Bündel-Antrag Ohrid-See: Evolutionary, geological, and environmental history of Lake Ohrid (EGEL)
Subject Area
Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry
from 2008 to 2011
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 65226549
Final Report Year
No abstract available
Concurrent evolution of ancient sister lakes and sister species: The freshwater gastropod genus Radix in lakes Ohrid and Prespa, Hydrobiologia, 615, 157-167, 2008
Albrecht, C., Wolff, C., Glöer, P., and Wilke, T.
Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy as a new cost efficient tool for quantitative analysis of biogeochemical properties in long sedimentary records. Journal of Paleolimnology 40, 689-702, 2008
Vogel, H., Rosén, P., Wagner, B., and Persson, P.
Lake Ohrid: biodiversity and evolution, Hydrobiologia, 615, 103-140, 2008
Albrecht, C. and Wilke, T.
A 40,000-year record of environmental change from ancient Lake Ohrid (Albania and Macedonia), J. Paleolimnol., 41, 407-430, 2009
Wagner, B., Lotter, A. F., Nowaczyk, N., Reed, J. M., Schwalb, A., Sulpizio, R., Valsecchi, V., Wessels, M., and Zanchetta, G.
A freshwater biodiversity hotspot under pressure - assessing threats and identifying conservation needs for ancient Lake Ohrid, Biogeosciences, 7, 3999-4015, 2010
Kostoski, G., Albrecht, C., Trajanovski, S., and Wilke T.
A paleoclimate record with tephrochronological age control for the last glacial-interglacial cycle from Lake Ohrid, Albania and Macedonia, J. Paleolimnol., 44, 295-310, 2010
Vogel, H., Wagner, B., Zanchetta, G., Sulpizio, R., and Rosén, P.
A tephrostratigraphic record for the last glacial-interglacial cycle from Lake Ohrid, Albania and Macedonia. Journal of Quaternary Science 25, 320-338, 2010
Vogel, H., Zanchetta, G., Sulpizio, R., Wagner, B., and Nowaczyk, N.
Carbonate sedimentation and effects of eutrophication observed at the Kalita subaquatic springs in Lake Ohrid (Macedonia), Biogeosciences, 7, 3755-3767, 2010
Matter, M., Anselmetti, F. S., Jordanoska, B., Wagner, B., Wessels, M., and Wüest, A.
Environmental change within the Balkan region during the past ca. 50 ka recorded in the sediments from lakes Prespa and Ohrid, Biogeosciences, 7, 3187-3198, 2010
Wagner, B., Vogel, H., Zanchetta, G., and Sulpizio, R.
Evolution of ancient Lake Ohrid: A tectonic perspective, Biogeosciences, 7, 3377-3386, 2010
Hoffmann, N., Reicherter, K., Fernández-Steeger, T., and Grützner, C.
Late Quaternary palaeoenvironmental reconstruction from Lakes Ohrid and Prespa (Macedonia/Albania border) using stable isotopes, Biogeosciences, 7, 3109-3122, 2010
Leng, M., Baneschi, I., Zanchetta, G., Jex, C. N., Wagner, B., and Vogel, H.
Lipid biomarkers in Holocene and glacial sediments from ancient Lake Ohrid (Macedonia, Albania), Biogeosciences, 7, 3473-3489, 2010
Holtvoeth, J., Vogel, H., Wagner, B., and Wolff, G. A.
Native Dreissena freshwater mussels in the Balkans: in and out of ancient lakes. Biogeosciences, 7, 3051-3065, 2010
Wilke, T., Schultheiß, R., Albrecht, C., Bornmann, N., Trajanovski, S., and Kevrekidis, T.
Sediment core fossils in ancient Lake Ohrid: testing for faunal change since the Last Interglacial, Biogeosciences, 7, 3435-3446, 2010
Albrecht, C., Vogel, H., Hauffe, T., and Wilke, T.
Spatial variability of recent sedimentation in Lake Ohrid (Albania/Macedonia), Biogeosciences, 7, 3387-3402, 2010
Vogel, H., Wessels, M., Albrecht, C., Stich, H.-B., and Wagner, B.
Stratigraphic analysis of lake level fluctuations in Lake Ohrid: an integration of high resolution hydro-acoustic data and sediment cores, Biogeosciences, 7, 3531-3548, 2010
Lindhorst, K., Vogel, H., Hilgers, A., Zander, A., Krastel, S., Wagner, B., Wessels, M., and Daut, G.
Tephrostratigraphy and tephrochronology of lakes Ohrid and Prespa, Balkans, Biogeosciences, 7, 3273-3288, 2010
Sulpizio, R., Zanchetta, G., D'Orazio, M., Vogel, H., and Wagner, B.
Testing the spatial and temporal framework of speciation in an ancient lake species flock: the leech genus Dina (Hirudinea: Erpobdellidae) in Lake Ohrid, Biogeosciences, 7, 3387-3402, 2010
Trajanovski, S., Albrecht, C., Schreiber, K., Schultheiß, R., Stadler, T., Benke, M., and Wilke, T.
The last glacial-interglacial cycle in Lake Ohrid (Macedonia/Albania): testing diatom response to climate, Biogeosciences, 7, 3083-3094, 2010
Reed, J. M., Cvetkoska, A., Levkov, Z., Vogel, H., and Wagner, B.
Spatially explicit analysis of gastropod biodiversity in ancient Lake Ohrid, Biogeosciences, 8, 175-188, 2011
Hauffe, T., Albrecht, C., Schreiber, K., Birkhofer, K., Trajanovski, S., and Wilke, T.
DFG Programme
Infrastructure Priority Programmes