The aim of the proposal is the experimental identification of defect-free or weak defect density,two- and three-dimensional graphite (multigraphene) structures and a thorough study of theirmagneto-transport properties. The study of electrical anisotropy of single crystalline structure of multigraphene will provide a final answer on the coupling between graphene layers. TheQuantum Hall Effect and Magnetoresistance will be studied as a function of sample quality andgeometry and as a function of induced atomic lattice defects on the micro- and nano structures bymeans of a low-fluence, high-energy proton nanobeam. The experimental studies cover theidentification of single crystalline homogeneous multigraphene regions by means of electrostaticforce microscopy (EFM) and electron backscattering diffraction (EBSD) as well as the defectcharacterization using positron annihilation and other techniques. Due to the defect induced para-and ferromagnetism in graphite the study of the Anomalous Hall and Quantum Hall Effects in theirradiated micro structures is of special interest. The influence of the electrical contacts as well asnano-constrictions on the measured signals will also be studied using different experimentalapproaches.
DFG Programme
Research Grants