The cognitive control of long-term memory: Neural dynamics in space and time

Applicant Professor Dr. Axel Mecklinger
Subject Area General, Cognitive and Mathematical Psychology
Term from 2008 to 2014
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 72271008

Project Description

It is generally assumed that long-term memory is mediated by control processes that guide memory retrieval in order to selectively recover information relevant for current tasks and goals. Controlled memory retrieval results from a dynamic interplay between the medial temporal lobe (MTL), the prefrontal cortex (PFC), and other cortical areas. Recent functional imaging, ERP and neuropsychological studies have started to disclose the subprocesses of controlled memory retrieval and their neural correlates. However, important issues concerning the dynamic interplay of the aforementioned brain systems accomplishing controlled memory retrieval are still unresolved. Using combined event-related potential (ERP) and EEG variables in addition to measures of interareal phase synchrony, the present proposal aims at examining retrieval orientations, i.e. the specific form of processing initiated by a retrieval cue, and their neural correlates. In detail we want to investigate factors contributing to the initiation and maintenance of retrieval orientations and the influence of these control processes on other components of memory retrieval.
DFG Programme Research Grants