A Test of DNA Barcoding (a.k.a. DNA Taxonomy) based on near complete species level sampling of Australian diving beetles

Antragsteller Dr. Lars Hendrich
Fachliche Zuordnung Evolution, Anthropologie
Förderung Förderung von 2008 bis 2010
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 71124116


This study is the first attempt to evaluate DNA based approaches to taxonomy combining larger-scale sequencing, expert morphological-taxonomic knowledge and a geographical setting which includes most species of several lineages – unlike earlier studies which treated more distantly related species only. We here sequence the fauna of an entire continent. Our project will allow to critically evaluate the points of criticism raised recently.We are in the process of sequencing and morphologically classifying more than 85% of the species in the Australian diving beetle fauna comprising nearcomplete species level coverage of several endemic radiations, evaluating different clustering methods to delineate groups of haplotypes which could ideally represent species. At the end of this study we expect a clear picture of what sequence data can and can not do to aid taxonomy, and will present state-of-the art taxonomic revisions of poorly known Australian genera. Australian diving beetle taxonomy will then be clarified on the highest level possible, with extensive DNA, tissue and voucher collections created and deposited in major museums.
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