600 MHz-NMR-FT-Spektrometer
Subject Area
Analytical Chemistry
from 2008 to 2011
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 77063282
Final Report Year
Final Report Abstract
- Konformationsanalyse mittlerer und großer Ringe
- Konformationsanalyse von Oligosacchariden im freien und enzymgebundenen Zustand
- Struktur und Dynamik polymermodifizierter Mikroemulsionen
- Experimentelle und theoretische Untersuchung dynamischer Austauschprozesse
- Experimentelle Abklärung und theoretische Modellentwicklung zum Substituenteneffekt in ungesättigten und starren gesättigten Strukturen
- Quantifizierung des Push-pull-Effektes
- Einsatz von Anisotropieeffekten funktioneller Gruppen und des Ringstromeffektes von Arylsubstituenten zur Bestimmung der Stereochemie
- Strukturaufklärung von Naturstoffen und Naturstoffsyntheseprodukten
- Synthese von Kohlenhydrat-C-Analoga
- Photolithographie und molekulares Schalten durch Singulettsauerstoff
- Tandem-RCM-Isomerisierung zur Synthese cyclischer Enolether
- Ringgrößenselektive Metathese
- Fluorionophore für Übergangsmetallionen
- Metallkomplexe neuer "großflächiger" α,α'-Diiminliganden
- Maleonitrilthiakronenether und Tetraazaporphyrine sowie selektive Extraktionsmittel für Platingruppenmetalle
- Synthese nanostrukturierter Systeme mit definierter Partikeldimension
- Koordinationschemie von Übergangs- und Hauptgruppenelementen mit Chalkogeno-Chelatliganden
- Radikalische Polymerisationen in nicht-organischen Lösungsmitteln
- kontrollierte Mineralisation aus ionischen Flüssigkeiten
- Synthese und Untersuchung von funktionellen Polymeren sowie neuer Tenside und Lipide
4-Alkyl-2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-1,4,2,6-oxaazadisilinanes: synthesis, structure, and conformational analysis. Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry Volume 23 Issue 1, Pages 84 - 89
Nataliya F. Lazareva, Bagrat A. Shainyan, Erich Kleinpeter
Conformational analysis of 3-methyl-3-silathiane and 3-fluoro-3-methyl-3-silathiane. Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry Volume 24, Issue 4, pages 320-326
Svetlana V. Kirpichenko, Erich Kleinpeter, Igor A. Ushakov, Bagrat A. Shainyan
Conformational analysis of 4,4-dimethyl-4-silathiane and its S-oxides. Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry Volume 24, Issue 12, pages 1188-1192
Bagrat A. Shainyan, Elena N. Suslova, Erich Kleinpeter
Conformational analysis of N-phenyl- and N-trifyl-4,4- dimethyl-4-silathiane 1-sulfimides. Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry, Volume 24, Issue 8, pages 698-704
Bagrat A. Shainyan, Elena N. Suslova, Erich Kleinpeter
Conformational preferences of Si-Ph,H and Si-Ph,Me silacyclohexanes and 1,3-thiasilacyclohexanes. Additivity of conformational energies in 1,1-disubstituted heterocyclohexanes Tetrahedron Volume 68, Issue 1, Pages 114-125
Bagrat A. Shainyan, Erich Kleinpeter
Lectin-bound conformations and non-covalent interactions of glycomimetic analogs of thiochitobiose. Tetrahedron Volume 66, Issue 23, Pages 4079-4088
Anja Fettke, Markus Kramer and Erich Kleinpeter
Conformational analysis of 3,3-dimethyl-3-silathiane, 2,3,3-trimethyl-3-silathiane and 2-trimethylsilyl-3,3-dimethyl-silathiane - preferred conformers, barriers to ring inversion and substituent effects. J. Phys. Org.Chem. 2010, 23, 859-865
Svetlana V. Kirpichenko, Erich Kleinpeter and Bagrat A. Shainyan
STD-DOSY: A new NMR method to analyze multi-component enzyme/substrate systems. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Volume 202, Issue 2, February 2010, Pages 245-249
Markus Kramer and Erich Kleinpeter
Self-Assembly into Multicompartment Micelles and Selective Solubilization by Hydrophilic-Lipophilic- Fluorophilic Block Copolymers. Macromolecules, 2011, 44 (7), pp 2092-2105
Jean-Noel Marsat, Matthias Heydenreich, Erich Kleinpeter, Hans v. Berlepsch, Christoph Bttcher, and Andre Laschewsky
Synthesis and conformational analysis of new naphth[1,2-e][1,3]oxazino[3,4-c]quinazoline derivatives. Tetrahedron Volume 67, Issue 44, 4 November 2011, Pages 8564-8571
Renáta Csütörtöki, István Szatmári, Andreas Koch, Matthias Heydenreich, Erich Kleinpeter, Ferenc Fülöp
Synthesis and NMR spectra of the syn and anti isomers of substituted cyclobutanes - evidence for steric and spatial hyperconjugative interactions. Tetrahedron Volume 67, Issue 14, Pages 2596-2604
Erich Kleinpeter, Anica, Lämmermann and Heiner Kühn
Terpurinflavone: An antiplasmodial flavone from the stem of Tephrosia Purpurea. Phytochemistry Letters 4 (2011) 176-178
W. P. Juma, H. M. Akala, F. L. Eyase, L. M. Muiva, M. Heydenreich, F. A. Okalebo, P. M. Gitu, M. G. Peter, D. S. Walsh, M. Imbuga, A. Yenesew
The anisotropic effect of functional groups in 1H NMR spectra is the molecular response property of spatial nucleus independent chemical shifts (NICS) - Conformational equilibria of exo/endo tetrahydrodicyclopentadiene derivatives. Org. Biomol. Chem., 2011, 9, 1098-1111
Erich Kleinpeter, Anica Lämmermann and Heiner Kühn
Conformational analysis of 4,4-dimethyl-1-(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)-1,4-azasilinane and 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)-1,4,2,6-oxazadisilinane. Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry; Volume 25, Issue 1, pages 83-90, January 2012
Bagrat A. Shainyan, Elena N. Suslova, Erich Kleinpeter
Erich Kleinpeter Synthesis and conformational properties of 1,3-dimethyl-3-phenyl-1,3-azasilinane. Low temperature dynamic NMR and computational study. ARKIVOC Volume 2012,Part (v), pp. 175-185
Bagrat A. Shainyan, Svetlana V. Kirpichenko and Erich Kleinpeter
Structure and Conformational Properties of 1,3,3-Trimethyl-1,3-Azasilinane: Gas Electron Diffraction, Dynamic NMR, and Theoretical Study. J. Phys. Chem. A, 2012, 116 (1), pp 784-789
Bagrat A. Shainyan, Svetlana V. Kirpichenko, Sergei A. Shlykov, and Erich Kleinpeter
Synthesis and conformational properties of substituted 1,4,2-oxazasilinanes: low temperature NMR study and quantum chemical calculations. Tetrahedron Volume 68, Issue 4, 28 January 2012, Pages 1097-1104
Nataliya F. Lazareva, Alexandr I. Albanov, Bagrat A. Shainyan, Erich Kleinpeter
Synthesis and NMR spectroscopic conformational analysis of esters of 4-hydroxy-cyclohexanone - the more polar the molecule the more stable the axial conformer. Tetrahedron, Volume 68, Issue 10, 11 March 2012, Pages 2363-2373
Erich Kleinpeter, Matthias Heydenreich, Andreas Koch, Torsten Linker
Synthesis, Molecular Structure, Conformational Analysis, and Chemical Properties of Silicon- Containing Derivatives of Quinolizidine. J. Org. Chem., 2012, 77 (5), pp 2382-2388
Nataliya F. Lazareva, Bagrat A. Shainyan, Uwe Schilde, Nina N. Chipanina, Larisa P. Oznobikhina, Alexander I. Albanov, and Erich Kleinpeter
DFG Programme
Major Research Instrumentation
Instrumentation Group
1740 Hochauflösende NMR-Spektrometer