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Construction of a storage device for ultra-cold neutrons (UCN) using superconducting magnets in order to measure the lifetime of the free neutron

Subject Area Nuclear and Elementary Particle Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Relativity, Fields
Term from 2008 to 2013
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 62341937
Final Report Year 2023

Final Report Abstract

The lifetime of the free neutron τn is a very important input parameter for particle and astrophysics. However, it is challenging to measure due to the neutrality of the neutron and its long lifetime of around 15 minutes. Current measurements of the neutron lifetime can be categorized into two methods, disappearance or appearance measurement, depending on whether one is counting the remaining neutrons in a storage volume (disappearance method) or the decay particles emitted from a known decay volume (appearance method). At the moment, a 4σ discrepancy exists between the results of the two. PENeLOPE (Precision Experiment on the Neutron Lifetime Operating with Proton Extraction), a magneto-gravitational trap for ultracold neutrons is aiming to improve the current best neutron lifetime result of τn,UCNτ by around a factor of three. TRIUMF is currently building a next-generation UCN source using superfluid helium and driven by a spallation target. We are proposing to perform PENeLOPE at this source once its second experimental port is open to the international user community. 0.1 s of statistical precision can be reached within a few weeks according to our simulations of the TUCAN source and the PENeLOPE experiment.


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