In the framework of the ICDP project PASADO up to 600 m deep drillings will be carried out at Laguna Potrok Aike (Argentina). The project aims at studying environmental and climate variations during the last glacial-to-interglacial cycles for the mid-latitudes (52°S) of the Southern Hemisphere and to improve our understanding of the phreatomagmatic origin of the maar structure. Extensive geophysical downhole logging of these boreholes delivers a basis for answering questions in the scope of this project. Interpreting the downhole logging data permits to establish a complete lithological log, to characterize the drilled sediments and volcanics petrophysically, to determine sedimentary structures and to obtain evidences about palaeoclimatic conditions during up to 770 ka. Seismic experiments in the borehole allow linking the detailed geological information with shipborne seismic sections. Thus, local results can be transformed into spatial information providing an important contribution to the understanding of the sedimentological patterns and the tectonic structure of this maar diatrem.
DFG Programme
Infrastructure Priority Programmes