Reaction intermediates in the heterogeneous catalysis of metal clusters studied by using a novel method of coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS)
Fachliche Zuordnung
Physikalische Chemie von Festkörpern und Oberflächen, Materialcharakterisierung
Förderung von 2007 bis 2009
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 58898129
Catalysis on metal cluster plays an important role in several fields of chemistry as well as in industrial applications. For designing new catalysts and predicting their catalytic behavior, the exact knowledge of reaction pathways is of main importance. Coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) microscopy is a very powerful technique that is intensively used in the analysis of biological systems such as living cells. Due to the combination of spatial resolution as well as chemical sensitivity, this technique is generally very well suited for studying heterogeneous systems. By using a novel version of multiplex CARS new valuable insights into the catalysis of metal particles will be obtained, since this technique supplies high sensitivity, high time resolution, and high spectral resolution. As a typical model reaction CO oxidation catalyzed by platinum and palladium particles will be investigated under “real” conditions, and studied depending on cluster size of the particles, the substrate, and reaction conditions (e.g.: reaction temperature or humidity of the reaction gases).
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