Influence of soil parameters on the fate and metabolism of metalaxyl and fenhexamid on the soil interface rhizosphere
Professor Dr. Michael Spiteller
Fachliche Zuordnung
Soil Sciences
Förderung von 2008 bis 2016
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 62277495
Ultimate objective of this proposal is to generate data on the degradation rates and metabolization pattern of the two pesticides metalaxyl and fenhexamid and their metabolites in the rhizosphere (root-soil interface) compared to bulk soil. In a microcosm ecosystem we will monitor the fate, metabolism and plant uptake of two very different pesticides by collecting soil from the rhizosphere as well as from soil uninfluenced by the root soil. Various soils and artificial soils of differing pH and water content will be investigated to aid understanding of the mechanism. The scale of the experiments will range from bulk soil, to the rhizosphere and to measurement at the root/soil interface via mass spectrometric imaging. Furthermore in case of metalaxyl we will investigate the reasons for the enantioselective degradation in soils, from microbiologic point of view in particular. In the case of fenhexamid we will focus our research on the formation of non-extractable residues. Data concerning the fate of the organic compounds in rhizosphere soil are an essential prerequisite to understand the biogeochemical interface of root/soil.
Priority Programmes
Teilprojekt zu
SPP 1315:
Biogeochemical Interfaces in Soil
Participating Person
Dr. Sebastian Zühlke