Cenozoic climate, thermohaline circulation, and the marine carbon cycle

Antragsteller Dr. Torsten Bickert
Fachliche Zuordnung Paläontologie
Förderung Förderung von 2008 bis 2015
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 63178513


The aim of the proposed project is to investigate the role of the large-scale ocean circulation and the marine carbon cycle for Cenozoic climate cooling. Using a combined approach of paleoceanographic reconstruction and numerical ocean circulation and biogeochemical modeling, we propose to study the links between continental vegetation, rock weathering (in collaboration with WP1) and nutrient supply to the marine biosphere as a potential driver for changes in the ocean productivity and hence carbon sequestration. The focus of our study are the changes in the global carbon cycle, as recorded by geochemical proxies in marine sediments, and the understanding of their relation with ocean circulation and biogeochemistry. The model results will be validated with marine proxy data records in collaboration with WP2. Furthermore, WP4 models will provide boundary conditions for numerical modeling in WP3 and WP5. In the course of the research project, modeling in WP4 will be refined by implementing continental weathering data provided by WP1, and by using updated atmospheric boundary conditions provided by WP5.
DFG-Verfahren Forschungsgruppen
Teilprojekt zu FOR 1070:  Understanding Cenozoic Climate Cooling: The Role of the Hydrological Cycle, the Carbon Cycle, and Vegetation Changes