This central Project administers and performs the services provided by the proteomic platform at the Institute for Biochemistry and Biotechnology of Plants at the University of Münster. In the first funding period phosphoproteomic analyses from in vitro and in vivo samples have been established and conducted. The funding for the central proteomics project is intended to enable continuous access of each group of the Research Unit to high end mass spectrometry technology. The proteomic central project will continue to serve as a platform for protein and peptide identification, analysis of phospho-protein and –peptides and comparative proteomics for the research group. The mass spectrometric information and protein identifications will be made available to the group by using a relational database, which was recently established in the laboratory (webpage In the second funding period a particular emphasis will be placed on the analysis of in vivo phospho-protein samples from Arabidopsis.
DFG Programme
Research Units