SFB 833:
Emergence of Meaning: The Dynamics and Adaptivity of Linguistic Structures
Subject Area
Social and Behavioural Sciences
from 2009 to 2021
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 75650358
Final Report Year
Final Report Abstract
The central topic of the SFB 833 has been the emergence of meaning. We have concentrated on sentence
meaning, and formal compositional semantics has taken center stage in our investigations. It has been our
goal to establish compositional semantics, a comparatively young subdiscipline of linguistics, as part of linguistic research especially into the more dynamic and adaptive processes that human language shows. We
have distinguished three levels of dynamics/adaptivity: (i) during language processing; (ii) in context; (iii) at
the level of the grammar. This has led to investigating semantic composition in three areas in which it had
previously not been well represented:
(i) We have investigated combinatory semantic processes during language comprehension in our area B.
Our central question: ‘How does meaning emerge?’ here becomes the question of what a model of incremental semantic composition during processing looks like. At the same time, we have to inquire into the
cognitive factors which affect this emergence of meaning.
(ii) In our area A, we have investigated the issue of how meaning arises in the context of an utterance. This
encompasses combinatory adaptation mechanisms like coercion as well as enriched meaning, disambiguation and discourse embedding.
(iii) Research in area C has been dedicated to the emergence of meaning at the level of an individual language or grammar. Dynamics then means language change, and adaptivity refers to the option space for
language variation.
The three areas have been connected by way of our interface questions I Cognition: ‘How is the language
system embedded in human cognition?’ and II Composition: ‘What should the implementation of the principle
of compositionality look like?’.
The various aspects of our central question ‘How does meaning emerge?’ have seen a significant development over the past twelve years. One example of this is the development of formal diachronic semantics as
a subfield (as witnessed by the new workshop series ‘Formal Diachronic Semantics’ since 2016); another is
the rise of experimental research into meaning (e.g. the DFG network XPRAG 2014-2020). The SFB 833
has contributed to the overall development primarily in the following ways:
(i) Area B: The SFB has contributed first proposals for a model of incremental semantic composition, which integrate numerous particular results from area B and
elsewhere. Concerning the cognitive foundation of the emergence of meaning, the SFB has found that at
sentence level, both sensorimotor and amodal representations play a role. However, on the basis of our
results we assume that sentence meaning primarily arises via amodal representations.
(ii) Area A: The concrete implementation of compositionality in the face of challenges for composition has
been a focus in the SFB’s work. Bücking and Maienborn (2019) could show for the domain of modification that
adaptivity is anchored in the lexicon and integrated into compositional meaning constitution. Similarly,
Maienborn and Herdtfelder (2017) offer a case study on how conceptual knowledge can be integrated with
classical composition principles without giving up a principled view of compositionality. The A area has also
been able to illuminate the interface of discourse and sentence meaning in a number of case studies.
(iii) Area C: In the recent past, semantic variation has come to be studied increasingly in a comparative way,
going beyond studies on individual languages. The SFB has contributed a programmatic paper reflecting our current state of knowledge. The C projects have investigated language variation and
language change in conjunction relating to diverse topics in semantics.
Looking beyond the three project areas, linking different fields of investigation has been an important contribution of the SFB 833. The SFB has provided an impetus for processing research across languages. The interdisciplinary connection of linguistics and literature has seen some novel
pioneering work in the SFB; it has been productive in projects A2 and A5. The cooperation of psychology and linguistics has been a cornerstone of the SFB 833 throughout its existence and has led to numerous publications. These works show how we have managed to make progress with our core goal of integrating compositional semantics into its neighboring fields.
(2009). Crosslinguistic variation in comparison constructions. Linguistic Variation Yearbook, 9, 1-66
Beck, S., Krasikova, S., Fleischer, D., Gergel, R., Hofstetter, S., Savelsberg, C., Vanderelst, J., & Villalta, E.
(2010). Left-right coding of past and future in language: The mental timeline during sentence processing. Cognition, 117(2), 126-138
Ulrich, R., & Maienborn, C.
(2011). Root versus roof: Automatic activation of location information during word processing. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 18, 1180-1188
Lachmair, M., Dudschig, C., de Filippis, M., de la Vega, I., & Kaup, B.
(2012). Location, existence, and possession: A constructional-typological exploration. Linguistics, 50(3), 533-603
Koch, P.
(2013). Syntactic base positions for adjuncts? Psycholinguistic studies on frame and sentence adverbials. Questions and Answers in Linguistics, 1(2), 57-72
Störzer, M., & Stolterfoht, B.
(2014). Acquisition of comparison constructions. Language Acquisition, 21(3), 215-249
Hohaus, V., Tiemann, S., & Beck, S.
(2014). On the meaning of fictional texts. In D. Gutzmann, J. Köpping & C. Meier (Eds.), Approaches to Meaning (pp. 250-275). Leiden: Brill
Bauer, M., & Beck, S.
(2015). Do we map remembrances to the left/back and expectations to the right/front of a mental timeline? Space-time congruency effects with retrospective and prospective verbs. Acta Psychologica, 156, 168-178
Maienborn, C., Alex-Ruf, S., Eikmeier, V., & Ulrich, R.
(2015). Effects of processing on the acceptability of ‘frozen’ extraposed constituents. Syntax, 18(4), 464-483
Hofmeister, P., Culicover, P. W., & Winkler, S.
(2015). On the temporal interpretation of present participles in German. Journal of Semantics, 32(3), 477-523
Rapp, I.
(2015). The cross-linguistic processing of aspect: An eyetracking study on the time course of aspectual interpretation in Russian and German. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 30(7), 877-898
Bott, O., & Gattnar, A.
(2015). The diachronic semantics of English again. Natural Language Semantics, 23, 157-203
Beck, S., & Gergel, R.
(2018). Automatic focus annotation: Bringing formal pragmatics alive in analyzing the information structure of authentic data. In Proceedings of the 2018 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (NAACL-HLT) (pp. 117-128)
Ziai, R., & Meurers, D.
(2020). Towards automatically generating Questions under Discussion to link information and discourse structure. In Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING) (pp. 5786-5798)
De Kuthy, K., Kannan, M., Ponnusamy, H. S., & Meurers, D.
(2016). The sounds of sentences: Differentiating the influence of physical sound, sound imagery, and linguistically implied sounds on physical sound processing. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience, 16(5), 940-961
Dudschig, C., Mackenzie, I. G., Strozyk, J., Kaup, B., & Leuthold, H.
(2016). Transition-based dependency parsing with topological fields. In Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL, Volume 2: Short Papers) (pp.1-7). Berlin, Germany, August 2016 [ACL 2016 Outstanding Paper]
de Kok, D., & Hinrichs, E.
(2017). An event semantics with continuations for incremental interpretation. Journal of Semantics, 34(2), 201-236
Bott, O., & Sternefeld, W.
(2017). Eventive vs. stative causation: The case of German causal vonmodifiers. Linguistics and Philosophy, 40, 279-320
Maienborn, C., & Herdtfelder, J.
(2017). Evidential adverbs in German: Diachronic development and present-day meaning. In S. Cruschina & E.-M. Remberger (Eds.), Rise and Development of Evidential and Epistemic Markers (Journal of Historical Linguistics, 7(1/2)), 9-47
Axel-Tober, K., & Müller, K.
(2017). From a focus particle to a conjunction. German zumal: Diachronic and synchronic analysis. Language, 93(2), e66-e96
Eberhardt, I.
(2017). Incremental generation of answers during the comprehension of questions with quantifiers. Cognition, 166, 328-343
Bott, O., Augurzky, P., Sternefeld, W., & Ulrich, R.
(2018). Heavy NP shift does not cause freezing. Canadian Journal of Linguistics / Revue Canadienne de Linguistique, 63(3), 454-464
Konietzko, A., Winkler, S., & Culicover, P. W.
(2018). Is German discourse-configurational? Experimental evidence for a topic position. Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics, 3(1), 20, 1-24
Störzer, M., & Stolterfoht, B.
(2018). The Russian perfective present in performative utterances. In D. Lenertová, R. Meyer, R. Šimík & L. Szucsich (Eds.), Advances in Formal Slavic Linguistics 2016 (pp. 127-146). Berlin: Language Science Press
Gattnar, A., Heininger, J., & Hörnig, R.
(2018). Towards a model of incremental composition. Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung, 21(1): 143-161
Beck, S., & Tiemann, S.
(2019). Accompaniment by participation: The interpretation of mit as a free particle in German. Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics, 4(1), 1-41
Bücking, S.
(2019). Aspectuality: An Onomasiological Model Applied to the Romance Languages. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter
Dessì Schmid, S.
(2019). Coercion by modification – The adaptive capacities of event-sensitive adnominal modifiers. Semantics and Pragmatics, 12, 1-39 (no.9)
Bücking, S., & Maienborn, C.
(2019). No word is an island: A transformation weighting model for semantic composition. Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 7, 437-451
Dima, C., de Kok, D., Witte, N., & Hinrichs, E.
(2019). Pragmatic processing: An investigation of the (anti-)presuppositions of determiners using mouse-tracking. Cognition, 193, no.104024
Schneider, C., Schonard, C., Franke, M., Jäger, G., & Janczyk, M.
(2019). The Decathlon Model. In A. Kertész, C. Rákosi & E. Moravcsik (Eds.), Current Approaches to Syntax: A Comparative Handbook (pp. 155-186). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter
Featherston, S.
(2019). The space-time congruency effect: A metaanalysis. Cognitive Science, 43(1), e12709
von Sobbe, L., Scheifele, E., Maienborn, C., & Ulrich, R.
(2020). Activation of literal word meanings in idioms: Evidence from eye-tracking and ERP. Language & Speech
Kessler, R., Weber, A., & Friedrich, C. K.
(2020). Context and complexity in incremental sentence interpretation: An ERP study on temporal quantification. Cognitive Science, 44(11), e12913
Augurzky, P., Hohaus, V., & Ulrich, R.
(2020). Immediate sensorimotor grounding of novel concepts learned from language alone. Journal of Memory and Language, 115, no.104172
Günther, F., Nguyen, T., Chen, L., Dudschig, C., Kaup, B., & Glenberg, A. M.
(2020). Linguistics Meets Literature: More on the Grammar of Emily Dickinson. Berlin: de Gruyter
Bauer, M., Beck, S., Riecker, S., Brockmann, S., Zirker, A., Bade, N., Dörge, C., & Braun, J.
(2020). Semantic parameters and universals. In D. Gutzmann, L. Matthewson, C. Meier, H. Rullmann & T. E. Zimmermann (Eds.), The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Semantics
Beck, S.
(2021). (No) variation in the grammar of alternatives. Linguistic Variation
Howell, A., Hohaus, V., Berezovskaya, P., Sachs, K., Braun, J., Durmaz, S., & Beck, S.
DFG Programme
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
A01 - Combinatory Meaning Variation at the Semantics-Pragmatics Interface
(Project Head
Maienborn, Claudia
A02 - Interpretability in Context
(Project Heads
Bauer, Matthias
Beck, Sigrid
A03 - Corpus-Based Semantic Composition Models for Phrases
(Project Heads
Hinrichs, Erhard W.
de Kok, Daniel
A04 - Comparing Meaning in Context
(Project Head
Meurers, Detmar
A05 - Meaning Constitution with Non-Finite Verb Forms: Variable Assignment and Meaning Enrichment with Non-Finite Constructions and Other Embedded Structures
(Project Head
Rapp, Irene
A07 - Focus and Extraction in Complex Constructions and Islands
(Project Heads
Hartmann, Jutta M.
Winkler, Susanne
B01 - Incrementality in Semantic Processing
(Project Heads
Bott, Oliver
Hohaus, Vera
Sternefeld, Wolfgang
Stolterfoht, Britta
Ulrich, Rolf
B02 - Time Course of Presupposition Processing
(Project Heads
Bott, Oliver
Franke, Michael
Janczyk, Markus
Jäger, Gerhard
Rolke, Bettina
B04 - The Experiential-Simulation View of Comprehension: How is Sentence Meaning composed?
(Project Heads
Kaup, Barbara
Leuthold, Hartmut
B05 - The Syntax and Semantics of Reorganized Language and its Neuronal Architecture
(Project Heads
Krägeloh-Mann, Ingeborg
Lidzba, Karen
Winkler, Susanne
B07 - Language Processing and Temporal Cognition
(Project Heads
Maienborn, Claudia
Ulrich, Rolf
B08 - Position and Interpretation: Syntactic, Semantic and Information-Structural Constraints in Processing Adjuncts
(Project Head
Stolterfoht, Britta
B09 - Getting a Grip on Non-Literal Meaning: The Dynamics of Understanding Idiomatic Expressions in Language Learners
(Project Heads
Friedrich, Claudia
Weber, Andrea
C01 - Variation in the Interpretation Component of the Grammar
(Project Head
Beck, Sigrid
C02 - Verbal Aspect in Context: Contextual Dynamization vs. Grammar
(Project Head
Berger, Tilman
C03 - The Variation and Dynamics of Nominal Determination
(Project Head
Kabatek, Johannes
C04 - Phenomena of Ambiguity in Diachrony and in Typological Comparison: Existence and Location
(Project Heads
Dessì Schmid, Sarah
Jäger, Gerhard
Koch, Peter
Winter-Froemel, Esme
C06 - The Expression of Extrapropositional Meaning: Synchrony and Diachrony
(Project Heads
Axel-Tober, Katrin
Featherston, Samuel
C07 - Verbal and Nominal Aspectuality between Lexicon and Grammar
(Project Heads
Dessì Schmid, Sarah
Mihatsch, Wiltrud
INF - Heterogenous Primary Research Data of the SFB 833 – Representation and Processing
(Project Head
Hinrichs, Erhard W.
T01 - Developing an interactive workbook for English foreign language teaching: Integrating state-of-the-art form and meaning assessment from computational linguistics into a current workbook for the Gymnasium
(Project Head
Meurers, Detmar
Z01 - Central Administration
(Project Head
Beck, Sigrid
Z02 - Central Support on Experimentation and IT Maintenance
(Project Heads
Beck, Sigrid
Kaup, Barbara