Right-Hemisphere Advantage of Target Processing in Rapid Series of Stimuli: On the Roles of Attention, Emotion, and Temporal Order

Applicants Professor Dr. Christian Kaernbach; Professor Dr. Rolf Verleger (†)
Subject Area General, Cognitive and Mathematical Psychology
Term from 2008 to 2015
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 60372088

Final Report

Final Report Year 2016

Final Report Abstract

In the current project we were trying to analyze how emotional and cognitive processes might interact with each other. Two models of affective and cognitive processing were tested: firstly, “the high and low road” model of LeDoux, and secondly the multiple-waves model of Pessoa & Adolph. In a series of experiments we were combining the dual-stream RSVP task (cognitive processing) with classical conditioning (emotional processing). Results indicate the multiple-waves model as adequate description of cognitive and emotional processing. The right-hemisphere advantage, which was previously observed in the dual-stream RSVP task, appears also when the emotional load is added to the task. It might be seen first as an universal phenomenon, independent of the task and secondly as the right hemisphere advantage in directing attention to salient events, both cognitive and emotional.


  • Left Visual Field Advantage for Detecting Learned Targets in Rapid Serial Visual Presentation, The 36th European Conference on Visual Perception, Bremen, August 2013
    Karaś, A. & Kaernbach, C.
  • How High is The Low Road? On the Role of Fear Conditioning and Consciousness in the Dual-stream RSVP Task, 56. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen - TeaP 2014, Gießen, März-April 2014
    Karaś, A. & Kaernbach, C.
  • „He who fears he will suffer, already suffers from his fear” ( Michel de Montaigne): Analysis of overlap of cognitive and affective processing based on fear conditioning in the du-al-stream RSVP task. 40. Tagung "Psychologie und Gehirn”, Lübeck, Juni 2014
    Karaś, A. & Kaernbach, C.
  • I see what I feel. Overlap between affective and cognitive processing in the fear conditioned dual-stream RSVP task. 57. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen - TeaP 2015, Hildesheim, März 2015
    Karaś, A. & Kaernbach, C.
DFG Programme Research Grants