Role of Sex Hormones in Gender Differences in Cardiac Repolarization and Arrhythmogenesis in Transgenic Long QT Syndrome 2 (LQT2) Rabbits
Fachliche Zuordnung
Kardiologie, Angiologie
Förderung in 2008
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 70755745
Keine Zusammenfassung vorhanden
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
Estrogen predisposes prepubertal Long QT Syndrome 2 (LQT2) rabbits to cardiac arrhythmias. "Annual Scientific Sessions of the American Heart Association". November 2007, Orlando, FL, USA. Circulation 116, 16 Suppl. II - 277, 1354
K. E. Odening, M. Brunner, L. Schofield, L. Chaves, X. Peng, M. Zehender, M. Kirk, G. Koren
Gender Differences In Cardiac Repolarization In Transgenic Long QT Syndrome 2 (LQT2) Rabbits. "Annual Scientific Sessions of the American Heart Association" November 2007, Orlando, FL, USA. Circulation 116, 16 Suppl. II - 277, 1352
K. E. Odening, M. Hajjiri, M. Brunner, P. Lorvidhaya, L. Schofield, Peng, M. Zehender, M. Kirk, G. Koren
Transgenic LQT1 and LQT2 rabbits provide a new model for safety screening for lKr or lKs blocking propensity of drugs. 7th Annual Safety Pharmacology Society Meeting. September 2007, Edinburgh, Scotland
K. E. Odening, M. Kirk, P. Lorvidhaya, M. Brunner, O. Hyder, J. Centracchio, L. Schofleld, T. Donahay, L. Chaves, X. Peng, M. Zehender, G. Koren
Estradiol and testosterone exert opposite effects on cardiac repolarization in transgenic Long QT Syndrome 2 rabbits. "29th Annual Scientific Sessions of the Heart Rhythm Society". May 2008, San Francisco, USA
K. E. Odening, M. Brunner, L. Chaves, L. Schofield, X. Peng, M. Zehender, M. Kirk, G. Koren
Intracardiac In Vivo Electrophysiological Studies in Transgenic LQTS Rabbits Reveal Genotype- and Gender-Differences in Cardiac Refractoriness. "74th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Cardiology". March 2008, Mannheim, Germany
K. E. Odening, M. Kirk, M. Brunner, P. Lorvidhaya, G.X. Liu, L. Schofield, L. Chaves, T. Donahay, X. Peng, M. Zehender, G. Koren
Mechanisms of Cardiac Arrhythmias and Sudden Death in Transgenic Rabbits with Long QT Syndrome. J Clin Invest 2008, 118(6):2246-2259
M. Brunner, X. Peng, G.X. Liu, X.Q. Ren, O. Ziv, B-R Choi, R. Mathur, M. Hajjiri, K.E. Odening, E. Steinberg, E. Folco, A. Pringa, J. Centracchio, R. Macharzina, T. Donahay, L. Schofield, N. Rana, M. Kirk, G. Mitchel, A. Poppas, M. Zehender, G. Koren
Pharmacogenomics of Anesthetic Drugs in Transgenic LQT1 and LQT2 Rabbits Reveal Genotype-Specific Differential Effects on Cardiac Repolarization. AJP Heart Circ Physiol 2008, 295:H2264-72
K.E. Odening, O. Hyder, L. Chaves, L. Schofield, M. Brunner, M. Kirk, M. Zehender, X. Peng, G. Koren
Transgenic LQT1 and LQT2 rabbits reveal lKs or lKr blocking properties of drugs in vivo. ''74th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Cardiology". March 2008, Mannheim, Germany
K. E. Odening, O. Hyder, M. Brunner, M. Kirk, P. Lorvidhaya, L. Chaves, L. Schofield, T. Donahay, X. Peng, M. Zehender, G. Koren
Estradiol and Progesterone Exert Opposite Effects on Cardiac Repolarization and Arrhythmogenesis in Transgenic Long QT Syndrome 2 Rabbits. Biophysical Society meeting, Feb/March 2009, Boston
K. E. Odening, X. Peng, B-R Choi, M. Brunner, L. Chaves, L. Schofield, M. Zehender, G. Koren
Electrophysiological Studies of Transgenic Long QT Rabbits Reveal a Regionally Different Role for lkr and lks in His-Purkinje Conduction, Heart Rhythm 2008
K.E. Odening, M. Kirk, M. Brunner, O. Ziv, B.-R. Choi, P. Lorvidhaya, G.X. Liu, L. Schofield, T. Donahay, L. Chaves, X. Peng, M. Zehender, G. Koren
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