SFB 837: Interaction Modelling in Mechanised Tunnelling
Materials Science and Engineering
Final Report Abstract
Within the 20 subprojects of the SFB 837, a range of design concepts, numerical models, digital planning tools and new excavation technologies concerning mechanized tunneling have been developed. The research goals of the SFB 837 have been concerned with relevant planning and construction aspects of the many components of the mechanized tunneling process. They were organized into four project areas labeled A through D. Project area A is concerned with the characterization and modeling of the in-situ ground and the disturbed ground conditions in the vicinity of the cutting wheel as well as with advance exploration methods. The topic of research in project area B is the generation of novel segmental lining designs with enhanced robustness and the interaction between the grout and the surrounding soil. Project area C is concerned with the simulation of the advancement process and real-time prognosis methods to support the TBM steering, as well as with optimal monitoring strategies, the simulation of logistics processes and the modeling of the cutting process and the material transport into the excavation chamber. The last project area D is concerned with research on risk analysis in urban tunneling and model integration. These research themes are each supported by computational models, which are all included in an SFB encompassing tunnel information model that was developed in the first period of the SFB 837. Furthermore, interaction groups were formed in order to integrate and combine the results of different submodels and analyses. These interaction groups originated partially through the investigation of prototypical cause-and-effect relationships, and partially from applications of the interaction models to actual reference tunneling projects. While research during the initial project phases focused mainly on tunneling in softground, research in the last phase also concentrated on tunneling in di cult geological conditions, which nowadays sets the limits on the application range of mechanized tunneling. Among other topics, research was concerned with the exploration of significant, as yet unexplored factors that control tunneling processes in expansive soils as well as with the design of novel deformation-tolerant tunnel linings. From interdisciplinary research between material scientists and geophysicists, essential insights have been gained into the wear of excavation tools and the e ciency of excavation in such di cult geological conditions. Simulation and risk models for the excavation, advancement and logistics processes developed in the SFB 837 will enable improved, environmentally-friendly and low-risk planning and construction processes. These models have been extended to enable real-time prognoses and to provide a platform for the interactive digital design of urban tunneling projects. In doing so, the SFB 837 has contributed to create new perspectives for innovative participative planning instruments in tunneling. Furthermore, by developing continuously updated real-time models, the SFB 837 has taken an important step towards computer-aided steering of the mechanized tunneling process.
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Schindler, S.; Hegemann; F.; Koch, C.; König, M. & Mark, P.
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Scheffer, M.; Rahm, T.; König, M. & Thewes, M.
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Conrads, A.; Scheffer, M.; Mattern, H.; König, M. & Thewes, M.
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Küpferle, Jakob; Röttger, Arne & Theisen, Werner
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Küpferle, Jakob; Röttger, Arne & Theisen, Werner
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Lavasan, A. A.; Zhao, C.; Barciaga, T.; Schaufler; A.; Steeb, H. & Schanz, T.
Optimal measurement design for parameter identification in mechanized tunneling. Underground Space, 3(1), 34-44.
Hölter, Raoul; Zhao, Chenyang; Mahmoudi, Elham; Lavasan, Arash Alimardani; Datcheva, Maria; König, Markus & Schanz, Tom
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Hoormazdi, G.; Küpferle; J.; Röttger, A.; Theisen, W. & Hackl, K.
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Plückelmann, S.; Breitenbücher; R.; Smarslik, M.; Mark, P.
Development of a test setup for the simulation of the annular gap grouting on a semi technical scale. In: Tunnels and Underground Cities: Engineering and Innovation meet Archaeology, Architecture and Art. CRC Press, 2019. – ISBN 9780429424441, S. 3070–3077
Schulte-Schrepping, C. & Breitenbücher, R.
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Smarslik, Mario & Mark, Peter
Analytische und simulationsbasierte Planungsgrundsätze
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Duhme, R.; Thewes & M. & König, M.
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Vu, Giao; Iskhakov, Tagir; Timothy, Jithender; Schulte-Schrepping, Christoph; Breitenbücher, Rolf & Meschke, Günther
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Dang, Thai Son & Meschke, Günther
Metamodel-Based Prediction of Structural Damages due to Tunneling-Induced Settlements. ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering, 6(4).
Obel, Markus; Ahrens, Mark Alexander & Mark, Peter
Acoustic waveform inversion in frequency domain: Application to a tunnel environment. Underground Space, 6(5), 560-576.
Riedel, Christopher; Musayev, Khayal; Baitsch, Matthias; Zhu, Hehua & Hackl, Klaus
Investigations on the transient support pressure transfer at the tunnel face during slurry shield drive Part 2: Case B – Deep slurry penetration exceeds tool cutting depth. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 118(2021, 12), 104169.
Zizka, Zdenek; Schoesser, Britta & Thewes, Markus
Investigations on transient support pressure transfer at the tunnel face during slurry shield drive part 1: Case A – Tool cutting depth exceeds shallow slurry penetration depth. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 118(2021, 12), 104168.
Zizka, Zdenek; Schoesser, Britta & Thewes, Markus
Peridynamic analysis of dynamic fracture: influence of peridynamic horizon,
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Butt, S. N. & Meschke, G.
Residual water content of excavated soil in EPB tunnelling. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 114(2021, 8), 103991.
Galli, Mario; Thewes, Markus; Freimann, Sascha & Schröer, Marius
A hybrid exploration approach for the prediction of geological changes ahead of mechanized tunnel excavation. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 203(2022, 8), 104684.
Riedel, Christopher; Mahmoudi, Elham; Trapp, Maximilian; Lamert, Andre; Hölter, Raoul; Zhao, Chenyang; Musayev, Khayal; Baitsch, Matthias; König, Markus; Hackl, Klaus; Nestorović, Tamara & Friederich, Wolfgang
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Stepien, Marcel; Jodehl, Annika; Vonthron, André; König, Markus & Thewes, Markus
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Yang, H.; Renner, J.; Brackmann, L. & Röttger, A.
Real-Time Risk Assessment of Tunneling-Induced Building Damage Considering Polymorphic Uncertainty. ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering, 8(1).
Cao, Ba Trung; Obel, Markus; Freitag, Steffen; Heußner, Lukas; Meschke, Günther & Mark, Peter
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Neu, Gerrit E.; Edler, Philipp; Freitag, Steffen; Gudžulić, Vladislav & Meschke, Günther
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Ziegler, Martin; Alimardani Lavasan, Arash & Loew, Simon
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Petraroia, Diego N.; Medeghini, Filippo; Plückelmann, Sven; Mark, Peter & Breitenbücher, Rolf