Receptor-functionalized Micelles and Vesicles of Amphiphilic Perylene Bisimide Dyes

Antragsteller Professor Dr. Frank Würthner
Fachliche Zuordnung Organische Molekülchemie - Synthese, Charakterisierung
Förderung Förderung von 2008 bis 2016
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 83477742


Water-soluble micelles and vesicles will be prepared by co-self-assembly of amphiphlic perylene bisimides (PBI). The water-soluble PBI self-assemblies will be loaded with pH-sensitive fluorescence donors in the interior, and functionalized with crown ether receptors or positively charged spermine groups at the surface. These functional assemblies will be stabilized by in-situ photopolymerization of the double bonds at the side chain of PBI building block, and to give a new type of micellar nanoparticles bearing multivalent recognition sites. On the basis of fluorescence resonance energy transfer or photo-induced electron transfer mechanism, these water-soluble functional micelles and vesicles will display stimuliresponsive changes in emission color and intensity, and thus can be developed as effective, ratiometric and selective fluorescence sensors towards pH (hydrogen ion), alkali metal cation, or biomacromolecules such as DNA. By using fluorescence confocal microscopy, such functional fluorescence sensors will provide a direct visualization of the location, interaction, transport, distribution and dynamics of hydrogen ion (proton), cation, and biomacromolecule DNA.
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