The Z Project will maintain the research facility infrastructure as basis for the field work of all subprojects. The coordination project will be responsible for all duties related to the planning, establishment and maintenance of the two field experiments “Long term C input” and “Carbon flow via herbviore and detrital food chain”. These duties include coordination and implementing the overall plot management, coordination and support of the sampling campaigns and planned laboratory experiments and coordination of the Research Unit meetings. This will ensure consistency with the scientific goals of the Research Unit. The employed researcher will support and coordinate the Research Unit database established and maintained by the SP ModelC. In close cooperation with SP ModelC the Z Project will carry out annual student workshops on statistical analysis and scientific writing. The main task in this second project period is unifying the gathered data and writing of synthesis papers of general results of the Research Unit. This includes the representation of the Research Unit at national and international conferences. In the third year of funding the Z Project will organize an international workshop on “Carbon flux and belowground trophic interactions” at the Humboldt Universität Berlin.