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Continuous live quantification of molecular pluripotency control

Subject Area Cell Biology
Term from 2008 to 2015
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 66107010
Final Report Year 2014

Final Report Abstract

Goal of this project is the development of microscopy and software tools, and of ESC reporter lines to allow the live long-term quantification of cell behavior and dynamic transcription factor expression in pluripotent cells. These tools are to be used to quantify pluripotency transcription factor expression over time and with and without molecular manipulation to learn about the dynamics of transcription factor networks underlying pluripotency control. The project proceeds as planned, and already allowed important novel insights into the behavior of transcription factor networks, and corrected several prominent assumptions in the field. We found unexpected kinetics, memory, plasticity and lack of co-regulation of different core pluripotency transcription factors. Numerous tools for the timed and titratable manipulation of pluripotency transcription factors have been developed and are now used to further analyze the topology, dynamics and robustness of the pluripotency transcription factor network. The novel type of continuous single cell quantitative expression data is used for the development and falsification of refined computational models of pluripotency control.



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