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Lipid biogeochemistry of paddy soil evolution

Subject Area Soil Sciences
Term from 2008 to 2016
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 55047603
Final Report Year 2016

Final Report Abstract

The molecular composition of lipids in soils of different agricultural usage indicates an influence of management itself and climatic conditions as primary factors. The corresponding substrates on which the soils developed play only a minor role. Microbial lipids depend on paddy management that may affect the humidity, soil pH, temperature, redox conditions and organic matter of soils. As confirmed in the chronosequence study of Cixi (first phase) and the laboratory experiment of P1-4 (second phase) it was shown that the microbial consortia changed rapidly with increased methanogenic marker depends on alternating redox cycles and straw supply. In the Cixi area, lipid compositional changes from topsoil to subsoil reflected different botanical origins as well as advanced pedogenesis in tidal wetland sediment after land reclamation and associated development into lacustrine/limnic sediment, marsh soil and finally arable soil. The most intense changes in lipid composition were observed in topsoil (< 20 cm) after only 50 yr of agricultural use. Subsoil did not exhibit notable differences in lipid composition between sites. Agricultural usage converted plant wax lipid composition of paddy topsoil within 50 yr to reflect the n-alkane patterns of crops with their relative proportion increasing with cultivation time. The n-alkane composition of rice plant tissues changed during growth and was adapted to the water level on flooded fields. Therefore, in submerged plant tissue (young rice, roots) mid-chain (C23 to C25) n-alkanes dominated vs. adult plants whose organs (leaf and stem) grew subaerially, indicating the chemotaxonomic potential of nalkanes in rice. Climatic conditions affect biogeochemical cycling of lipids more than the substrate, with accelerate cycling at tropical locations being noticeable in plant lipid preservation and microbial composition.



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