GRK 1150:  Homotopy and Cohomology

Subject Area Mathematics
Term from 2005 to 2014
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 796242

Final Report

Final Report Year 2016

Final Report Abstract

Die Topologie ist ein Teilgebiet der Mathematik, welches die qualitativen Eigenschaften und nicht die quantitativen Eigenschaften von geometrischen Objekten wie Polyedern oder Mannigfaltigkeiten (von beliebiger Dimension) untersucht. Quantitative Eigenschaften wären etwa Kurvenlängen, Flächeninhalte, Volumen, Winkel und Krümmung; im Gegensatz dazu sind Zusammenhang oder Verschlingungszustände qualitative Eigenschaften, die unter kontinuierlichen Deformationen (sog. Homotopien) der Gegenstände invariant bleiben. Diese Eigenschaften werden durch Invarianten gemessen und sind im einfachsten Fall nur Zahlen, z.B. die berühmte Euler-Charakteristik χ(M ) = b0 (M ) − b1 (M ) + b2 (M ) − . . . + (−1)n bn (M ) für einen n-dimensionalen Polyeder M, wobei bk(M) die Anzahl der k-dimensionalen (und einfachen) Stücke von M bezeichnet. Meistens sind diese Invarianten aber wesentlich komplizierter, nämlich Elemente in einer Kohomologie h*(M) (oder auch Homologie) der geometrischen Objekte. Solche Kohomologien h* gibt es viele und manchmal wird für ein ungelöstes topologisches Problem sogar erst eine dazu passende Invariante in einer neuen Kohomologietheorie konstruiert, um das Problem zu studieren und vielleicht zu lösen. Die Klassifikation z.B. aller Mannigfaltigkeiten einer bestimmten Dimension oder mit bestimmten Eigenschaften ist ein zentrales Thema der Topologie. Wo Klassifikation zu schwierig ist, kann man wenigsten fragen, ob zwei Mannigfaltigkeiten Mi,M2 ineinander deformierbar sind oder nicht: weiß man von einer Invarianten I, dass I(M1 ) = I(M2 ) gilt, so sind M1 und M2 nicht ineinander deformierbar. Zur Beantwortung solcher Fragen ist die ständige Weiterentwicklung und Verfeinerung der Invarianten wichtig. Im GRK 1150 Homotopie und Kohomologie sind u.a. folgende Fragen angegangen worden: • Homotopieklassifikation von Mannigfaltigkeiten (Vermutungen von Borel, Atiyah, Farrell-Jones); • Knoten (und Verallgemeinerungen) und ihre Klassifikation; • Kohomologie von Gruppen und ihrer klassifizierenden Räume; • Quantenfeldtheorien und Stringtheorie; • symmetrische Spektren und globale äquivariante Homotopietheorie; • Flächen und die Kohomologie ihrer Modulräume. In etlichen Fragen sind hierbei durch die Dissertationen bemerkenswerte Ergebnisse erzielt worden, wie man den Berichten der Doktoranden entnehmen kann.


  • . A classification of 5-dimensional manifolds, souls of codimension two and non-diffeomorphic pairs
    Ottenburger, Sadeeb
  • A diagram algebra for Soergel modules corresponding to smooth Schubert varieties. In: Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.
    Sartori, Antonio
  • A geomertic description of the Atiyah-Hirzebruch Spectral Sequence for B-Bordism
    Tene, Haggai
  • Categorification of tensor powers of the vector representation of Uq(gl(1|1)). In Selecta Math.
    Sartori, Antonio
  • Comparing combinatorial models of moduli space and their compactifications
    Egas Santander, Daniela, and Kupers, Sander
  • Comparing graph modes of moduli space
    Egas Santander, Daniela
  • Derived induction and restriction theory
    Noel, Justin, Akhil Mathew and Niko Naumann
  • Derived smooth manifolds: A simplicial approach
    Noel, Justin, Dennis Borisov
  • Discrete Morse Theory and a Reformulation of the K(π, 1)-conjecture
    Ozornova, Viktorya
  • Expansion principles for topological automorphic forms
    Thyssen, Sebastian
  • Factorability, String Rewriting and Discrete Morse Theory
    Ozornova, Viktorya, Alexander Heß
  • Generalized Snaith splittings
    Wang, Juan
  • Generalized Torelli Groups
    Siegmund, Marc
  • Hecke Operators for Non-Congruence Subgroups of Bianchi Groups
    Hamzeh-Zarghani, Saeid
  • Hilbert stratifolds and a Quillen type geometric description of cohomology for Hilbert manifolds
    Tene, Haggai, M. Kreck
  • K(1)-local complex E∞-orientations
    Allenberg, Jan (geb. Möllers)
  • Obstruction theory for operadic algebras
    Dimitrova, Boryana
  • On e- and f-invaiants of complex reframings
    Beckers, Achim
  • On K(1)-local SU-bordism
    Reeker, Holger
  • On rigidity of the ring spectra Pm S(p) and ko
    Hutschenreuter, Katja
  • On the geometry of the f -invariant
    von Bodecker, Hanno
  • On the group cohomology of the semi-direct product Zn x Z/m and a conjecture of Adem-Ge-Pan-Petrosyan
    Langer, Martin, Wolfgang Lück
  • Products in equivariant homology
    Tene, Haggai, S. Kaji
  • Quasicategories of Frames of Cofibration Categories
    Szumilo, Karol, Chris Kapulkin
  • Rigidity in equivariant stable homotopy theory. Algebraic and Geometric Topology
    Patchkoria, Irakli
  • Rigidity in equivariant stable homotopy theory. In: Algebraic and Geometric Topology
    Patchkoria, Irakli
  • Rigidity in equivariant stable homotopy theory. In: Algebraic and Geometric Topology
    Stojanoska, Vesna
  • Secondary multiplication in Tate cohomology of generalized quaternion groups
    Langer, Martin
  • Simply and tangentially homotopy equivalent but non-homeomorphic homogeneous manifolds
    Ottenburger, Sadeeb
  • Some applications of the theory of formal groups to algebraic topology. PhD Thesis (University of Chicago)
    Noel, Justin
  • Some geometric equivariant cohomology theories
    Tene, Haggai
  • Topological K-theory of the group C*-algebra of a semi-direct product Zn x Z/m for a free conjugation action
    Langer, Martin, Wolfgang Lück
  • Two Models for the Homotopy Theory of Cocomplete Homotopy Theories
    Szumilo, Karol
  • Universality of multiplicative infinite loop space machines. In: Algebraic & Geometric Topology
    Groth, Moritz with Gepner and Nikolaus
  • Über den Ext-Funktor auf diskontinuierlichen Räumen
    Deniz, Ferit
  • Factorability, String Rewriting and Discrete Morse Theory
    Heß, Alexander, Viktoriya Ozornova
  • Nilpotence and descent in equivariant stable homotopy theory
    Noel, Justin, Akhil Mathew and Niko Naumann
  • Air-Breathing Laminar Flow-Based Direct Methanol Fuel Cell with Alkaline Electrolyte. Electrochem. Solid-State Lett. 9 (5), pp. A252-A256 (2006)
    Ranga S. J., Spendelow J.S., Natarajan D., Markoski L. J. and Kenis P.J.A.
  • Popaths and Holinks. Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures, vol. 1 (2006), 1–9
    Miller, David
  • Rigidity and exotic models for k-local spectra. Geometry & Topology 11 (2007), 1855 - 1886
    Roitzheim, Constanze
  • On the algebraic classification of K-local Spectra. Homology, Homotopy, and Appl. 10 (2008), 389 - 412
    Roitzheim, Constanze
  • A diffeomorphism classification of 5- and 7-dimensional non-simply-connected homogeneous spaces
    Ottenburger, Sadeeb
  • On the notion of order in the stable module category
    Langer, Martin
  • Ruthenium clusterlike chalcogenide as a methanol tolerant cathode catalyst in air-breathing laminar flow fuel cells. Electrochimica Acta, 54 (18) pp. 4384-4388 (2009)
    Egas Santander, Daniela, Devin T. W., Ranga S. J., Alonso-Vante N. and Kenis P.J.A.
  • For Complex Orientations Preserving Power Operations, p-typicality is Atypical. Topology and its Applications, October 2010
    Noel, Justin, Niles Johnson
  • Homotopy theory of s-bimodules, naive ring spectra and stable model categories
    Weiner, Arne
  • Controlled algebra for simplicial rings and the algebraic K-theory assembly map. Dissertation (2011), Universität Düsseldorf
    Ullmann, Marc
  • Spectral Sequences in String Topology. Algebraic & Geometric Topology 11 (2011), 2829–2860
    Meier, Lennart
  • Stratifolds and Equivariant Cohomology Theories
    Tene, Haggai
  • A graphical calculus for 2-block Spaltenstein varieties. Glasg. Math. J. 54 (2012), 449–477
    Schäfer, Gisa
  • Cubical approach to derived functors. Homology, Homotopy and Appl. 14 (2012), 133 – 158
    Patchkoria, Irakli
  • Cubical approach to derived functors. Homology, Homotopy and Appl. 14 (2012), 133 – 158
    Patchkoria, Irakli
  • Cubical approach to derived functors. Homology, Homotopy and Appl. 14 (2012), 133 – 158
    Stojanoska, Vesna
  • On the algebraic classification of module spectra. Algebraic and Geometric Topology 12, (2012), 2329 – 2388
    Patchkoria, Irakli
  • On the algebraic classification of module spectra. Algebraic and Geometric Topology 12, (2012), 2329 – 2388
    Patchkoria, Irakli
  • On the algebraic classification of module spectra. Algebraic and Geometric Topology 12, (2012), 2329 – 2388
    Stojanoska, Vesna
  • On the Product in Negative Tate Cohomology for finite groups, Algebraic and Geometric Topology, 12, 2012
    Tene, Haggai
  • Secondary multiplication in Tate cohomology of certain p-groups. Algebr. Geom. Topol. 12 (2012) 829-865
    Langer, Martin
  • Derivators, pointed derivators and stable derivators. Algebraic & Geometric Topology 13 (2013), pp- 313-374
    Groth, Moritz
  • Strongly stratified homotopy theory. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 365 (2013), 4933-4962
    Miller, David
  • Controlled Algebra for Simplicial Rings and Algebraic K-theory
    Ullmann, Marc
  • Fibrancy of Partial Model Categories. Homology, Homotopy Appl.
    Meier, Lennart, Viktoriya Ozornova
  • Fibrancy of Partial Model Categories. In: Homology, Homotopy Appl.
    Ozornova, Viktorya, Lennart Meier
  • H∞ ≠ E∞. Contemporary Mathematics, vol. 617, Amer. Math. Soc., 2014
    Noel, Justin
  • Lifting homotopy T -algebra maps to strict maps. Advances in Mathematics, vol. 264(20) (2014), pp. 593–645
    Noel, Justin, Niles Johnson
  • Mayer–Vietoris sequences in stable derivators. Homology, Homotopy and Applications 16 (2014), pp. 365-394
    Groth, Moritz with Ponto and Shulman
  • The additivity of traces in monoidal derivators. Journal of K-Theory 14 (2014), pp. 422-494
    Groth, Moritz with Ponto and Shulman
  • The degenerate affine walled Brauer algebra. J. Algebra 417 (2014), 198–233
    Sartori, Antonio
  • The T-algebra spectral sequence: Comparisons and applications. Algebraic and Geometric Topology, 14-6 (2014), 3395–3417
    Noel, Justin
  • The first differential of the functor ’Algebraic K-theory of Spaces’
    Ullmann, Marc
  • A model structure on GCat. In: Women in Topology: Collaborations in Homotopy Theory, Contemporary Mathematics vol. 641 (2015), S. 123 – 134
    Ozornova, Viktorya, Anna Marie Bohmann, Kristen Mazur, Angélica M. Osorno, Kate Ponto, Carolyn Yarnall
  • All about T mf1(3)
    Meier, Lennart, Michael Hill
  • Affineness and Chromatic Homotopy Theory. In: J Topology (2015) 8 (2): 476-528
    Meier, Lennart, Akhil Mathew
  • Categorification of tensor product representations of slk and category O. J. Algebra 428 (2015), 256—291
    Sartori, Antonio, C. Stroppel
  • Fibration Categories are Fibrant Relative Categories
    Meier, Lennart
  • Nilpotence in the symplectic bordism ring. Contemporary Mathematics, Proceedings of the Conference on Manifolds, K-Theory, and Related Topics, Amer. Math. Soc.
    Noel, Justin
  • On a nilpotence conjecture of J. P. May. Journal of Topology, 8, Issue 4, 1 December 2015, Pages 917–932
    Akhil Mathew, Niko Naumann, Justin Noel
  • On auto-equivalences of the (∞, 1)-category of ∞-operads. Mathematische Zeitschrift 281 (2015), 807-848
    Groth, Moritz with Ara and Gutierrez
  • The Alexander polynomial as quantum invariant of links. Ark. Mat. 53, Issue 1 (2015), Pages 177-202
    Sartori, Antonio
  • Vector Bundles over the Moduli Stack of Elliptic Curves. J. Algebra 428 (2015), 425-456
    Meier, Lennart
  • Tilting theory of trees via stable homotopy theory. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 220 (2016), 2324-2363
    Groth, Moritz with Stovicek
DFG Programme Research Training Groups
Applicant Institution Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
Co-Applicant Institution Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf; Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Participating Researchers Professor Dr. Gerd Laures; Professor Dr. Holger Reich; Professor Dr. Stefan Schwede; Professor Dr. Wilhelm Singhof; Professorin Dr. Catharina Stroppel; Professor Dr. Peter Teichner
Spokesperson Professor Dr. Carl-Friedrich Bödigheimer, since 10/2009