Project Details
"Electronic electro-active polymers under electric loading: Experiment, modeling and simulation"
Professor Dr.-Ing. Paul Steinmann
Subject Area
from 2008 to 2012
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 68543691
Final Report Year
No abstract available
An approach to the material motion problem in nonlinear electro-elastostatics. 1st International Conference on Computational Solid Mechanics - CSM, 27th-30th November, 2008, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Vu DK and Steinmann P
Material force method: theoretical and numerical aspects in nonlinear electro-elastostatics. 79th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics - GAMM, 31st March - 4th April, 2008, Bremen, Germany
Vu DK and Steinmann P
Material and spatial motion problems in nonlinear electroand magneto-elastostatics. 4th International Symposium on Defect and Material Mechanics - ISDMM, 6th-9th July, 2009, Trento, Italy
Vu DK and Steinmann P
Numerical simulation of nonlinear electro-elastostatics. 7th EUROMECH Solid Mechanics Conference, 7th-11th September, 2009, Lisbon, Portugal
Vu DK and Steinmann P
Numerische Simulation nicht-linearer Elektro-Elastostatik. Mechanik-Kolloquium ”Weiche Materialien in Technik und Biologie”, 5. Juni, 2009, Juelich, Germany
Vu DK and Steinmann P
Spatial and material motion problem in nonlinear electroelastostatics - a virtual work approach. 1st International Conference on Material Modelling, 15th-17th September, 2009, Dortmund, Germany
Vu DK and Steinmann P
The concept of material forces and the coupled boundaryfinite element method in nonlinear electro-elastostatics. IUTAM Symposium ”Multiscale Modelling of Fatigue, Damage and Fracture in Smart Materials Systems”, 1st-4th September, 2009, Freiberg, Germany
Vu DK and Steinmann P
The concept of material forces in nonlinear electroelastostatics. Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium: Multiscale Modelling of Fatigue, Damage and Fracture in Smart Materials Systems, Freiberg, September 1-4, 2009
Vu DK and Steinmann P
Theoretical and computational aspects of nonlinear electro-elastostatics. 26th October, 2009, Department of Sensor Technology, Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen Nuernberg, Erlangen, Germany
Vu DK and Steinmann P
A 2-D coupled BEM-FEM simulation of electro-elastostatics at large strain. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2010; 199:1124–1133
Vu DK and Steinmann P
Electronic Electro-Active Polymers: Observation, Modelling and Simulation. 9th June, 2010, Department of Sensor Technology, Friedrich- Alexander University of Erlangen Nuernberg, Erlangen, Germany
Vu DK and Steinmann P
Material and spatial motion problems in nonlinear electroand magneto-elastostatics. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 2010; 15: 239-257
Vu DK and Steinmann P
Nonlinear electro-elastostatics: numerical simulation. 14th January, 2010, Institute of Mechanics, Department of Mechanical Engineering, TU Dortmund
Vu DK and Steinmann P
Nonlinear electro-elastostatics:theoretical and numerical aspects. 81st Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics - GAMM, 22nd-26th March, 2010, Karlsruhe, Germany
Vu DK and Steinmann P
Recent Progress in the Modelling and Computation of Electro-Active Polymers. IV European Conference on Computational Mechanics, May 16-21, 2010, Palais des Congres, Paris, France
Steinmann P, Vu DK, Vogel F and De Santis H