable Forces of Lorentz Force Velocimetry in low conducting and slow flowing solutions by the use of High–Tc superconductors. Proceedings 8th International Conference on Electromagnetic Processing of Materials, Cannes, Frankreich
    Weidner, M., Halbedel, B. & Rädlein, E.
  • 2015 Experimental study of an electromagnetic flow meter for liquid metals based on torque measurement during pumping process. Measurement Science and Technology, 26 (10) 115304
    Dubovikova, N., Kolesnikov, Y. & Karcher, C.
    (See online at
  • 2015 Experimental Validation of Optimal Magnet Designs for Lorentz Force Eddy Current Testing. Proceedings 17th International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics (ISEM), Kobe, Japan
    Carlstedt, M., Weise, K., Brauer, H. & Ziolkowski, M.
  • 2015 High-resolution force measurement systems: Measuring horizontal directed forces for flow metering of low conductive media in channels. XXI IMEKO World Congress “Measurement in Research and Industry”, Prag, Tschechien
    Vasilyan, S. & Fröhlich, T.
  • 2015 Identification of Mechanical oscillatory Systems in Lorentz Force Eddy Current Testing. Scientific Journal of the International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science (IFToMM) – Problems of Mechanics 61 (4), 16–30
    Carlstedt, M., Brauer, H., Zimmermann, K., Gerlach, E. & Uhlig, R. P.
  • 2015 Information Content for Sensor Placement Optimization: Comparison of Figures of Merit. 2nd Symposium 'Sense. Enable. SPITSE', St. Petersburg, Russland
    Warda A. & Toepfer, H.
  • 2015 Kalibrierung und Messunsicherheitsbetrachtung bei Mehrkomponenten Kraft-/Drehmomentmessungen. VDI Fachtagung Messunsicherheit, Braunschweig
    Schleichert, J., Rahneberg, I. & Fröhlich, T.
  • 2015 Lorentz Force Eddy Current Testing: Theory and Simulation. International Interdisciplinary PhD Workshop (IIPhDW), Miedzyzdroje, Poland, 78–79
    Weise, K., Carlstedt, M., Ziolkowski, M. & Brauer, H.
  • 2015 Lorentz Force on Permanent Magnet Rings by Moving Electrical Conductors. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 51 (12), 6202211
    Weise, K., Carlstedt, M., Ziolkowski, M., Brauer, H. & Toepfer, H.
    (See online at
  • 2015 Lorentz force sigmometry: a novel technique for measuring the electrical conductivity of solid and liquid metals. Measurement Science and Technology 26, 79–92
    Alkhalil, S., Kolesnikov, Y. & Thess, A.
    (See online at
  • 2015 Lorentz force velocimetry using small-size permanent magnet systems using a multi-degree-of-freedom force/torque sensor. 8th International Conference on Electromagnetic Processing of Materials (EPM), Cannes, Frankreich
    Hernández, D. & Karcher, C.
  • 2015 MOR-based Uncertainty Quantification in Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation. Model Order Reduction of Parametrized Systems III (MOREPAS), Trieste, Italy
    Codecasa, L., Di Rienzo, L., Weise, K., & Haueisen, J.
    (See online at
  • 2015 On the Information Content of Sensor Placement Optimization. the Conference on Advanced Methods in Theory of Electrical Engineering 'AMTEE '15', Trebic, Tschechien
    Warda A. & Toepfer, H.
  • 2015 Optimal Magnet Design in Lorentz Force Eddy Current Testing. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 51 (9), 6201415
    Weise, K., Schmidt, R., Carlstedt, M., Ziolkowski, M., Brauer, H. & Toepfer, H.
    (See online at
  • 2015 Optimal Probe Design for Lorentz Force Eddy Current Testing. 12th International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics, Nis, Serbia, 113–114
    Weise, K., Schmidt, R., Ziolkowski, M., Carlstedt, M., Brauer, H. & Toepfer, H.
  • 2015 Optimierung dynamischer Waagen nach dem Prinzip der elektromagnetischen Kraftkompensation mittels numerischer Modelle zur Systemsimulation
    Baumgartl, Hanna Sophie
  • 2015 Optimized Lorentz Force Eddy Current Testing System for Small Metal Injection Molding Specimens. Proceedings 20th International Workshop on Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation ENDE-2015, Sendai, Japan, 35–3
    Schmidt, R., Weise, K., Carlstedt, M., Ziolkowski, M., Brauer, H. & Toepfer H.
    (See online at
  • 2015 Oscillatory Motion of Permanent Magnets Above a Conducting Slab. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 51 (10), 7209113
    Weise, K., Ziolkowski, M., Carlstedt, M., Brauer, H. & Toepfer, H.
    (See online at
  • 2015 Performance enhancement of a Lorentz force velocimeter using a buoyancy-compensated magnet system. Measurement Science and Technology 26 (7), 075301
    Ebert, R., Leineweber, J. & Resagk, C.
    (See online at
  • 2015 Permanent magnet modeling for Lorentz force Evaluation. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 51 (7), 6201211 (1–11)
    Mengelkamp, J., Ziolkowski, M., Weise, K., Carlstedt, M., Brauer, H. & Haueisen, J.
    (See online at
  • 2015 Role of critical points of the skin friction field in formation of plumes in thermal convection. Physical Review E 92, 043006
    Bandaru, V., Kolchinskaya, A., T., Padberg-Gehle, K. & Schumacher, J.
    (See online at
  • 2015 Safety issues in (multi-channel) transcranial electrical stimulation. 7th International Summer School in Biomedical Engineering – New Instrumentation for Brain Measurements and Stimulation, Lutherstadt Wittenberg
    Freitag, S.
  • 2015 Simulation of flux expulsion and associated dynamics in a two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic channel flow. Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics 29, 263–276
    Bandaru, V., Pracht, J. Boeck, T., & Schumacher, J.
    (See online at
  • 2015 Simulation of the current density distribution for transcranial electric current stimulation around the eye. Brain Stimulation 8 (2), 406
    Hunold, A., Freitag, S., Schellhorn, K. & Haueisen, J.
    (See online at
  • 2015 Simultaneous dynamic retinal vessel analysis and pulsed anodal transcranial electrical stimulation at the eye. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 56 (7), 760
    Freitag, S., Hunold, A., Klemm, M. & Haueisen, J.
  • 2015 Thermoelektrische Vorrichtung, insbesondere thermoelektrischer Generator oder Wärmepumpe. DE102014203176A1
    Himmer, T. & Lämmle, C.
  • 2015 Towards metering of Tap water by Lorentz force velocimetry: Realization and improvement of non-contact flow measurement method. Sensor+Test 2015 – The Measurement Fair, Nürnberg
    Vasilyan, S. & Fröhlich, T.
    (See online at
  • 2015 Towards metering tap water by Lorentz force velocimetry. Measurement Science and Technology 26 (11), 115302
    Vasilyan, S., Ebert, R., Weidner, M., Rivero, M., Halbedel, B., Resagk, C. & Fröhlich, T.
    (See online at
  • 2015 Uncertainty Analysis in Lorentz Force Eddy Current Testing. COMPUMAG, Montreal, Kanada. Rita Trowbridge award for the best paper and presentation
    Weise, K., Carlstedt, M., Ziolkowski, M. & Brauer, H.
    (See online at
  • 2015 Uncertainty Analysis in Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Using Non-intrusive Polynomial Chaos Expansion. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 51 (7), 5000408 (1–8)
    Weise, K., Di Rienzo, L., Brauer, H., Haueisen, H. & Toepfer, H.
    (See online at
  • 2015 Velocity and flow rate measurement of liquid metal by contactless electromagnetic Lorentz force technique. Liquid Metal Processing & Casting Conference, 335–338
    Dubovikova N., Karcher, C. & Kolesnikov, Y.
    (See online at
  • 2015 Wärmetauscher, insbesondere für ein Kraftfahrzeug. DE102015204014A1
    Fetzer, T., Altunkaya, Y., Kühndel, J., Velte, V., Kerler, B., Grauer, W. & Renz, M.
  • Differentieller Mehrkomponenten-sensor zur Detektion von tiefliegenden Anomalien in elektrisch leitfähigen Materialien. DE 10 2012 017 871.9
    Zec, M., Uhlig, R. P., Ziolkowski, M. & Brauer, H. D
  • Vorrichtung und Verfahren zur Detektion von Partikeln in Flüssigmetallen. DE 10 2013 006 182.2
    Thess, A., Wang, X. & Fröhlich, T.
  • 2016 A Branch-and-Bound-Algorithm for Bi-Objective Problems. Proceedings of the XIII Global Optimization Workshop GOW"16, 57–60, Braga, Portugal
    Niebling, J. & Eichfelder, G.
  • 2016 A hybrid finite difference-boundary element procedure for the simulation of turbulent MHD duct flow at finite magnetic Reynolds number. Journal of Computational Physics 304, 320–339
    Bandaru, V., Boeck, T., Krasnov, D. & Schumacher, J.
    (See online at
  • 2016 Advanced Modeling in Lorentz Force Eddy Current Testing
    Weise, Konstantin
  • 2016 Air side thermal performance of wavy fin heat ex-changers produced by selective laser melting. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 745
    Kühndel, J., Kerler, B & Karcher, C.
    (See online at
  • 2016 Anodal direct current stimulation at the eye evokes temporary variations in retinal vessel response to flicker. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 57 (12), 4620
    Freitag, S., Hunold, A., Klemm, M., Klee, S., Rieger, S., Link, D. & Haueisen, J.
  • 2016 Comparison of Motion Patterns for Lorentz Force Eddy Current Testing. Proceedings ENDE-2016, Lissabon, Portugal
    Schmidt, R., Otterbach, J. M., Ziolkowski, M. & Brauer, H.
    (See online at
  • 2016 Comparison of Motion Patterns for Lorentz Force Eddy Current Testing. Proceedings Konferencja Naukowa WD 2016 'New technologies & Applications', Lublin, Polen, 173–174
    Schmidt, R., Otterbach, J. M., Ziolkowski, M., Brauer, H., Toepfer, H.
  • 2016 Contactless flow measurement in liquid metal using electromagnetic time-of-flight method. Measurement Science and Technology 27 (5), 055102
    Dubovikova, N., Resagk, C., Karcher, C. & Kolesnikov, Y.
    (See online at
  • 2016 Control of heat transfer in engine coolers by Lorentz forces. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 745
    Karcher, C. & Kühndel, J.
    (See online at
  • 2016 Cooling systems of high-temperature superconducting magnet for Lorentz force velocimetry. Workshop Elektroprozesstechnik, Technische Universität Ilmenau
    Vakaliuk, O., Weidner, M. & Halbedel, B.
  • 2016 Current density reconstructions for Lorentz force evaluation. Research in Nondestructive Evaluation 28 (2), 76–100
    Mengelkamp, J., Carlstedt, M., Weise, K., Ziolkowski, M., Brauer, H. & Haueisen, J.
    (See online at
  • 2016 DNS of natural convection in liquid metal with strong magnetic fields in rectangular enclosures. 10th PAMIR International Conference Fundamental and Applied MHD, Cagliari, Italien
    Liu, W., Krasnov, D., Schumacher, J., Karcher, C. & Thess, A.
  • 2016 Dry calibration of a new generation local Lorentz force flowmeter. 10th PAMIR International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), Cagliari, 198–202
    Hernández, D., Karcher, C. & Wondrak, T.
  • 2016 Dynamische Charakterisierung eines Dreikomponenten Kraftsensors mit Hilfe eines Lorentzkraft-Lastwechslers. tm – Technisches Messen 83 (7–8), 430–438
    Schleichert, J., Carlstedt, M., Marangoni, R. R., Rahneberg, I. & Fröhlich, T.
    (See online at
  • 2016 Dynamische Charakterisierung eines Dreikomponenten Kraftsensors mit Hilfe eines Lorentzkraft-Lastwechslers. tm – Technisches Messen 83 (7–8), 430–438
    Schleichert, J., Carlstedt, M., Marangoni, R. R., Rahneberg, I. & Fröhlich, T.
    (See online at
  • 2016 Dynamische Kalibrierung eines Mehrkomponentensensors für Kraft und Drehmoment. tm – Technisches Messen 83 (3), 131–138
    Schleichert, J., Rahneberg, I. & Fröhlich, T.
    (See online at
  • 2016 Energy Analysis and Modeling Study of Combined Activated Carbon-Silica Gel/Methanol Adsorption Ice Production System. Global Journal of Energy Technology Research Updates 3, 1–22
    Ali, M., Ajib, S.
    (See online at
  • 2016 Entwicklung und Untersuchung von Mehrkomponentensensoren für Kraft und Drehmoment
    Schleichert, Jan
  • 2016 Estimation of Lorentz Force from dimensional analysis: Similarity solutions and scaling laws. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 52 (8), 7004813
    Carlstedt, M., Weise, K., Ziolkowski, M., Schmidt, R. & Brauer, H.
    (See online at
  • 2016 Experimentelle und theoretische Untersuchungen zu stoffschlüssigen und flüssigmetallischen Hochtemperatur-Verbindungstechniken von thermoelektrischen Materialien
    Lämmle, Christopher
  • 2016 Fast MOR-based Approach to Uncertainty Quantification in Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 52 (3), 7200904
    Codecasa, L., Di Rienzo, L., Weise, K., Gross, S. & Haueisen, J.
    (See online at
  • 2016 Flaw Identification in GLARE Using Goal Function Scan. Proceedings 14th International Workshop on Optimization and Inverse Problems in Electromagnetism OIPE, Rom, Italien
    Mengelkamp, J., Carlstedt, M., Ziolkowski, M., Brauer, H. & Haueisen, J.
  • 2016 Forward and Inverse Calculation Methods for Lorentz Force Evaluation applied to Laminated Composites
    Mengelkamp, Judith
  • 2016 Hartmann duct flow at moderate magnetic Reynolds numbers. PAMM Proceedings in Applied Mathematics & Mechanics 16, 577–578
    Bandaru, V., Boeck, T. & Schumacher, J.
    (See online at
  • 2016 Heat and momentum transfer for magnetoconvection in a vertical external magnetic field. Physical Review E 94 (4), 043108
    Zürner, T., Liu, W., Krasnov, D. & Schumacher, S.
    (See online at
  • 2016 High Precision Force Measurements in Horizontal Direction in Combination with High Dead Loads: Non-Contact Flowmeter for Low Conducting Electrolytes
    Vasylian, Suren
  • 2016 High-precision horizontally directed force measurements for high dead loads based on differential electromagnetic force compensation system. Measurement Science and Technology 27 (4)
    Vasilyan, S., Rivero, M., Schleichert, J., Fröhlich, T. & Halbedel, B.
    (See online at
  • 2016 Influence of the flow profile to Lorentz force velocimetry for weakly conducting fluids – an experimental validation. Measurement Science and Technology 27 (9), 125306
    Wiederhold, A., Ebert, R., Weidner, M., Halbedel, B., Fröhlich, T. & Resagk, C.
    (See online at
  • 2016 Investigation of instabilities of a liquid metal/electrolyte interface caused by thermal convection. Proceedings 88th GAMM Annual Meeting, Weimar
    Wiederhold, A. & Resagk, C.
  • 2016 Kontaktlose Durchflussmessung in turbulenten Elektrolytströmungen mittels Lorentzkraft Anemometrie
    Ebert, Reschad
  • 2016 Local flow measurement in a continuous casting model test stand. Workshop Elektroprozesstechnik, Technische Universität Ilmenau
    Hernández, D., Wondrak, T. & Karcher, C.
  • 2016 Local Lorentz force flowmeter at a continuous caster model using a new generation multicomponent force and torque sensor. Measurement Science and Technology 27
    Hernández, D., Schleichert, J., Karcher, C., Fröhlich, T., Wondrak, T. & Timmel, K.
    (See online at
  • 2016 Lorentz force distribution inside a conductor moving in the vicinity of a magnetic dipole with arbitrary orientation. 37th Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS), Shanghai, China
    Petkovic, B., Weise, K. & Haueisen, J.
    (See online at
  • 2016 Lorentz force evaluation with Differential Evolution. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 52 (5), 6201310 (1–10)
    Mengelkamp, J., Lattner, D., Haueisen, J., Carlstedt, M., Weise, K., Ziolkowski, M., Brauer, H. & Eichardt, R.
    (See online at
  • 2016 Lorentz Force Evaluation With Elastic Net Regularization. Proceedings 14th International Workshop on Optimization and Inverse Problems in Electromagnetism OIPE, Rom, Italien, 54–55
    Dölker, E.-M., Strohmeier, D., Petković, B., Mengelkamp, J., Weise, K., Schmidt, R., Brauer, H. & Haueisen, J.
  • 2016 Lorentz force sigmometry: a novel technique to measure the electrical conductivity of solid and fluid metals
    Alkhalil, Shatha
  • 2016 Lorentz force transient response at finite magnetic Reynolds numbers. IEEE Transactions on magnetics 52 (8)
    Bandaru, V., Sokolov, I. & Boeck, T.
    (See online at
  • 2016 Lorentz Force Velocimetry at High Magnetic Reynolds Numbers
    Sokolov, Igor
  • 2016 Lorentz force velocimetry for high-speed liquid sodium flow. Magnetohydrodynamics 52 (4), 481–493
    Sokolov, I., Noskov V., Pavlinov A. & Kolesnikov Y.
    (See online at
  • 2016 Lorentzkraft-Anemometrie von elektrisch schwach leitfähigen Fluiden
    Diethold, Christian
  • 2016 Magnetic obstacle: Results from numerical reconstructions of experimental data. Proceedings 10th Pamir International Conference on Fundamental and Applied MHD, Cagliari, Italien, 574–578
    Prinz, S., Bandaru, V., Kolesnikov, Y., Krasnov, D. & Boeck, T.
  • 2016 Magnetohydrodynamic duct and channel flows at finite magnetic Reynolds numbers
    Bandaru, Vinodh Kumar
  • 2016 Mehrkomponenten Kraft- und Drehmomentsensor nach dem Prinzip der Elektromagnetischen Kompensation. tm – Technisches Messen 83 (7–8), 445–452
    Schleichert, J., Rahneberg, I., Hilbrunner, F. & Fröhlich, T.
    (See online at
  • 2016 Motion-induced Eddy Current Testing of Composite Materials. 19th World Conference on Non-Destructive Testing (WCNDT), München
    Gorges, S., Brauer, H. Ziolkowski, M., Carlstedt, M., Weise, K., Schmidt, R. & Mengelkamp, J.
  • 2016 New developments on Lorentz force velocimetry for weakly conducting fluids, Turbulence. Heat and Mass Transfer 8, 803–806
    Ebert, R. & Resagk, C.
    (See online at
  • 2016 New developments on Lorentz force velocimetry for weakly conducting fluids. 10th PAMIR International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Magnetohydrodynamics, Cagliari, Italien
    Wiederhold, A., Ebert, R. & Resagk, C.
  • 2016 Non-contact flow rate measurements in turbulent liquid metal duct flow using time-of-flight Lorentz force velocimetry
    Dubovikova, Nataliia
  • 2016 Numerical simulation of channel induction furnace to investigate frequency-dependent efficiency. IEEE International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies (ICSET2016), 90–95
    Tran, N. & Lüdtke, U.
    (See online at
  • 2016 Numerical simulation of swirling flow in the pipe under non-uniform magnetic field. Proceedings 10th PAMIR International Conference on Fundamental and Applied MHD, Cagliari, Italien, 234–237
    Dong, S., Krasnov, D., Kolesnikov, Y. & Wang, X.
  • 2016 Numerical simulations of magnetohydrodynamic flows driven by a moving permanent magnet. Physical Review Fluids 1 (4), 043601
    Prinz, S., Bandaru, V., Kolesnikov, Y., Krasnov, D. & Boeck, T.
    (See online at
  • 2016 Numerische Simulation der Lorentzkraft-Anemometrie bei Blasenströmungen in Flüssigmetallen und Elektrolyten. Workshop Elektroprozesstechnik, Technische Universität Ilmenau
    Tran, N. & Lüdtke, U.
  • 2016 Optimization of magnetic field sources for weakly conducting media in Lorentz force velocimetry
    Terzijska, Džulia
  • 2016 Optimized Lorentz Force Eddy Current Testing System for Small Metal Injection Molding Specimens. Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation 41, 40–47
    Schmidt, R., Weise, K., Carlstedt, M., Ziolkowski, M., Brauer, H. & Toepfer, H.
  • 2016 Recent Advancements in Lorentz Force Eddy Current Testing. 19th World Conference on Non-Destructive Testing (WCNDT), München, 21 (7)
    Schmidt, R., Weise, K., Carlstedt, M., Ziolkowski, M., Brauer, H. & Gorges, S.
  • 2016 Secondary optimal energy growth and magnetic damping of turbulence in Hartmann channel flow. European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids 60, 209–218
    Dong, S., Krasnov, D. & Boeck, T.
    (See online at
  • 2016 Supercomputing studies in turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection: Challenges and perspectives. NIC Symposium 2016, NIC Series 48, 381
    Emran, M. S., Götzfried, P., Kolchynska, A., Scheel, J. D. & Schumacher, J.
  • 2016 Transitional boundary layers in low-Prandtl-number convection. Physical Review Fluids 1
    Schumacher, J., Bandaru, V., Pandey, A. & Scheel, J.
    (See online at
  • 2016 Uncertainty Analysis in Lorentz Force Eddy Current Testing. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 52 (3), 6200104
    Weise, K., Carlstedt, M., Ziolkowski, M., Brauer, H. & Toepfer, H.
    (See online at
  • 2016 Variation der retinalen Gefäßreaktion während elektrischer Stimulation am Auge. Innovationen bei der Erfassung und Analyse bioelektrischer und biomagnetischer Signale; Workshop Biosignalverarbeitung 2016: gemeinsamer Workshop der Fachausschüsse "Biosignale" und "Magnetische Methoden in der Medizin" der DGBMT im VDE, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 114–116
    Freitag, S., Hunold, A., Klemm, M. & Haueisen, J.
  • 2016 Velocity and flow rate measurement of liquid metal by contactless electromagnetic Lorentz force technique. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 143, 012022
    Dubovikova N., Karcher C. & Kolesnikov Y.
    (See online at
  • 2016 Wärmetauscher, insbesondere für ein Kraftfahrzeug, DE102015203470A1
    Fetzer, T., Altunkaya, Y., Kühndel, J., Velte, V., Kerler, B., Grauer, W. & Renz, M.
  • 2017 A Contribution to the Experimental Validation in Lorentz Force Eddy Current Testing
    Carlstedt, Matthias
  • 2017 A self-calibrating multicomponent force/torque measuring system. Proceedings 59th Ilmenau Scientific Colloquium, Technische Universität Ilmenau
    Marangoni, R. R., Schleichert, J., Rahneberg, I., Hilbrunner, F. & Fröhlich, T.
  • 2017 Analysis of weighing cells based on the principle of electromagnetic force compensation. Measurement Science and Technology 28, 075101
    Marangoni, R. R., Rahneberg, I., Hilbrunner, F., Theska, R. & Fröhlich, T.
    (See online at
  • 2017 Calibration and uncertainty analysis for multicomponent force/torque measurements. tm – Technisches Messen 84 (2), 130–136
    Schleichert, J., Rahneberg, I., Marangoni, R. R. & Fröhlich, T.
    (See online at
  • 2017 Calibration of the torsion force measurement system for the Lorentz force velocimetry application. Proceedings 59th Ilmenau Scientific Colloquium, Technische Universität Ilmenau
    Yan, N., Kühnel, M., Vasilyan, S. & Fröhlich, T.
  • 2017 Comparison of Motion Patterns for Lorentz Force Eddy Current Testing Studies. Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation (XX) Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics 42, 157–164
    Schmidt, R., Otterbach, J. M., Ziolkowski, M. & Brauer, H.
    (See online at
  • 2017 Comparison of two forward solution approaches in Lorentz Force Evaluation. 21st International Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields (COMPUMAG 2017), Daejeon, Südkorea, 1–2
    Dölker, E.-M., Schmidt, R., Weise, K., Petković, B., Ziolkowski, M., Brauer, H. & Haueisen, J.
  • 2017 Computation of Lorentz Force and 3-D Eddy Current Distribution in Translatory Moving Conductors in the Field of a Permanent Magnet. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 53 (2)
    Petković, B., Weise, K. & Haueisen, J.
    (See online at
  • 2017 Detection and characterization of elongated bubbles and drops in two-phase flow using magnetic fields. Measurement Science and Technology 28 (8), 085303
    Wiederhold, A., Boeck, T. & Resagk, C.
    (See online at
  • 2017 Development of the HTS magnet system for Lorentz Force Velocimetry. Cryogenic Engineering Conference and the International Cryogenic Materials Conference (CEC-ICMC), Madison, USA
    Vakaliuk, O., Halbedel, B.
  • 2017 Dynamics of Falling Liquid Metal Droplets and Jets Affected by a Strong Magnetic Field. Magnetohydrodynamics 53 (4), 739–745
    Karcher, C. & Hernández, D.
    (See online at
  • 2017 Dynamics of liquid metal droplets and jets influenced by a strong axial magnetic field. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 228, 12010
    Hernández, D. & Karcher, C.
    (See online at
  • 2017 Electromagnetic interaction between a permanent magnet and laminar flow of a moving sphere in a conducting liquid. Magnetohydrodynamics 53 (4), 653–665
    Lyu, Z., Boeck, T., Karcher, C. & Thess, A.
    (See online at
  • 2017 Electromagnetic interaction between a rising spherical particle in a conducting liquid and a localized magnetic field. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 228 (1), 012025
    Lyu, Z., Tran, N., Boeck, T. & Karcher, C.
    (See online at
  • 2017 Enhancing the Amount of Cold Produced and Saving of the Required Input Heat using Two Different Adsorbents together in the Adsorption Ice Production AIP System. Global Journal of Energy Technology Research Updates 4, 9–25
    Ali, M., Ajib, S. & Karcher, C.
    (See online at
  • 2017 Entwicklung und Charakterisierung einer mikrofluidischen Brennstoffzelle. Proceedings Fachtagung für Experimentelle Strömungsmechanik, Karlsruhe
    Rösing, W., König, J., Otto, H. & Cierpka, C.
  • 2017 High-temperature superconducting magnet systems for Lorentz Force Velocimetry. Proceedings XVIII International UIE-Congress Electrotechnologies for Material Processing, Hannover, 356–361, 978-3-8027-3095-5
    Vakaliuk, O., Weidner, M. & Halbedel, B.
  • 2017 Indoor localization: novel RSSI approach based on analytical solution and two receivers. Journal of Sensors and Sensor Systems 6, 375–380
    Warda, A., Petković, B. & Toepfer, H.
    (See online at
  • 2017 Inductive detection of the free surface of liquid metals. Measurement Science and Technology 28 (11), 115301
    Zürner, T., Ratajczak, M., Wondrak, T. & Eckert, S.
    (See online at
  • 2017 Influence of a second gaseous phase on Lorentz force velocimetry at low conducting fluids. Fachtagung Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik, Karlsruhe, Deutschland
    Wiederhold, A. & Resagk, C.
  • 2017 Information content-based determination of optimal sensor number, 9th International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems and Workshops (ICUMT), München, 261–266
    Warda, A., Petković, B. & Toepfer, H.
    (See online at
  • 2017 Investigation to the tilt sensitivity of the Lorentz force velocimetry system for the flow rate measurement of low conducting fluids. Proceedings IMEKO 23rd TC3 International conference, Helsinki, Finnland
    Yan, N., Vasilyan, S., Kühnel, M. & Fröhlich, T.
  • 2017 Lorentz force evaluation using an adapted Landweber algorithm. Proceedings 10th International PhD Seminar on Computational electromagnetics and bioeffects of electromagnetic fields (CEMBEF 2017), Osijek, Kroatien, 25–28
    Dölker, E.-M., Baharuddin Bt N. F., Supriyanto, E., Schmidt, R., Brauer, H. & Haueisen, J.
    (See online at
  • 2017 Lorentz Force Evaluation with an Extended Area Approach. 21st International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society (ACES) Symposium, Firenze, 1–2
    Dölker, E.-M., Schmidt, R., Weise, K., Petković, B., Ziolkowski, M., Brauer, H. & Haueisen, J.
    (See online at
  • 2017 Lorentz Force Evaluation with Extended Area Approach. 19th Intl. Symposium on Theoretical Electrical Engineering (ISTET 2017), Ilmenau, 36
    Dölker, E.-M., Gorges, S., Otterbach, J. M., Schmidt, R., Petković, B., Ziolkowski, M., Brauer, H. & Haueisen, J.
  • 2017 Lorentz Force Velocimetry based on HTS bulk magnet system. 13th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS 2017), Genf, Schweiz
    Vakaliuk, O., Ainslie, M. & Halbedel, B.
  • 2017 Lorentz Force Velocimetry measurements using HTS bulk magnet system. Workshop Elektroprozesstechnik, Technische Universität Ilmenau
    Vakaliuk, O., Weidner, M. & Halbedel, B.
  • 2017 Maximum electromagnetic drag configurations for a translating conducting cylinder with distant magnetic dipoles. Journal of Engineering Mathematics 108, 123–141
    Boeck, T., Terzijska, D. & Eichfelder, G.
    (See online at
  • 2017 Measurement techniques for liquid metals. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 228, 12023
    Ratajczak, M., Hernández, D., Richter, T., Otte, D., Buchenau, D., Krauter, N. & Wondrak, T.
    (See online at
  • 2017 Multi-component force measurement in micromachining. Technisches Messen 84 (9) 587–592
    Marangoni, R. R., Schleichert, J., Rahneberg, I., Mastylo, R., Manske, E. & Fröhlich, T.
    (See online at
  • 2017 Non-contact electromagnetic flow measurement in liquid metal two-phase flow using Lorentz force velocimetry. Magnetohydrodynamics 53.1, 67–77
    Lyu, Z. & Karcher, C.
    (See online at
  • 2017 Numerical and mathematical modelling of induction heating in adsorption refrigeration systems. Workshop Elektroprozesstechnik, Technische Universität Ilmenau
    Ali, M., Karcher, C. & Lüdtke, U.
  • 2017 Numerical calibration of a multicomponent local Lorentz force flowmeter. Magnetohydrodynamics 53 (2), 233–243
    Hernández, D., Boeck, T., Karcher, C. & Wondrak, T.
    (See online at
  • 2017 Numerical modelling of Lorentz Force Velocimetry including bubbles in liquid metal. XVIII International UIE-Congress - Electrotechnologies for Material Processing, Hannover
    Tran, N. & Lüdtke, U.
  • 2017 Numerical study of the interaction between a bubble rising in a column of conducting liquid and a permanent magnet. Magnetohydrodynamics, 53 (4), 619–631
    Tran, N., Boeck, T., Lüdtke, U., Lyu, Z. & Karcher, C.
    (See online at
  • 2017 Optimization of the magnetic field for Lorentz force Velocimetry. International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics 53, 67–78
    Terzijska, D. & Luedtke, U.
    (See online at
  • 2017 Portable Lorentz Force Eddy Current Testing System With Rotational Motion. Proceedings 21st International Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields (COMPUMAG 2017), Daejeon, Südkorea, 1–2
    Schmidt, R., Otterbach, J. M., Brauer, H., Ziolkowski, M. & Töpfer, H.
    (See online at
  • 2017 Scanning method for indoor localization using the RSSI approach. Journal of Sensors and Sensor Systems 6, 247–251
    Warda, A., Petković, B. & Toepfer, H.
    (See online at
  • 2017 Selective laser melting in heat exchanger development – Experimental investigation of heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics of wavy fins. Heat and Mass Transfer
    Kühndel, J., Kerler, B. & Karcher, C.
    (See online at
  • 2017 Simultane Temperatur- und Geschwindigkeitsfeldmessungen in Rayleigh-Bénard Konvektion bei großen Aspektverhältnissen. Proceedings 25. GALA-Fachtagung, Karlsruhe
    Moller, S., Resagk, C., Baczyzmalski, D., Massing, J., Kähler, C. J. & Cierpka, C.
  • 2017 Static and dynamic identification of multi-component force and torque sensors. Proceedings IMEKO 23rd TC3 Conference, Helsinki, Finnland
    Marangoni, R. R., Schleichert, J., Rahneberg, I. & Fröhlich, T.
  • 2017 Structure and superconducting characteristics of magnesium diboride, substitution of boron atoms by oxygen and carbon. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 279, 012023
    Prikhna, T., Romaka, V., Eisterer, M., Shapovalov, A., Kozyrev, A., Grechnev, G., Boutko, V., Goldacker, W., Habisreuther, T., Vakaliuk, O. & Halbedel, B.
    (See online at
  • 2018 A self-calibrating multicomponent force/torque measuring system. Measurement Science and Technology 29, 074002
    Marangoni, R. R., Schleichert, J., Rahneberg, I., Hilbrunner, F. & Fröhlich, T.
    (See online at
  • 2018 An Algorithmic Approach to Multiobjective Optimization with Decision Uncertainty. Preprint-Series of the Institute for Mathematics, Technische Universität Ilmenau, Ilmenau
    Eichfelder, G., Niebling, J. & Rocktäschel, S.
  • 2018 Assessment of Two Forward Solution Approaches in Lorentz Force Evaluation. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 54 (3), 1–5
    Dölker, E.-M., Schmidt, R., Weise, K., Petković, B., Ziolkowski, M., Brauer, H. & Haueisen, J.
    (See online at
  • 2018 Comparison of defect detection limits in Lorentz force eddy current testing and classical eddy current testing. Journal of Sensors and Sensor Systems 7, 453–459
    Otterbach, J. M., Schmidt, R., Brauer, H., Ziolkowski, M. & Töpfer, H.
    (See online at
  • 2018 Convective heat transfer in engine coolers influenced by electromagnetic fields. Heat and Mass Transfer 54, 2599–2605
    Karcher, C. & Kühndel, J.
    (See online at
  • 2018 Detection and measuring of bubbles in gas-liquid two-phase flow using magnetic fields. 9th Symposium of Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer, Rio de Janeiro, Brasilien
    Wiederhold, A., Boeck, T., Resagk, C & Cierpka, C.
    (See online at
  • 2018 Einflussfaktoren auf die Abbildung thermochromer Flüssigkristalle zur simultanen Geschwindigkeits- und Temperaturmessung. Proceedings 26. GALA-Fachtagung, Rostock
    Moller, S., König, J., Resagk, C., Schiepel, D., Schmeling, D. & Cierpka, C.
  • 2018 Elastic Net Regularization in Lorentz force evaluation. NDT & E International 99, 141–154
    Dölker, E.-M., Schmidt, R., Gorges, S., Otterbach, J. M., Petković, B., Strohmeier, D., Eichardt, R., Brauer, H. & Haueisen, J.
    (See online at
  • 2018 Electromagnetic flow rate measurement in molten tin circulating in a closed-loop test system. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 424 (1), 012084
    Lyu, Z., Karcher, C., Kolesnikov, Y. & Boeck, T.
    (See online at
  • 2018 Experimental and numerical investigation on particle-induced liquid metal flow using Lorentz force velocimetry. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 424 (1), 012006
    Karcher, C., Lyu, Z., Boeck, T., Tran, N. & Lüdtke, U.
  • 2018 Friction Stir Weld Inspection Using the Motion Induced Eddy Current Testing Technique. 45th Annual Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation (QNDE), Burlington, USA
    Carlstedt, M., Porzig, K., Uhlig, R. P., Brauer H. & Toepfer, H.
    (See online at
  • 2018 Improved subgrid-scale modeling for hydrodynamic and magnetohydrodynamic channel flows within a collocated finite-volume scheme. 26th Annual Conference, Computational Fluid Dynamics Society of Canada, Manitoba, Canada
    Prinz, S., Boeck, T. & Schumacher, J.
  • 2018 Instrumentation of a battery thermal management system test bench for electric city busses. Tagungsband Experimentelle Strömungsmesstechnik
    Angermeier, S. & Kerler, B.
  • 2018 Koopman analysis of the long-term evolution in a turbulent convection cell. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 847, 735–767
    Giannakis, D., Kolchinskaya, A., Krasnov, D. & Schumacher,J.
    (See online at
  • 2018 Large eddy simulation of hydrodynamic and magnetohydrodynamic channel flows with a collocated finite-volume scheme and improved subgrid-scale modeling. European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids 72, 189–198
    Prinz, S., Boeck, T. & Schumacher, J.
    (See online at
  • 2018 Local Lorentz force and ultrasound Doppler velocimetry in a vertical convection liquid metal flow. Experiments in Fluids 59 (1), 3
    Zürner, T., Vogt, T., Resagk, C., Eckert, S. & Schumacher, S.
    (See online at
  • 2018 Lorentz Force Velocimetry using a bulk HTS magnet system. 9th International Symposium on Electromagnetic Processing of Materials (EPM2018), Awaij Island, Hyogo, Japan
    Vakaluik, O. & Halbedel, B.
    (See online at
  • 2018 Lorentz force velocimetry using a bulk HTS magnet system. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 424, 012009
    Vakaliuk, O. & Halbedel, B.
    (See online at
  • 2018 Lorentz force velocimetry using a bulk HTS magnet system: Proof-of-concept. Superconductor Science and Technology 31, 084003
    Vakaliuk, O., Ainslie, M. & Halbedel, B.
    (See online at
  • 2018 Mechanical Modeling and Simulation of a Portable System for Motion Induced Eddy Current Testing. International Scientific Journal – Problems of Mechanics 72 (3), 17–28
    Zimmermann, K., Gerlach, E., Zeidis, I., Otterbach, J. M., Töpfer, H., Brauer, H., Ziolkowski, M. & Schmidt, R.
  • 2018 Method of Fundamental Solutions Applied to 3-D Velocity Induced Eddy Current Problems. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 54 (8), 1–10
    Petković, B., Dölker, E.-M., Schmidt, R. & Haueisen, J.
    (See online at
  • 2018 Motion induced eddy current testing system based on rotating magnets. 12th European Conference on Nondestructive Testing (ECNDT-2018), Göteborg, Schweden, ID: ECNDT-0485-2018
    Otterbach, J. M., Schmidt, R., Brauer, H. & Ziolkowski, M.
  • 2018 Multicomponent force and torque measurement in the new SI. Proceedings Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements, Paris, Frankreich
    Marangoni, R. R., Schleichert, J. & Fröhlich, T.
    (See online at
  • 2018 Multicomponent force/torque sensor with integrated calibration system. Proceedings Conference Sensoren und Messsysteme, Nürnberg
    Marangoni, R. R., Schleichert, J. & Fröhlich, T.
  • 2018 Multicomponent local Lorentz force velocimetry
    Hernández, Daniel
  • 2018 Numerical and Analytical Modelling of Induction Heating in Silica Gel/Methanol Adsorption Cold Production System. Modern Environmental Science and Engineering 4 (10), 911–934
    Ali, M., Ajib, S., Karcher, C. & Lüdtke, U.
    (See online at
  • 2018 Numerical and experimental study of the effect of the induced electric potential in Lorentz force velocimetry. Measurement Science and Technology 29 (1), 15301
    Hernández, D., Boeck, T., Karcher, C. & Wondrak, T.
    (See online at
  • 2018 Numerical and experimental study on vorticity measurement in liquid metal using local Lorentz force velocimetry. Measurement Science and Technology 29 (3), 35301
    Hernández, D., Ramos Marangoni, R., Schleichert, J., Karcher, C., Fröhlich, T. & Wondrak, T.
    (See online at
  • 2018 Numerical Results for the Multi-Objective Trust Region Algorithm MHT. OptimizationOnline
    Thomann, J. & Eichfelder, G.
    (See online at
  • 2018 Numerical Simulation of Induction Channel Furnace to Investigate Efficiency for low Frequencies. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 355 (1), 012012
    Tran, N. & Lüdtke, U.
    (See online at
  • 2018 On the influence of gas-liquid two-phase flow on Lorentz force velocimetry. Measurement Science and Technology 29, 085301
    Wiederhold, A., Resagk, C. & Cierpka, C.
    (See online at
  • 2018 Portable Lorentz Force Eddy Current Testing System With Rotational Motion. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Transactions on Magnetics 54 (3), 6200504
    Schmidt, R., Otterbach, J. M., Ziolkowski, M., Brauer, H. & Töpfer, H.
    (See online at
  • 2018 Portable system for motion induced eddy current testing. ITG-Fachbericht 281: Sensoren und Messsysteme, Nürnberg, 300–303
    Otterbach, J. M., Gerlach, E., Ziolkowski, M., Brauer, H. & Schmidt, R.
  • 2018 Preliminary experimental study on applicability of Lorentz force velocimetry in an external magnetic field. Nuclear Science and Techniques 29 (80)
    Tan, Y., Liu, R., Dai, S., Wang, X., Ni, M., Yang, J., Dubovikova, N., Kolesnikov, Y., Karcher, C.
    (See online at
  • 2018 SCSM for Calculation of Motion-Induced Eddy Currents in Isotropic and Anisotropic Conductive Objects. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Transactions on Magnetics 54 (3), 7204804
    Ziolkowski, M., Schmidt, R., Petković, B., Gorges, S., Otterbach, J. M., Weise, K. & Brauer, H.
    (See online at
  • 2018 Simultaneous measurements of velocity and temperature fields in Rayleigh-Bénard convection using thermochromic liquid crystals. Proceedings 19th International Symposium on the Application of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lissabon, Portugal
    Moller, S., König, J., Resagk, C. & Cierpka C.
  • 2018 Single Voxel Boundary Element Source Method: A novel forward solution approach for Lorentz force evaluation. 15th International Workshop on Optimization and Inverse Problems in Electromagnetism (OIPE), Hall in Tirol, Österreich, 30–31
    Dölker, E.-M., Petković, B., Schmidt, R., Brauer, H. & Haueisen, J.
  • 2018 Studies on the simultaneous measurement of velocity and temperature fields in Rayleigh-Bénard convection using thermochromic liquid crystals. Proceedings 5th International Conference on Experimental Fluid Mechanics (ICEFM), München
    König, J., Moller, S. & Cierpka, C.
  • 2018 The effect of magnetic field advection on turbulent magnetohydrodynamic flow in a square duct. PAMM Proceedings in Applied Mathematics & Mechanics
    Bandaru, V., Boeck, T. & Schumacher, J.
    (See online at
  • 2018 Thermodynamic Optimization and Electromagnetic Control of the Adsorption Processes in the Refrigeration Technology
    Ali, Majd
  • 2018 Thermohydraulische Untersuchungen an additiv gefertigten tiefengewellten Rippen für Kühlungsanwendungen
    Kühndel, Jonas
  • 2018 Torsion balance-based system for high-precision force measurement in horizontal plane: part I. Development concept. Measurement Science and Technology 29, 084001
    Yan, N., Kühnel, M., Vasilyan, S. & Fröhlich, T.
    (See online at
  • 2018 Turbulent magnetohydrodynamic flow in a square duct: Comparison of zero and finite magnetic Reynolds number cases. Physical Review Fluids 3, 083701
    Bandaru, V., Boeck, T. & Schumacher, J.
    (See online at
  • 2018 Velocity dependent Lorentz force evaluation: A simulation study. Proceedings 18th Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation (CEFC), Hangzhou, China
    Dölker, E.-M., Schmidt, R., Brauer, H. & Haueisen, J.
    (See online at
  • 2018 Verification of Lorentz Force Velocimetry using a bulk HTS magnet system. 6th Workshop on Numerical Modelling of High Temperature Superconductors, Caparica, Portugal
    Vakaliuk, O., Ainslie, M. & Halbedel, B.
  • 2018 Wall modes in magnetoconvection at high Hartmann numbers. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 849, R2
    Liu, W., Krasnov, D. & Schumacher, J.
    (See online at
  • Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur automatischen Detektion einer Phasenumwandlung mit Energieumsatz, sowie deren Verwendung. DE102012005414A1
    Hilbrunner, F., Schalles, M. & Fröhlich, T.
  • 2019 A Branch-and-Bound-based Algorithm for Nonconvex Multiobjective Optimization. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) Journal on Optimization 29 (1), 794–821
    Niebling, J. & Eichfelder, G.
    (See online at
  • 2019 A Trust Region Algorithm for Heterogeneous Multi-Objective Optimization. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) Journal on Optimization 29 (2), 1017–1047
    Thomann, J. & Eichfelder, G.
    (See online at
  • 2019 High Resolution Force Measurement System for Lorentz Force Velocimetry
    Yan, Na
  • 2019 Influence of the illumination spectrum and observation angle on temperature measurements using thermochromic liquid crystals. Measurement Science and Technology
    Moller, S., König, J., Resagk, C. & Cierpka, C.
    (See online at
  • 2019 Lorentz force velocimetry in liquid metal two-phase flow applications
    Lyu, Ze
  • 2019 Numerical Model for the Detection of Single Particle in Two-Phase Lorentz Force Velocimetry. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 55 (2), 1–4
    Tran, N., Lyu, Z. & Lüdtke, U.
    (See online at
  • 2019 Numerical studies of turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard magnetoconvection in rectangular enclosures
    Liu, Wenjun
  • 2019 On the application of a supercontinuum white light laser for simultaneous measurements of temperature and velocity fields using thermochromic liquid crystals. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science
    König, J., Moller, S., Granzow, N. & Cierpka, C.
    (See online at
  • 2019 Single voxel approach for Lorentz force evaluation. COMPEL - The international journal for computation and mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering
    Dölker, E.-M., Petković, B., Schmidt, R., Ziolkowski, M., Brauer, H. & Haueisen, J.
    (See online at
  • 2019 Strömungsmessung und Strömungsbeeinflussung in leitfähigen Mehrphasensystemen durch elektromagnetische Kräfte
    Wiederhold, Andreas
  • 2019 Torsion balance-based system for high-precision force measurement in horizontal plane: part II. Static and dynamic improvement. Measurement Science and Technology 30 (5)
    Yan, N., Vasilyan, S. & Fröhlich, T.
    (See online at
  • 2019 Traceable Multicomponent Force and Torque Measurement
    Marangoni, Rafael R.
  • 2019 Using a B&B Algorithm from Multiobjective Optimization to Solve Constrained Optimization Problems. AIP Conference Proceedings, Leiden, Netherlands
    Eichfelder, G., Klamroth, K. & Niebling, J.
    (See online at
  • 2019 Velocity dependent Lorentz force evaluation: A simulation study. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Transactions on Magnetics 99, 1–4
    Dölker, E.-M., Schmidt, R., Ziolkowski, M., Brauer, H. & Haueisen, J.
    (See online at

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