Rock magnetic properties and their anisotropy from the Outokumpu assemblage in the Outokumpu deep drilling, Finland
Final Report Abstract
The terrane boundary between the Archaic and Proterozoic shield in Eastern Finland is characterized by high magnetic anomalies. These anomalies occur in the Outokumpu (OKU) assemblage of the the 2516 m deep OKU Deep Drill Hole comprising of serpentinized mantle material, black schist, skarn and quartz rocks in the depth interval 1314 and 1515 m. We observed that the strongest magnetic anomalies are related to three metaperidotite bodies (1328 - 1364 m, 1408 - 1432 m, 1466 - 1473 m) with a significant scattering of magnetic susceptibility from 0.04 to 192.7*10-3 SI and natural remanent magnetization from 0.06 mA/m to 45.1 A/m indicating a heterogeneous distribution of ferrimagnetic minerals in the ultramafic rocks. The main ferrimagnetic minerals are magnetite and pyrrhotite. A variation of the Königsberger ratio (Q) from below 1 up to 16 indicates that the ferrimagnetic metaperidotites in the assemblage are able to carry a remanent magnetization (Q ratio > 1). The strong scattering of rock magnetic properties is interpreted to reflect a complex geological history of the studied rocks. Magnetite is known to form during the serpentinization of ultramafic rocks on the sea floor or during subduction-related processes. In the OKU assemblage it was partially decomposed during early deformation stages by listwaenite-birbirite-type carbonate-quartz alteration. During subsequent events of regional deformation, the magnetic minerals were deformed or some new formation of magnetic minerals occurred. Microfabric and magnetic fabric investigations were done in order to examine deformation within the OKU assemblage during the collisional deformation event 1.9 Ga ago. Welldefined magnetic axes (kmax, kmin) and nearly horizontal magnetic foliation subparallel to the macroscopic foliation (mostly defined by talc minerals) occur at the top and the bottom of the OKU formation. Low- and high-field AMS measurements showed that ferri- and paramagnetic subfabrics are coaxial. The anisotropy values (P’) are high and range between 1.3 and 2.4 in the top and between 1.4 - 3.6 in the bottom unit, and the shape factor (T) trends to more oblate shapes (T > 0). The central anomaly shows the highest magnetic susceptibility, which is related to a high content of magnetite and pyrrhotite, mostly concentrated in huge aggregates and veins. Some of the samples show extremely high P’ values up to 5.6. The intercalated paramagnetic units (talc-carbonate and skarn rocks) in between the three serpentinite bodies show mostly triaxial magnetic fabrics, and low P’ values (<1.3) with a high variation of T from prolate to oblate shapes. The alignment of magnetic minerals parallel to the structural foliation and the high P’ values in the ferrimagnetic metaperidotite indicates that the magnetic fabric was acquired in a high strain zone. It is suggested that the magnetic fabrics represent shear zone fabrics, which have been formed during early obduction-related deformation stages of the Svecofennian orogeny. Later regional deformation caused folding and thrusting of the C-planes and is responsible for a stacked sequence of presumably one, formerly coherent, metaperidotite body.
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