Microscopic Correlation of Electronic and Optical Properties with the Crystalline Real Structure of Polarization Field Controlled Group-III-Nitrides
Fachliche Zuordnung
Experimentelle Physik der kondensierten Materie
Förderung von 2008 bis 2015
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 48042628
For a detailed understanding of complex semiconductor heterostructures and the physics of devices based on them, a systematic determination and correlation of the structural, chemical, electronic, and optical properties on a micro- or nano-scale is mandatory. Luminescence techniques belong to the most sensitive, non-destructive methods of semiconductor research, and the combination of time-resolved luminescence spectroscopy with the high spatial resolution of a scanning electron microscope, as realized by the technique of cathodoluminescence microscopy, provides a powerful tool for the optical nano-characterization of semiconductors, their heterostructures as well as their interfaces. As part of the research group proposal “Polarization field control in nitride light emitters” we shall correlate the electronic and optical properties of non- and semipolar epitaxial nitride structures on a micro- and nano-scale with the crystalline real structure.- We want to use highest spatial resolution by cathodoluminescence microscopy directly in a (scanning) transmission electron microscope to obtain the impact of stacking faults and dislocations on luminescence.- The role of nano-localization and polarization fields on recombination kinetics in ternary and quaternary alloys will be analyzed by our “standard” SEM-based CL as well as our TEM-CL.- High indium content nanostructures will be comprehensively studied.- A microscopic correlation of real structure and recombination kinetics will be performed. The spatio-time-resolved ps-cathodoluminescence spectroscopy imaging is able to determine the influence of structural defects and internal fields on the recombination dynamics and gives excess to the lateral transport in semi- and non-polar InGaN QWs.